view libgsmefr/az_lsp.c @ 585:3c6bf0d26ee7 default tip

TW-TS-005 reader: fix maximum line length bug TW-TS-005 section 4.1 states: The maximum allowed length of each line is 80 characters, not including the OS-specific newline encoding. The implementation of this line length limit in the TW-TS-005 hex file reader function in the present suite was wrong, such that lines of the full maximum length could not be read. Fix it. Note that this bug affects comment lines too, not just actual RTP payloads. Neither Annex A nor Annex B features an RTP payload format that goes to the maximum of 40 bytes, but if a comment line goes to the maximum allowed length of 80 characters not including the terminating newline, the bug will be triggered, necessitating the present fix.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Tue, 25 Feb 2025 07:49:28 +0000
parents a4d1615e2aa4
line wrap: on
line source

 *  FUNCTION:  Az_lsp
 *  PURPOSE:   Compute the LSPs from  the LP coefficients  (order=10)
 *    - The sum and difference filters are computed and divided by
 *      1+z^{-1}   and   1-z^{-1}, respectively.
 *         f1[i] = a[i] + a[11-i] - f1[i-1] ;   i=1,...,5
 *         f2[i] = a[i] - a[11-i] + f2[i-1] ;   i=1,...,5
 *    - The roots of F1(z) and F2(z) are found using Chebyshev polynomial
 *      evaluation. The polynomials are evaluated at 60 points regularly
 *      spaced in the frequency domain. The sign change interval is
 *      subdivided 4 times to better track the root.
 *      The LSPs are found in the cosine domain [1,-1].
 *    - If less than 10 roots are found, the LSPs from the past frame are
 *      used.

#include "gsm_efr.h"
#include "typedef.h"
#include "namespace.h"
#include "basic_op.h"
#include "oper_32b.h"
#include "no_count.h"
#include "cnst.h"
#include "sig_proc.h"

#include ""

/* M = LPC order, NC = M/2 */

#define NC   M/2

/* local function */

static Word16 Chebps (Word16 x, Word16 f[], Word16 n);

void Az_lsp (
    Word16 a[],         /* (i)     : predictor coefficients                 */
    Word16 lsp[],       /* (o)     : line spectral pairs                    */
    Word16 old_lsp[]    /* (i)     : old lsp[] (in case not found 10 roots) */
    Word16 i, j, nf, ip;
    Word16 xlow, ylow, xhigh, yhigh, xmid, ymid, xint;
    Word16 x, y, sign, exp;
    Word16 *coef;
    Word16 f1[M / 2 + 1], f2[M / 2 + 1];
    Word32 t0;

     *  find the sum and diff. pol. F1(z) and F2(z)                *
     *    F1(z) <--- F1(z)/(1+z**-1) & F2(z) <--- F2(z)/(1-z**-1)  *
     *                                                             *
     * f1[0] = 1.0;                                                *
     * f2[0] = 1.0;                                                *
     *                                                             *
     * for (i = 0; i< NC; i++)                                     *
     * {                                                           *
     *   f1[i+1] = a[i+1] + a[M-i] - f1[i] ;                       *
     *   f2[i+1] = a[i+1] - a[M-i] + f2[i] ;                       *
     * }                                                           *

    f1[0] = 1024;                  move16 (); /* f1[0] = 1.0 */
    f2[0] = 1024;                  move16 (); /* f2[0] = 1.0 */

    for (i = 0; i < NC; i++)
        t0 = L_mult (a[i + 1], 8192);   /* x = (a[i+1] + a[M-i]) >> 2  */
        t0 = L_mac (t0, a[M - i], 8192);
        x = extract_h (t0);
        /* f1[i+1] = a[i+1] + a[M-i] - f1[i] */
        f1[i + 1] = sub (x, f1[i]);move16 (); 

        t0 = L_mult (a[i + 1], 8192);   /* x = (a[i+1] - a[M-i]) >> 2 */
        t0 = L_msu (t0, a[M - i], 8192);
        x = extract_h (t0);
        /* f2[i+1] = a[i+1] - a[M-i] + f2[i] */
        f2[i + 1] = add (x, f2[i]);move16 (); 

     * find the LSPs using the Chebychev pol. evaluation           *

    nf = 0;                        move16 (); /* number of found frequencies */
    ip = 0;                        move16 (); /* indicator for f1 or f2      */

    coef = f1;                     move16 (); 

    xlow = grid[0];                move16 (); 
    ylow = Chebps (xlow, coef, NC);move16 (); 

    j = 0;
    test (); test (); 
    while ( (nf < M) && (j < grid_points) )
    /* while ((sub (nf, M) < 0) && (sub (j, grid_points) < 0)) */
        xhigh = xlow;              move16 (); 
        yhigh = ylow;              move16 (); 
        xlow = grid[j];            move16 (); 
        ylow = Chebps (xlow, coef, NC);
                                   move16 (); 

        test (); 
        if (L_mult (ylow, yhigh) <= (Word32) 0L)

            /* divide 4 times the interval */

            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                /* xmid = (xlow + xhigh)/2 */
                xmid = add (shr (xlow, 1), shr (xhigh, 1));
                ymid = Chebps (xmid, coef, NC);
                                   move16 (); 

                test (); 
                if (L_mult (ylow, ymid) <= (Word32) 0L)
                    yhigh = ymid;  move16 (); 
                    xhigh = xmid;  move16 (); 
                    ylow = ymid;   move16 (); 
                    xlow = xmid;   move16 (); 

             * Linear interpolation                                        *
             *    xint = xlow - ylow*(xhigh-xlow)/(yhigh-ylow);            *

            x = sub (xhigh, xlow);
            y = sub (yhigh, ylow);

            test (); 
            if (y == 0)
                xint = xlow;       move16 (); 
                sign = y;          move16 (); 
                y = abs_s (y);
                exp = norm_s (y);
                y = shl (y, exp);
                y = div_s ((Word16) 16383, y);
                t0 = L_mult (x, y);
                t0 = L_shr (t0, sub (20, exp));
                y = extract_l (t0);     /* y= (xhigh-xlow)/(yhigh-ylow) */

                test (); 
                if (sign < 0)
                    y = negate (y);

                t0 = L_mult (ylow, y);
                t0 = L_shr (t0, 11);
                xint = sub (xlow, extract_l (t0)); /* xint = xlow - ylow*y */

            lsp[nf] = xint;        move16 (); 
            xlow = xint;           move16 (); 

            test (); 
            if (ip == 0)
                ip = 1;            move16 (); 
                coef = f2;         move16 (); 
                ip = 0;            move16 (); 
                coef = f1;         move16 (); 
            ylow = Chebps (xlow, coef, NC);
                                   move16 (); 

        test (); test (); 

    /* Check if M roots found */

    test (); 
    if (nf < M)
        for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
            lsp[i] = old_lsp[i];   move16 (); 


 *  FUNCTION:  Chebps
 *  PURPOSE:   Evaluates the Chebyshev polynomial series
 *  - The polynomial order is   n = m/2 = 5
 *  - The polynomial F(z) (F1(z) or F2(z)) is given by
 *     F(w) = 2 exp(-j5w) C(x)
 *    where
 *      C(x) = T_n(x) + f(1)T_n-1(x) + ... +f(n-1)T_1(x) + f(n)/2
 *    and T_m(x) = cos(mw) is the mth order Chebyshev polynomial ( x=cos(w) )
 *  - The function returns the value of C(x) for the input x.

static Word16 Chebps (Word16 x, Word16 f[], Word16 n)
    Word16 i, cheb;
    Word16 b0_h, b0_l, b1_h, b1_l, b2_h, b2_l;
    Word32 t0;

    b2_h = 256;                    move16 (); /* b2 = 1.0 */
    b2_l = 0;                      move16 (); 

    t0 = L_mult (x, 512);          /* 2*x                 */
    t0 = L_mac (t0, f[1], 8192);   /* + f[1]              */
    L_Extract (t0, &b1_h, &b1_l);  /* b1 = 2*x + f[1]     */

    for (i = 2; i < n; i++)
        t0 = Mpy_32_16 (b1_h, b1_l, x);         /* t0 = 2.0*x*b1        */
        t0 = L_shl (t0, 1);
        t0 = L_mac (t0, b2_h, (Word16) 0x8000); /* t0 = 2.0*x*b1 - b2   */
        t0 = L_msu (t0, b2_l, 1);
        t0 = L_mac (t0, f[i], 8192);            /* t0 = 2.0*x*b1 - b2 + f[i] */

        L_Extract (t0, &b0_h, &b0_l);           /* b0 = 2.0*x*b1 - b2 + f[i]*/

        b2_l = b1_l;               move16 ();   /* b2 = b1; */
        b2_h = b1_h;               move16 (); 
        b1_l = b0_l;               move16 ();   /* b1 = b0; */
        b1_h = b0_h;               move16 (); 

    t0 = Mpy_32_16 (b1_h, b1_l, x);             /* t0 = x*b1; */
    t0 = L_mac (t0, b2_h, (Word16) 0x8000);     /* t0 = x*b1 - b2   */
    t0 = L_msu (t0, b2_l, 1);
    t0 = L_mac (t0, f[i], 4096);                /* t0 = x*b1 - b2 + f[i]/2 */

    t0 = L_shl (t0, 6);

    cheb = extract_h (t0);

    return (cheb);