TI's TCS211 firmware for the Calypso+Iota+Rita chipset maintains a number oftables for RF calibration and configuration. These tables can be saved in thenon-volatile flash file system (FFS), as normally required for per-unit RFcalibration; tables that are saved in FFS will be automatically read when thefirmware boots and whenever it switches between 900+1800 and 850+1900 MHz bandpairs. There is also a compiled-in default for each of the tables built intothe firmware image; these defaults are used whenever a given table is not foundin FFS.The firmware also provides Test Mode commands (accessed via the RVTMUX binarypacket interface) through which an external host can read and write the in-RAMworking copies of these RF calibration and configuration tables; the standardexpected workflow is as follows:* When the firmware first boots on a freshly manufactured board with a blank FFS, the in-RAM working tables are loaded from the compiled-in defaults.* The factory production test and RF calibration station connects to the running firmware via RVTMUX, and as it goes through the requisite calibration steps, properly adjusted RF tables are formed in the firmware's working in-RAM locations.* The production test and calibration station sends some special command packets (encoded via the MISC_ENABLE opcode) to the firmware; these commands tell the firmware to take the in-RAM RF tables and save them in the non-volatile FFS. There are separate me commands for saving different groups of RF tables, divided into RF calibration, RF config, Tx calibration, Tx config, Rx calibration and Rx config. The tables in the Tx config and Rx config groups are never modified in practice, hence they are usually not written into FFS and the fw uses the compiled-in versions instead.* In normal operation the GSM device firmware reads the RF calibration and configuration tables that have been written into FFS on the production line and subsequently persist for the lifetime of the device.FreeCalypso tools provide the following support for working with these tables:* We have defined our own ASCII text-based format in which each of the RF tables implemented by TCS211 fw can be represented. This text format is both human- and machine-readable.* Our fc-tmsh utility (the tool that exchanges Test Mode command packets with running firmwares) supports rftw and rftr commands for reading and writing the fw's in-RAM RF tables via RF_TABLE_WRITE and RF_TABLE_READ command packets. Our implementation of the rftw command takes the table data input in the form of ASCII text files in our format, and the tables read back from the fw via the rftr command can be written out into host files in the same format with the save-rf-table command.* RF tables that have been saved in the non-volatile FFS can be read out "in vivo" via fc-fsio or "in vitro" from a raw flash dump via tiffs. They are in the firmware's native binary format. Our fc-cal2text utility can be used to convert these binary files into our adopted text format for easier analysis. The conversion is lossless.* Any RF table in our ASCII format can be converted back into the corresponding native binary with our fc-cal2bin utility.* Each RF table type for which there is a directly corresponding file in FFS can be uploaded into the FFS of a FreeCalypso GSM device directly from our ASCII format with the fc-fsio utility's upload-rf-table command.In the case of two particular RF tables there is a slight difference betweenthe way they are stored in FFS and the way they are read and written via TestMode commands:* The firmware maintains 3 separate tables for il2agc (input level to AGC) conversion, to be used in different circumstances. As it happens, the compiled-in default is the same for all 3 tables and these tables are never changed in practice, but "by the book" they are still 3 separate tables. In FFS all 3 tables are concatenated together in a single file /gsm/rf/rx/il2agc, but for the rftw and rftr command packet exchanges they are 3 separate tables.* For each supported frequency band there is a table of Tx power ramp-up and ramp-down profiles. Each single ramp is 16 bytes, each ramp-up & ramp-down pair is 32 bytes, and the firmware allows for 16 of these stored templates. The complete table is stored in FFS as a single file of 512 bytes, but it is too big for the TM3 protocol. Instead the Test Mode protocol provides dedicated TX_TEMPLATE_WRITE (ttw) and TX_TEMPLATE_READ (ttr) commands which write or read one 32-byte template at a time.Our FreeCalypso ASCII RF table format includes support for a table of typetx-ramps; these ramps tables can be written by fc-cal2text, converted back tonative binary with fc-cal2bin and uploaded with fc-fsio's upload-rf-tablecommand, but cannot be uploaded with fc-tmsh's rftw command corresponding tothe RF_TABLE_WRITE Test Mode command. There is also an ASCII format for asingle Tx ramp template that can be uploaded with the ttw command; templatesread back via the ttr command can be saved in the same format with thesave-tx-ramp command.In the case of the il2agc table, a FreeCalypso ASCII RF table of type il2agc issingular as in the Test Mode protocol, not triple as in FFS.