view libtwamr/vad1.h @ 581:e2d5cad04cbf

libgsmhr1 RxFE: store CN R0+LPC separately from speech In the original GSM 06.06 code the ECU for speech mode is entirely separate from the CN generator, maintaining separate state. (The main intertie between them is the speech vs CN state variable, distinguishing between speech and CN BFIs, in addition to the CN-specific function of distinguishing between initial and update SIDs.) In the present RxFE implementation I initially thought that we could use the same saved_frame buffer for both ECU and CN, overwriting just the first 4 params (R0 and LPC) when a valid SID comes in. However, I now realize it was a bad idea: the original code has a corner case (long sequence of speech-mode BFIs to put the ECU in state 6, then SID and CN-mode BFIs, then a good speech frame) that would be broken by that buffer reuse approach. We could eliminate this corner case by resetting the ECU state when passing through a CN insertion period, but doing so would needlessly increase the behavioral diffs between GSM 06.06 and our version. Solution: use a separate CN-specific buffer for CN R0+LPC parameters, and match the behavior of GSM 06.06 code in this regard.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Thu, 13 Feb 2025 10:02:45 +0000
parents 8847c1740e78
line wrap: on
line source

**                                                                         **
**     GSM AMR-NB speech codec   R98   Version 7.6.0   December 12, 2001       **
**                               R99   Version 3.3.0                       **
**                               REL-4 Version 4.1.0                       **
**                                                                         **
*      File             : vad1.h
*      Purpose          : Voice Activity Detection (VAD) for AMR (option 1)
#ifndef vad1_h
#define vad1_h "$Id $"
*                         INCLUDE FILES
#include "typedef.h"
#include "cnst_vad.h"

*                         LOCAL VARIABLES AND TABLES

*                         DEFINITION OF DATA TYPES

/* state variable */
typedef struct {
   Word16 bckr_est[COMPLEN];    /* background noise estimate                */
   Word16 ave_level[COMPLEN];   /* averaged input components for stationary */
                                /*    estimation                            */
   Word16 old_level[COMPLEN];   /* input levels of the previous frame       */
   Word16 sub_level[COMPLEN];   /* input levels calculated at the end of
                                      a frame (lookahead)                   */
   Word16 a_data5[3][2];        /* memory for the filter bank               */
   Word16 a_data3[5];           /* memory for the filter bank               */

   Word16 burst_count;          /* counts length of a speech burst          */
   Word16 hang_count;           /* hangover counter                         */
   Word16 stat_count;           /* stationary counter                       */

   /* Note that each of the following three variables (vadreg, pitch and tone)
      holds 15 flags. Each flag reserves 1 bit of the variable. The newest
      flag is in the bit 15 (assuming that LSB is bit 1 and MSB is bit 16). */
   Word16 vadreg;               /* flags for intermediate VAD decisions     */
   Word16 pitch;                /* flags for pitch detection                */
   Word16 tone;                 /* flags for tone detection                 */
   Word16 complex_high;         /* flags for complex detection              */
   Word16 complex_low;          /* flags for complex detection              */

   Word16 oldlag_count, oldlag; /* variables for pitch detection            */
   Word16 complex_hang_count;   /* complex hangover counter, used by VAD    */
   Word16 complex_hang_timer;   /* hangover initiator, used by CAD          */
   Word16 best_corr_hp;         /* FIP filtered value Q15                   */ 

   Word16 speech_vad_decision;  /* final decision                           */
   Word16 complex_warning;      /* complex background warning               */

   Word16 sp_burst_count;       /* counts length of a speech burst incl
                                   HO addition                              */
   Word16 corr_hp_fast;         /* filtered value                           */ 
} vadState1;

*                         DECLARATION OF PROTOTYPES
void vad1_reset (vadState1 *st);
/* reset of pre processing state (i.e. set state memory to zero)
   returns 0 on success

void vad_complex_detection_update (vadState1 *st,      /* i/o : State struct     */
                                   Word16 best_corr_hp /* i   : best Corr Q15    */

void vad_tone_detection (vadState1 *st, /* i/o : State struct            */
                         Word32 t0,     /* i   : autocorrelation maxima  */
                         Word32 t1      /* i   : energy                  */

void vad_tone_detection_update (
                vadState1 *st,             /* i/o : State struct              */
                Word16 one_lag_per_frame   /* i   : 1 if one open-loop lag is
                                              calculated per each frame,
                                              otherwise 0                     */

void vad_pitch_detection (vadState1 *st,  /* i/o : State struct                  */
                          Word16 lags[]   /* i   : speech encoder open loop lags */

Word16 vad1 (vadState1 *st,  /* i/o : State struct                      */
            Word16 in_buf[]  /* i   : samples of the input frame 
                                inbuf[159] is the very last sample,
                                incl lookahead                          */