view doc/SMS-PDU-decoding @ 31:19476164c54d

doc/SMS-PDU-decoding: document imported utilities
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Fri, 14 Jun 2024 18:48:58 +0000
line wrap: on
line source

The decoding part of the present sms-coding-utils suite consists of two
programs: sms-pdu-decode and pcm-sms-decode.  Their functions are as follows:

* The input to sms-pdu-decode is an ASCII text stream (stdin or read from a
  file) in which every SMS PDU to be decoded appears as a long hex string.
  This input can originate from the GSM 07.05 interface on a FreeCalypso GSM MS
  (fcup-smdump utility in FC host tools), in which case every GSM 03.40 TPDU
  will be preceded by an SC address field - the original use case for
  sms-pdu-decode, run it without special options.  In the other alternative,
  the input to sms-pdu-decode can originate from test scenarios on the network
  side of GSM (SMSC development and testing), in which case input SMS PDUs will
  be pure GSM 03.40 TPDUs, without SC address prefix - use sms-pdu-decode -n
  option in this case.

* The input to pcm-sms-decode is a binary file with 176 bytes per record,
  corresponding to the format of EF_SMS elementary file on SIM cards.  This
  program can be used to decode readouts of this EF_SMS file made with
  fc-simtool, or readouts of /pcm/SMS file in the flash file system of Pirelli
  DP-L10 phone, which uses the same format - the latter use case arose first in
  chronological order of FreeCalypso development, hence the name of the utility.

Common options: character set and dump format control

By default, sms-pdu-decode and pcm-sms-decode only emit 7-bit ASCII characters
in their output; any GSM7 or UCS-2 characters which fall outside of this plain
ASCII repertoire are converted into backslash escapes.  This conservative
default behaviour can be modified as follows:

-e option extends the potential output character repertoire from 7-bit ASCII to
8-bit ISO 8859-1.  Any 8859-1 high characters are emitted as single bytes,
i.e., are NOT encoded in UTF-8 - this option is intended for non-UTF-8

-u option extends the potential output character repertoire to all of Unicode,
and changes the output encoding to UTF-8.

Regardless of whether the source message character set is GSM7 or UCS-2 and
irrespective of -e or -u options, any backslash characters are always escaped
as \\, and any CR characters are represented as \r.  Additional backslash
escape encodings depend on the source message character set:

* If the source message character set is GSM7, the following additional
  backslash escapes can be emitted:

  - In the absence of -u option, the Euro currency symbol is converted to \E;

  - Any GSM7 escape characters (0x1B) that aren't part of a valid escape
    sequence for [\]^ or {|}~ or \E are represented as \e;

  - Any GSM7 characters that either can't be represented in the output character
    set (ASCII or ISO 8859-1) or are outright invalid per GSM 03.38 are
    represented as \xX, where xX is the original GSM7 code point in 2-digit
    hexadecimal form between 00 and 7F;

  - Invalid GSM7 escape sequences are emitted as \e\xX.

* If the source message character set is UCS-2, the following additional
  backslash escapes can be emitted:

  - Invalid UCS-2 characters falling onto control character code points are
    emitted as \u00XX;

  - UCS-2 characters that can't be represented in ASCII or ISO 8859-1 (when
    running without -u option) are emitted as \uXXXX;

  - If UTF-16 surrogate pairs are detected in the input, the encoded high-plane
    Unicode character is reconstructed and emitted as \UXXXXXX in the absence
    of -u option, or as the appropriate UTF-8 byte sequence with -u.

-h option causes the user data portion of every message to be displayed as a
raw hex dump; in the case of GSM7-encoded messages, this hex dump shows the
unpacked septets.

sms-pdu-decode specifics

The input to the program may contain additional text besides SMS PDUs in the
form of long hex strings; all lines that are not hex strings are passed through
to the output.  Every input line that is purely a string of directly abutted hex
bytes is taken to be an SMS PDU in need of decoding, and the full decoding
operation is attempted.  The following additional options are available besides
the common -e, -u and -h options documented above:

-n	By default, sms-pdu-decode expects every hex-encoded SMS PDU to begin
	with an SC address field, followed by a GSM 03.40 TPDU - the format used
	on GSM 07.05 interface in PDU mode and in SIM SMS storage.  With -n
	option, sms-pdu-decode expects pure GSM 03.40 TPDUs instead, without
	SC address prefix.

-p	Keep all hex-encoded PDU lines in the output: for each encountered hex
	PDU, first the original hex line is output, then the decoding result.

pcm-sms-decode specifics

This program reads a binary file; the file to be read must be named on the
command line.  The output is ASCII (or an extended character set with -e or -u
options as described in the common section above), naming each dumped record as
"Record #%u" and showing its content.  For a binary file of N records, the
default record numbering is from 0 to N-1: this numbering order is natural to
this Mother's native world of CompSci, and I implemented it when I originally
wrote pcm-sms-decode for the purpose of decoding /pcm/SMS readouts from Pirelli
DP-L10 FFS.  However, when I later wrote fc-simtool and pcm-sms-decode acquired
a second use case of decoding SIM EF_SMS readouts, a mismatch became apparent:
the record numbering used in READ RECORD and UPDATE RECORD commands on the
SIM-ME interface is 1..N instead of 0..N-1.  pcm-sms-decode -s option switches
the record numbering scheme to 1..N to match the SIM application.