libtwamr: integrate calc_cor.c
Mychaela Falconia <>
Thu, 18 Apr 2024 20:12:48 +0000 (11 months ago)
line source
+ − Dependency graph
+ − ================
+ −
+ − The complete Themyscira GSM codec libraries & utilities package as presented
+ − here consists of two principal parts:
+ −
+ − Division 1: libgsmefr and libgsmfrp, the two C code libraries intended to be
+ − usable by other software;
+ −
+ − Division 2: various command line utilities that were developed under the
+ − umbrella of this project and are being released accordingly.
+ −
+ − Division 2 components have a compile-time dependency on Division 1 (some of
+ − these Division 2 command line utilities link with libgsmefr or libgsmfrp), but
+ − not the other way around: neither libgsmefr nor libgsmfrp has any dependency on
+ − any other part of this package.
+ −
+ − However, the original GSM 06.10 library (libgsm) from 1990s is a required
+ − dependency for several components of the present Themyscira package: libgsmfrp
+ − and several Division 2 command line utilities have a compile-time dependency on
+ − <gsm.h> header file provided by libgsm, and several Division 2 utilities also
+ − have a link dependency on libgsm itself. Therefore, libgsm should be considered
+ − a hard dependency for the present GSM codec libraries & utilities package as a
+ − whole, and it needs to be installed system-wide prior to compiling the present
+ − software.
+ −
+ − Compiling and installing Themyscira libraries and utilities
+ − ===========================================================
+ −
+ − Running 'make' at the top level of the present gsm-codec-lib package will
+ − compile both Division 1 and Division 2 software components (both libraries and
+ − utilities), with the top level Makefile codifying the dependency graph among
+ − them. Installation, however, is a little more complicated in that there is no
+ − single 'make install' target at the top level - instead of a single install
+ − target, the top Makefile provides two separate installation targets:
+ −
+ − make install-lib Install libgsmefr and libgsmfrp system-wide:
+ − gsm_efr.h and gsm_fr_preproc.h are installed in
+ − /usr/local/include; libgsmefr.a and libgsmfrp.a are
+ − installed in /usr/local/lib. Superuser privileges
+ − are usually required to write to these directories.
+ −
+ − make install-utils Install Division 2 command line utilities into
+ − /opt/freecalypso/bin directory, which is non-standard
+ − in the muggle world but has been established in our
+ − Themyscira community as the location for Themyscira-
+ − developed command line utilities working with GSM.
+ −
+ − The just-described separation between install-lib and install-utils targets has
+ − been created because of the difference in install paths: libraries and their
+ − header files that need to be easily findable and usable by other people's
+ − unrelated software need to be installed under /usr/local, requiring su to root
+ − before each install cycle, whereas /opt/freecalypso/bin (writable without root
+ − privileges on the Mother's development machine) is much more convenient for
+ − Division 2 command line utilities.
+ −
+ − However, the present gsm-codec-lib package differs from FreeCalypso host tools
+ − and SIM tools packages in that in the present package, you ARE allowed to freely
+ − change these installation directories to fit your own preferences. FC host
+ − tools and FC SIM tools packages carry very strong admonitions in their INSTALL
+ − documents to the effect that they MUST be installed under /opt/freecalypso and
+ − that this path cannot be changed; this strict imposition is made because of
+ − strong intercomponent dependencies within those software suites, with different
+ − components invoking each other or looking for their support files using hard-
+ − coded absolute pathnames. But the present gsm-codec-lib package is different:
+ − you are free to move our Division 2 command line utilities from
+ − /opt/freecalypso/bin to /usr/local/bin or anywhere else you like, and you are
+ − likewise free to move our Division 1 libraries from /usr/local/{include,lib} to
+ − whatever location would be most appropriate in your environment.
+ −
+ − To change installation directories, you will need to edit subdirectory Makefiles
+ − as follows:
+ −
+ − Division 1:
+ −
+ − libgsmefr/Makefile
+ − libgsmfrp/Makefile
+ −
+ − Division 2:
+ −
+ − amrconv/Makefile
+ − efrtest/Makefile
+ − frtest/Makefile
+ − miscutil/Makefile