/*********************************************************************************** GSM AMR-NB speech codec R98 Version 7.6.0 December 12, 2001* R99 Version 3.3.0 * REL-4 Version 4.1.0 *********************************************************************************** File : p_ol_wgh.h* Purpose : Compute the open loop pitch lag with weighting.**********************************************************************************/#ifndef p_ol_wgh_h#define p_ol_wgh_h "$Id $"/********************************************************************************** INCLUDE FILES*********************************************************************************/#include "tw_amr.h"#include "typedef.h"#include "vad.h"/********************************************************************************** DEFINITION OF DATA TYPES*********************************************************************************//* state variable */typedef struct { Word16 old_T0_med; Word16 ada_w; Word16 wght_flg; } pitchOLWghtState;/********************************************************************************** DECLARATION OF PROTOTYPES*********************************************************************************/void p_ol_wgh_reset (pitchOLWghtState *st);/* reset of pre processing state (i.e. set state memory to zero) returns 0 on success */Word16 Pitch_ol_wgh ( /* o : open loop pitch lag */ pitchOLWghtState *st, /* i/o : State struct */ vadState *vadSt, /* i/o : VAD state struct */ Word16 signal[], /* i : signal used to compute the open loop pitch */ /* signal[-pit_max] to signal[-1] should be known */ Word16 pit_min, /* i : minimum pitch lag */ Word16 pit_max, /* i : maximum pitch lag */ Word16 L_frame, /* i : length of frame to compute pitch */ Word16 old_lags[], /* i : history with old stored Cl lags */ Word16 ol_gain_flg[], /* i : OL gain flag */ Word16 idx, /* i : index */ Flag dtx /* i : dtx flag; use dtx=1, do not use dtx=0 */ );#endif