There is a tiny (120 bytes SREC file) program called flash-boot-wa that waswritten in the spring of 2017 for the purpose of working around a problem thathappened on only one first-batch FCDEV3B board and never happened on any otherboard - but Murphy's law had it that this one troubled board just had to be theone on which my (Mother Mychaela's) very initial development and bring-up workwas done.The defect exhibited on that one board was as follows: it had no problem bootingserially (fc-iram, fc-loadtool, fc-xram) and it had no problem booting fromflash in mode 0 (see the Flash-boot-modes article in the freecalypso-docsrepository), but booting from flash in mode 1 (the flash boot mode used byFC Magnetite, which is our primary firmware) was troubled. The exact failuremode and the root cause were never solved, but the issue most likely involvedthe watchdog reset in some way (it occurs as part of flash boot mode 1 but notin mode 0 and not in serial downloading), and because Calypso's FDP output goeslow during watchdog reset (or at least TI's CAL000 document says so), it isplausible that the root cause involved the Spansion flash chip getting unhappyas a result of being jerked with extra resets which don't meet its reset timingrequirements.Our new FCDEV3B V2 boards no longer use Calypso's FDP output (it is leftunconnected) and feature a new flash reset circuit of our own design that meetsthe reset timing requirements of our Spansion flash chip, hence the flash bootproblem seen on that one FCDEV3B S/N 001 board is not expected to recur on anyof our current or future boards. However, our little flash-boot-wa program iskept around: removing a previously-released 120-byte program for no good reasonis not the way of FOSS.This flash-boot-wa program is loaded serially via fc-iram; it disables the bootROM and jumps to address 0 (the opposite of what we do in compalstage for MotC1xx phones), thereby indirectly booting the made-for-boot-mode-1 firmware imagein the flash. The intended usage was as follows:fc-iram -h fcfam /dev/ttyXXX /opt/freecalypso/target-bin/flash-boot-wa.srec rvinterfIt is also worth noting that fc-iram has been extended to support second programinvokation just like fc-xram (used in the invokation line above) just for thispeculiar use case. The flash-boot-wa.srec helper can also be booted viafc-xram.