view libtwamr/r_fft.c @ 585:3c6bf0d26ee7 default tip

TW-TS-005 reader: fix maximum line length bug TW-TS-005 section 4.1 states: The maximum allowed length of each line is 80 characters, not including the OS-specific newline encoding. The implementation of this line length limit in the TW-TS-005 hex file reader function in the present suite was wrong, such that lines of the full maximum length could not be read. Fix it. Note that this bug affects comment lines too, not just actual RTP payloads. Neither Annex A nor Annex B features an RTP payload format that goes to the maximum of 40 bytes, but if a comment line goes to the maximum allowed length of 80 characters not including the terminating newline, the bug will be triggered, necessitating the present fix.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Tue, 25 Feb 2025 07:49:28 +0000
parents 810ac4b99025
line wrap: on
line source

*      GSM AMR-NB speech codec   R98   Version 7.6.0   December 12, 2001
*                                R99   Version 3.3.0                
*                                REL-4 Version 4.1.0                
*      File             : r_fft.c
*      Purpose          : Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm

* This is an implementation of decimation-in-time FFT algorithm for
* real sequences.  The techniques used here can be found in several
* books, e.g., i) Proakis and Manolakis, "Digital Signal Processing",
* 2nd Edition, Chapter 9, and ii) W.H. Press et. al., "Numerical
* Recipes in C", 2nd Ediiton, Chapter 12.
* Input -  There is one input to this function:
*	1) An integer pointer to the input data array 
* Output - There is no return value.
*	The input data are replaced with transformed data.  If the
*	input is a real time domain sequence, it is replaced with
*	the complex FFT for positive frequencies.  The FFT value 
*	for DC and the foldover frequency are combined to form the
*	first complex number in the array.  The remaining complex
*	numbers correspond to increasing frequencies.  If the input
*	is a complex frequency domain sequence arranged	as above,
*	it is replaced with the corresponding time domain sequence. 
* Notes:
*	1) This function is designed to be a part of a VAD
*	   algorithm that requires 128-point FFT of real
*	   sequences.  This is achieved here through a 64-point
*	   complex FFT.  Consequently, the FFT size information is
*	   not transmitted explicitly.  However, some flexibility
*	   is provided in the function to change the size of the 
*	   FFT by specifying the size information through "define"
*	   statements.
*	2) The values of the complex sinusoids used in the FFT 
*	   algorithm are stored in a ROM table.
*	3) In the c_fft function, the FFT values are divided by
*	   2 after each stage of computation thus dividing the
*	   final FFT values by 64.  This is somewhat different
*          from the usual definition of FFT where the factor 1/N,
*          i.e., 1/64, used for the IFFT and not the FFT.  No factor
*          is used in the r_fft function.

#include "tw_amr.h"
#include "namespace.h"
#include "typedef.h"
#include "cnst.h"
#include "basic_op.h"
#include "oper_32b.h"
#include "no_count.h"
#include "vad2.h"

#define			SIZE			128
#define			SIZE_BY_TWO		64
#define			NUM_STAGE		6
#define			TRUE			1
#define			FALSE			0

static const Word16 phs_tbl[] =

	32767, 0, 32729, -1608, 32610, -3212, 32413, -4808,
	32138, -6393, 31786, -7962, 31357, -9512, 30853, -11039,
	30274, -12540, 29622, -14010, 28899, -15447, 28106, -16846,
	27246, -18205, 26320, -19520, 25330, -20788, 24279, -22006,
	23170, -23170, 22006, -24279, 20788, -25330, 19520, -26320,
	18205, -27246, 16846, -28106, 15447, -28899, 14010, -29622,
	12540, -30274, 11039, -30853, 9512, -31357, 7962, -31786,
	6393, -32138, 4808, -32413, 3212, -32610, 1608, -32729,
	0, -32768, -1608, -32729, -3212, -32610, -4808, -32413,
	-6393, -32138, -7962, -31786, -9512, -31357, -11039, -30853,
	-12540, -30274, -14010, -29622, -15447, -28899, -16846, -28106,
	-18205, -27246, -19520, -26320, -20788, -25330, -22006, -24279,
	-23170, -23170, -24279, -22006, -25330, -20788, -26320, -19520,
	-27246, -18205, -28106, -16846, -28899, -15447, -29622, -14010,
	-30274, -12540, -30853, -11039, -31357, -9512, -31786, -7962,
	-32138, -6393, -32413, -4808, -32610, -3212, -32729, -1608


static const Word16 ii_table[] =
{SIZE / 2, SIZE / 4, SIZE / 8, SIZE / 16, SIZE / 32, SIZE / 64};

/* FFT function for complex sequences */

 * The decimation-in-time complex FFT is implemented below.
 * The input complex numbers are presented as real part followed by
 * imaginary part for each sample.  The counters are therefore
 * incremented by two to access the complex valued samples.

static void c_fft(Word16 * farray_ptr)

	Word16 i, j, k, ii, jj, kk, ji, kj, ii2;
	Word32 ftmp, ftmp_real, ftmp_imag;
	Word16 tmp, tmp1, tmp2;

	/* Rearrange the input array in bit reversed order */
	for (i = 0, j = 0; i < SIZE - 2; i = i + 2)
	{										test();
		if (sub(j, i) > 0)
			ftmp = *(farray_ptr + i);					move16();
			*(farray_ptr + i) = *(farray_ptr + j);				move16();
			*(farray_ptr + j) = ftmp;					move16();

			ftmp = *(farray_ptr + i + 1);					move16();
			*(farray_ptr + i + 1) = *(farray_ptr + j + 1);			move16();
			*(farray_ptr + j + 1) = ftmp;					move16();

		k = SIZE_BY_TWO;							move16();
		while (sub(j, k) >= 0)
			j = sub(j, k);
			k = shr(k, 1);
		j = add(j, k);

	/* The FFT part */
	for (i = 0; i < NUM_STAGE; i++)
	{				/* i is stage counter */
		jj = shl(2, i);		/* FFT size */
		kk = shl(jj, 1);	/* 2 * FFT size */
		ii = ii_table[i];	/* 2 * number of FFT's */			move16();
		ii2 = shl(ii, 1);
		ji = 0;			/* ji is phase table index */			move16();

		for (j = 0; j < jj; j = j + 2)
		{					/* j is sample counter */

			for (k = j; k < SIZE; k = k + kk)
			{				/* k is butterfly top */
				kj = add(k, jj);	/* kj is butterfly bottom */

				/* Butterfly computations */
				ftmp_real = L_mult(*(farray_ptr + kj), phs_tbl[ji]);
				ftmp_real = L_msu(ftmp_real, *(farray_ptr + kj + 1), phs_tbl[ji + 1]);

				ftmp_imag = L_mult(*(farray_ptr + kj + 1), phs_tbl[ji]);
				ftmp_imag = L_mac(ftmp_imag, *(farray_ptr + kj), phs_tbl[ji + 1]);

				tmp1 = round(ftmp_real);
				tmp2 = round(ftmp_imag);

				tmp = sub(*(farray_ptr + k), tmp1);
				*(farray_ptr + kj) = shr(tmp, 1);			move16();

				tmp = sub(*(farray_ptr + k + 1), tmp2);
				*(farray_ptr + kj + 1) = shr(tmp, 1);			move16();

				tmp = add(*(farray_ptr + k), tmp1);
				*(farray_ptr + k) = shr(tmp, 1);			move16();

				tmp = add(*(farray_ptr + k + 1), tmp2);
				*(farray_ptr + k + 1) = shr(tmp, 1);			move16();

			ji =  add(ji, ii2);
}								/* end of c_fft () */

void r_fft(Word16 * farray_ptr)

	Word16 ftmp1_real, ftmp1_imag, ftmp2_real, ftmp2_imag;
	Word32 Lftmp1_real, Lftmp1_imag;
	Word16 i, j;
	Word32 Ltmp1;

	/* Perform the complex FFT */

	/* First, handle the DC and foldover frequencies */
	ftmp1_real = *farray_ptr;							move16();
	ftmp2_real = *(farray_ptr + 1);							move16();
	*farray_ptr = add(ftmp1_real, ftmp2_real);					move16();
	*(farray_ptr + 1) = sub(ftmp1_real, ftmp2_real);				move16();

	/* Now, handle the remaining positive frequencies */
	for (i = 2, j = SIZE - i; i <= SIZE_BY_TWO; i = i + 2, j = SIZE - i)
		ftmp1_real = add(*(farray_ptr + i), *(farray_ptr + j));
		ftmp1_imag = sub(*(farray_ptr + i + 1), *(farray_ptr + j + 1));
		ftmp2_real = add(*(farray_ptr + i + 1), *(farray_ptr + j + 1));
		ftmp2_imag = sub(*(farray_ptr + j), *(farray_ptr + i));

		Lftmp1_real = L_deposit_h(ftmp1_real);
		Lftmp1_imag = L_deposit_h(ftmp1_imag);

		Ltmp1 = L_mac(Lftmp1_real, ftmp2_real, phs_tbl[i]);
		Ltmp1 = L_msu(Ltmp1, ftmp2_imag, phs_tbl[i + 1]);
		*(farray_ptr + i) = round(L_shr(Ltmp1, 1));				move16();

		Ltmp1 = L_mac(Lftmp1_imag, ftmp2_imag, phs_tbl[i]);
		Ltmp1 = L_mac(Ltmp1, ftmp2_real, phs_tbl[i + 1]);
		*(farray_ptr + i + 1) = round(L_shr(Ltmp1, 1));				move16();

		Ltmp1 = L_mac(Lftmp1_real, ftmp2_real, phs_tbl[j]);
		Ltmp1 = L_mac(Ltmp1, ftmp2_imag, phs_tbl[j + 1]);
		*(farray_ptr + j) = round(L_shr(Ltmp1, 1));				move16();

		Ltmp1 = L_negate(Lftmp1_imag);
		Ltmp1 = L_msu(Ltmp1, ftmp2_imag, phs_tbl[j]);
		Ltmp1 = L_mac(Ltmp1, ftmp2_real, phs_tbl[j + 1]);
		*(farray_ptr + j + 1) = round(L_shr(Ltmp1, 1));				move16();

}								/* end r_fft () */