view libtwamr/qua_gain.c @ 585:3c6bf0d26ee7 default tip

TW-TS-005 reader: fix maximum line length bug TW-TS-005 section 4.1 states: The maximum allowed length of each line is 80 characters, not including the OS-specific newline encoding. The implementation of this line length limit in the TW-TS-005 hex file reader function in the present suite was wrong, such that lines of the full maximum length could not be read. Fix it. Note that this bug affects comment lines too, not just actual RTP payloads. Neither Annex A nor Annex B features an RTP payload format that goes to the maximum of 40 bytes, but if a comment line goes to the maximum allowed length of 80 characters not including the terminating newline, the bug will be triggered, necessitating the present fix.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Tue, 25 Feb 2025 07:49:28 +0000
parents b02e043dcba0
line wrap: on
line source

*      GSM AMR-NB speech codec   R98   Version 7.6.0   December 12, 2001
*                                R99   Version 3.3.0                
*                                REL-4 Version 4.1.0                
*      File             : qua_gain.c
*      Purpose          : Quantization of pitch and codebook gains.

*                         MODULE INCLUDE FILE AND VERSION ID
#include "namespace.h"
#include "qua_gain.h"

*                         INCLUDE FILES
#include "tw_amr.h"
#include "typedef.h"
#include "basic_op.h"
#include "oper_32b.h"
#include "no_count.h"
#include "cnst.h"
#include "pow2.h"
#include "gc_pred.h"
#include "qua_gain_tab.h"

*                         PUBLIC PROGRAM CODE

 * FUNCTION:  Qua_gain()
 * PURPOSE: Quantization of pitch and codebook gains.
 *          (using predicted codebook gain)
Qua_gain(                   /* o  : index of quantization.                 */   
    enum Mode mode,         /* i  : AMR mode                               */
    Word16 exp_gcode0,      /* i  : predicted CB gain (exponent),      Q0  */
    Word16 frac_gcode0,     /* i  : predicted CB gain (fraction),      Q15 */
    Word16 frac_coeff[],    /* i  : energy coeff. (5), fraction part,  Q15 */
    Word16 exp_coeff[],     /* i  : energy coeff. (5), exponent part,  Q0  */
                            /*      (frac_coeff and exp_coeff computed in  */
                            /*       calc_filt_energies())                 */
    Word16 gp_limit,        /* i  : pitch gain limit                       */
    Word16 *gain_pit,       /* o  : Pitch gain,                        Q14 */
    Word16 *gain_cod,       /* o  : Code gain,                         Q1  */
    Word16 *qua_ener_MR122, /* o  : quantized energy error,            Q10 */
                            /*      (for MR122 MA predictor update)        */
    Word16 *qua_ener        /* o  : quantized energy error,            Q10 */
                            /*      (for other MA predictor update)        */
    const Word16 *p;
    Word16 i, j, index = 0;
    Word16 gcode0, e_max, exp_code;
    Word16 g_pitch, g2_pitch, g_code, g2_code, g_pit_cod;
    Word16 coeff[5], coeff_lo[5];
    Word16 exp_max[5];
    Word32 L_tmp, dist_min;
    const Word16 *table_gain;
    Word16 table_len;
    test();  test(); test();
    if ( sub (mode, MR102) == 0 || sub (mode, MR74) == 0 || sub (mode, MR67) == 0)
       table_len = VQ_SIZE_HIGHRATES;            move16 ();
       table_gain = table_gain_highrates;        move16 ();
       table_len = VQ_SIZE_LOWRATES;             move16 ();
       table_gain = table_gain_lowrates;         move16 ();
     *  predicted codebook gain                                          *
     *  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                          *
     *  gc0     = 2^exp_gcode0 + 2^frac_gcode0                           *
     *                                                                   *
     *  gcode0 (Q14) = 2^14*2^frac_gcode0 = gc0 * 2^(14-exp_gcode0)      *

    gcode0 = extract_l(Pow2(14, frac_gcode0));

     *  Scaling considerations:                                          *
     *  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                          *

     * The error energy (sum) to be minimized consists of five terms, t[0..4].
     *                      t[0] =    gp^2  * <y1 y1>
     *                      t[1] = -2*gp    * <xn y1>
     *                      t[2] =    gc^2  * <y2 y2>
     *                      t[3] = -2*gc    * <xn y2>
     *                      t[4] =  2*gp*gc * <y1 y2>

    /* determine the scaling exponent for g_code: ec = ec0 - 11 */
    exp_code = sub(exp_gcode0, 11);

    /* calculate exp_max[i] = s[i]-1 */
    exp_max[0] = sub(exp_coeff[0], 13);                        move16 ();
    exp_max[1] = sub(exp_coeff[1], 14);                        move16 ();
    exp_max[2] = add(exp_coeff[2], add(15, shl(exp_code, 1))); move16 ();
    exp_max[3] = add(exp_coeff[3], exp_code);                  move16 ();
    exp_max[4] = add(exp_coeff[4], add(1, exp_code));          move16 ();

     *  Find maximum exponent:                                           *
     *  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                           *
     *                                                                   *
     *  For the sum operation, all terms must have the same scaling;     *
     *  that scaling should be low enough to prevent overflow. There-    *
     *  fore, the maximum scale is determined and all coefficients are   *
     *  re-scaled:                                                       *
     *                                                                   *
     *    e_max = max(exp_max[i]) + 1;                                   *
     *    e = exp_max[i]-e_max;         e <= 0!                          *
     *    c[i] = c[i]*2^e                                                *

    e_max = exp_max[0];                                        move16 ();
    for (i = 1; i < 5; i++)
        move16(); test();
        if (sub(exp_max[i], e_max) > 0)
            e_max = exp_max[i];                                move16 ();

    e_max = add(e_max, 1);      /* To avoid overflow */

    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        j = sub(e_max, exp_max[i]);
        L_tmp = L_deposit_h(frac_coeff[i]);
        L_tmp = L_shr(L_tmp, j);
        L_Extract(L_tmp, &coeff[i], &coeff_lo[i]);

     *  Codebook search:                                                 *
     *  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                 *
     *                                                                   *
     *  For each pair (g_pitch, g_fac) in the table calculate the        *
     *  terms t[0..4] and sum them up; the result is the mean squared    *
     *  error for the quantized gains from the table. The index for the  *
     *  minimum MSE is stored and finally used to retrieve the quantized *
     *  gains                                                            *

    /* start with "infinite" MSE */
    dist_min = MAX_32;        move32();

    p = &table_gain[0];       move16 ();

    for (i = 0; i < table_len; i++)
        g_pitch = *p++;       move16 ();
        g_code = *p++;        move16 (); /* this is g_fac        */
        p++;                             /* skip log2(g_fac)     */
        p++;                             /* skip 20*log10(g_fac) */
        test ();
        if (sub(g_pitch, gp_limit) <= 0)
            g_code = mult(g_code, gcode0);
            g2_pitch = mult(g_pitch, g_pitch);
            g2_code = mult(g_code, g_code);
            g_pit_cod = mult(g_code, g_pitch);

            L_tmp = Mpy_32_16(coeff[0], coeff_lo[0], g2_pitch);
            L_tmp = L_add(L_tmp, Mpy_32_16(coeff[1], coeff_lo[1], g_pitch));
            L_tmp = L_add(L_tmp, Mpy_32_16(coeff[2], coeff_lo[2], g2_code));
            L_tmp = L_add(L_tmp, Mpy_32_16(coeff[3], coeff_lo[3], g_code));
            L_tmp = L_add(L_tmp, Mpy_32_16(coeff[4], coeff_lo[4], g_pit_cod));

            /* store table index if MSE for this index is lower
               than the minimum MSE seen so far */
            test ();
            if (L_sub(L_tmp, dist_min) < (Word32) 0)
                dist_min = L_tmp; move32 ();
                index = i;        move16 ();

     *  read quantized gains and new values for MA predictor memories   *
     *  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   *

    /* Read the quantized gains */
    p = &table_gain[shl (index, 2)]; move16 ();
    *gain_pit = *p++;         move16();
    g_code = *p++;            move16();
    *qua_ener_MR122 = *p++;   move16();
    *qua_ener = *p;           move16();

     *  calculate final fixed codebook gain:                            *
     *  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                            *
     *                                                                  *
     *   gc = gc0 * g                                                   *

    L_tmp = L_mult(g_code, gcode0);
    L_tmp = L_shr(L_tmp, sub(10, exp_gcode0));
    *gain_cod = extract_h(L_tmp);

    return index;