line source
* GSM AMR-NB speech codec R98 Version 7.6.0 December 12, 2001
* R99 Version 3.3.0
* REL-4 Version 4.1.0
* File : q_plsf_3.c
* Purpose : Quantization of LSF parameters with 1st order MA
* prediction and split by 3 vector quantization
* (split-VQ)
#include "namespace.h"
#include "q_plsf.h"
#include "typedef.h"
#include "basic_op.h"
#include "no_count.h"
#include "lsp_lsf.h"
#include "reorder.h"
#include "lsfwt.h"
#include "memops.h"
#include "q_plsf3_tab.h"
/* Quantization of a 4 dimensional subvector */
static Word16
Vq_subvec4( /* o: quantization index, Q0 */
Word16 * lsf_r1, /* i/o: 1st LSF residual vector, Q15 */
const Word16 * dico, /* i: quantization codebook, Q15 */
const Word16 * wf1, /* i: 1st LSF weighting factors, Q13 */
Word16 dico_size) /* i: size of quantization codebook, Q0 */
Word16 i, index = 0, temp;
const Word16 *p_dico;
Word32 dist_min, dist;
dist_min = MAX_32; move32 ();
p_dico = dico; move16 ();
for (i = 0; i < dico_size; i++)
temp = sub (lsf_r1[0], *p_dico++);
temp = mult (wf1[0], temp);
dist = L_mult (temp, temp);
temp = sub (lsf_r1[1], *p_dico++);
temp = mult (wf1[1], temp);
dist = L_mac (dist, temp, temp);
temp = sub (lsf_r1[2], *p_dico++);
temp = mult (wf1[2], temp);
dist = L_mac (dist, temp, temp);
temp = sub (lsf_r1[3], *p_dico++);
temp = mult (wf1[3], temp);
dist = L_mac (dist, temp, temp);
test ();
if (L_sub (dist, dist_min) < (Word32) 0)
dist_min = dist; move32 ();
index = i; move16 ();
/* Reading the selected vector */
p_dico = &dico[shl (index, 2)]; move16 ();
lsf_r1[0] = *p_dico++; move16 ();
lsf_r1[1] = *p_dico++; move16 ();
lsf_r1[2] = *p_dico++; move16 ();
lsf_r1[3] = *p_dico++; move16 ();
return index;
/* Quantization of a 3 dimensional subvector */
static Word16
Vq_subvec3( /* o: quantization index, Q0 */
Word16 * lsf_r1, /* i/o: 1st LSF residual vector, Q15 */
const Word16 * dico, /* i: quantization codebook, Q15 */
const Word16 * wf1, /* i: 1st LSF weighting factors, Q13 */
Word16 dico_size, /* i: size of quantization codebook, Q0 */
Flag use_half) /* i: use every second entry in codebook */
Word16 i, index = 0, temp;
const Word16 *p_dico;
Word32 dist_min, dist;
dist_min = MAX_32; move32 ();
p_dico = dico; move16 ();
test ();
if (use_half == 0) {
for (i = 0; i < dico_size; i++)
temp = sub(lsf_r1[0], *p_dico++);
temp = mult(wf1[0], temp);
dist = L_mult(temp, temp);
temp = sub(lsf_r1[1], *p_dico++);
temp = mult(wf1[1], temp);
dist = L_mac(dist, temp, temp);
temp = sub(lsf_r1[2], *p_dico++);
temp = mult(wf1[2], temp);
dist = L_mac(dist, temp, temp);
test ();
if (L_sub(dist, dist_min) < (Word32) 0) {
dist_min = dist; move32 ();
index = i; move16 ();
p_dico = &dico[add(index, add(index, index))]; move16 ();
for (i = 0; i < dico_size; i++)
temp = sub(lsf_r1[0], *p_dico++);
temp = mult(wf1[0], temp);
dist = L_mult(temp, temp);
temp = sub(lsf_r1[1], *p_dico++);
temp = mult(wf1[1], temp);
dist = L_mac(dist, temp, temp);
temp = sub(lsf_r1[2], *p_dico++);
temp = mult(wf1[2], temp);
dist = L_mac(dist, temp, temp);
test ();
if (L_sub(dist, dist_min) < (Word32) 0)
dist_min = dist; move32 ();
index = i; move16 ();
p_dico = p_dico + 3; add(0,0);
p_dico = &dico[shl(add(index, add(index, index)),1)]; move16 ();
/* Reading the selected vector */
lsf_r1[0] = *p_dico++; move16 ();
lsf_r1[1] = *p_dico++; move16 ();
lsf_r1[2] = *p_dico++; move16 ();
return index;
* routine: Q_plsf_3()
* Quantization of LSF parameters with 1st order MA prediction and
* split by 3 vector quantization (split-VQ)
void Q_plsf_3(
Q_plsfState *st, /* i/o: state struct */
enum Mode mode, /* i : coder mode */
Word16 *lsp1, /* i : 1st LSP vector Q15 */
Word16 *lsp1_q, /* o : quantized 1st LSP vector Q15 */
Word16 *indice, /* o : quantization indices of 3 vectors Q0 */
Word16 *pred_init_i /* o : init index for MA prediction in DTX mode */
Word16 i, j;
Word16 lsf1[M], wf1[M], lsf_p[M], lsf_r1[M];
Word16 lsf1_q[M];
Word32 L_pred_init_err;
Word32 L_min_pred_init_err;
Word16 temp_r1[M];
Word16 temp_p[M];
/* convert LSFs to normalize frequency domain 0..16384 */
Lsp_lsf(lsp1, lsf1, M);
/* compute LSF weighting factors (Q13) */
Lsf_wt(lsf1, wf1);
/* Compute predicted LSF and prediction error */
if (test(), sub(mode, MRDTX) != 0)
for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
lsf_p[i] = add(mean_lsf3[i],
pred_fac[i])); move16 ();
lsf_r1[i] = sub(lsf1[i], lsf_p[i]); move16 ();
/* DTX mode, search the init vector that yields */
/* lowest prediction resuidual energy */
*pred_init_i = 0; move16 ();
L_min_pred_init_err = 0x7fffffff; /* 2^31 - 1 */ move32 ();
for (j = 0; j < PAST_RQ_INIT_SIZE; j++)
L_pred_init_err = 0; move32 ();
for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
temp_p[i] = add(mean_lsf3[i], past_rq_init[j*M+i]);
temp_r1[i] = sub(lsf1[i],temp_p[i]);
L_pred_init_err = L_mac(L_pred_init_err, temp_r1[i], temp_r1[i]);
} /* next i */
test ();
if (L_sub(L_pred_init_err, L_min_pred_init_err) < (Word32) 0)
L_min_pred_init_err = L_pred_init_err; move32 ();
Copy(temp_r1, lsf_r1, M);
Copy(temp_p, lsf_p, M);
/* Set zerom */
Copy(&past_rq_init[j*M], st->past_rq, M);
*pred_init_i = j; move16 ();
} /* endif */
} /* next j */
} /* endif MRDTX */
/*---- Split-VQ of prediction error ----*/
if (sub (mode, MR475) == 0 || sub (mode, MR515) == 0)
{ /* MR475, MR515 */
test (); test ();
indice[0] = Vq_subvec3(&lsf_r1[0], dico1_lsf3, &wf1[0], DICO31_SIZE, 0);
move16 ();
indice[1] = Vq_subvec3(&lsf_r1[3], dico2_lsf3, &wf1[3], DICO32_SIZE/2, 1);
move16 ();
indice[2] = Vq_subvec4(&lsf_r1[6], mr515_3_lsf, &wf1[6], MR515_3_SIZE);
move16 ();
else if (sub (mode, MR795) == 0)
{ /* MR795 */
test (); test (); test ();
indice[0] = Vq_subvec3(&lsf_r1[0], mr795_1_lsf, &wf1[0], MR795_1_SIZE, 0);
move16 ();
indice[1] = Vq_subvec3(&lsf_r1[3], dico2_lsf3, &wf1[3], DICO32_SIZE, 0);
move16 ();
indice[2] = Vq_subvec4(&lsf_r1[6], dico3_lsf3, &wf1[6], DICO33_SIZE);
move16 ();
{ /* MR59, MR67, MR74, MR102 , MRDTX */
test (); test (); test ();
indice[0] = Vq_subvec3(&lsf_r1[0], dico1_lsf3, &wf1[0], DICO31_SIZE, 0);
move16 ();
indice[1] = Vq_subvec3(&lsf_r1[3], dico2_lsf3, &wf1[3], DICO32_SIZE, 0);
move16 ();
indice[2] = Vq_subvec4(&lsf_r1[6], dico3_lsf3, &wf1[6], DICO33_SIZE);
move16 ();
/* Compute quantized LSFs and update the past quantized residual */
for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
lsf1_q[i] = add(lsf_r1[i], lsf_p[i]); move16 ();
st->past_rq[i] = lsf_r1[i]; move16 ();
/* verification that LSFs has mimimum distance of LSF_GAP Hz */
Reorder_lsf(lsf1_q, LSF_GAP, M);
/* convert LSFs to the cosine domain */
Lsf_lsp(lsf1_q, lsp1_q, M);