line source
+ − Changes in the current code since fc-host-tools-r11:
+ −
+ − * To facilitate objective comparison of loadtools performance between what the
+ − Mother sees on her Slackware reference system vs. what other users see on
+ − their different host systems, fc-loadtool now reports measured operation times
+ − for all lengthy operations: dump2bin, dump2srec and all flash programming
+ − commands. fc-xram likewise reports the measured operation time for its
+ − singular operation of transferring an XRAM image. The new
+ − doc/Loadtools-performance article explains some of the underlying theory and
+ − presents the performance numbers which you SHOULD be getting if your host
+ − system works as well as the Mother's Slackware reference.
+ −
+ − * fc-loadtool: added support for Spansion S29/S71PL032J and S29/S71PL064J flash
+ − chips found in some modem modules; historical flash chip Am29DL640G is also
+ − supported as it is identical to S29PL064J for our purposes.
+ −
+ − * loadtools config: the repertoire of -h targets has been significantly cleaned
+ − up and generalized, moving away from special cases and toward more generic
+ − configurations. Please refer to the new doc/Loadtool-targets article for the
+ − details.
+ −
+ − * For operating on GTM900 modem modules, the new -h gen8 loadtools target needs
+ − to be used instead of the old -h gtm900 config which has been removed; while
+ − most GTM900 variants have 4 MiB flash chips, some have been found to contain
+ − S71PL064J (8 MiB) flash instead.
+ −
+ − * The old -h gta02 target for fc-loadtool and friends is deprecated and will be
+ − removed in the next release; please use the new -h fic target configuration
+ − instead.
+ −
+ − * The ancient provision for building the loadtools subset of FC host tools in a
+ − special configuration for running on the application processor of OM GTA02
+ − has been removed. It has been replaced with a generalized mechanism for
+ − target boot control - see the new doc/Target-boot-control article.
+ −
+ − * A pair of little ad hoc programs has been been added to the FC host tools
+ − suite for the purpose of dumping the Calypso chip's internal DSP mask ROM -
+ − see doc/DSP-ROM-dump.
+ −
+ − * fc-fsio got some new commands for cleaning stale junk from FFS, typically
+ − needed when converting modems from alien manufacturers to FreeCalypso fw:
+ −
+ − + rm deletes an elementary object (file, empty directory or symlink); rm -f
+ − does the same but the case where the object to be deleted does not exist is
+ − treated as not-an-error.
+ −
+ − + rm-subtree deletes an entire subtree of directories and files starting with
+ − a given directory (equivalent of UNIX rm -r); -f option is also available
+ − like with plain rm.
+ −
+ − + cleandir removes all content of a directory (all files and subdirectories
+ − and their content), but keeps the remaining empty directory.
+ −
+ − * Added some fc-fsio command scripts (installed in /opt/freecalypso/scripts)
+ − for preening GTM900-B and GTM900-P FFS content when converting these modem
+ − modules to FreeCalypso.
+ −
+ − * New pcm-sms-decode utility can decode /pcm/SMS binary files read out of FFS
+ − maintained by certain firmwares (Pirelli DP-L10 is the prime use case),
+ − displaying the stored SMS content in human-readable form.
+ −
+ − Changes from fc-host-tools-r10 to fc-host-tools-r11:
+ −
+ − * Bugfix: the ability to override CFLAGS= from the top level (see INSTALL)
+ − has been fixed and now actually works as intended.
+ −
+ − * New developer utility fc-bin2rftab can read or extract RF parameter tables
+ − from binary files and convert them into our FreeCalypso ASCII format.
+ −
+ − * The way in which fc-loadtool handles different flash configurations has been
+ − completely redesigned; there should be no user impact on any previously
+ − supported target, but the new architecture makes it much easier to add
+ − support for new target devices and allows the possibility of different flash
+ − chip types (autodetected at run time) on the same -h target. See the new
+ − doc/Loadtool-flash-support article for the details.
+ −
+ − * fc-loadtool supports two new targets: Huawei GTM900 (-h gtm900) and
+ − Motorola W220 (-h w220).
+ −
+ − * Iota poweroff command in the target-utils suite (primarily affecting the
+ − loadagent target program used by loadtools) now programs the VRPCAUX register
+ − like TI's TCS211 firmware does before sending the DEVOFF command. This
+ − change fixes the erratic behaviour that was occurring on TI/FC development
+ − boards (D-Sample and FCDEV3B) when fc-loadtool (or fc-iram with some
+ − specialized target-utils program) was entered via the RESET button rather
+ − than PWON, followed by the soft poweroff operation and another switch-on via
+ − PWON. For more details, please refer to doc/Target-utils and the
+ − Calypso-test-reset article in the freecalypso-docs repository.
+ −
+ − * Aside from the just-described poweroff change, a lot of clean-up has been
+ − done throughout the target-utils suite: removed all use of bogo-millisecond
+ − delays which were previously copied from OsmocomBB; all programs with ABB
+ − access functionality can access the VRPCAUX register for manual debugging;
+ − helloapp clean-up; new watchdog experimentation commands in flash-boot-test;
+ − simtest no longer requires an explicit abbinit command. A new
+ − doc/Target-utils document has been written describing this target-utils
+ − suite.
+ −
+ − * Loadtools configuration for Mot C155/156 target (-h c155) fixed to use WS=4
+ − memory timing setting as used by the official fw on this hardware, as opposed
+ − to the previously-used WS=3 setting that was blindly copied from OsmocomBB.
+ −
+ − * fc-xram got a new -j option for JTAG mode; see doc/Loadtools-usage.
+ −
+ − * Documentation updates for the new bits of knowledge learned from the
+ − examination of a Sony Ericsson J100 phone: no code changes were needed to
+ − support flash manipulation and RF calibration data extraction on this model,
+ − but this is the first time the Mother got her hands on one of these phones,
+ − hence there was no documentation previously.
+ −
+ − Changes from fc-host-tools-r9a to fc-host-tools-r10:
+ −
+ − * For those who need to run our tools on a 64-bit host system (or more
+ − precisely, any system on which pointers are longer than the basic int type),
+ − the present release includes fixes for null pointer passing constructs
+ − throughout the code base. The original code was only correct for classic
+ − systems on which ints and pointers are equivalent for K&R C function argument
+ − passing purposes.
+ −
+ − * The back end program supporting fcup-* -R mode has been extended to support
+ − sending strings longer than 254 characters using the extended version of the
+ − AT-over-RVTMUX mechanism supported by newer firmwares - see the updates in
+ − the doc/User-phone-tools article. A new unterm command has been added to
+ − fc-shell for the same functionality.
+ −
+ − * New developer utility fc-rftab2c can convert per-band RF parameter tables
+ − into C code snippets for inclusion into FreeCalypso firmware sources.
+ −
+ − * New target utility calversion can sometimes identify unknown Calypso chip
+ − versions - see doc/Calypso-chip-versions.
+ −
+ − * New target utility simtest has been developed for the purpose of facilitating
+ − hardware troubleshooting - see doc/SIM-hardware-debugging.
+ −
+ − * The tiny (120 bytes) flash-boot-wa.srec code piece which has been removed in
+ − fc-host-tools-r9 has been reinstated; it is not currently needed for anything
+ − (it was originally developed as a workaround for a problem that only affected
+ − one single defective board), but removing previously-released functionality
+ − for no good reason is not the way of FOSS. See doc/Flash-boot-wa for more
+ − details.
+ −
+ − * Compilation and installation: the Makefile hierarchy has been reworked to
+ − allow CC= and CFLAGS= to be overridden from the top for the entire package,
+ − and also to allow installation in a staging location - see INSTALL.
+ −
+ − Changes from fc-host-tools-r9 to fc-host-tools-r9a:
+ −
+ − * fc-loadtool can now correctly program the flash on Mot C155/156 phones:
+ − it turns out that their flash is like the one on TI's D-Sample board
+ − and needs the same partition quirks.
+ −
+ − Changes from fc-host-tools-r8 to fc-host-tools-r9:
+ −
+ − * mokosrec2bin utility added: it was originally written as a reverse
+ − engineering aid and was previously maintained in the freecalypso-reveng
+ − repository, but it has since been repurposed into a legitimate development
+ − tool.
+ −
+ − * Added workarounds for FTDI USB-serial adapters that feed previously
+ − accumulated serial Rx bytes or outright garbage to newly started serial I/O
+ − programs:
+ −
+ − + fcup-atinterf back-end program for fcup-* does a sleep of 20 ms followed by
+ − tcflush(target_fd, TCIFLUSH) on startup to flush any previously accumulated
+ − serial Rx buffer garbage that would otherwise cause breakage. The two
+ − delays in the deep sleep wakeup logic (see doc/Deep-sleep-support) have been
+ − reduced from 50 to 30 ms each, thus the total length of initial delays has
+ − been reduced from 100 to 80 ms.
+ −
+ − + In the rvinterf suite (see doc/Rvinterf-tools) a similar startup delay has
+ − been added in the special corner case of a non-interactive one-shot
+ − operation being commanded with rvinterf also being launched from the client
+ − program with -p; see the "Startup synchronization hack" section in the new
+ − Rvinterf-tools document.
+ −
+ − * fcup-smdump now restores the character set selection (AT+CSCS) setting on the
+ − target to the default "IRA" (ASCII) upon successful completion, after
+ − initially setting it to "HEX" for the operation; the intent of this change is
+ − to avoid leaving a strange state for anyone using the AT command interface
+ − manually after fcup-smdump.
+ −
+ − * fcup-smsend bugfix: the corner case of omitting the destination address
+ − argument with -W now works as documented.
+ −
+ − * fcup-settime: minor code rearrangement should slightly reduce the unavoidable
+ − delay between the time retrieval on the host and that time being set on the
+ − target.
+ −
+ − * A hack that was added in fc-host-tools-r5 solely to support one (1) defective
+ − FCDEV3B board with a particular flash boot defect has been removed.
+ −
+ − * A number of documentation updates have been made: Deep-sleep-support and
+ − Rvinterf-tools articles are new, RVTMUX and TIFFS-Overview write-ups got
+ − long-overdue major updates, plus a number of minor updates as usual.
+ −
+ − * For those who build the rarely needed ARM7 gcc toolchain from source, an old
+ − bug in the toolchain/ script which was masked on the Mother's
+ − Slackware system for some reason has been fixed.
+ −
+ − Changes from fc-host-tools-r7 to fc-host-tools-r8:
+ −
+ − * fc-loadtool can now correctly program the flash on TI's D-Sample board
+ − after implementing the needed quirk for the Intel 28F640W30B flash chip.
+ −
+ − * target-utils (loadagent and friends) serial output code changed to wait for
+ − the Tx FIFO not full condition instead of FIFO empty; this change makes these
+ − target utilities actually utilize the Tx FIFO feature of Calypso UARTs.
+ −
+ − * New c1xx-calextr utility can extract the factory RF calibration values for
+ − Mot C1xx phones from a dump of their flash; see doc/Compal-calibration.
+ −
+ − * Support for RF tables in FreeCalypso ASCII format (see doc/RF_tables) is
+ − more complete: there is an ASCII format for the full 512 byte Tx ramps table,
+ − any ASCII RF table can be converted to native binary with fc-cal2bin, most
+ − ASCII RF tables can be uploaded directly into FFS with fc-fsio's new
+ − upload-rf-table command.
+ −
+ − * fc-cal2text change: Tx ramps tables are now emitted in the new ASCII format
+ − with one file for the whole table, not split into 16 single ramp template
+ − files any more.
+ −
+ − * fc-fsio changes:
+ −
+ − + new write-battery-table and write-charging-config commands for uploading
+ − FreeCalypso-invented battery discharge threshold tables and charging config
+ − files into the FFS of our FC devices with built-in compilation to binary;
+ −
+ − + added upload-rf-table command for uploading ASCII RF tables directly into
+ − FFS with built-in compilation to binary;
+ −
+ − + pirelli-magnetite-init command now copies the previously missed
+ − /gsm/rf/afcdac record.
+ −
+ − * fc-tmsh can now upload audio FIR coefficient sets from FIR coefficient table
+ − files with the new auw-fir command.
+ −
+ − * The audio mode configurations that have been added in fc-host-tools-r7 have
+ − been moved to a separate fc-audio-config repository and are no longer a part
+ − of the core FC host tools package.
+ −
+ − * The UI development aid utility fc-lcdemu which has been excluded from the
+ − default build set since fc-host-tools-r5 has been moved to a separate
+ − freecalypso-ui-dev repository and is no longer a part of the core FC host
+ − tools package.
+ −
+ − * rvinterf -X mechanism which pipes LCD output to fc-lcdemu now always inverts
+ − the RGB565 values as needed, and the -v option has been removed; see usage
+ − documentation in the freecalypso-ui-dev repository.
+ −
+ − * fc-shell: added key command for sending sp MMI CONFIG KEY_SEQUENCE=<string>
+ − with a lot less typing, and keydown and keyup commands that do the same for
+ − KEY_PRESS and KEY_RELEASE "config" sysprim commands.
+ −
+ − * There is a new suite of tools for talking to the AT command interface
+ − provided by FreeCalypso phones and modems, primarily for sending and
+ − retrieving SMS - see doc/User-phone-tools for more info.
+ −
+ − Changes from fc-host-tools-r6 to fc-host-tools-r7:
+ −
+ − * The way in which loadtools, rvinterf and miscellaneous tools operate on
+ − serial ports for the purpose of talking to Calypso GSM devices has been
+ − majorly reworked: the serial port handling code has been factored out into
+ − libserial, and the new libserial uses Linux-specific direct ioctl calls
+ − instead of generic termios. The effect is that you can now use the GSM-
+ − specific high serial baud rates (up to 812500 bps) with FTDI adapters
+ − (like the FT2232D adapter commonly used with FCDEV3B) with the standard
+ − unpatched ftdi_sio kernel driver. See doc/High-speed-serial for more info.
+ −
+ − * Added new utilities tiaud-compile and tiaud-mkvol for generating *.cfg and
+ − *.vol binary files for the audio mode switching facility of TI's RiViera
+ − Audio Service, to be uploaded under /aud into FreeCalypso GSM devices.
+ −
+ − * A set of audio mode tables is built and installed in
+ − /opt/freecalypso/aud-fcdev3b for uploading into /aud on FCDEV3B boards.
+ −
+ − Changes from fc-host-tools-r5 to fc-host-tools-r6:
+ −
+ − * loadtools and rvinterf now set TIOCEXCL on the tty to prevent the common
+ − error scenario of multiple processes trying to read from the same serial
+ − port.
+ −
+ − * fc-loadtool: added a batch operation mode whereby the tool executes a given
+ − command script, cleans up (usually powers off) the target and exits.
+ −
+ − * fc-loadtool exec command: scripts without slashes in the given name are now
+ − sought in the current directory.
+ −
+ − * fc-fsio format command: if the FFS is already formatted, the tool now prints
+ − the error returned by the FFS code in the target fw, but does not stop the
+ − execution of scripts; this change makes production scripts rerun-able.
+ −
+ − * exitcodes.h file installed in /opt/freecalypso/include/rvinterf: added
+ − ERROR_RFFAIL definition for use by fc-rfcal-tools.
+ −
+ − Changes from fc-host-tools-r4 to fc-host-tools-r5:
+ −
+ − * New install location: everything is now under /opt/freecalypso instead of
+ − /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/share/freecalypso.
+ −
+ − * loadtools: added support for dsample (TI D-Sample) and fcfam (FreeCalypso
+ − hardware family starting with FCDEV3B) targets.
+ −
+ − * loadagent: UART autodetection now works not only with Calypso boot ROM
+ − version 0300 found in the common Calypso devices, but also with the older
+ − version 0200 found in the older Calypso silicon on early D-Sample boards.
+ −
+ − * loadtools support for C139/140 target: use -h compal -c 1004 command line
+ − options instead of the previous -h compal -c 1003 to support the newer
+ − versions of C139/140 boot code which expect "1004" instead of the more
+ − familiar "1003" in the serially downloaded code image. The new -c 1004
+ − option ("1004" signature bytes) should work with all currently known
+ − Mot/Compal boot code versions, thus -c 1003 is retained only for backward
+ − compatibility with existing usage.
+ −
+ − * fc-fsio: one can now type ls -l and not just the ll shorthand,
+ − pirelli-get-imei and pirelli-magnetite-init commands added (former
+ − fc-getpirimei and fc-pirhackinit separate utilities absorbed into fc-fsio),
+ − help facility added.
+ −
+ − * fc-tmsh changes:
+ −
+ − + fc-tmsh now takes the -p option and supports one-shot command invokation
+ − like fc-fsio and fc-shell;
+ −
+ − + added support for L1/RF test mode commands and other TM3 protocol commands
+ − (omr, omw, oabbr, oabbw, tm3ver);
+ −
+ − + added ETM_AUDIO commands aul, aus, aur and auw.
+ −
+ − * fc-olddump renamed to fc-memdump, can now use either TM3 or ETM memory read
+ − commands.
+ −
+ − * tiffs: added -O option to parse FFS images from the ancient 20020917 firmware
+ − on the D-Sample.
+ −
+ − * New in vitro analysis utilities: fc-cal2text and tiaud-decomp.
+ −
+ − * Added tools for working with ringtone melodies: fc-e1decode and fc-e1gen for
+ − loudspeaker melodies (see doc/Melody_E1) and fc-buzplay (plus target-side
+ − buzplayer.srec) for devices that use a piezoelectric buzzer.
+ −
+ − * rvinterf: added support for the keepalive mechanism, see the description in
+ − doc/RVTMUX.
+ −
+ − * rvinterf & fc-shell: added support for the experimental TCH rerouting feature
+ − of FreeCalypso Citrine firmware.
+ −
+ − * fc-fr2tch, fc-gsm2vm, fc-tch2fr, fc-vm2hex: new utilities for converting
+ − GSM 06.10 FR codec bits between different formats.
+ −
+ − * c139explore & pirexplore: added host shell script wrappers invoking
+ − fc-compalram and fc-iram with the respective target binaries.
+ −
+ − * Internal cleanup and refactoring in various places.
+ −
+ − Changes from fc-host-tools-r3 to fc-host-tools-r4:
+ −
+ − * Shellcode-based Compal phone break-in utility tfc139 reworked in a new way
+ − that should work with all Mot C1xx firmwares beyond the original TFC139
+ − target: see doc/Compal-unlock and doc/TFC139-breakin for the details.
+ −
+ − * Documentation and cosmetic code changes to reflect the new understanding of
+ − TI's TM (Test Mode) predating ETM (Enhanced Test Mode): see doc/RVTMUX for
+ − a detailed explanation.
+ −
+ − * Added support for the old non-enhanced Test Mode memory read command in the
+ − form of fc-tmsh omr command, fc-fsio omemdump command and fc-olddump utility.
+ −
+ − * rvtdump and rvinterf recognize the old all-ASCII GPF trace format emitted by
+ − the D-Sample firmware from 20020917 and print these traces as ASCII instead
+ − of hex.
+ −
+ − * fc-dspapidump fixed to be independent of host byte order.