diff g23m/condat/ms/src/aci/sap_dti.c @ 0:509db1a7b7b8

initial import: leo2moko-r1
author Space Falcon <falcon@ivan.Harhan.ORG>
date Mon, 01 Jun 2015 03:24:05 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/g23m/condat/ms/src/aci/sap_dti.c	Mon Jun 01 03:24:05 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,744 @@
+|  Project :  GSM-PS
+|  Modul   :  
+|  Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG 
+|                 All rights reserved. 
+|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas 
+|                 Instruments Berlin, AG 
+|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey 
+|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to 
+|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in 
+|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of 
+|                 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG. 
+|  Purpose :  MUX for DTI primitives
+|             Different entities sends the same DTI primitives. In this
+|             file the correct PSA function will call
+/*==== INCLUDES ===================================================*/
+#ifdef DTI
+#ifndef SAP_DTI_C
+#define SAP_DTI_C
+#include "aci_all.h"
+/*==== INCLUDES ===================================================*/
+#include "line_edit.h"
+#include "aci_cmh.h"
+#include "ati_cmd.h"
+#include "aci_cmd.h"
+#include "dti.h"      /* functionality of the dti library */
+#include "aci.h"
+#include "aci_lst.h"
+#include "dti_conn_mng.h"
+#include "dti_cntrl_mng.h"
+#ifdef UART
+#include "psa_uart.h"
+#include "cmh_uart.h"
+#ifdef FF_PSI
+#include "psa_psi.h"
+#include "cmh_psi.h"
+#include "ati_src_psi.h"
+#endif /*FF_PSI*/
+#include "aci_mem.h"
+#ifdef UART
+#include "ati_src_uart.h"
+#include "sap_dti.h"
+#include "psa.h"
+#include "cmh.h"
+#ifdef FF_BAT
+#include "p_bat.h"
+#include "aci_bat.h"
+#ifdef _SIMULATION_
+#include "ati_bat.h"
+EXTERN T_ACI_LIST *ati_src_list;
+/*==== CONSTANTS ==================================================*/
+/*==== TYPES ======================================================*/
+/*==== EXPORT =====================================================*/
+/*==== VARIABLES ==================================================*/
+/*==== FUNCTIONS ==================================================*/
+|    Function    : sig_dti_connection_opened_ind
+|    PURPOSE     : dti connection to UART/PSI has been opened
+LOCAL void sig_dti_connection_opened_ind(UBYTE src_id)
+  T_DTI_CONN_LINK_ID link_id;
+#ifdef FF_PSI
+  T_ACI_DTI_PRC_PSI *src_infos = find_element (psi_src_params, src_id, cmhPSItest_srcId);
+#endif /*FF_PSI*/
+/* for tracing of establishing of CMD channels for dual port version */
+#ifdef RMV_15_04_03
+  extern CHAR gob_tst_buf[];
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("sig_dti_connection_opened_ind()");
+  link_id = dti_cntrl_get_link_id( DTI_ENTITY_ACI, src_id, DTI_SUB_NO_NOTPRESENT );
+/* for tracing of establishing of CMD channels for dual port version */
+#ifdef RMV_15_04_03
+  sprintf(gob_tst_buf+strlen(gob_tst_buf), "oi:%d ", link_id);
+  dti_cntrl_entity_connected( link_id, DTI_ENTITY_ACI, DTI_OK );
+  aci_src_dti_params[src_id].isDtiConnected = TRUE;
+  if (aci_src_dti_params[src_id].dtxState EQ READY)
+  {
+    /* send buffered data */
+#ifdef FF_PSI
+    if (src_infos NEQ NULL)
+      psi_send_buffer_data(src_id);
+    else
+#endif /*FF_PSI*/
+      uart_send_buffer_data(src_id);
+  } 
+|    Function    : sig_dti_connection_closed_ind
+|    PURPOSE     : dti connection to UART/PSI has been closed down
+LOCAL void sig_dti_connection_closed_ind(UBYTE src_id)
+  T_DTI_CONN_LINK_ID link_id;
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("sig_dti_connection_closed_ind()");
+  link_id = dti_cntrl_get_link_id( DTI_ENTITY_ACI, src_id, DTI_SUB_NO_NOTPRESENT );
+  dti_cntrl_entity_disconnected( link_id, DTI_ENTITY_ACI );
+  aci_src_dti_params[src_id].isDtiConnected = FALSE;
+|    Function    : sig_dti_data_received_ind
+|    PURPOSE     : process reason parameter REASON_DATA_RECEIVED
+GLOBAL const void sig_dti_data_received_ind(UBYTE src_id,
+                                            T_DTI2_DATA_IND *dti_data_ind)
+  USHORT  tot_len;
+  SHORT   pos = 0;
+  T_desc2 *p_desc,
+          *old_desc;
+  UBYTE   *chars_received;
+  BOOL    get_data = TRUE;
+  USHORT  new_len = 0;
+  T_ACI_DTI_PRC *src_infos = find_element (uart_src_params, src_id, cmhUARTtest_srcId);
+#ifdef FF_PSI
+  T_ACI_DTI_PRC_PSI *src_infos_psi = find_element (psi_src_params, src_id, cmhPSItest_srcId);
+#endif /*FF_PSI*/
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("sig_dti_data_received_ind()");
+  /* prevent dti library from automatically sending
+     getdata primitives */
+#ifdef FF_PSI
+   if (src_infos EQ NULL AND src_infos_psi EQ NULL)
+   if (src_infos EQ NULL)
+#endif /*FF_PSI*/
+   {
+     TRACE_EVENT_P1("[ERR] sig_dti_data_received_ind: link_id=%d not found",
+                dti_data_ind->link_id) ;
+     return ;
+   }
+  if (src_infos NEQ NULL)
+  {
+#ifndef FF_ATI_BAT /* we came from gdd_aci_send_data() --> faked DTI primitive */
+    dti_stop (aci_hDTI, src_id, DTI_ENTITY_UART, ACI_DTI_DN_CHANNEL);
+    if(src_infos->RecState EQ READY_REC)
+    {
+      src_infos->RecState = RECEIVING;
+    }
+    if (dti_data_ind->parameters.st_lines.st_line_sa EQ DTI_SA_ON)
+    {
+      BITFIELD_SET (src_infos->data_cntr, UART_DTI_SA_BIT);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      BITFIELD_CLEAR (src_infos->data_cntr, UART_DTI_SA_BIT);
+    }
+  }
+#ifdef FF_PSI
+  else if (src_infos_psi NEQ NULL)
+  {
+#ifndef FF_ATI_BAT /* we came from gdd_aci_send_data() --> faked DTI primitive */
+    dti_stop (aci_hDTI, src_id, DTI_ENTITY_UART, ACI_DTI_DN_CHANNEL);
+    if(src_infos_psi->RecState EQ READY_REC)
+    {
+      src_infos_psi->RecState = RECEIVING;
+    }
+    if (dti_data_ind->parameters.st_lines.st_line_sa EQ DTI_SA_ON)
+    {
+      BITFIELD_SET (src_infos_psi->data_cntr, PSI_DTI_SA_BIT);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      BITFIELD_CLEAR (src_infos_psi->data_cntr, PSI_DTI_SA_BIT);
+    }
+  }
+#endif /*FF_PSI*/
+  tot_len = dti_data_ind -> desc_list2.list_len;
+  p_desc = (T_desc2 *)dti_data_ind -> desc_list2.first;
+  if ( aci_src_dti_params[src_id].isDtiConnected EQ FALSE ) 
+  {
+    TRACE_EVENT ("DTI2_DATA_IND: line not connected");
+    PFREE(dti_data_ind);
+    return;
+  }
+#ifdef FF_BAT
+  /* we want only to see data from src_infos_psi */
+  if (aci_cmd_src_mode_get(src_id) EQ CMD_MODE_BAT) 
+  {
+#if defined _SIMULATION_ && FF_ATI_BAT
+    /*
+     * Simulation of BAT with ATI as application has the following problem:
+     * test cases uses the TST and UART source, but BAT needs a PSI source maintenance.
+     * Therefore there is in parallel to the TST or UART source a PSI source maintenance and
+     * the TST/UART source has been set to CMD_MODE_BAT.
+     * When the TAP sends an ASCII AT command string the command must be processed
+     * at first with uart_src_proc_chars(). On ATI level we use the BAT lib and the special
+     * BAT adapter GDD_ACI will call this function once again, because we have to simulate
+     * an incoming DTI primitive. This DTI primitive carries now a BAT command.
+     * That's why we have to check the bytes to distinuish between BAT and ASCII commands.
+     */
+    T_desc2 *tmp = p_desc;
+    int i = 0;
+    get_data = TRUE; /* we use this boolean here to check for valid ASCII AT command chars */
+    while (i < tmp->len-1)
+    {
+      if ((p_desc->buffer[i] < 0x20) OR (p_desc->buffer[i] > 0x7F))
+      {
+        if (at.S[3] EQ p_desc->buffer[i]) /* CR */
+          continue;
+        if (at.S[4] EQ p_desc->buffer[i]) /* LF */
+          continue;
+        if (at.S[5] EQ p_desc->buffer[i]) /* BS */
+          continue;
+        if (0x1a EQ p_desc->buffer[i]) /* CTRL-Z = SMS end */
+          continue;
+        get_data = FALSE; /* not a V25.ter, 07.07 char, so very likely a BAT command */
+        break;
+      }
+      i++;
+    }
+    if (get_data EQ FALSE)
+    {
+#endif /* _SIMULATION_ && FF_ATI_BAT */  
+      aci_bat_rcv(src_infos_psi,dti_data_ind);
+      /* clean up the DTI primitive after BAT processing */
+      while(p_desc NEQ NULL)
+      {    
+        old_desc = p_desc;
+        p_desc = (T_desc2 *)p_desc->next;
+        ACI_MFREE( old_desc );
+      }   
+      PFREE(dti_data_ind);
+      return;
+#if defined _SIMULATION_ && FF_ATI_BAT        
+    }
+#endif /* _SIMULATION && FF_ATI_BAT */ 
+  }
+#endif /* FF_BAT */
+  ACI_MALLOC(chars_received, tot_len + 1);
+  while(p_desc NEQ NULL)
+  {
+    new_len += p_desc -> len;
+    if( new_len > tot_len)
+    {
+      TRACE_EVENT("inconsistance in datas received from DTI: ACI cannot process");
+      ACI_MFREE(chars_received);
+      return;
+    }
+    memcpy(chars_received+pos,p_desc -> buffer,p_desc -> len);
+    /*    trace_buffer (p_desc->buffer, p_desc->len);*/
+    pos = new_len;    
+    old_desc = p_desc;      /* save to free descriptor at the end */
+    p_desc = (T_desc2 *)p_desc -> next;   /* point to next one */
+    ACI_MFREE( old_desc );
+  }
+  if (tot_len > 0)
+  {
+    if (src_infos NEQ NULL)
+       get_data = uart_src_proc_chars (chars_received, pos, src_infos);
+#ifdef FF_PSI
+    else
+       get_data = psi_src_proc_chars (chars_received, pos, src_infos_psi);
+#endif /*FF_PSI*/
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    get_data = TRUE;
+  }
+  ACI_MFREE( chars_received );
+  chars_received = NULL;
+#ifdef FF_ATI_BAT
+#ifdef _SIMULATION_
+  if (aci_cmd_src_mode_get(src_id) EQ CMD_MODE_BAT) /* simulation with BAT library */
+  {
+    T_ATI_SRC_PARAMS *src_params = find_element (ati_src_list, src_id, search_ati_src_id);
+    T_ACI_DTI_PRC_PSI *src_infos_psi = find_element (psi_src_params, src_id, cmhPSItest_srcId);
+    while (ledit_ctrl(src_params->src_id,LEDIT_CTRL_MORE_CMDS, NULL) EQ LEDIT_CMPL)
+    {
+      ati_bat_response_simulation(&(src_infos_psi->res)); /* intermediate response */
+    }
+    if (src_params->cmd_state NEQ CMD_IDLE)
+    {
+      if (src_infos_psi->res.response)
+      {
+        ati_bat_response_simulation(&(src_infos_psi->res)); /* final response */
+        Perform_ati_bat_maint(src_id);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+#endif /* _SIMULATION_ */
+#endif /* FF_ATI_BAT */
+  if( get_data )
+  {
+    if (src_infos NEQ NULL)
+       cmhUART_getdata( src_id );
+#ifdef FF_PSI
+    else if (src_infos_psi NEQ NULL)
+       cmhPSI_getdata (src_id);
+#endif /*FF_PSI*/
+  }
+  PFREE(dti_data_ind);
+|    Function    : sig_dti_tx_buffer_full_ind
+|    PURPOSE     : 
+GLOBAL const void sig_dti_tx_buffer_full_ind(UBYTE src_id)
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("sig_dti_tx_buffer_full_ind");
+  aci_src_dti_params[src_id].dtxState = NOT_READY;
+|    Function    : sig_dti_tx_buffer_ready_ind
+|    PURPOSE     : 
+GLOBAL const void sig_dti_tx_buffer_ready_ind(UBYTE src_id)
+  T_ACI_DTI_PRC   *src_infos = NULL;
+  T_ATI_SRC_PARAMS *src_params = find_element (ati_src_list, src_id, search_ati_src_id); 
+#ifdef FF_PSI
+  T_ACI_DTI_PRC_PSI *src_infos_psi = NULL;
+  T_DTI_ENTITY_ID entity_list[2];
+#endif /*FF_PSI*/  
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("sig_dti_tx_buffer_ready_ind()");
+  aci_src_dti_params[src_id].dtxState = READY;
+  if (aci_src_dti_params[src_id].isDtiConnected)
+  {
+    src_infos = find_element (uart_src_params, src_id, cmhUARTtest_srcId);    
+#ifdef FF_PSI
+    src_infos_psi = find_element (psi_src_params, src_id, cmhPSItest_srcId);    
+#endif /*FF_PSI*/
+    /*
+     * send data which may have been stored ..
+     */
+    if (src_infos NEQ NULL)
+    {
+       if (src_infos->data_buffer.data_list NEQ NULL)
+       {
+          uart_send_buffer_data(src_id);
+       }
+       if (src_params->curAtCmd EQ AT_CMD_COPN AND src_infos->data_buffer.data_list EQ NULL)
+       {
+         cmd_PlusCOPN_CB(src_id);
+       }
+       return;
+    }
+#ifdef FF_PSI
+    if (src_infos_psi NEQ NULL)
+    {
+      if (src_infos_psi->data_buffer.data_list NEQ NULL)
+      {
+#ifdef FF_BAT      
+        if (aci_cmd_src_mode_get(src_id) EQ CMD_MODE_BAT)
+        {
+          aci_bat_send_buffer_dti_data(src_id);
+          /*
+           * CPBR and similar BAT commands
+           */
+          aci_bat_check_for_multi_line_response_command(src_id);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          psi_send_buffer_data(src_id);
+        }
+        if (src_params->curAtCmd EQ AT_CMD_COPN AND src_infos_psi->data_buffer.data_list EQ NULL)
+        {
+          cmd_PlusCOPN_CB(src_id);             /* Gets the next set of records if available */
+        }
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+#endif /*FF_PSI*/    
+    {
+      T_ATI_SRC_PARAMS *src_params = find_element (ati_src_list, src_id, search_ati_src_id); 
+      if (uartEntcurCmd[src_id] EQ AT_CMD_CMUX)
+      {
+        if (cmhUART_CMUX ((T_ACI_CMD_SRC)src_id) EQ FALSE)
+        {  
+          /*
+           * if we are here, we have a problem, because it has been sent an OK in advance to the source,
+           * which works according to GSM 27.010
+           * So, how to inform the source, that the muxer has not been started ?
+           * see  sAT_PlusCMUX() in cmh_uarts.c
+           */
+          TRACE_EVENT("[ERR] sig_dti_tx_buffer_ready_ind(): UART muxer not ready");
+        }
+        uartEntcurCmd[src_id] = AT_CMD_NONE;
+      }
+#ifdef FF_PSI
+      else
+      {
+        if((psi_ato.last_cmd EQ AT_CMD_O) AND (src_infos_psi NEQ NULL))
+        {
+          entity_list[0] = psi_ato.entity_to_conn;
+          dti_cntrl_est_dpath_indirect (psi_ato.src_id,
+                                        entity_list,
+                                        psi_ato.num_entities,
+                                        psi_ato.mode,
+                                        psi_ato.cb,
+                                        psi_ato.capability,
+                                        psi_ato.cid);
+          memset(&psi_ato,0,sizeof(T_ACI_PSI_CALL_TYPE));
+        }
+      }
+#endif /*FF_PSI*/
+    }
+  } 
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)      MODULE  : SAP_DTI                       |
+| STATE   : code                ROUTINE : dti_lib_dti_dti_connect_cnf   |
+GLOBAL const void dti_lib_dti_dti_connect_cnf (
+                    T_DTI2_CONNECT_CNF   *dti_connect_cnf)
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("dti_lib_dti_dti_connect_cnf()");
+  dti_dti_connect_cnf(aci_hDTI, dti_connect_cnf);
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)      MODULE  : SAP_DTI                       |
+| STATE   : code                ROUTINE : dti_lib_dti_dti_connect_ind   |
+GLOBAL const void dti_lib_dti_dti_connect_ind (
+                    T_DTI2_CONNECT_IND   *dti_connect_ind)
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("dti_lib_dti_dti_connect_ind()");
+  dti_dti_connect_ind(aci_hDTI, dti_connect_ind);
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)      MODULE  : SAP_DTI                       |
+| STATE   : code                ROUTINE : dti_lib_dti_dti_disconnect_ind|
+GLOBAL const void dti_lib_dti_dti_disconnect_ind (
+                    T_DTI2_DISCONNECT_IND   *dti_disconnect_ind)
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("dti_lib_dti_dti_disconnect_ind()");
+  dti_dti_disconnect_ind (aci_hDTI, dti_disconnect_ind);
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)      MODULE  : SAP_DTI                       |
+| STATE   : code                ROUTINE : dti_lib_dti_dti_data_ind      |
+GLOBAL const void dti_lib_dti_dti_data_ind (
+                    T_DTI2_DATA_IND   *dti_data_ind)
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("dti_lib_dti_dti_data_ind()");
+  dti_dti_data_ind (aci_hDTI, dti_data_ind);
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)      MODULE  : SAP_DTI                       |
+| STATE   : code                ROUTINE : dti_lib_dti_dti_ready_ind     |
+GLOBAL const void dti_lib_dti_dti_ready_ind (
+                    T_DTI2_READY_IND   *dti_ready_ind)
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("dti_lib_dti_dti_ready_ind()");
+  dti_dti_ready_ind (aci_hDTI, dti_ready_ind);
+#ifdef _SIMULATION_
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)      MODULE  : SAP_DTI                       |
+| STATE   : code                ROUTINE : dti_lib_dti_dti_data_test_ind |
+GLOBAL const void dti_lib_dti_dti_data_test_ind (
+                    T_DTI2_DATA_TEST_IND   *dti_data_test_ind)
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("dti_lib_dti_dti_data_test_ind()");
+  dti_dti_data_test_ind (aci_hDTI, dti_data_test_ind);
+#endif /* _SIMULATION_ */
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)      MODULE  : SAP_DTI                       |
+| STATE   : code                ROUTINE : psaACI_Init                   |
+GLOBAL void psaACI_Init()
+  UBYTE i;
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("psaACI_Init()");
+  for (i=0; i<CMD_SRC_MAX; i++)
+  {
+    aci_src_dti_params[i].isDtiConnected = FALSE;
+    aci_src_dti_params[i].dtxState = NOT_READY;
+  }
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)      MODULE  : SAP_DTI                       |
+| STATE   : code                ROUTINE : aci_pei_sig_callback          |
+GLOBAL void aci_pei_sig_callback(U8 instance, U8 interfac, U8 channel,
+                                 U8 reason, T_DTI2_DATA_IND *dti_data_ind)
+  UBYTE src_id = instance;
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("aci_pei_sig_callback()");
+#ifdef _SIMULATION_
+  if(channel NEQ ACI_DTI_DN_CHANNEL)
+  {
+    TRACE_ERROR("[DTI_MNG_SIG_CALLBACK] channel not valid!");
+    return; /* error, not found */
+  }
+#endif /* _SIMULATION_ */
+  if (aci_hDTI NEQ D_NO_DATA_BASE)
+  {
+    switch (reason)
+    {
+        sig_dti_connection_opened_ind(src_id);
+        break;
+        sig_dti_connection_closed_ind(src_id);
+        break;
+        sig_dti_data_received_ind(src_id, dti_data_ind);
+        break;
+        sig_dti_tx_buffer_full_ind(src_id);
+        break;
+        sig_dti_tx_buffer_ready_ind(src_id);
+        break;
+      default:
+        TRACE_ERROR("unknown DTILIB reason parameter");
+        break;
+    } /* end switch */
+  } /* end if */
+  else
+  {
+    TRACE_ERROR("Pointer to DTILIB database not existing");
+  }
+} /* dti_cntrl_mng_cb() */
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)      MODULE  : PSA_ACI                       |
+| STATE   : code                ROUTINE : psaACI_Dti_Req                |
+GLOBAL BOOL psaACI_Dti_Req ( T_DTI_CONN_LINK_ID link_id, 
+                             T_DTI_ENTITY_ID    peer_ent_id, 
+                             UBYTE              dti_conn)
+  T_DTI_CNTRL info;
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("psaACI_Dti_Req()");
+  if (dti_cntrl_get_info_from_dti_id( EXTRACT_DTI_ID(link_id), &info) EQ FALSE)
+  {
+    TRACE_EVENT_P1("cannot find info for dti_id=%d", EXTRACT_DTI_ID(link_id));
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  if (dti_conn EQ ACI_CONNECT_DTI)
+  {
+    aci_src_dti_params[info.src_id].dtxState = NOT_READY;
+    if (dti_cntrl_set_conn_parms(link_id, DTI_ENTITY_ACI, info.src_id, DTI_SUB_NO_NOTPRESENT) EQ FALSE)
+    {
+      return FALSE;
+    }
+    if( !dti_open(
+      aci_hDTI,                      /* hDTI            */
+      info.src_id,                   /* instance        */
+      (U8)peer_ent_id,               /* interface       */
+      ACI_DTI_DN_CHANNEL,            /* channel         */
+      /* Since DTI-buffering wastes memory we have to implement our own buffers */
+      /* This is vital for large outputs like AT+COPN, so please do not modify! */
+      /*    0, */                          /* queue_size      */
+      1,                       /* limit to 1 DTI buffer */
+      DTI_CHANNEL_TO_LOWER_LAYER,    /* direction       */
+      /*    DTI_QUEUE_UNBOUNDED, */        /* link_options    */
+      DTI_QUEUE_WATERMARK,     /* to enable ACI Buffers */
+      DTI_VERSION_10,                /* version         */
+      (UBYTE*)dti_entity_name[peer_ent_id].name,  /* neighbor_entity */
+      link_id                        /* link_id         */ 
+      ))
+      return FALSE;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    dti_close
+    (
+      aci_hDTI,                      /* hDTI      */
+      info.src_id,                   /* instance  */
+      (U8)peer_ent_id,               /* interface */
+      ACI_DTI_DN_CHANNEL,            /* channel   */
+      TRUE                           /* flush     */
+    );
+  }
+  return TRUE;
+#endif /* DTI */