changeset 441:1dcc9e4b71fd

target-utils/calversion: program written, compiles
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Wed, 26 Dec 2018 06:40:02 +0000 (2018-12-26)
parents 44f73d56b6f5
children ba4171b2f980
files target-utils/calversion/Makefile target-utils/calversion/cmdtab.c target-utils/calversion/crt0.S target-utils/calversion/dsp_bringup.c target-utils/calversion/dsp_const.h target-utils/calversion/dsp_defty.h target-utils/calversion/leadapi.h target-utils/calversion/main.c target-utils/calversion/mygetchar.c
diffstat 9 files changed, 992 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/target-utils/calversion/Makefile	Wed Dec 26 06:40:02 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+CC=	arm-elf-gcc
+CFLAGS=	-Os -fno-builtin
+LD=	arm-elf-ld
+PROG=	calversion
+OBJS=	crt0.o cmdtab.o dsp_bringup.o main.o mygetchar.o
+LIBS=	../libcommon/libcommon.a ../libprintf/libprintf.a ../libbase/libbase.a \
+	../libc/libc.a
+LIBGCC=	`${CC} -print-file-name=libgcc.a`
+LDS=	../env/
+all:	${PROG}.srec
+crt0.S:	../env/crt0.S
+	ln -s $< .
+${PROG}.elf:	${OBJS} ${LIBS} ${LDS}
+	${LD} -N --defsym Base_addr=0x800750 --defsym stack_bottom=0x83FFFC \
+		-T ${LDS} -o $@ ${OBJS} ${LIBS} ${LIBGCC}
+${PROG}.srec:	${PROG}.elf
+	${OBJCOPY} -O srec --srec-forceS3 --srec-len=30 $< $@
+	rm -f *.o *errs *core *.elf *.bin *.srec crt0.S
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/target-utils/calversion/cmdtab.c	Wed Dec 26 06:40:02 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#include "cmdtab.h"
+extern void cmd_abbr();
+extern void cmd_abbw();
+extern void cmd_jump();
+extern void cmd_r8();
+extern void cmd_r16();
+extern void cmd_r32();
+extern void cmd_w8();
+extern void cmd_w16();
+extern void cmd_w32();
+extern void cmd_memdump_human();
+extern void abb_init();
+extern void abb_power_off();
+const struct cmdtab cmdtab[] = {
+	{"abbinit", abb_init},
+	{"abbr", cmd_abbr},
+	{"abbw", cmd_abbw},
+	{"dump", cmd_memdump_human},
+	{"jump", cmd_jump},
+	{"poweroff", abb_power_off},
+	{"r8", cmd_r8},
+	{"r16", cmd_r16},
+	{"r32", cmd_r32},
+	{"w8", cmd_w8},
+	{"w16", cmd_w16},
+	{"w32", cmd_w32},
+	{0, 0}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/target-utils/calversion/crt0.S	Wed Dec 26 06:40:02 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/target-utils/calversion/dsp_bringup.c	Wed Dec 26 06:40:02 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+ * This module contains the dsp_power_on() function from TCS211,
+ * stripped and adapted for the present DSP version determination
+ * standalone program.
+ */
+#include "types.h"
+#include "leadapi.h"
+#include "dsp_const.h"
+#include "dsp_defty.h"
+/* definitions originally in l1_types.h */
+typedef unsigned char  BOOL;
+typedef          char  CHAR;
+typedef unsigned char  UWORD8;
+typedef signed   char  WORD8;
+typedef unsigned short UWORD16;
+typedef          short WORD16;
+typedef unsigned long  UWORD32;
+typedef          long  WORD32;
+/* definitions originally in l1_confg.h */
+#define DSP_START     0x7000
+#define INSTALL_ADD   0x7002 // Used to set gprs_install_address pointer
+#define C_PLL_CONFIG 0x154   // For VTCXO = 13 MHz and max DSP speed = 84.5 Mips
+#define C_DSP_SW_WORK_AROUND 0x000E
+#define C_DEBUG_BUFFER_ADD  0x17ff  // Address of DSP write pointer... data are just after.
+#define C_DEBUG_BUFFER_SIZE 7       // Real size is incremented by 1 for DSP write pointer.
+#define C_DEBUG_TRACE_TYPE  0x0000  // Level = BASIC; Features = Timer + Buffer Header + Burst.
+/* DSP reset control register definitions */
+#define MEM_CLKM_ADDR   0xfffffd00              /* CLKM registers addr. */
+#define CLKM_CNTL_RST   (MEM_CLKM_ADDR + 4)     /* CLKM Reset Control reg. */
+#define CLKM_LEAD_RST 	0x0002
+#define CLKM_EXT_RST 	0x0004
+/* dsp_power_on()                                        */
+/* Parameters :                                          */
+/* Return     :                                          */
+/* Functionality :                                       */
+/* Remarq :   USART Buffer is 256 characters. While USART*/
+/*            is not run during Application_Initialize   */
+/*            (hisrs not served because Nucleus scheduler*/
+/*             is not running yet) :                     */
+/*            ==> check string size < 256 !!!!!!         */
+void dsp_power_on(void)
+    UWORD16 dsp_start_address;
+    UWORD16 param_size;
+    API i;
+    volatile API *pt;
+    WORD16 j;
+    volatile T_NDB_MCU_DSP * dsp_ndb_ptr;
+    static API_SIGNED param_tab[] = {
+          D_TRANSFER_RATE,
+          // ..................Latencies
+          //...................p_gprs_install_adress
+          D_HOLE,
+          //...................d_misc_config
+          D_MISC_CONFIG,
+          //...................d_cn_sw_workaround
+          C_DSP_SW_WORK_AROUND,
+          //...................Reserved
+          D_HOLE,              D_HOLE,
+          D_HOLE,              D_HOLE,
+          //...................Frequency burst
+          D_FB_MARGIN_BEG,     D_FB_MARGIN_END,
+          D_NSUBB_IDLE,        D_NSUBB_DEDIC,        D_FB_THR_DET_IACQ,
+          D_FB_THR_DET_TRACK,
+          //...................Demodulation
+          D_DC_OFF_THRES,      D_DUMMY_THRES,        D_DEM_POND_GEWL,
+          D_DEM_POND_RED,
+          //...................TCH Full Speech
+          D_MACCTHRESH1,       D_MLDT,               D_MACCTHRESH,
+          D_GU,                D_GO,                 D_ATTMAX,
+          D_SM,                D_B,
+          //...................V42 bis
+          D_V42B_RESET_DELAY,
+          //...................TCH Half Speech
+          D_LDT_HR,            D_MACCTRESH_HR,       D_MACCTRESH1_HR,
+          D_GU_HR,             D_GO_HR,              D_B_HR,
+          D_SM_HR,             D_ATTMAX_HR,
+          //...................Added variables for EFR
+          C_MLDT_EFR,          C_MACCTHRESH_EFR,     C_MACCTHRESH1_EFR,
+          C_GU_EFR,            C_GO_EFR,             C_B_EFR,
+          C_SM_EFR,            C_ATTMAX_EFR,
+          //...................Full rate variables
+          D_SD_MIN_THR_TCHFS,
+          //...................TCH Half Speech
+          //...................TCH Enhanced Full Rate Speech
+          D_WED_FIL_TC,        D_X_MIN,              D_X_MAX,
+          D_SLOPE,             D_Y_MIN,              D_Y_MAX,
+          D_MAX_OVSPD_UL,      D_SYNC_THRES,        D_IDLE_THRES,
+          D_M1_THRES,          D_MAX_OVSP_DL,       D_GSM_BGD_MGT
+    };
+    param_size = 79;
+    // NDB pointer.
+    dsp_ndb_ptr = (volatile T_NDB_MCU_DSP *) NDB_ADR;
+    //-------------
+    //-------------
+    {
+      // Release Lead reset before DSP code/patch download to insure proper reset of DSP
+      printf("Releasing DSP core from reset\n");
+      (*(unsigned short *) CLKM_CNTL_RST) &= ~CLKM_LEAD_RST;
+      // GSM 1.5
+      //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      // After RESET release, DSP is in SAM Mode ! while API_CNTR (0xF900)
+      // register is in reset state: HOM mode, PLL off, Bridge off. No ws
+      // are applied for MCU<-->API access !!!!! So, MCU must wait for
+      // end of Leadboot execution before accessing API.
+      //wait_ARM_cycles(convert_nanosec_to_cycles(10000));  // wait 10us
+      osmo_delay_ms(10);
+      // NO DOWNLOAD...
+      {
+        // Wait for READY status from DSP.
+	printf("Waiting for DSP bootloader READY status\n");
+        while(*((volatile UWORD16 *)DOWNLOAD_STATUS) != LEAD_READY);
+        // Set DSP start address.
+        dsp_start_address = DSP_START;
+      }
+    }
+    //--------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Loading of NDB parameters.......
+    //--------------------------------------------------------------
+    printf("Loading NDB parameters\n");
+    // Initialize background control variable to No background. Background tasks can be launch in GPRS
+    // as in GSM.
+    dsp_ndb_ptr->d_background_enable = 0;
+    dsp_ndb_ptr->d_background_abort  = 0;
+    dsp_ndb_ptr->d_background_state  = 0;
+    dsp_ndb_ptr->d_debug_ptr         = 0x0074;
+    dsp_ndb_ptr->d_debug_bk          = 0x0001;
+    dsp_ndb_ptr->d_pll_config        = C_PLL_CONFIG;
+    dsp_ndb_ptr->p_debug_buffer      = C_DEBUG_BUFFER_ADD;
+    dsp_ndb_ptr->d_debug_buffer_size = C_DEBUG_BUFFER_SIZE;
+    dsp_ndb_ptr->d_debug_trace_type  = C_DEBUG_TRACE_TYPE;
+    // Deep Sleep work around used on Calypso
+    // This init is used to backward compatibility with old patch.
+    dsp_ndb_ptr->d_dsp_state       = C_DSP_IDLE3;
+    dsp_ndb_ptr->d_audio_gain_ul     = 0;
+    dsp_ndb_ptr->d_audio_gain_dl     = 0;
+    // for patch >= 2100, use new AEC
+    dsp_ndb_ptr->d_es_level_api      = 0x5213;
+    dsp_ndb_ptr->d_mu_api            = 0x5000;
+    //--------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Loading of PARAM area.......
+    //--------------------------------------------------------------
+    printf("Loading PARAM area\n");
+    // Load PARAM memory...
+    pt = (volatile API *) PARAM_ADR;
+    for (i=0; i<param_size; i++) *pt++ = param_tab[i];
+    {
+      T_PARAM_MCU_DSP *pt_param = (T_PARAM_MCU_DSP *) PARAM_ADR;
+      // "d_gprs_install_address" has to be set only if no PATCH is download, i.e.
+      //  "d_gprs_install_address" is automatically set by DSP if a PATCH is download
+      pt_param->d_gprs_install_address    = INSTALL_ADD;
+    }
+    printf("Booting DSP main code\n");
+    *(volatile UWORD16 *) DOWNLOAD_SIZE   = 0;                 // Size=0 to force DSP to start from address...
+    *(volatile UWORD16 *) DOWNLOAD_ADDR   = dsp_start_address; // Start address.
+    *(volatile UWORD16 *) DOWNLOAD_STATUS = BLOCK_READY;       // Start DSP...
+    osmo_delay_ms(50);
+    printf("DSP reports version 0x%04X 0x%04X\n",
+           dsp_ndb_ptr->d_version_number1, dsp_ndb_ptr->d_version_number2);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/target-utils/calversion/dsp_const.h	Wed Dec 26 06:40:02 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+ * This header file is a subset of l1_const.h from TCS211, defining
+ * those constants which are needed for the DSP bring-up code in
+ * the dsp_bringup.c module.
+ */
+#define NO_PAR                0
+#define NO_TASK               0
+#define ALL_TASK              0xffffffff
+#define ALL_PARAM             0xffffffff
+#define TRUE                  1
+#define TRUE_L                1L
+#define FALSE                 0
+#define NOT_PENDING           0
+#define PENDING               1
+#define INACTIVE              2
+#define ACTIVE                3
+#define RE_ENTERED            4
+#define WAIT_IQ               5
+// MCU-DSP bit-field bit position definitions
+#define GPRS_SCHEDULER       1  // Select GPRS scheduler
+#define GSM_SCHEDULER        2  // Select GSM  scheduler
+// DSP state need to be used to enter Deep Sleep mode
+#define C_DSP_IDLE3           3
+#define SC_CHKSUM_VER     (DB_W_PAGE_0 + (2 * (0x08DB - 0x800)))
+// ****************************************************************
+// ****************************************************************
+#define C_POND_RED              1L
+#define D_NSUBB_IDLE            296L
+#define D_NSUBB_DEDIC           30L
+#define D_FB_THR_DET_IACQ       0x3333L
+#define D_FB_THR_DET_TRACK      0x28f6L
+#define D_DC_OFF_THRES          0x7fffL
+#define D_DUMMY_THRES           17408L
+#define D_DEM_POND_GEWL         26624L
+#define D_DEM_POND_RED          20152L
+#define D_HOLE                  0L
+#define D_TRANSFER_RATE         0x6666L
+// Full Rate vocoder definitions.
+#define D_MACCTHRESH1           7872L
+#define D_MLDT                  -4L
+#define D_MACCTHRESH            7872L
+#define D_GU                    5772L
+#define D_GO                    7872L
+#define D_ATTMAX                53L
+#define D_SM                    -892L
+#define D_B                     208L
+#define D_SD_MIN_THR_TCHFS      15L                   //(24L   *C_POND_RED)
+#define D_MA_MIN_THR_TCHFS      738L                  //(1200L *C_POND_RED)
+#define D_MD_MAX_THR_TCHFS      1700L                 //(2000L *C_POND_RED)
+#define D_MD1_MAX_THR_TCHFS     99L                   //(160L  *C_POND_RED)
+// Frequency burst definitions
+#define D_FB_MARGIN_BEG         24
+#define D_FB_MARGIN_END         22
+// V42bis definitions
+#define D_V42B_SWITCH_HYST      16L
+#define D_V42B_SWITCH_MIN       64L
+#define D_V42B_SWITCH_MAX       250L
+#define D_V42B_RESET_DELAY      10L
+#define D_LAT_MCU_BRIDGE        0x000FL
+#define D_LAT_MCU_HOM2SAM       0x000CL
+#define D_LAT_MCU_BEF_FAST_ACCESS 0x0005L
+#define D_LAT_DSP_AFTER_SAM     0x0004L
+// Background Task in GSM mode: Initialization.
+#define D_GSM_BGD_MGT           0L
+#define D_MISC_CONFIG           1L
+// Half Rate vocoder and ched definitions.
+#define D_SD_MIN_THR_TCHHS      37L
+#define D_MA_MIN_THR_TCHHS      344L
+#define D_MD_MAX_THR_TCHHS      2175L
+#define D_MD1_MAX_THR_TCHHS     138L
+#define D_SD_AV_THR_TCHHS       1845L
+#define D_WED_FIL_TC            0x7c00L
+#define D_WED_FIL_INI           4650L
+#define D_X_MIN                 15L
+#define D_X_MAX                 23L
+#define D_Y_MIN                 703L
+#define D_Y_MAX                 2460L
+#define D_SLOPE                 135L
+#define D_WED_DIFF_THRESHOLD    406L
+#define D_MABFI_MIN_THR_TCHHS   5320L
+#define D_LDT_HR                -5
+#define D_MACCTRESH_HR          6500
+#define D_MACCTRESH1_HR         6500
+#define D_GU_HR                 2620
+#define D_GO_HR                 3700
+#define D_B_HR                  182
+#define D_SM_HR                 -1608
+#define D_ATTMAX_HR             53
+// Enhanced Full Rate vocoder and ched definitions.
+#define C_MLDT_EFR              -4
+#define C_MACCTHRESH_EFR        8000
+#define C_MACCTHRESH1_EFR       8000
+#define C_GU_EFR                4522
+#define C_GO_EFR                6500
+#define C_B_EFR                 174
+#define C_SM_EFR                -878
+#define C_ATTMAX_EFR            53
+#define D_SD_MIN_THR_TCHEFS     15L                   //(24L   *C_POND_RED)
+#define D_MA_MIN_THR_TCHEFS     738L                  //(1200L *C_POND_RED)
+#define D_MD_MAX_THR_TCHEFS     1230L                 //(2000L *C_POND_RED)
+#define D_MD1_MAX_THR_TCHEFS    99L                   //(160L  *C_POND_RED)
+// Integrated Data Services definitions.
+#define D_MAX_OVSPD_UL          8
+// Detect frames containing 90% of 1s as synchro frames
+#define D_SYNC_THRES            0x3f50
+// IDLE frames are only frames with 100 % of 1s
+#define D_IDLE_THRES            0x4000
+#define D_M1_THRES              5
+#define D_MAX_OVSP_DL           8
+#define D_FACCH_THR             0
+#define D_DSP_TEST              0
+#define D_VERSION_NUMBER        0
+#define D_TI_VERSION            0
+#define DB_SIZE                 (4*20L)     // 4 pages of 20 words...
+#define DB_W_PAGE_0          0xFFD00000L   // DB page 0 write : 20 words long
+#define DB_W_PAGE_1          0xFFD00028L   // DB page 1 write : 20 words long
+#define DB_R_PAGE_0          0xFFD00050L   // DB page 0 read  : 20 words long
+#define DB_R_PAGE_1          0xFFD00078L   // DB page 1 read  : 20 words long
+#define NDB_ADR              0xFFD001A8L   // NDB start address : 268 words
+#define PARAM_ADR            0xFFD00862L   // PARAM start address  : 57 words
+#define DB2_R_PAGE_0       0xFFD00184L
+#define DB2_R_PAGE_1       0xFFD00188L
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/target-utils/calversion/dsp_defty.h	Wed Dec 26 06:40:02 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+ * This header file is a stripped-down version of l1_defty.h from TCS211,
+ * defining the DSP's API RAM shared memory interface.
+ */
+typedef unsigned short API;
+typedef signed short API_SIGNED;
+typedef struct
+  API d_task_d;           // (0)  Downlink task command.
+  API d_burst_d;          // (1)  Downlink burst identifier.
+  API d_task_u;           // (2)  Uplink task command.
+  API d_burst_u;          // (3)  Uplink burst identifier.
+  API d_task_md;          // (4)  Downlink Monitoring (FB/SB) command.
+  API d_background;       // (5) Background tasks
+  API d_debug;            // (6)  Debug/Acknowledge/general purpose word.
+  API d_task_ra;          // (7)  RA task command.
+  API d_fn;               // (8)  FN, in Rep. period and FN%104, used for TRAFFIC/TCH only.
+                             //        bit [0..7]  -> b_fn_report, FN in the normalized reporting period.
+                             //        bit [8..15] -> b_fn_sid,    FN % 104, used for SID positionning.
+  API d_ctrl_tch;         // (9)  Tch channel description.
+                             //        bit [0..3]  -> b_chan_mode,    channel  mode.
+                             //        bit [4..5]  -> b_chan_type,    channel type.
+                             //        bit [6]     -> reset SACCH
+                             //        bit [7]     -> vocoder ON
+                             //        bit [8]     -> b_sync_tch_ul,  synchro. TCH/UL.
+                             //        bit [9]     -> b_sync_tch_dl,  synchro. TCH/DL.
+                             //        bit [10]    -> b_stop_tch_ul,  stop TCH/UL.
+                             //        bit [11]    -> b_stop_tch_dl,  stop TCH/DL.
+                             //        bit [12.13] -> b_tch_loop,     tch loops A/B/C.
+  API hole;               // (10) unused hole.
+  API d_ctrl_abb;         // (11) Bit field indicating the analog baseband register to send.
+                             //        bit [0]     -> b_ramp: the ramp information(a_ramp[]) is located in NDB
+                             //        bit [1.2]   -> unused
+                             //        bit [3]     -> b_apcdel: delays-register in NDB
+                             //        bit [4]     -> b_afc: freq control register in DB
+                             //        bit [5..15] -> unused
+  API a_a5fn[2];          // (12..13) Encryption Frame number.
+                             //        word 0, bit [0..4]  -> T2.
+                             //        word 0, bit [5..10] -> T3.
+                             //        word 1, bit [0..11] -> T1.
+  API d_power_ctl;        // (14) Power level control.
+  API d_afc;              // (15) AFC value (enabled by "b_afc" in "d_ctrl_TCM4400 or in d_ctrl_abb").
+  API d_ctrl_system;      // (16) Controle Register for RESET/RESUME.
+                             //        bit [0..2] -> b_tsq,           training sequence.
+                             //        bit [3]    -> b_bcch_freq_ind, BCCH frequency indication.
+                             //        bit [15]   -> b_task_abort,    DSP task abort command.
+typedef struct
+  API d_task_d;           // (0) Downlink task command.
+  API d_burst_d;          // (1) Downlink burst identifier.
+  API d_task_u;           // (2) Uplink task command.
+  API d_burst_u;          // (3) Uplink burst identifier.
+  API d_task_md;          // (4) Downlink Monitoring (FB/SB) task command.
+  API d_background;       // (5) Background tasks
+  API d_debug;            // (6) Debug/Acknowledge/general purpose word.
+  API d_task_ra;          // (7) RA task command.
+  API a_serv_demod[4];    // ( 8..11) Serv. cell demod. result, array of 4 words (D_TOA,D_PM,D_ANGLE,D_SNR).
+  API a_pm[3];            // (12..14) Power measurement results, array of 3 words.
+  API a_sch[5];           // (15..19) Header + SB information, array of  5 words.
+typedef struct
+    // MISC Tasks
+    API d_dsp_page;
+    // DSP status returned (DSP --> MCU).
+    API d_error_status;
+    // RIF control (MCU -> DSP).
+    API d_spcx_rif;
+    API d_tch_mode;  // TCH mode register.
+                     // bit [0..1]  -> b_dai_mode.
+                     // bit [2]     -> b_dtx.
+    API d_debug1;                // bit 0 at 1 enable dsp f_tx delay for Omega
+    API d_dsp_test;
+    // Words dedicated to Software version (DSP code + Patch)
+    API d_version_number1;
+    API d_version_number2;
+    API d_debug_ptr;
+    API d_debug_bk;
+    API d_pll_config;
+    // GSM/GPRS DSP Debug trace support
+    API p_debug_buffer;
+    API d_debug_buffer_size;
+    API d_debug_trace_type;
+    // DSP report its state: 0 run, 1 Idle1, 2 Idle2, 3 Idle3.
+    API d_dsp_state;
+    // 5 words are reserved for any possible mapping modification
+    API d_hole1_ndb[2];
+    API p_debug_amr;
+    API d_hole2_ndb[1];
+    API d_mcsi_select;
+    // New words APCDEL1 and APCDEL2 for 2TX: TX/PRACH combinations
+    API d_apcdel1_bis;
+    API d_apcdel2_bis;
+    // New registers due to IOTA analog base band
+    API d_apcdel2;
+    API d_vbctrl2;
+    API d_bulgcal;
+    // Analog Based Band
+    API d_afcctladd;
+    API d_vbuctrl;
+    API d_vbdctrl;
+    API d_apcdel1;
+    API d_apcoff;
+    API d_bulioff;
+    API d_bulqoff;
+    API d_dai_onoff;
+    API d_auxdac;
+    API d_vbctrl1;
+    API d_bbctrl;
+    // Monitoring tasks control (MCU <- DSP)
+    // FB task
+    API d_fb_det;           // FB detection result. (1 for FOUND).
+    API d_fb_mode;          // Mode for FB detection algorithm.
+    API a_sync_demod[4];    // FB/SB demod. result, (D_TOA,D_PM,D_ANGLE,D_SNR).
+    // SB Task
+    API a_sch26[5];         // Header + SB information, array of  5 words.
+    API d_audio_gain_ul;
+    API d_audio_gain_dl;
+    // Controller of the melody E2 audio compressor
+    API d_audio_compressor_ctrl;
+    // AUDIO module
+    API d_audio_init;
+    API d_audio_status;
+    // Audio tasks
+    // TONES (MCU -> DSP)
+    API d_toneskb_init;
+    API d_toneskb_status;
+    API d_k_x1_t0;
+    API d_k_x1_t1;
+    API d_k_x1_t2;
+    API d_pe_rep;
+    API d_pe_off;
+    API d_se_off;
+    API d_bu_off;
+    API d_t0_on;
+    API d_t0_off;
+    API d_t1_on;
+    API d_t1_off;
+    API d_t2_on;
+    API d_t2_off;
+    API d_k_x1_kt0;
+    API d_k_x1_kt1;
+    API d_dur_kb;
+    API d_shiftdl;
+    API d_shiftul;
+    API d_aec_ctrl;
+    API d_es_level_api;
+    API d_mu_api;
+    // Melody Ringer module
+    API d_melo_osc_used;
+    API d_melo_osc_active;
+    API a_melo_note0[4];
+    API a_melo_note1[4];
+    API a_melo_note2[4];
+    API a_melo_note3[4];
+    API a_melo_note4[4];
+    API a_melo_note5[4];
+    API a_melo_note6[4];
+    API a_melo_note7[4];
+    // selection of the melody format
+    API d_melody_selection;
+    // Holes due to the format melody E1
+    API a_melo_holes[3];
+    // Speech Recognition module
+    API d_sr_status;          // status of the DSP speech reco task
+    API d_sr_param;           // paramters for the DSP speech reco task: OOV threshold.
+    API d_sr_bit_exact_test;  // bit exact test
+    API d_sr_nb_words;        // number of words used in the speech recognition task
+    API d_sr_db_level;        // estimate voice level in dB
+    API d_sr_db_noise;        // estimate noise in dB
+    API d_sr_mod_size;        // size of the model
+    API a_n_best_words[4];  // array of the 4 best words
+    API a_n_best_score[8];  // array of the 4 best scores (each score is 32 bits length)
+    // Audio buffer
+    API a_dd_1[22];         // Header + DATA traffic downlink information, sub. chan. 1.
+    API a_du_1[22];         // Header + DATA traffic uplink information, sub. chan. 1.
+    // V42bis module
+    API d_v42b_nego0;
+    API d_v42b_nego1;
+    API d_v42b_control;
+    API d_v42b_ratio_ind;
+    API d_mcu_control;
+    API d_mcu_control_sema;
+    // Background tasks
+    API d_background_enable;
+    API d_background_abort;
+    API d_background_state;
+    API d_max_background;
+    API a_background_tasks[16];
+    API a_back_task_io[16];
+    // GEA module defined in l1p_deft.h (the following section is overlaid with GPRS NDB memory)
+    API d_gea_mode_ovly;
+    API a_gea_kc_ovly[4];
+    // SYREN specific registers
+    API d_vbpop;
+    API d_vau_delay_init;
+    API d_vaud_cfg;
+    API d_vauo_onoff;
+    API d_vaus_vol;
+    API d_vaud_pll;
+    API d_hole3_ndb[1];
+    // word used for the init of USF threshold
+    API d_thr_usf_detect;
+    // Encryption module
+    API d_a5mode;           // Encryption Mode.
+    API d_sched_mode_gprs_ovly;
+    // 7 words are reserved for any possible mapping modification
+    API d_hole4_ndb[5];
+    // Ramp definition for Omega device
+    API a_ramp[16];
+    // CCCH/SACCH downlink information...(!!)
+    API a_cd[15];           // Header + CCCH/SACCH downlink information.
+    // FACCH downlink information........(!!)
+    API a_fd[15];           // Header + FACCH downlink information.
+    // Traffic downlink data frames......(!!)
+    API a_dd_0[22];         // Header + DATA traffic downlink information, sub. chan. 0.
+    // CCCH/SACCH uplink information.....(!!)
+    API a_cu[15];           // Header + CCCH/SACCH uplink information.
+    // FACCH downlink information........(!!)
+    API a_fu[15];           // Header + FACCH uplink information
+    // Traffic downlink data frames......(!!)
+    API a_du_0[22];         // Header + DATA traffic uplink information, sub. chan. 0.
+    // Random access.....................(MCU -> DSP).
+    API d_rach;             // RACH information.
+    //...................................(MCU -> DSP).
+    API a_kc[4];            // Encryption Key Code.
+    // Integrated Data Services module
+    API d_ra_conf;
+    API d_ra_act;
+    API d_ra_test;
+    API d_ra_statu;
+    API d_ra_statd;
+    API d_fax;
+    API a_data_buf_ul[21];
+    API a_data_buf_dl[37];
+  // GTT API mapping for DSP code 34 (for test only)
+    API d_tty_status;
+    API d_tty_detect_thres;
+    API d_ctm_detect_shift;
+    API d_tty_fa_thres;
+    API d_tty_mod_norm;
+    API d_tty_reset_buffer_ul;
+    API d_tty_loop_ctrl;
+    API p_tty_loop_buffer;
+    API a_sr_holes0[414];
+    // new AEC
+    API d_cont_filter;
+    API d_granularity_att;
+    API d_coef_smooth;
+    API d_es_level_max;
+    API d_fact_vad;
+    API d_thrs_abs;
+    API d_fact_asd_fil;
+    API d_fact_asd_mut;
+    API d_far_end_pow_h;
+    API d_far_end_pow_l;
+    API d_far_end_noise_h;
+    API d_far_end_noise_l;
+    // Speech recognition model
+    API a_sr_holes1[145];
+    API d_cport_init;
+    API d_cport_ctrl;
+    API a_cport_cfr[2];
+    API d_cport_tcl_tadt;
+    API d_cport_tdat;
+    API d_cport_tvs;
+    API d_cport_status;
+    API d_cport_reg_value;
+    API a_cport_holes[1011];
+    API a_model[1041];
+    // EOTD buffer
+    API d_eotd_first;
+    API d_eotd_max;
+    API d_eotd_nrj_high;
+    API d_eotd_nrj_low;
+    API a_eotd_crosscor[18];
+    // AMR ver 1.0 buffers
+    API a_amr_config[4];
+    API a_ratscch_ul[6];
+    API a_ratscch_dl[6];
+    API d_amr_snr_est; // estimation of the SNR of the AMR speech block
+    API d_amms_ul_voc;
+    API d_thr_onset_afs;     // thresh detection ONSET AFS
+    API d_thr_sid_first_afs; // thresh detection SID_FIRST AFS
+    API d_thr_ratscch_afs;   // thresh detection RATSCCH AFS
+    API d_thr_update_afs;    // thresh detection SID_UPDATE AFS
+    API d_thr_onset_ahs;     // thresh detection ONSET AHS
+    API d_thr_sid_ahs;       // thresh detection SID frames AHS
+    API d_thr_ratscch_marker;// thresh detection RATSCCH MARKER
+    API d_thr_sp_dgr;   // thresh detection SPEECH DEGRADED/NO_DATA
+    API d_thr_soft_bits;   
+    API d_melody_e2_osc_stop;
+    API d_melody_e2_osc_active;
+    API d_melody_e2_semaphore;
+    API a_melody_e2_osc[16][3];
+    API d_melody_e2_globaltimefactor;
+    API a_melody_e2_instrument_ptr[8];
+    API d_melody_e2_deltatime;
+    API a_d_macc_thr_afs[8];
+    API a_d_macc_thr_ahs[6];
+typedef struct
+  API_SIGNED d_transfer_rate;
+  // Common GSM/GPRS
+  // These words specified the latencies to applies on some peripherics
+  API_SIGNED d_lat_mcu_bridge;
+  API_SIGNED d_lat_mcu_hom2sam;
+  API_SIGNED d_lat_mcu_bef_fast_access;
+  API_SIGNED d_lat_dsp_after_sam;
+  // DSP Start address
+  API_SIGNED d_gprs_install_address;
+  API_SIGNED d_misc_config;
+  API_SIGNED d_cn_sw_workaround;
+  API_SIGNED d_hole2_param[4];
+    //...................................Frequency Burst.
+  API_SIGNED d_fb_margin_beg;
+  API_SIGNED d_fb_margin_end;
+  API_SIGNED d_nsubb_idle;
+  API_SIGNED d_nsubb_dedic;
+  API_SIGNED d_fb_thr_det_iacq;
+  API_SIGNED d_fb_thr_det_track;
+    //...................................Demodulation.
+  API_SIGNED d_dc_off_thres;
+  API_SIGNED d_dummy_thres;
+  API_SIGNED d_dem_pond_gewl;
+  API_SIGNED d_dem_pond_red;
+    //...................................TCH Full Speech.
+  API_SIGNED d_maccthresh1;
+  API_SIGNED d_mldt;
+  API_SIGNED d_maccthresh;
+  API_SIGNED d_gu;
+  API_SIGNED d_go;
+  API_SIGNED d_attmax;
+  API_SIGNED d_sm;
+  API_SIGNED d_b;
+  // V42Bis module
+  API_SIGNED d_v42b_switch_hyst;
+  API_SIGNED d_v42b_switch_min;
+  API_SIGNED d_v42b_switch_max;
+  API_SIGNED d_v42b_reset_delay;
+  //...................................TCH Half Speech.
+  API_SIGNED d_ldT_hr;
+  API_SIGNED d_maccthresh_hr;
+  API_SIGNED d_maccthresh1_hr;
+  API_SIGNED d_gu_hr;
+  API_SIGNED d_go_hr;
+  API_SIGNED d_b_hr;
+  API_SIGNED d_sm_hr;
+  API_SIGNED d_attmax_hr;
+  //...................................TCH Enhanced FR Speech.
+  API_SIGNED c_mldt_efr;
+  API_SIGNED c_maccthresh_efr;
+  API_SIGNED c_maccthresh1_efr;
+  API_SIGNED c_gu_efr;
+  API_SIGNED c_go_efr;
+  API_SIGNED c_b_efr;
+  API_SIGNED c_sm_efr;
+  API_SIGNED c_attmax_efr;
+  //...................................CHED
+  API_SIGNED d_sd_min_thr_tchfs;
+  API_SIGNED d_ma_min_thr_tchfs;
+  API_SIGNED d_md_max_thr_tchfs;
+  API_SIGNED d_md1_max_thr_tchfs;
+  API_SIGNED d_sd_min_thr_tchhs;
+  API_SIGNED d_ma_min_thr_tchhs;
+  API_SIGNED d_sd_av_thr_tchhs;
+  API_SIGNED d_md_max_thr_tchhs;
+  API_SIGNED d_md1_max_thr_tchhs;
+  API_SIGNED d_sd_min_thr_tchefs;
+  API_SIGNED d_ma_min_thr_tchefs;
+  API_SIGNED d_md_max_thr_tchefs;
+  API_SIGNED d_md1_max_thr_tchefs;
+  API_SIGNED d_wed_fil_ini;
+  API_SIGNED d_wed_fil_tc;
+  API_SIGNED d_x_min;
+  API_SIGNED d_x_max;
+  API_SIGNED d_slope;
+  API_SIGNED d_y_min;
+  API_SIGNED d_y_max;
+  API_SIGNED d_wed_diff_threshold;
+  API_SIGNED d_mabfi_min_thr_tchhs;
+  // FACCH module
+  API_SIGNED d_facch_thr;
+  // IDS module
+  API_SIGNED d_max_ovsp_ul;
+  API_SIGNED d_sync_thres;
+  API_SIGNED d_idle_thres;
+  API_SIGNED d_m1_thres;
+  API_SIGNED d_max_ovsp_dl;
+  API_SIGNED d_gsm_bgd_mgt;
+  // FIR coefficients
+  API a_fir_holes[4];
+  API a_fir31_uplink[31];
+  API a_fir31_downlink[31];
+typedef struct
+  API d_debug_ptr_begin;
+  API d_debug_ptr_end;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/target-utils/calversion/leadapi.h	Wed Dec 26 06:40:02 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * Definitions for the DSP boot and patch download mechanism,
+ * taken from leadapi.h in TCS211.
+ */
+#define APIF_ADDR     0xFFD00000L
+#define BASE_API_ARM  APIF_ADDR     /* API RAM for ARM */
+#define BASE_API_LEAD 0xE000      /* API RAM for Lead */
+#define DOWNLOAD_EXT_PAGE   (APIF_ADDR + 0x0FF8)   /* Address of the extended DSP page of the */
+#define DOWNLOAD_SIZE       (APIF_ADDR + 0x0FFA)   /* Address of the download size variable */
+#define DOWNLOAD_ADDR       (APIF_ADDR + 0x0FFC)   /* Address of the download address variable */
+#define DOWNLOAD_STATUS     (APIF_ADDR + 0x0FFE)   /* Address of the download status variable */
+/* Maximum size of a block which can be copied into the API RAM */
+#define MAX_BLOCK_SIZE 0x7F0       
+#define MAX_UINT       65535   
+/* Possible values for the download status */
+#define LEAD_READY      1
+#define BLOCK_READY     2
+#define PROGRAM_DONE    3
+#define PAGE_SELECTION  4
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/target-utils/calversion/main.c	Wed Dec 26 06:40:02 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#include "types.h"
+	uart_select_init();
+	printf("Calypso version ID program running\n");
+	print_boot_rom_info();
+	printf("Device ID code: 0x%04X\n", *(volatile u16 *)0xFFFEF000);
+	printf("Device version code: 0x%04X\n", *(volatile u16 *)0xFFFEF002);
+	printf("ARM ID code: 0x%04X\n", *(volatile u16 *)0xFFFFFE00);
+	printf("cDSP ID code: 0x%04X\n", *(volatile u16 *)0xFFFFFE02);
+	dsp_power_on();
+	for (;;) {
+		putchar('=');
+		if (command_entry())
+			command_dispatch();
+	}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/target-utils/calversion/mygetchar.c	Wed Dec 26 06:40:02 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ * The interactive command entry (editing) function in libcommon
+ * will call mygetchar() for its character input.  It is supposed
+ * to be a blocking wait for input, but in some programs other
+ * processing can be done while waiting - for example, check for
+ * keypad presses as well.  This is the basic version which waits
+ * for serial input and nothing else.
+ */
+extern int serial_in_poll();
+	register int c;
+	do
+		c = serial_in_poll();
+	while (c < 0);
+	return c;