view libtwamr/vad2.h @ 581:e2d5cad04cbf

libgsmhr1 RxFE: store CN R0+LPC separately from speech In the original GSM 06.06 code the ECU for speech mode is entirely separate from the CN generator, maintaining separate state. (The main intertie between them is the speech vs CN state variable, distinguishing between speech and CN BFIs, in addition to the CN-specific function of distinguishing between initial and update SIDs.) In the present RxFE implementation I initially thought that we could use the same saved_frame buffer for both ECU and CN, overwriting just the first 4 params (R0 and LPC) when a valid SID comes in. However, I now realize it was a bad idea: the original code has a corner case (long sequence of speech-mode BFIs to put the ECU in state 6, then SID and CN-mode BFIs, then a good speech frame) that would be broken by that buffer reuse approach. We could eliminate this corner case by resetting the ECU state when passing through a CN insertion period, but doing so would needlessly increase the behavioral diffs between GSM 06.06 and our version. Solution: use a separate CN-specific buffer for CN R0+LPC parameters, and match the behavior of GSM 06.06 code in this regard.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Thu, 13 Feb 2025 10:02:45 +0000
parents 0152c069d01f
line wrap: on
line source

*      GSM AMR-NB speech codec   R98   Version 7.6.0   December 12, 2001
*                                R99   Version 3.3.0                
*                                REL-4 Version 4.1.0                
*      File             : vad2.h
*      Purpose          : Voice Activity Detection (VAD) for AMR (option 2)

#ifndef vad2_h
#define vad2_h "$Id $"

#include "typedef.h"

/***** Defines ****/

#define		YES		1
#define		NO		0
#define		ON		1
#define		OFF		0
#define		TRUE		1
#define		FALSE		0

#define         FRM_LEN                 80
#define         DELAY                   24
#define         FFT_LEN                 128

#define         NUM_CHAN                16
#define         LO_CHAN                 0
#define         HI_CHAN                 15

#define         UPDATE_THLD             35
#define         HYSTER_CNT_THLD         6
#define         UPDATE_CNT_THLD         50

#define		SHIFT_STATE_0		0		/* channel energy scaled as 22,9 */
#define		SHIFT_STATE_1		1		/* channel energy scaled as 27,4 */

#define		NOISE_FLOOR_CHAN_0	512		/* 1.0    scaled as 22,9 */
#define		MIN_CHAN_ENRG_0		32		/* 0.0625 scaled as 22,9 */
#define		MIN_NOISE_ENRG_0	32		/* 0.0625 scaled as 22,9 */
#define		INE_NOISE_0		8192		/* 16.0   scaled as 22,9 */
#define		FRACTIONAL_BITS_0	9		/* used as input to fn10Log10() */

#define		NOISE_FLOOR_CHAN_1	16		/* 1.0    scaled as 27,4 */
#define		MIN_CHAN_ENRG_1		1		/* 0.0625 scaled as 27,4 */
#define		MIN_NOISE_ENRG_1	1		/* 0.0625 scaled as 27,4 */
#define		INE_NOISE_1		256		/* 16.0   scaled as 27,4 */
#define		FRACTIONAL_BITS_1	4		/* used as input to fn10Log10() */

#define		STATE_1_TO_0_SHIFT_R	(FRACTIONAL_BITS_1-FRACTIONAL_BITS_0)	/* state correction factor */
#define		STATE_0_TO_1_SHIFT_R	(FRACTIONAL_BITS_0-FRACTIONAL_BITS_1)	/* state correction factor */

#define         HIGH_ALPHA              29491		/* 0.9 scaled as 0,15 */
#define         LOW_ALPHA               22938		/* 0.7 scaled as 0,15 */
#define         ALPHA_RANGE             (HIGH_ALPHA - LOW_ALPHA)
#define         DEV_THLD                7168		/* 28.0 scaled as 7,8 */

#define         PRE_EMP_FAC             (-26214)	/* -0.8 scaled as 0,15 */

#define         CEE_SM_FAC              18022		/* 0.55 scaled as 0,15 */
#define         ONE_MINUS_CEE_SM_FAC    14746		/* 0.45 scaled as 0,15 */

#define         CNE_SM_FAC              3277		/* 0.1 scaled as 0,15 */
#define         ONE_MINUS_CNE_SM_FAC    29491		/* 0.9 scaled as 0,15 */

#define         FFT_HEADROOM            2

typedef struct
	Word16 pre_emp_mem;
	Word16 update_cnt;
	Word16 hyster_cnt;
	Word16 last_update_cnt;
	Word16 ch_enrg_long_db[NUM_CHAN];	/* scaled as 7,8  */

	Word32 Lframe_cnt;
	Word32 Lch_enrg[NUM_CHAN];	/* scaled as 22,9 or 27,4 */
	Word32 Lch_noise[NUM_CHAN];	/* scaled as 22,9 */

	Word16 last_normb_shift;	/* last block norm shift count */

	Word16 tsnr;			/* total signal-to-noise ratio in dB (scaled as 7,8) */
	Word16 hangover;
	Word16 burstcount;
	Word16 fupdate_flag;		/* forced update flag from previous frame */
	Word16 negSNRvar;		/* Negative SNR variance (scaled as 7,8) */
	Word16 negSNRbias;		/* sensitivity bias from negative SNR variance (scaled as 15,0) */

	Word16 shift_state;		/* use 22,9 or 27,4 scaling for ch_enrg[] */

	Word32 L_R0;
	Word32 L_Rmax;
	Flag   LTP_flag;		/* Use to indicate the the LTP gain is > LTP_THRESH */

} vadState2;

/**** Prototypes ****/

Word16	vad2 (Word16 *farray_ptr, vadState2 *st);
void	vad2_reset (vadState2 *st);

void	r_fft (Word16 *farray_ptr);
void	LTP_flag_update (vadState2 *st, Word16 mode);
