/*********************************************************************************** GSM AMR-NB speech codec R98 Version 7.6.0 December 12, 2001* R99 Version 3.3.0 * REL-4 Version 4.1.0 *********************************************************************************** File : hp_max.h* Purpose : Find the maximum correlation of scal_sig[] in a given* delay range.**********************************************************************************/#ifndef hp_max_h#define hp_max_h "$Id $"/********************************************************************************** INCLUDE FILES*********************************************************************************/#include "typedef.h"/********************************************************************************** DECLARATION OF PROTOTYPES*********************************************************************************//************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION: hp_max * * PURPOSE: Find the maximum high-pass filtered correlation of * signal scal_sig[] in a given delay range. * * DESCRIPTION: * The correlation is given by * corr[t] = <scal_sig[n],scal_sig[n-t]>, t=lag_min,...,lag_max * The functions outputs the maximum high-pass filtered correlation * after normalization. * *************************************************************************/Word16 hp_max ( Word32 corr[], /* i : correlation vector. */ Word16 scal_sig[], /* i : scaled signal. */ Word16 L_frame, /* i : length of frame to compute pitch */ Word16 lag_max, /* i : maximum lag */ Word16 lag_min, /* i : minimum lag */ Word16 *cor_hp_max /* o : max high-pass filtered norm. correlation */ );#endif