view libtwamr/cod_amr.h @ 585:3c6bf0d26ee7 default tip

TW-TS-005 reader: fix maximum line length bug TW-TS-005 section 4.1 states: The maximum allowed length of each line is 80 characters, not including the OS-specific newline encoding. The implementation of this line length limit in the TW-TS-005 hex file reader function in the present suite was wrong, such that lines of the full maximum length could not be read. Fix it. Note that this bug affects comment lines too, not just actual RTP payloads. Neither Annex A nor Annex B features an RTP payload format that goes to the maximum of 40 bytes, but if a comment line goes to the maximum allowed length of 80 characters not including the terminating newline, the bug will be triggered, necessitating the present fix.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Tue, 25 Feb 2025 07:49:28 +0000
parents 93d6c6960a46
line wrap: on
line source

*      GSM AMR-NB speech codec   R98   Version 7.6.0   December 12, 2001
*                                R99   Version 3.3.0                
*                                REL-4 Version 4.1.0                
*      File             : cod_amr.h
*      Purpose          : Main encoder routine operating on a frame basis.
#ifndef cod_amr_h
#define cod_amr_h "$Id $"

*                         INCLUDE FILES
#include "tw_amr.h"
#include "typedef.h"
#include "cnst.h"
#include "lpc.h"
#include "lsp.h"
#include "cl_ltp.h"
#include "gain_q.h"
#include "p_ol_wgh.h"
#include "ton_stab.h"
#include "vad.h"
#include "dtx_enc.h"
*                         DEFINITION OF DATA TYPES
 *    Coder constant parameters (defined in "cnst.h")        *
 *   L_WINDOW    : LPC analysis window size.                 *
 *   L_NEXT      : Samples of next frame needed for autocor. *
 *   L_FRAME     : Frame size.                               *
 *   L_FRAME_BY2 : Half the frame size.                      *
 *   L_SUBFR     : Sub-frame size.                           *
 *   M           : LPC order.                                *
 *   MP1         : LPC order+1                               *
 *   L_TOTAL7k4  : Total size of speech buffer.              *
 *   PIT_MIN7k4  : Minimum pitch lag.                        *
 *   PIT_MAX     : Maximum pitch lag.                        *
 *   L_INTERPOL  : Length of filter for interpolation        *
typedef struct {
   /* Speech vector */
   Word16 old_speech[L_TOTAL];
   Word16 *speech, *p_window, *p_window_12k2;
   Word16 *new_speech;             /* Global variable */
   /* Weight speech vector */
   Word16 old_wsp[L_FRAME + PIT_MAX];
   Word16 *wsp;

   /* OL LTP states */
   Word16 old_lags[5];
   Word16 ol_gain_flg[2];

   /* Excitation vector */
   Word16 old_exc[L_FRAME + PIT_MAX + L_INTERPOL];
   Word16 *exc;

   /* Zero vector */
   Word16 ai_zero[L_SUBFR + MP1];
   Word16 *zero;

   /* Impulse response vector */
   Word16 *h1;
   Word16 hvec[L_SUBFR * 2];

   /* Substates */
   lpcState   lpcSt;
   lspState   lspSt;
   clLtpState clLtpSt;
   gainQuantState  gainQuantSt;
   pitchOLWghtState pitchOLWghtSt;
   tonStabState tonStabSt;
   vadState vadSt;
   Flag dtx;
   dtx_encState dtx_encSt;

   /* Filter's memory */
   Word16 mem_syn[M], mem_w0[M], mem_w[M];
   Word16 mem_err[M + L_SUBFR], *error;

   Word16 sharp;
} cod_amrState;

*                         DECLARATION OF PROTOTYPES

*  Function    : cod_amr_reset
*  Purpose     : Resets state memory
*  Returns     : 0 on success
void cod_amr_reset (cod_amrState *st, Flag dtx, Flag use_vad2);

 *   FUNCTION:   cod_amr_first
 *   PURPOSE:  Copes with look-ahead.
 *   INPUTS:
 *       No input argument are passed to this function. However, before
 *       calling this function, 40 new speech data should be copied to the
 *       vector new_speech[]. This is a global pointer which is declared in
 *       this file (it points to the end of speech buffer minus 200).
int cod_amr_first(cod_amrState *st,     /* i/o : State struct            */
                  Word16 new_speech[]   /* i   : speech input (L_FRAME)  */

 *   FUNCTION:   cod_amr
 *   PURPOSE:  Main encoder routine.
 *   DESCRIPTION: This function is called every 20 ms speech frame,
 *       operating on the newly read 160 speech samples. It performs the
 *       principle encoding functions to produce the set of encoded parameters
 *       which include the LSP, adaptive codebook, and fixed codebook
 *       quantization indices (addresses and gains).
 *   INPUTS:
 *       No input argument are passed to this function. However, before
 *       calling this function, 160 new speech data should be copied to the
 *       vector new_speech[]. This is a global pointer which is declared in
 *       this file (it points to the end of speech buffer minus 160).
 *       ana[]:     vector of analysis parameters.
 *       synth[]:   Local synthesis speech (for debugging purposes)

int cod_amr(cod_amrState *st,         /* i/o : State struct                 */
            enum Mode mode,           /* i   : AMR mode                     */
            Word16 new_speech[],      /* i   : speech input (L_FRAME)       */
            Word16 ana[],             /* o   : Analysis parameters          */
            enum Mode *usedMode,      /* o   : used mode                    */
            Word16 synth[]            /* o   : Local synthesis              */
