diff g23m/condat/ms/src/aci/psa_sim.h @ 0:509db1a7b7b8

initial import: leo2moko-r1
author Space Falcon <falcon@ivan.Harhan.ORG>
date Mon, 01 Jun 2015 03:24:05 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/g23m/condat/ms/src/aci/psa_sim.h	Mon Jun 01 03:24:05 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+|  Project :  GSM-PS (6147)
+|  Modul   :  PSA
+|  Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG
+|                 All rights reserved.
+|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas
+|                 Instruments Berlin, AG
+|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey
+|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to
+|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in
+|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of
+|                 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG.
+|  Purpose :  Definitions for the protocol stack adapter
+|             Subscriber Identity Module ( SIM )
+#ifndef PSA_SIM_H
+#define PSA_SIM_H
+/*==== CONSTANTS ==================================================*/
+#define PIN_LEN       (8)         /* PIN length in bytes */
+#define MIN_PIN_LEN   (4)         /* Marcus: Issue 1589: 28/01/2003: Minimum PIN length in bytes */
+#define PUK_LEN       (8)         /* PUK length in bytes */
+#define ICC_LEN       (10)        /* chip card identifier length in bytes */
+#define SRV_TAB_LEN   MAX_SRV_TBL /* service table length in bytes */
+#define CBM_ID_LEN    (10)        /* CBM id length in bytes */
+#define DPER_KEY_LEN  (16)        /* de-pers. key length in bytes */
+#define ACC_MAX       (8)         /* maximum number of simultanious
+                                     SIM access */
+#define SRV_ALLOC_ACTIV (0x03)    /* SIM service allocated and activated */
+#define NO_ENTRY      (-1)        /* not a valid entry */
+/* Masking for SIM service table: */
+#define NO_ALLOCATED              0
+/* CPHS_CSP PLMN mode bit*/
+#define UBYTES_PER_PLMN           3
+typedef enum
+  SRV_CHV1_Disable = 1,  /* #1  CHV1 disable function                                     */
+  SRV_ADN,               /* #2  Abbreviated Dialling Numbers (ADN)                        */
+  SRV_FDN,               /* #3  Fixed Dialling Numbers (FDN)                              */
+  SRV_SMS_Storage,       /* #4  Short Message Storage (SMS)                               */
+  SRV_AOC,               /* #5  Advice of Charge (AoC)                                    */
+  SRV_CCP,               /* #6  Capability Configuration Parameters (CCP)                 */
+  SRV_PLMN_Select,       /* #7  PLMN selector                                             */
+  SRV_RFU1,              /* #8  RFU                                                       */
+  SRV_MSISDN,            /* #9  MSISDN                                                    */
+  SRV_EXT1,              /* #10 Extension1                                                */
+  SRV_EXT2,              /* #11 Extension2                                                */
+  SRV_SMS_Parms,         /* #12 SMS Parameters                                            */
+  SRV_LDN,               /* #13 Last Number Dialled (LND)                                 */
+  SRV_CBM_Ident,         /* #14 Cell Broadcast Message Identifier                         */
+  SRV_GrpLvl1,           /* #15 Group Identifier Level 1                                  */
+  SRV_GrpLvl2,           /* #16 Group Identifier Level 2                                  */
+  SRV_SrvProvName,       /* #17 Service Provider Name                                     */
+  SRV_SDN,               /* #18 Service Dialling Numbers (SDN)                            */
+  SRV_EXT3,              /* #19 Extension3                                                */
+  SRV_RFU2,              /* #20 RFU                                                       */
+  SRV_VCGS,              /* #21 VGCS Group Identifier List (EFVGCS and EFVGCSS)           */
+  SRV_VBS,               /* #22 VBS Group Identifier List (EFVBS and EFVBSS)              */
+  SRV_EMLPP,             /* #23 enhanced Multi Level Precedence and Pre emption Service   */
+  SRV_AutoEMLPP,         /* #24 Automatic Answer for eMLPP                                */
+  SRV_DtaDownlCB,        /* #25 Data download via SMS CB                                  */
+  SRV_DtaDownlPP,        /* #26 Data download via SMS PP                                  */
+  SRV_MnuSel,            /* #27 Menu selection                                            */
+  SRV_CalCntrl,          /* #28 Call control                                              */
+  SRV_ProActSIM,         /* #29 Proactive SIM                                             */
+  SRV_CBMIdRnge,         /* #30 Cell Broadcast Message Identifier Ranges                  */
+  SRV_BDN,               /* #31 Barred Dialling Numbers (BDN)                             */
+  SRV_EXT4,              /* #32 Extension4                                                */
+  SRV_DePersCK,          /* #33 De personalization Control Keys                           */
+  SRV_CoOpNwL,           /* #34 Co operative Network List                                 */
+  SRV_SMS_StatRep,       /* #35 Short Message Status Reports                              */
+  SRV_NwIndAlMS,         /* #36 Network's indication of alerting in the MS                */
+  SRV_MOSMCtrlSIM,       /* #37 Mobile Originated Short Message control by SIM            */
+  SRV_GPRS,              /* #38 GPRS                                                      */
+  SRV_RFU3,              /* #39 Image (IMG)                                               */
+  SRV_RFU4,              /* #40 SoLSA (Support of Local Service Area)                     */
+  SRV_USSDsupportInCC,   /* #41 USSD string data object supported in Call Control         */
+  SRV_No_42,             /* #42 RUN AT COMMAND command                                    */
+  SRV_No_43,             /* #43 User controlled PLMN Selector with Access Technology      */
+  SRV_No_44,             /* #44 Operator controlled PLMN Selector with Access Technology  */
+  SRV_No_45,             /* #45 HPLMN Selector with Access Technology                     */
+  SRV_No_46,             /* #46 CPBCCH Information                                        */
+  SRV_No_47,             /* #47 Investigation Scan                                        */
+  SRV_No_48,             /* #48 Extended Capability Configuration Parameters              */
+  SRV_No_49,             /* #49 MExE                                                      */
+  SRV_No_50,             /* #50 RPLMN last used Access Technology                         */
+  SRV_PNN,               /* #51 PLMN Network Name                                         */
+  SRV_OPL,               /* #52 Operator PLMN List                                        */
+  SRV_No_53,             /* #53 Mailbox Dialling Numbers                                  */ 
+  SRV_No_54,             /* #54 Message Waiting Indication Status                         */
+  SRV_No_55,             /* #55 Call Forwarding Indication Status                         */
+  SRV_No_56,             /* #56 Service Provider Display Information                      */
+  SRV_No_57,             /* #57 Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)                        */
+  SRV_No_58,             /* #58 Extension 8                                               */
+  SRV_No_59              /* #59 MMS User Connectivity Parameters                          */
+typedef enum                      /* SIM status */
+  NO_VLD_SS = 0,                  /* not a valid SIM status */
+  SS_OK,                          /* SIM is OK */
+  SS_INV,                         /* SIM is invalid */
+  SS_BLKD,                        /* SIM is blocked */
+  SS_URCHB                        /* SIM is unreachable */
+typedef enum                      /* PIN status */
+  NO_VLD_PS = 0,                  /* not a valid PIN status */
+  PS_RDY,                         /* ready, no PIN is requested */
+  PS_PIN1,                        /* PIN 1 is requested */
+  PS_PIN2,                        /* PIN 2 is requested */
+  PS_PUK1,                        /* PUK 1 is requested */
+  PS_PUK2                         /* PUK 2 is requested */
+typedef enum                      /* PIN1 enable/disable status */
+  NO_VLD_PEDS = 0,                /* not a valid PED status */
+  PEDS_ENA,                       /* PIN 1 enabled */
+  PEDS_DIS                        /* PIN 1 disabled */
+typedef enum                      /* SIM access type */
+  NO_VLD_ACT = 0,                 /* not a valid access type */
+  ACT_RD_DAT,                     /* read a datafield */
+  ACT_WR_DAT,                     /* write a datafield */
+  ACT_RD_REC,                     /* read a record */
+  ACT_WR_REC,                     /* write a record */
+  ACT_INC_DAT                     /* increment a datafield */
+/*==== TYPES ======================================================*/
+typedef struct SIMSetPrm
+  UBYTE     actProc;                /* activation procedure */
+  UBYTE     STKprof[MAX_STK_PRF];   /* SIM toolkit profile */
+  UBYTE     PINType;                /* type of PIN */
+  CHAR      curPIN[PIN_LEN];        /* current PIN */
+  CHAR      newPIN[PIN_LEN];        /* new PIN */
+  CHAR      unblkKey[PUK_LEN];      /* unblocking key */
+** This flag is the customisation flag, introuduced for the Cust1 MMI. It is defaulted to 0, and is
+** changed by the AT%CUST=n command. If the %CUST command is not received, the ACI and
+** other afffected entities will continue to behave as normal
+  UBYTE     cust_mode;
+** This flag is the STK Call or Short Message Control flag, introuduced for the Cust1 MMI.
+** It is defaulted to 1, and is changed by the AT%SATCC=n command. If the %SATCC command is not received,
+** the ACI entity will continue to behave as normal. If CC or SM Control By SIM is disabled it will be re-enabled
+** automatically, on receipt of a Terminal Response from the MMI.
+  UBYTE     sat_cc_mode;
+#ifdef FF_DUAL_SIM
+  UBYTE     SIM_Selected; /* stores the currently selected SIM number*/
+#endif /*FF_DUAL_SIM*/
+typedef struct SIMAccPrm
+  UBYTE     ntryUsdFlg;             /* flags entry usage */
+  UBYTE     accType;                /* type of access */
+  USHORT    reqDataFld;             /* requested datafield identifier */
+  USHORT    dataOff;                /* datafield offset */
+  UBYTE     recNr;                  /* record number */
+  BOOL      check_dataLen;          /* has size of data to be checked against size of exch buffer ? */
+  UBYTE     dataLen;                /* data length */
+  UBYTE   * exchData;               /* points to exchange data buffer */
+  UBYTE     recMax;                 /* maximum records */
+  USHORT    errCode;                /* error code */
+  void    (*rplyCB)(SHORT aId);     /* points to reply call-back */
+typedef struct SIMTrnsAccPrm
+  UBYTE     cmd;                    /* access command */
+  USHORT    reqDataFld;             /* requested datafield identifier */
+  UBYTE     p1;                     /* parameter 1 */
+  UBYTE     p2;                     /* parameter 2 */
+  UBYTE     p3;                     /* parameter 3 */
+  USHORT    dataLen;                /* data length in bytes */
+  UBYTE   * transData;              /* points to data buffer */
+typedef struct
+  UBYTE   sw1;                      /* SIM result code 1 */
+  UBYTE   sw2;                      /* SIM result code 2 */
+  USHORT  rspLen;                   /* length of response data */
+  UBYTE * rsp;                      /* ponter to response data */
+#ifdef FF_SAT_E 
+typedef struct
+  UBYTE dtiConn;                   /* dti connection qualifier */
+  UBYTE dtiUnit;                   /* dti connection unit */
+  UBYTE chnId;                     /* move to sat_bip_chn channel id */
+  UBYTE bipConn;                   /* bip connection qualifier */
+  UBYTE genRes;                    /* general result */
+  UBYTE addRes;                    /* additional result */
+#endif /* FF_SAT_E */ 
+#ifdef FF_SAT_E
+typedef struct
+  T_SIM_SAT_CHN sat_chn_prm;
+  void (*dti_cb)(UBYTE dtiConn, UBYTE chnId);      /* holds callback for DTI estb */  
+  void (*bip_cb)(UBYTE bipConn, UBYTE chnId);/* holds callback for BIP estb */
+#endif /* F_SAT_E */
+typedef struct
+  UBYTE plmn[UBYTES_PER_PLMN]; /* Packed PLMN as stored on the SIM */
+  UBYTE pnn_rec_num;
+  USHORT lac1;
+  USHORT lac2;
+} T_opl;
+typedef struct
+  UBYTE num_rcd; /* Number of records in EFopl */
+  UBYTE opl_status; /* Status of OPL records retrieval */
+  T_opl opl_rcd[OPL_MAX_RECORDS];
+} T_opl_field;//EONS
+ * Compare this with the similiar struct T_pnn_name in psa_mm.h
+ */
+typedef struct
+  UBYTE v_plmn;                         /* valid flag */
+  UBYTE long_len;                       /* length of operator long name */
+  UBYTE long_ext_dcs;                   /* octet 3 of IEI */
+  UBYTE long_name [MAX_LONG_OPER_LEN-1];/* long name for operator, no '\0' */
+  UBYTE shrt_len;                       /* length of operator short name */
+  UBYTE shrt_ext_dcs;                   /* octet 3 of IEI */
+  UBYTE shrt_name [MAX_SHRT_OPER_LEN-1];/* short name for operator, no '\0' */
+} T_pnn;
+typedef struct
+  UBYTE num_rcd;
+  UBYTE pnn_status;
+  T_pnn pnn_rcd[PNN_MAX_RECORDS];
+} T_pnn_field;
+typedef struct
+  UBYTE len;                       /* length of atr */
+  UBYTE data[MAX_SIM_ATR];         /* atr data      */
+typedef struct SIMShrdParm
+  UBYTE     owner;                  /* identifies the used set */
+  SHORT     aId;                    /* access identifier */
+  T_SIM_SET_PRM setPrm[OWN_MAX];    /* possible sets */
+  T_SIM_ACC_PRM atb[ACC_MAX];       /* table of access parameter */
+#ifdef FF_DUAL_SIM
+  UBYTE     SIM_Powered_on;         /* stores the currently powered SIM number*/
+  UBYTE     SIM_Selection;           /* flag to indicate if SIM selection is taking place*/
+#endif /*FF_DUAL_SIM*/
+  UBYTE     PINStat;                /* status of PIN requirement */
+  UBYTE     pn1Cnt;                 /* PIN 1 counter  */
+  UBYTE     pn2Cnt;                 /* PIN 2 counter  */
+  UBYTE     pk1Cnt;                 /* PUK 1 counter  */
+  UBYTE     pk2Cnt;                 /* PUK 2 counter  */
+  UBYTE     pn1Stat;                /* PIN 1 status */
+  UBYTE     pn2Stat;                /* PIN 2 status */
+  UBYTE     PINQuery;               /* CPIN? when CFUN=0 */
+  UBYTE     crdPhs;                 /* phase of card */
+  UBYTE     SIMStat;                /* status of SIM card */
+  UBYTE     PEDStat;                /* PIN1 enable/disable status */
+  UBYTE     crdFun;                 /* SIM card functionality */
+  UBYTE     srvTab[SRV_TAB_LEN];    /* SIM service table */
+  T_imsi_field imsi;                /* IMSI */
+  UBYTE     PLMN_Mode_Bit;          /* PLMN mode bit in EF_CSP */
+  UBYTE     mnc_len;                /* length of MNC in IMSI (2 or 3 digits)*/
+  USHORT    rslt;                   /* result of SIM operation */
+  UBYTE     synCs;                  /* SIM synchronisation cause */
+  BOOL      ciSIMEnabled;           /* current ciphering indicator state */
+  int       fuRef;                  /* Reference for File Update */
+  BOOL      imei_blocked;
+#ifdef FF_SAT_E  
+  T_SIM_DTI_CH_PRM *sim_dti_chPrm;  /* points to sim dti channel parameters */
+#endif /* FF_SAT_E */  
+  T_opl_field opl_list;  /* Operator PLMN list (for EONS) */
+  T_pnn_field pnn_list;  /* Operator PNN  list (for EONS) */
+  UBYTE     sat_class_e_dti_id;     /* DTI ID for SAT class E */
+  T_SIM_ATR atr;                    /* Answer to Reset */
+  UBYTE     overall_cust_mode;  /* Overall Cust Mode, this is set when the SIM is initially activated,
+                                                       it is incumbent on the system that once set, every ACI channel
+                                                       will use the same customisation mode */
+  T_ACI_SIMEF_MODE SIMEFMode[CMD_SRC_MAX];  /* SIMEF mode for each command source */
+  T_ACI_CLASS classFDN;             /* FDN classtype during SIM_ACTIVATE_REQ / SIM_ACTIVATE_CNF */
+  T_ACI_PB_STAT pb_stat;            /* SIM phonebook status */
+typedef enum
+  ACI_INIT_TYPE_ALL         = 0,   /* init all parameters */
+  ACI_INIT_TYPE_SOFT_OFF           /* init only parameters for soft power off */
+/*==== PROTOTYPES =================================================*/
+EXTERN BOOL psaSIM_hasCustModeBeenSet(void);
+EXTERN SHORT psaSIM_VerifyPIN       ( void );
+EXTERN SHORT psaSIM_ChangePIN       ( void );
+EXTERN SHORT psaSIM_DisablePIN      ( void );
+EXTERN SHORT psaSIM_EnablePIN       ( void );
+EXTERN SHORT psaSIM_UnblockCard     ( void );
+EXTERN void  psaSIM_SyncSIM         ( void );
+EXTERN SHORT psaSIM_AccessSIMData   ( void );
+#ifdef FF_DUAL_SIM
+EXTERN SHORT psaSIM_SelectSIM       ( void );
+#endif /*FF_DUAL_SIM*/
+EXTERN SHORT psaSIM_ActivateSIM     ( void );
+EXTERN void  psaSIM_Init            ( T_ACI_INIT_TYPE init_type );
+EXTERN void  psaSIM_InitAtbNtry     ( SHORT idx );
+EXTERN void  psaSIM_CloseAtb        ( USHORT error );
+EXTERN SHORT psaSIM_atbNewEntry     ( void );
+EXTERN SHORT psaSIM_atbFindDatFld   ( USHORT datFld2Find,
+                                      UBYTE  accType2Find,
+                                      UBYTE  recNr2Find  );
+EXTERN CHAR* psaSIM_cnvrtIMSI2ASCII ( CHAR * imsiBuf );
+EXTERN void psaSIM_decodeIMSI (UBYTE* imsi_field, UBYTE imsi_c_field, CHAR* imsi_asciiz);
+EXTERN void psaSIM_encodeIMSI (CHAR* imsi_asciiz, UBYTE* imsi_c_field, UBYTE* imsi_field);
+#ifdef SIM_PERS_OTA
+EXTERN void aci_slock_ota_init();
+#ifdef TRACING
+EXTERN  void psaSIM_shrPrmDump      ( void );
+#endif /* TRACING */
+EXTERN BOOL  psaSIM_ChkSIMSrvSup    ( UBYTE srvNr );
+EXTERN SHORT psaSIM_TrnsSIMAccess   ( T_SIM_TRNS_ACC_PRM * prm );
+#ifdef FF_SAT_E
+EXTERN void  psaSIM_SATBIPChn       ( T_SIM_SAT_CHN chnInf,
+                                      void (*cb)(UBYTE bipConn, UBYTE chnId));
+EXTERN void  psaSIM_SATChn          ( T_SIM_SAT_CHN chnInf,
+                                      void (*cb)(UBYTE dtiConn, UBYTE chnId));
+EXTERN void  psaSIM_EvDatAvail      ( BOOL evStat );
+EXTERN void  psaSIM_Bip_Req         ( void );
+EXTERN void  psaSIM_Bip_Config_Req  ( );
+EXTERN void  psaSIM_Dti_Req         ( ULONG link_id );
+#endif /* #ifdef FF_SAT_E */
+/*==== EXPORT =====================================================*/
+#ifdef PSA_SIMF_C
+#endif /* PSA_SIMF_C */
+#endif /* PSA_SIM_H */
+/*==== EOF =======================================================*/