diff chipsetsw/drivers/drv_app/abb/board/abb_inth.c @ 0:509db1a7b7b8

initial import: leo2moko-r1
author Space Falcon <falcon@ivan.Harhan.ORG>
date Mon, 01 Jun 2015 03:24:05 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/chipsetsw/drivers/drv_app/abb/board/abb_inth.c	Mon Jun 01 03:24:05 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+/*                                                                                */
+/*   Property of Texas Instruments -- For  Unrestricted  Internal  Use  Only      */
+/*   Unauthorized reproduction and/or distribution is strictly prohibited.  This  */
+/*   product  is  protected  under  copyright  law  and  trade  secret law as an  */
+/*   unpublished work.  Created 1987, (C) Copyright 1997 Texas Instruments.  All  */
+/*   rights reserved.                                                             */
+/*                                                                                */
+/*                                                                                */
+/*   Filename          : abb_inth.c                                               */
+/*                                                                                */
+/*   Description       : Functions to manage the ABB device interrupt.            */
+/*                       The Serial Port Interface is used to connect the TI   	  */
+/*						           Analog BaseBand (ABB).				    				                */
+/*						           It is assumed that the ABB is connected as the SPI       */																				  
+/*                       device 0, and ABB interrupt is mapped as external IT.    */																				  
+/*                                                                                */
+/*   Author            : Pascal PUEL                                              */
+/*                                                                                */
+/*   Version number   : 1.2                                                       */
+/*                                                                                */
+/*   Date and time    : 07/02/03                                                  */
+/*                                                                                */
+/*   Previous delta   : Creation                                                  */
+/*                                                                                */
+/*                                                                                */
+/*   17/12/03                                                                     */
+/*   The original abb_inth.c has been splitted between the actual abb_inth.c      */
+/*   located in drv_apps directory and abb_inth_core.c located in drv_core        */
+/*   directory.                                                                   */
+/*                                                                                */
+#include "l1sw.cfg"
+#include "chipset.cfg"
+#include "swconfig.cfg"
+#include "sys.cfg"
+#include "l1_macro.h"
+#include "l1_confg.h"
+#include <string.h>          
+#include "abb/abb_inth.h"
+#include "nucleus.h"
+#include "rv/rv_defined_swe.h"     // for RVM_PWR_SWE
+#if (CHIPSET == 12)
+    #include "sys_inth.h"
+    #include "inth/iq.h"
+#include "cust_os.h"
+#include "l1_signa.h"
+#include "abb/abb.h"
+#if defined (OP_WCP)
+  #include "ffs/ffs.h"
+  #include "ffs/board/ffspcm.h"
+#include "rvm/rvm_use_id_list.h"   // for SPI_USE_ID
+#include "spi/spi_env.h"
+#include "spi/spi_process.h"       // for ABB_EXT_IRQ_EVT
+#include "kpd/kpd_power_api.h"     // for kpd_power_key_pressed()
+#include "power/power.h"	 
+#ifdef RVM_LCC_SWE
+  #include "lcc/lcc_api.h"
+  #include "lcc/lcc_cfg_i.h"
+  #include "lcc/lcc.h"
+  #include "lcc/lcc_env.h"
+/*                                                                              */
+/*  Function Name: spi_abb_read_int_reg_callback                                */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*  Purpose:      Callback function                                             */
+/*                Called when an external interrupt has occured and the         */
+/*                ABB interrupt register has been read.                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+void spi_abb_read_int_reg_callback(SYS_UWORD16 *read_value)
+   SYS_UWORD16 loop_count;
+   SYS_UWORD16 status_value;
+   xSignalHeaderRec *adc_msg;
+   volatile SYS_UWORD8 i;
+#ifdef RVM_LCC_SWE
+   struct pwr_adc_ind_s *addr;
+   extern T_PWR_CTRL_BLOCK *pwr_ctrl;
+   // check all the possible causes of the ABB IT
+   if (*read_value & PUSHOFF_IT_STS)
+   {
+      /* Push Button from ON to OFF */
+      if (SPI_GBL_INFO_PTR->is_gsm_on == TRUE)
+      {
+         NU_Sleep(SHORT_OFF_KEY_PRESSED);
+       // WCP Patch
+       #if (OP_WCP == 1)
+         // Backup of GSM FFS is remotely handled by MPU-S
+         // we trigger the backup upon each ON->OFF transition
+         ffs_backup ();
+       #else
+         /* Since this callback function is called from the SPI task
+         it can't be interrupted by another task
+         so we can directly access the SPI through the low-level driver */
+         #if ((ANLG_FAM == 1) || (ANLG_FAM == 2))
+         status_value = (ABB_Read_Status() & ONREFLT);
+         #elif (ANLG_FAM == 3)
+         status_value = (ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1, VRPCCFG) & PWOND);
+         #endif
+         if (status_value == PWR_OFF_KEY_PRESSED)
+         {
+            /* Inform keypad that key ON/OFF has been pressed */
+            kpd_power_key_pressed();
+            loop_count = 0;
+            /* Wait loop for Power-OFF */
+            while ((loop_count < OFF_LOOP_COUNT) &&
+                   (status_value == PWR_OFF_KEY_PRESSED))
+            {
+               NU_Sleep(SHORT_OFF_KEY_PRESSED);
+               #if ((ANLG_FAM == 1) || (ANLG_FAM == 2))
+               status_value = (ABB_Read_Status() & ONREFLT);
+               #elif (ANLG_FAM == 3)
+               status_value = (ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1, VRPCCFG) & PWOND);
+               #endif
+               loop_count++;
+            }
+            if (status_value == PWR_OFF_KEY_PRESSED) /* Power-OFF request detected */
+            {
+               rvf_send_trace("IQ EXT: Power Off request",25, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW, SPI_USE_ID);
+               Power_OFF_Button();
+            }
+         }
+       #endif //WCP
+      }
+      else  /* GSM OFF */
+      { 
+         rvf_send_trace("IQ EXT: Power On request",24, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW, SPI_USE_ID);
+         Power_ON_Button();
+      }
+   }
+   else if (*read_value & REMOT_IT_STS)
+   {
+      rvf_send_trace("IQ EXT: Power Off remote request",32, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW, SPI_USE_ID);
+      /* 'Remote Power' from ON to OFF */
+      Power_OFF_Remote();
+   }
+   else if (*read_value & ADCEND_IT_STS)
+   {
+      rvf_send_trace("IQ EXT: ADC End",15, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW, SPI_USE_ID);
+      /* ADC end of conversion */
+      ABB_Read_ADC(&SPI_GBL_INFO_PTR->adc_result[0]);
+      adc_msg = os_alloc_sig(sizeof(T_CST_ADC_RESULT));
+     if(adc_msg != NULL)
+     {
+        adc_msg->SignalCode = CST_ADC_RESULT;
+        for(i=0;i<MADC_NUMBER_OF_MEAS;i++)
+        {
+          ((T_CST_ADC_RESULT *)(adc_msg->SigP))->adc_result[i] = SPI_GBL_INFO_PTR->adc_result[i];
+        }
+        os_send_sig(adc_msg, RRM1_QUEUE);
+#ifdef RVM_LCC_SWE
+        // Send ADC measurement to PWR (LCC) task
+        // NOTE that memory is allocated externally in the PWR task
+        if (rvf_get_buf(pwr_ctrl->prim_id, sizeof(struct pwr_adc_ind_s), (void *)&addr) == RVF_RED) {
+            rvf_send_trace("rvf_get_buf failed",18, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW, LCC_USE_ID);
+            /* Unmask External interrupt */
+            IQ_Unmask(IQ_EXT);
+//            rvf_dump_mem();
+            return;
+        }
+        addr->header.msg_id        = PWR_ADC_IND;
+        addr->header.src_addr_id   = SPI_GBL_INFO_PTR->addr_id;
+        addr->header.dest_addr_id  = pwr_ctrl->addr_id;
+        addr->header.callback_func = NULL;
+        // FIXME: memcpy from SPI_GBL_INFO_PTR->adc_result - make sure it has not been de-allocated
+        memcpy(addr->data, SPI_GBL_INFO_PTR->adc_result, 8*2);
+        addr->data[9] = ABB_Read_Status();; // Read & assign ITSTATREG status so we save the polling in PWR task!!
+        if (rvf_send_msg(pwr_ctrl->addr_id, addr) != RV_OK) {
+            rvf_send_trace("SPI FATAL: Send failed!",23, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW, LCC_USE_ID);
+        }
+      }
+   }
+#if (defined(RVM_PWR_SWE) || defined(RVM_LCC_SWE))
+   else if (*read_value & CHARGER_IT_STS)
+   {
+      /* Charger plug IN or OUT */
+#if ((ANLG_FAM == 1) || (ANLG_FAM == 2))
+      status_value = ABB_Read_Status();
+#elif (ANLG_FAM == 3)
+      status_value = ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1, VRPCCFG);
+      if (status_value & CHGPRES)
+      {
+         rvf_send_trace("IQ EXT: Charger Plug",20, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW, SPI_USE_ID);
+#ifdef RVM_PWR_SWE
+         PWR_Charger_Plug();  /* charger plugged IN */
+#ifdef RVM_LCC_SWE
+          // Forward charger plug indication to PWR (LCC) task
+          // NOTE that memory is allocated externally in the PWR task
+          if (rvf_get_buf(pwr_ctrl->prim_id, sizeof(struct pwr_req_s), (void *)&addr) == RVF_RED) {
+              rvf_send_trace("rvf_get_buf failed#1",20, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW, LCC_USE_ID);
+              rvf_dump_mem();
+          }
+          addr->header.msg_id        = PWR_CHARGER_PLUGGED_IND;
+          addr->header.src_addr_id   = SPI_GBL_INFO_PTR->addr_id;
+          addr->header.dest_addr_id  = pwr_ctrl->addr_id;
+          addr->header.callback_func = NULL;
+          if (rvf_send_msg(pwr_ctrl->addr_id, addr) != RV_OK) {
+              rvf_send_trace("SPI FATAL: Send failed!",23, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW, LCC_USE_ID);
+          }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         rvf_send_trace("IQ EXT: Charger Unplug",22, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW, SPI_USE_ID);
+#ifdef RVM_PWR_SWE
+         PWR_Charger_Unplug();   /* charger plugged OUT */
+#ifdef RVM_LCC_SWE
+          // Forward charger unplug indication to PWR (LCC) task
+          // NOTE that memory is allocated externally in the PWR task
+          if (rvf_get_buf(pwr_ctrl->prim_id, sizeof(struct pwr_req_s), (void *)&addr) == RVF_RED) {
+              rvf_send_trace("rvf_get_buf failed#2",20, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW, LCC_USE_ID);
+              rvf_dump_mem();
+          }
+          addr->header.msg_id        = PWR_CHARGER_UNPLUGGED_IND;
+          addr->header.src_addr_id   = SPI_GBL_INFO_PTR->addr_id;
+          addr->header.dest_addr_id  = pwr_ctrl->addr_id;
+          addr->header.callback_func = NULL;
+          if (rvf_send_msg(pwr_ctrl->addr_id, addr) != RV_OK) {
+              rvf_send_trace("SPI FATAL: Send failed!",23, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW, LCC_USE_ID);
+      }
+      }
+   }
+#endif /* RVM_PWR_SWE || RVM_LCC_SWE */
+   /* Unmask External interrupt */
+   #if (CHIPSET == 12)
+     // Unmask ABB ext interrupt
+   #else
+     // Unmask external (ABB) interrupt
+     IQ_Unmask(IQ_EXT);
+   #endif