view doc/Host-tools-overview @ 737:6d97866bad79
first round of documentation for DUART28C boot control addition
Mychaela Falconia <>
Wed, 16 Sep 2020 06:10:39 +0000 (2020-09-16)
line source
+ − FreeCalypso host tools suite includes a large number of different tools, many
+ − of which are quite specialized and rarely needed. The following tools are the
+ − most essential ones:
+ −
+ − fc-loadtool This is the tool used to read and write the non-volatile flash
+ − memory of supported GSM devices. It can be used to reflash
+ − these devices with new firmware (whether pre-existing or new
+ − firmwares developed within our project), and to save and restore
+ − flash backups. This tool operates on the target device (phone
+ − or modem) while its regular firmware is shut down.
+ −
+ − fc-iram, Reprogramming the non-volatile flash memory is not the only way
+ − fc-xram, to run your own code on a Calypso GSM device. If your code is
+ − fc-compalram small enough to fit entirely into the available RAM on the
+ − device, and you would like to just run it without flashing it
+ − permanently, these tools do the job of loading code images into
+ − different kinds of RAM through different download protocols.
+ − Some phones have large enough RAM to allow a complete functional
+ − firmware image to be run via fc-xram without flashing.
+ −
+ − rvinterf This program is our engine for communicating with up & running
+ − TI-based firmwares through the RVTMUX binary packet interface.
+ − It receives and decodes all debug trace and other packets
+ − emitted by the target fw, and allows the options of printing
+ − them on the terminal, saving them to a log file, and/or passing
+ − them to other programs that connect to rvinterf as local socket
+ − clients. In the other direction those latter client programs
+ − can send arbitrary command packets to the target fw.
+ −
+ − fc-fsio Going through rvinterf, this tool connects to GSM devices
+ − running one of the supported firmware versions while the fw is
+ − running (unlike fc-loadtool which operates on a device while
+ − its regular fw is shut down) and allows you to manipulate
+ − (read and write) the device's flash file system. It is thus a
+ − higher-level tool than fc-loadtool. It is intended primarily
+ − for working with our own firmwares, but it also works with
+ − Pirelli's original fw.
+ −
+ − fc-shell FreeCalypso firmwares have a feature of our own invention (not
+ − present in any pre-existing ones) to accept AT commands over
+ − the RVTMUX interface. It is useful when no second UART is
+ − available for a dedicated standard AT command interface.
+ − fc-shell is the tool that allows you to send AT commands to the
+ − firmware in this manner; it also allows a few other kinds of
+ − asynchronous commands to be sent. It works through rvinterf.
+ −
+ − And here is a listing of all other tools in mostly-alphabetical order:
+ −
+ − c139explore This is a run-from-RAM (no flashing) program for Mot C139/140
+ − phones that exercises their peripheral hardware: LCD, keypad
+ − backlight, buzzer and vibrator.
+ −
+ − c1xx-calextr This utility extracts the factory RF calibration values for
+ − Mot C1xx phones from the records contained in a special sector
+ − of their flash and converts them to FreeCalypso format, to be
+ − used when running our own firmware on these phones. See the
+ − Compal-calibration article for more details.
+ −
+ − compile-fc-batt This utility compiles a table of battery thresholds for the new
+ − FreeCalypso battery management code from ASCII source into the
+ − binary form suitable for uploading into /etc/batterytab on a
+ − FreeCalypso device. It is rarely used directly, instead
+ − fc-fsio write-battery-table command invokes compile-fc-batt
+ − behind the scenes.
+ −
+ − compile-fc-chg This utility compiles a FreeCalypso battery charging
+ − configuration file from ASCII source into the binary form
+ − suitable for uploading into /etc/charging on a FreeCalypso
+ − device. It is rarely used directly, instead fc-fsio
+ − write-charging-config command invokes compile-fc-chg behind the
+ − scenes.
+ −
+ − ctracedec GSM firmwares built in TI's Windows environment (official ones
+ − as well as our own hacks based on the TCS211 semi-src) have a
+ − "compressed trace" misfeature whereby many of the ASCII strings
+ − in debug trace messages get replaced with numeric indices at
+ − build time, and these numeric indices are all that gets emitted
+ − on the RVTMUX serial channel. This numeric trace output can be
+ − turned back into ASCII strings if you have the file
+ − corresponding to the fw version that emitted the output in
+ − question; this ctracedec utility performs that decoding.
+ −
+ − fc-bin2rftab This program is a developer tool: it reads a binary RF table of
+ − the user-specified type from a binary file (at a user-specified
+ − offset, allowing extraction of tables from alien firmwares and
+ − whatnot) and emits it in FreeCalypso ASCII format.
+ −
+ − fc-buzplay This program plays piezoelectic buzzer melodies on an actual
+ − Calypso device equipped with such a buzzer (Mot C1xx, TI's
+ − D-Sample board, our planned future HSMBP) by loading a buzplayer
+ − agent onto the target and feeding melodies to be played to it.
+ −
+ − fc-cal2bin This utility takes an RF table in FreeCalypso ASCII format and
+ − converts it to the firmware's native binary format. See the
+ − RF_tables article for more details.
+ −
+ − fc-cal2text This utility takes a dump of TI's /gsm/rf flash file system
+ − directory subtree as input (either extracted in vitro with tiffs
+ − or read out in vivo with fc-fsio) and converts all RF tables
+ − found therein into a readable ASCII format. See the RF_tables
+ − article for more details.
+ −
+ − fc-dspapidump This utility uses ETM in synchronous mode (going through
+ − rvinterf) to read and dump the contents of the DSP API RAM in a
+ − target Calypso GSM device while the firmware is running.
+ −
+ − fc-dspromdump This utility feeds a dump agent program (dspdump) to the target
+ − Calypso device's ARM boot ROM and then commands this dump agent
+ − program to perform a complete dump of the chip's DSP ROM. See
+ − the DSP-ROM-dump article for more details.
+ −
+ − fc-e1decode This utility decodes a melody in TI's Melody E1 format from the
+ − the native binary format to our own ASCII-based representation;
+ − see the Melody_E1 article for more information.
+ −
+ − fc-e1gen This utility compiles an E1 melody from our own ASCII source
+ − format into binary bits to be loaded into a FreeCalypso phone;
+ − see the Melody_E1 article for more information.
+ −
+ − fc-fr2tch This hack-utility converts a GSM 06.10 speech sample from the
+ − de facto standard libgsm format (which can be recorded with
+ − standard tools like SoX) into an uplink play file that can be
+ − played with the tch play command in fc-shell; see the
+ − TCH-bit-access article for more information.
+ −
+ − fc-gsm2vm This utility converts a GSM 06.10 speech sample from the same
+ − libgsm source format into a voice memo file that can be
+ − uploaded into the FFS of a FreeCalypso device and played with
+ − the audio_vm_play_start() API or the AT@VMP command that
+ − invokes the latter.
+ −
+ − fc-lcdemu Moved to freecalypso-ui-dev repository; look there for more
+ − info.
+ −
+ − fc-lcdpoll New companion utility to fc-lcdemu; look in freecalypso-ui-dev
+ − for more info.
+ −
+ − fc-memdump This tool captures a memory dump from a GSM device whose
+ − firmware implements one of TI's Test Mode memory read commands,
+ − either the old TM3 version or the new ETM one. It works with
+ − FreeCalypso Citrine, with TCS211-based firmwares including
+ − FreeCalypso Magnetite, with really old TI firmwares which
+ − predate ETM, and with Mot C1xx original firmwares. It works
+ − through rvinterf.
+ −
+ − fc-pulse-dtr This trivial utility opens a serial port, asserts DTR for 50 ms,
+ − then negates it and exits. See the DUART28-boot-control article
+ − for the explanation.
+ −
+ − fc-pulse-rts This trivial utility opens a serial port, asserts RTS for 50 ms,
+ − then negates it and exits. See the DUART28-boot-control article
+ − for the explanation.
+ −
+ − fc-readcal This program attempts to read a bunch of RF calibration tables
+ − out of a running firmware through Test Mode commands: first
+ − tms 1, then rfpw 7 for each band, then rftr and ttr commands to
+ − read various tables. The primary intended purpose is extracting
+ − RF calibration or static configuration data from alien
+ − firmwares. Please beware that the tms 1 and rfpw 7 commands
+ − sent by this tool are highly disruptive to normal GSM operation.
+ −
+ − fc-rftab2c This program is a developer tool: it takes an RF parameter
+ − table of one of the supported types in FreeCalypso ASCII format
+ − and converts it into a C code snippet suitable for insertion
+ − into the firmware source in the L1 RF "customization" code
+ − where compiled-in default RF parameter tables are defined.
+ −
+ − fc-rgbconv A simple aid for phone UI development that converts RGB color
+ − values between human-intuitive 8:8:8 format and the 5:6:5 format
+ − used by the color LCDs in the phones targeted by FreeCalypso.
+ −
+ − fc-serterm This tool is a trivial serial terminal program. Its special
+ − feature is that any output coming from the serial port that
+ − isn't printable ASCII is displayed as by cat -v. It is useful
+ − for talking to serially-interfaced devices that mix ASCII with
+ − binary in their serial talk.
+ −
+ − fc-tch2fr This hack-utility takes a TCH downlink recording produced with
+ − the tch record command in fc-shell and converts it to a playable
+ − libgsm file which will most likely contain some garbage by
+ − disregarding the non-understood DSP status words; see the
+ − TCH-bit-access article for more information.
+ −
+ − fc-tmsh TI-based GSM firmwares provide a rich set of Test Mode commands
+ − that can be issued through the RVTMUX (debug trace) serial
+ − channel, used for L1/RF test functions, production line RF
+ − calibration, FFS (flash file system) access, audio configuration
+ − and other miscellany. fc-tmsh is our test mode shell for
+ − sending these Test Mode commands to targets and displaying
+ − decoded target responses; it works through rvinterf. fc-tmsh
+ − supports all Test Mode commands (both TM3 and ETM) implemented
+ − in our target firmwares except FFS access; use fc-fsio for the
+ − latter. fc-tmsh is fully asynchronous in that the issuance of
+ − commands to the target and the handling of target responses are
+ − fully decoupled.
+ −
+ − fc-tmsync This program reimplements a small subset of fc-tmsh commands in
+ − a synchronous manner; it was written together with fc-readcal
+ − for the same purpose of extracting "in vivo" data from alien
+ − firmwares.
+ −
+ − fc-vm2hex This utility converts the old-fashioned (non-AMR) voice memo
+ − files read out of FFS into hex strings that can be analyzed by
+ − a human or further fed to fc-tch2fr.
+ −
+ − fcup-* FreeCalypso User Phone Tools; see the User-phone-tools article.
+ −
+ − imei-luhn A simple utility for computing or verifying the Luhn check
+ − digit of an IMEI number.
+ −
+ − mokosrec2bin This utility converts "moko-style" S-record files (those
+ − produced by TI's hex470 tool with -memwidth 16 -romwidth 16
+ − options) to straight binary.
+ −
+ − pcm-sms-decode Some TI-based vendor firmwares (not TI's original and not
+ − FreeCalypso) implement SMS storage in their FFS in a file named
+ − /pcm/SMS in the same format in which SMS records are stored in
+ − SIM cards (EF_SMS elementary file). Pirelli's firmware is one
+ − major user of this mechanism. This /pcm/SMS file can be read
+ − out in vivo via fc-fsio or extracted in vitro via tiffs; the
+ − new pcm-sms-decode utility decodes the stored SMS content from
+ − this binary file similarly to sms-pdu-decode.
+ −
+ − pirexplore This is a run-from-RAM (no flashing) program for Pirelli DP-L10
+ − phones that exercises their peripheral hardware, primarily their
+ − LCD.
+ −
+ − rvtdump This tool produces a human-readable dump of all output emitted
+ − by a TI-based GSM fw on the RVTMUX binary packet interface. It
+ − can also log this dump to a file.
+ −
+ − sms-pdu-decode This utility is part of FC User Phone Tools; see the
+ − User-phone-tools article.
+ −
+ − srec-regions This utility parses a firmware image file in S-record format,
+ − identifies the set of discontiguous regions into which this
+ − SREC image deposits bits, and lists these identified regions.
+ −
+ − tfc139 This tool breaks into Mot C1xx phones via shellcode injection,
+ − a method that works despite any bootloader locks, allowing you
+ − to reflash locked phones with new firmware with fc-loadtool.
+ − The name of the utility is historical: previously it was
+ − specific to TFC139 phones (C139s sold with TracFone branding),
+ − but the current version is expected to work with all Mot C1xx
+ − firmware versions.
+ −
+ − tiaud-compile This utility compiles an audio mode configuration table for TI's
+ − Audio Service from our own ASCII source format into the binary
+ − format for uploading into FreeCalypso GSM device FFS with
+ − fc-fsio.
+ −
+ − tiaud-decomp This utility decodes TI's audio mode configuration files read
+ − out of FFS into our own ASCII format. It is the reverse of the
+ − operation performed by tiaud-compile.
+ −
+ − tiaud-mkvol This utility is a companion to tiaud-compile that generates the
+ − *.vol binary files which need to accompany the main *.cfg ones.
+ −
+ − tiffs, These tools perform "in vitro" analysis of flash file system
+ − mokoffs, (FFS) images read out of GSM devices with TI-based firmwares.
+ − pirffs, You can list and extract the FFS content captured as a raw
+ − tiffs-8m flash image, and even perform a few "forensic" operations along
+ − the lines of reading deleted files and seeing the history of
+ − FFS modifications. tiffs is the main program, whereas mokoffs,
+ − pirffs and tiffs-8m are convenience wrappers for the common FFS
+ − configurations from Openmoko, Pirelli and Tango.
+ −
+ − tiffs-mkfs This utility constructs a TI flash file system (TIFFS) image
+ − completely from scratch "in vitro", containing initial directory
+ − and file content given by a Unix directory and file tree on the
+ − host system. The resulting image can then be flashed into a
+ − Calypso GSM device running FreeCalypso firmware.