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view g23m/condat/ms/src/bmi/MmiBlkLangDB.h @ 10:4a87497c80af
aci_aci.c converted to UNIX line endings in prep for a patch
author | Space Falcon <falcon@ivan.Harhan.ORG> |
date | Mon, 01 Jun 2015 19:12:01 +0000 (2015-06-01) |
parents | 509db1a7b7b8 |
children |
line wrap: on
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#ifndef _AUTOGEN_RESOURCE_HEADER_H_ #define _AUTOGEN_RESOURCE_HEADER_H_ 1 // /******************************************************************************* CONDAT (UK) ******************************************************************************** This software product is the property of Condat (UK) Ltd and may not be disclosed to any third party without the express permission of the owner. ******************************************************************************** $Project name: Basic MMI $Project code: BMI (6349) $Module: Resource Manager $File: MmiBlkLanfDB.h $Revision: 1.0 $Author: Condat(UK) $Date: 25/10/00 ******************************************************************************** Description: This file contains the basic resource manager information relating to the textual entries managed. There are two routines provided by this module, one returning the number of resource tables supported, the other giving the base address of the resource tables. This module is derived from an auto generated version of the file with additional commenting added. ******************************************************************************** $History: MmiBlkLangDB.h Feb 07, 2006 DR: OMAPS00059261 x0pleela Description: SMS is not forwarding STATUS reports that are read from SIM storage to ACI Solution: Renamed "TxtPendReport" to "TxtReport" Feb 01, 2006 DR: OMAPS00059261 x0pleela Description: SMS is not forwarding STATUS reports that are read from SIM storage to ACI Solution: Added "TxtPendReport" to display when status report status is pending Jan 03, 2006 REF: SPR OMAPS00060036 xdeepadh Description:In file viewer, the user is not allowed to retain the old name once he/she goes to the rename file option. Solution:While renaming the file,if the name already exists, display a proper error message Dec 07, 2005 REF: OMAPS00050087 x0039928 Description: Deactivated is displayed while activate Hide Id option is selected Solution: String "Not Activated" is added. Nov 24, 2005 DR: OMAPS00045909 - Shashi Shekar B.S. Description: Improve IMEI control mechanism Solution : When MMI calls sAT_PLUSCFUN, if an IMEI invalid error is returned, we will block on that screen & will not allow the user to browse menus further, since the PS will not be booted at all!!! Nov 14, 2005 REF: OMAPS00044445 xdeepadh Description: Implementation of Test Menu for AAC Solution: The existing MP3 test Application has been enhanced to support the AAC file testing. Aug 31, 2005 REF: SPR 34050 xdeepadh Description: The application hangs if while renaming a saved file a special character such as '?', '!' etc is used Solution: String for error message have been added Jul 18, 2005 REF: SPR 31695 xdeepadh Bug:Problems with MP3 test application Fix:The window handling of MP3 Test Application has been done properly. Aug 22, 2005 REF: ENH 31154 xdeepadh Description: Application to Test Camera Solution: Implemeted the Fileviewer to view the jpeg images.Camera Application to preview,capture and save image has been implemented. Strings for Fileviewer and Camera have been added. xpradipg - LOCOSTO-ENH-31895 : 23 June 2005 Description: Support for various audio profiles Solution: The support for audio device's carkit/headset/loudspeaker/handheld. The audio device is enabled as per the user actions. July 19, 2005 REF: CRR LOCOSTO-ENH-28173 xpradipg Description: To provide MMI Support to enable/disable/change password and query all the Personalization locks Solution: Integration of the changes for the same provided by the soldel team Jun 13, 2005 REF: SPR 31705 x0021308 Description: After the maximum limit of the My Number is exceeded, display info : Phonebook full expected is MyNumber Full Solution: Added Strings "MyNumber Full" string in Enum IndexTag. Jun 13, 2005 REF: SPR 31710 x0021308 Description: After the maximum limit of the FDN Number is exceeded, display info : Phonebook full expected is FDNList Full Solution: Added Strings "FDNList Full" string in Enum IndexTag. May 11 2005 REF: MMI-SPR-29887 x0012849 To Implement the deferred MMS retrieval. Apr 06, 2005 REF: ENH 30011 xdeepadh Description: Replacing the Test Application compilation flags with new flags. Solution: The existing flags for Camera and MP3 test application have beeen replaced with the new compilation flags,FF_MMI_TEST_CAMERA and FF_MMI_TEST_MP3 respectively. x0018858 24 Mar, 2005 MMI-FIX-11321 Issue Description :- If the inbox is full and a new message is receivd, no indication is received. Fix: Added support for handling indication when message box is full and there is a pending message. Apr 05, 2005 REF: ENH 29994 xdeepadh Description: Implementation of Generic Midi Ringer and Modification of existing Midi Test Application Solution: Generic Midi Ringer and Midi Test Application were implemented. March 2, 2005 REF: CRR 11536 x0018858 Description: Reply path not supported while sending a reply. Solution: Added menu option for the reply path. xrashmic 7 Dec, 2004 MMI-SPR-23965 Nov 29, 2004 REF: CRR 25051 xkundadu Description: INCALL SCREEN – ADJUSTING THE VOLUME Fix: Added volume level list linked to up/down keys. User can select the speaker volume among those levels. xrashmic 29 Nov, 2004 MMI-SPR-26161 xrashmic 14 Oct, 2004 MMI-SPR-25291 xrashmic 26 Aug, 2004 MMI-SPR-23931 // xrashmic 19 Aug, 2004 Bug: 2, 3, 36 and 42 Jul 23, 2004 REF: CRR 16107 xvilliva Bug: (Call Barring) - MMI response overlayes partially background images. Fix: Modfied enum and array in source file to display a better alert. // Jun 25, 2004 REF: CRR 21547 xvilliva (Added TxtInvalidInput.) // Jun 10, 2004 REF: CRR MMI-SPR-13614 Rashmi C N(Sasken) // Added Strings "All Divert", "Divert when not reachable", "Divert if Busy", "Divert when no answer" "Divert for Cond. Forward" , "Divert for All calls" May 10, 2004 REF: CRR 15753 Deepa M.D Menuitem provided to set the validity period to maximum. // Apr 14, 2004 REF: CRR 12653 xvilliva (Added "Limited Service".) 25/10/00 Original Condat(UK) BMI version. $End *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* Required Include Files *******************************************************************************/ #include "mfw_lng.h" /* The tPointerStructure provides the basic entry type for the resource tables indicated below. The structure provides a simple one-to-one mapping between the identifier and it's associated text string. */ typedef struct _tPointerStructure_ { long int Id; char *Text; } tPointerStructure, *pPointerStructure; //#define LANG_CHANGE_TEST /*MC SPR 1150, moved language macros from MmiResources.h*/ /*There should be language definitions for each number from 1 to NO_OF_LANGUAGES*/ #define ENGLISH_LANGUAGE 1 #define GERMAN_LANGUAGE 2 #ifdef CHINESE_MMI #define CHINESE_LANGUAGE 2 #else #define CHINESE_LANGUAGE 3 #endif #ifdef LANG_CHANGE_TEST /*MC test code*/ #define MARTIAN_LANGUAGE 2 #define CHINESE_LANGUAGE 3 #endif /*MC, SPR 1150, allows easier addition of languages, just increment macro*/ #ifndef CHINESE_MMI #define NO_OF_LANGUAGES 2 #else #define NO_OF_LANGUAGES 2 #endif /******************************************************************************* Public Definitions *******************************************************************************/ typedef enum { TxtNull = 0, #ifdef SIM_PERS TxtTimerFlag, TxtETSIFlag, TxtAirtelFlag, TxtEnterOldPsLock, TxtEnterPsLockNew, TxtEnterPsLockconf, TxtLockEnabled, TxtLockDisabled, TxtPersonalization, TxtSupplementaryInfo, TxtPersonalize, TxtUnlockCategory, TxtLockCategory, TxtResetFC, TxtGetFC, TxtMaxFC, TxtCorporate, TxtServiceProvider, TxtNetworkSubset, TxtLockActivated, TxtLockDeactivated, TxtEnterNLock, TxtEnterNsLock, TxtEnterSpLock, TxtEnterCLock, TxtEnterPsLock, TxtPsLockConfWrong, TxtPsLockConfwrong2, TxtPsLockChanged, TxtCounterReset, TxtPassfailed, TxtUnblock, TxtAlreadyLocked, TxtAlreadyUnlocked, TxtPhoneUnblocked, TxtPhoneBlocked, TxtGetFailFC, TxtMaxFailFC, TxtGetSuccFC, TxtMaxSucFC, #endif #ifdef FF_MMI_CPHS TxtViewAll, TxtEmergencyNumbers, #endif TxtReport, //x0pleela 01 Feb, 2006 DR: OMAPS00059261 TxtNotImplemented, TxtManu, TxtEnterPin1, TxtEnterPin2, TxtEnterPuk1, TxtEnterPuk2, TxtInvalidCard, TxtNoCard, TxtInvalidIMEI, // Nov 24, 2005, a0876501, DR: OMAPS00045909 TxtSoftCall, TxtSoftOK, TxtSoftMenu, TxtHelp, TxtSoftContacts, TxtPlay, TxtMessages, TxtAlarm, TxtSettings, TxtExtra, TxtSend, TxtSent, TxtNotSent, TxtServiceCentre, TxtPleaseWait, TxtSmsEnterNumber, TxtRead, TxtRetrieve, // x0012849 11 May 205 MMI-SPR-29887 TxtDeleteAll, TxtSave, TxtVoicemail, TxtBroadcast, TxtNew, TxtDigits, TxtLowercase, TxtUppercase, TxtApplications, TxtVoiceMemo, TxtSimNot, TxtReady, TxtSmsListFull, TxtNewCbMessage, TxtSaved, TxtDelete, TxtReply, TxtStoreNumber, TxtForward, TxtActivate, TxtTopics, TxtConsult, TxtAddNew, TxtContacts, TxtSearchName, TxtMemory, TxtMyNumber, TxtMyNumberFull, //SPR 31705 x0021308: RamG TxtRinger, TxtVolume, TxtKeypadTones, TxtNewMessage, TxtNewBroadcast, TxtAutoAnswer, TxtTimeDate, TxtLanguages, TxtVoiceMail, TxtPinCode, TxtAutoredial, TxtDTMF, TxtOn, TxtOff, TxtNetworkSel, TxtSendID, TxtChargeTimers, TxtCallDivert, TxtCallWaiting, TxtIfBusy, TxtIfNoAnswer, TxtIfNotReachable, TxtAllCalls, TxtCancelAll, TxtAll, TxtVoice, TxtFax, TxtData, TxtStatus, TxtCancel, TxtCalculator, TxtEnterName, TxtSoftBack, TxtSoftSelect, TxtSoftOptions, TxtEmptyList, TxtSendMessage, TxtChange, TxtEnterNumber, TxtPhbkFull, TxtWriteError, TxtEntryDeleted, TxtDetails, TxtHold, TxtUnhold, TxtMute, TxtSendDTMF, TxtMainMenu, TxtSwap, TxtEndAll, TxtPrivateCall, TxtStartConference, TxtReStartConference, TxtEndConference, TxtFind, TxtServiceNumbers, TxtOutofRange, TxtDone, TxtFailed, TxtEnterNewPin, TxtConfPin, TxtChangPin, TxtEnd, TxtPINFail, TxtSOS, TxtAutomatic, TxtManual, TxtFixedNames, TxtFactoryReset, TxtSearching, TxtChangPIN2, TxtOldPIN, TxtOldPIN2, TxtNotAcc, TxtEnabled, TxtDisabled, TxtPINOK, TxtSimBlocked, TxtNewPIN, TxtAcc, TxtNoNetwork, TxtNo, TxtEnterDate, TxtEnterTime, TxtScratchPad, TxtDeleted, TxtActivated, TxtDeActivated, TxtDeactivate, TxtNotActivated, // Dec 07, 2005 REF: OMAPS00050087 x0039928 - Added string to lang table TxtCheck, TxtYes, TxtCallNumber, TxtEnterMid, TxtReadError, TxtUsed, TxtOutgoing, TxtMuted, TxtCallEnded, TxtIncomingCall, TxtAnsweredCalls, // API - APR #1629 - Added string to lang table. TxtIncomingData, TxtIncomingFax, //SPR#1147 - DS - Added string to lang table. TxtNumberWithheld, TxtAccept, TxtReject, TxtCalling, TxtMissedCalls, TxtMissedCall, TxtLocked, TxtUnmute, TxtCharging, TxtChargComplete, TxtOperationNotAvail, TxtAddToConference, TxtEmpty, TxtSelectFromList, TxtEnterNetworkCode, TxtMCCMNC, TxtRecord, TxtSecurity, TxtEnglish, TxtGerman, TxtValidity, TxtMessageTyp, TxtSetVoiceMail, TxtCallTimers, TxtLastCharge, TxtTotalCharge, TxtResetCharge, TxtIfNoService, TxtDiscard, TxtEDIT, TxtExtractNumber, TxtWrite, TxtCheckStatus, TxtSetDivert, TxtCancelDivert, TxtHideID, TxtTones, TxtClock, TxtPhone, TxtStop, TxtRecording, TxtPlayback, TxtNoNumber, TxtOkToDelete, TxtBalance, TxtLimit, TxtLimitEq, TxtRate, TxtMinutes, TxtCost, TxtCredit, TxtPressOk, TxtReset, TxtIncoming, TxtCounter, TxtOutgoingCalls, TxtCostCounter, TxtEnterCurrency, Txt1Unit, TxtChanged, TxtEnterLimit, TxtCancelled, TxtView, TxtEnterPCK, TxtEnterCCK, TxtEnterNCK, TxtEnterNSCK, TxtEnterSPCK, TxtCodeInc, TxtBlckPerm, TxtDealer, TxtSendingDTMF, TxtCheckNumber, TxtNumberBusy, TxtNoAnswer, TxtNumberChanged, TxtNetworkBusy, TxtNotSubscribed, TxtAnyKeyAnswer, TxtPINBlock, TxtEdit, TxtChangePassword, TxtSetBar, TxtSmsTone, TxtMelody, TxtSilent, TxtClick, TxtClearAlarm, TxtTimeFormat, TxtTwelveHour, TxtTwentyfourHour, TxtInCallTimer, TxtStore, TxtNone, TxtPIN, TxtPIN2, TxtConfPin2, TxtNewPIN2, TxtUnlockOK, TxtIMEI, TxtList, TxtFull, TxtNotAvailable, TxtCallBAOC, TxtCallBAOIC, TxtCallBAOICexH, TxtCallBAIC, TxtCallBAICroam, TxtCallBarringAll, TxtCallBAOCAll, TxtCallBAICAll, TxtCLIP, TxtCOLP, TxtCOLR, TxtSimToolkit, TxtPhonebook, TxtRecentCalls, TxtNames, TxtInterCalls, TxtInterHome, TxtWhenRoaming, TxtCancelAllBars, TxtWaiting, TxtBarred, TxtForwarded, TxtCallDivertNoReach, TxtCallDivertNoReply, TxtCallDivertIfBusy, TxtPressMenu, TxtPlus, TxtMinus, TxtDivideBy, TxtMultiplyBy, TxtEquals, TxtSending, TxtMessage, TxtSoftNext, TxtLastCall, TxtIncomingCalls, TxtLow, TxtMedium, TxtHigh, TxtIncreasing, TxtTimerReset, TxtClockSetTo, TxtSilentMode, TxtSmsValidityPeriodSet, Txt1Hour, Txt12Hours, Txt24Hours, Txt1Week, TxtMaxTime, // May 10, 2004 REF: CRR 15753 Deepa M.D TxtPin2Code, TxtEnablePIN, TxtRequesting, TxtNotAllowed, TxtEmergency, TxtChinese, TxtPassword, TxtConfirmPassword, TxtNewPassword, TxtNoMessages, TxtTwoAttemptsLeft, TxtOneAttemptLeft, Txtblacklisted, TxtErrUnknown, TxtSSErr, TxtUnknownSub, TxtIllSub, TxtIllEqip, TxtIllOp, TxtSubVil, TxtInComp, TxtFacNoSup, TxtAbsSub, TxtSysFail, TxtMissDta, TxtUnexDta, TxtPwdErr, TxtUnkAlph, TxtMaxMpty, TxtResNoAvai, TxtUnRec, TxtMisTyp, TxtBadStruct, TxtDupInv, TxtResLim, TxtIniRel, TxtFatRes, TxtEntAnw, TxtSsMsg, TxtOld, TxtInsertnote, TxtMelodygenerator, TxtOctaveHigher, TxtOctaveLower, TxtLoadMelody, TxtEasyText, TxtDataCount, TxtQoS, TxtTypeofConnection, TxtTotalCount, TxtResetCount, TxtDataCounter, TxtV42bis, TxtNormal, TxtCSD, TxtClassB, TxtClassC, TxtIPAddress, /* SPR#2324 - SH - Removed some strings */ TxtIPAddress2, TxtPort1, TxtPort2, TxtAPN, TxtConnectionType, //xpradipg - Aug 4:changes for WAP2.0 Menu #if defined (FF_WAP) && defined (FF_GPF_TCPIP) TxtNameServer1, TxtNameServer2, TxtPPGAuthentication, TxtWirelessProfiledHTTP, #endif TxtGPRS, TxtOutgoingData, TxtGame, TxtHomepage, TxtBookmarks, TxtGoTo, TxtHistory, TxtSetup, TxtNewBookmark, TxtWWWdot, TxtWAPdot, TxtSMS, TxtEmail, TxtClear, TxtBookmark, /* 07-11-05 removed text Ids TxtSelectProfile, TxtSetupProfiles*/ TxtSaveHistory, TxtEditName, TxtEditURL, /* SPR#2324 - SH - Removed some strings */ TxtResponseTimer, TxtDialupNumber, TxtTemporary, TxtContinuous, /* SPR#2324 - SH - Removed some strings */ TxtWAP, TxtExit, TxtReload, TxtStored, TxtOther, TxtConnecting, TxtDownloading, TxtUpdating, TxtEnterURL, TxtProfileName, TxtISPUsername, TxtISPPassword, TxtGoToLink, TxtSelect, TxtNotConnected, TxtScaleImages, TxtLoggingIn, TxtPageNotFound, TxtInvalidURL, TxtNoResponse, TxtAccessDenied, TxtErrorInPage, TxtScriptError, TxtServerError, TxtGatewayError, TxtUnexpectedErr, TxtCharacterSet, TxtWBXMLError, TxtFatalError, TxtGatewayBusy, TxtSecurityFail, TxtErrorOutOfMem, TxtErrorMemLow, TxtError, TxtErrorHTTP, TxtErrorWSP, TxtErrorWAE, TxtErrorWSPCL, TxtErrorWSPCM, TxtErrorWTP, TxtErrorWTLS, TxtErrorWDP, TxtErrorUDCP, TxtNotSupported, TxtSelectLine, TxtLine1, TxtLine2, TxtInfoNumbers, TxtAttach, /*SH 18/01/02*/ TxtDetach, /*SH 18/01/02*/ TxtDetaching, // MZ cq10952 15/07/0 TxtDefineContext, /*SH 22/01/02*/ TxtActivateContext, /*SH 22/01/02*/ TxtDeactivateContext, /*SH 22/01/02*/ TxtGPRSPreferred, TxtCSDPreferred, TxtNotAttached, TxtAlreadyAttached, TxtSelected, /*ap 06/02/02*/ TxtNetwork, /*ap 06/02/02*/ TxtForbidden, /*ap 06/02/02*/ TxtActivateFDN, /*ap 06/02/02*/ TxtPlease, /*ap 06/02/02*/ TxtTimedOut, // SH 13/02/02 TxtWillChangeOn, // SH 13/02/02 TxtAttached, // SH 14/02/02 TxtDetached, // SH 14/02/02 TxtUnknown, // api 13/14/02 TxtCallTransfer,//MC TxtConnected, // SH TxtGSM_900, // SH TxtDCS_1800, TxtPCS_1900, TxtE_GSM, TxtGSM_850, TxtCallTimeout, TxtBand, TxtSatRefresh, TxtCallBlocked, TxtSRR, // Marcus: Issue 1170: 30/09/2002 //March 2, 2005 REF: CRR 11536 x0018858 TxtRP,//added for reply path TxtDelivered, // Marcus: Issue 1170: 07/10/2002 TxtTempError, // Marcus: Issue 1170: 07/10/2002 TxtUnknownCode,/*MC SPR 1111*/ TxtPhoneSettings, //SPR#1113 - DS - Added text id for renamed main menu item "Phone Settings" TxtNetworkServices, //SPR#1113 - DS - Added text id for new main menu item "Netw. Services" TxtCallDeflection, //SPR#1113 - DS - Added text id for new menu item "Call Deflection" (CD) TxtCallBack, //SPR#1113 - DS - Added text id for new menu item "Call Back" (CCBS) TxtMobileInfo, /*SPR1209*/ TxtServingCell,/*SPR1209*/ TxtNeighbourCell, /*SPR1209*/ TxtLocation, /*SPR1209*/ TxtCiphHopDTX,/*SPR1209*/ TxtConcat, TxtColourMenu, TxtColourBlack, TxtColourBlue, TxtColourCyan, TxtColourGreen, TxtColourMagenta, TxtColourYellow, TxtColourRed, TxtColourWhite, TxtColourPink, TxtColourOrange, TxtColourLightBlue, TxtColourLightGreen, TxtColourPaleYellow, TxtColourTransparent, TxtIdleScreenBackground, TxtIdleScreenSoftKey, TxtIdleScreenText, TxtIdleScreenNetworkName, TxtGeneralBackground , TxtMenuSoftKeyForeground , TxtMenuSoftKeyBackground , TxtSubMenuHeadingText , TxtSubMenuHeadingBackground, TxtSubMenuTextForeground , TxtSubMenuTextBackground, TxtSubMenuSelectionBar, TxtPopUpTextForeground, TxtPopUpTextBackground, TxtColour, TxtLoser, TxtPlayAgain, TxtWinner, TxtSelectBook, /* SPR1112 - SH */ TxtSIM, TxtMove, TxtCopy, TxtThisEntry, TxtBackground, /* for selecting backgrounds*/ TxtProviderIcon, TxtIdleScreen, TxtMenuScreen, TxtBgdSquares, TxtBgdO2, TxtBgdTree, TxtBgdTILogo, TxtBgdSunset, TxtBgdEdinburgh1, TxtBgdEdinburgh2, TxtBgdEdinburgh3, TxtBgdEdinburgh4, TxtDeflectCall, //SPR 1392 call-deflection TxtDeflectCallTo, //SPR 1392 call deflection TxtDeflect, //SPR 1392 call deflection TxtDeflectingCallTo, //SPR 1392 call deflection TxtCallBackQuery, // Marcus: CCBS: 15/11/2002 TxtRejected, // Marcus: CCBS: 15/11/2002 TxtActiveCall, /* SPR#1352 - SH */ TxtHeldCall, TxtActiveTTYCall, TxtHeldTTYCall, TxtTTY, TxtOnNextCall, TxtAlwaysOn, TxtTTYCalling, TxtIncomingTTYCall, TxtProvisioned, // Marcus: Issue 1652: 03/02/2003 TxtExecuted, // Marcus: Issue 1652: 03/02/2003 TxtCommand, // NDH : SPR#1869 : 08/04/2003 TxtCompleted, // NDH : SPR#1869 : 08/04/2003 TxtMultiparty, // AP: Issue 1749: 06/03/03 TxtAttaching, /* SPR#1983 - SH - Various WAP texts*/ TxtConnection, TxtUsing, TxtConnectionSpeed, TxtAnalogue, TxtISDN9600, TxtISDN14400, TxtEndWap, TxtUntitled, TxtChooseReplacement1, TxtChooseReplacement2, TxtDialup, /* SPR#2324 - SH - Added */ TxtAdvanced, /* SPR#2324 - SH - Added */ TxtGPRSDialupGPRS, /* SPR#2324 - SH - Added */ TxtGPRSDialupDialup, /* SPR#2324 - SH - Added */ TxtProfiles, /* SPR#2324 - SH - Added */ TxtNewProfile, /* SPR#2324 - SH - Added */ TxtResetProfiles, /* SPR#2324 - SH - Added */ TxtPasswords,// MMI SPR 16107 TxtMismatch,// MMI SPR 16107 TxtDataCounterReset, /* SPR#2346 - SH */ TxtCallDate, /* API - 05/09/03 - SPR2357 - Added */ TxtCallTime, /* API - 05/09/03 - SPR2357 - Added */ TxtInvalidMessage,/*MC SPR 2530*/ TxtIncompleteMessage,/*MC SPR 2530*/ //yanbin add MMS string //TISHMMS Project TxtDownload, #if defined (FF_WAP) && defined (FF_GPF_TCPIP) TxtShowMessages, /*added by ellen*/ TxtPushMessages, /*added by ellen*/ #endif #if defined (FF_MMI_MMS) || defined (FF_MMI_EMS)//MMI-SPR 49811 - x0035544 07 nov 2005 TxtMMS, TxtEMS, TxtMMSCreate, TxtEMSCreate, TxtMMSInbox, TxtMMSUnsent, TxtMMSSent,//CRR: 25291 - xrashmic 14 Oct 2004 TxtMMSSettings, TxtRetrieveCondition, //x0012849 May 11 2005 MMI-SPR-29887 TxtMMSInsertPicture, TxtMMSInsertSound, TxtMMSInsertText, TxtMMSInsertSlide, TxtMMSDelete, TxtMMSPreview, TxtMMSDeleteSlide, TxtMMSDeletePicture, TxtMMSDeleteSound, TxtMMSDeleteText, TxtMMSInsert, TxtMMSSendSucess, TxtMMSSendFail, TxtMMSSendng, TxtMMSDownloading, TxtNewMMS, TxtMMSRcvFail, TxtMMSDots, TxtExtract, TxtMMSNotification,//x0012849 May 11 2005 MMI-SPR-29887 TxtImmediate, //x0012849 May 11 2005 MMI-SPR-29887 TxtDeferred, //x0012849 May 11 2005 MMI-SPR-29887 TxtMMSRetrieving, //x0012849 May 11 2005 MMI-SPR-29887 // MMS Retrieving TxtMMSRetrieved, //x0012849 May 11 2005 MMI-SPR-29887 // MMS Retrieved TxtEMSNew, //xrashmic 26 Aug, 2004 MMI-SPR-23931 TxtType,//xrashmic 29 Nov, 2004 MMI-SPR-26161 TxtObject,//xrashmic 29 Nov, 2004 MMI-SPR-26161 TxtLarge,//xrashmic 29 Nov, 2004 MMI-SPR-26161 //xrashmic 7 Dec, 2004 MMI-SPR-23965 TxtMMSInsertPrePicture, TxtMMSInsertPreSound, TxtAllObjects, TxtExtracted, TxtExtracting, TxtNoObjects, TxtExtractable, #endif//MMI-SPR 49811 - x0035544 07 nov 2005 TxtLockAls, /* NDH : CQ16317 */ TxtUnlockAls, /* NDH : CQ16317 */ TxtAlsLocked, /* NDH : CQ16317 */ TxtAlsUnlocked, /* NDH : CQ16317 */ TxtLimService, /* SPR12653 */ // Apr 06, 2005 REF: ENH 30011 xdeepadh //Strings for Camera, Mp3 and midi test application are //under the respective flags. // Nov 14, 2005 REF: OMAPS00044445 xdeepadh #if defined(FF_MMI_TEST_MP3) || defined(FF_MMI_TEST_AAC) TxtPlayerMonoChannel, TxtPlayerStereoChannel, TxtPlayerSetChannels, TxtPlayerPlay, TxtPlayerTest, TxtPlayerFileSelected, TxtPlayerSelectFile, TxtPlayerPause, TxtPlayerResume, TxtPlayerStop, TxtPlayerPlaying, TxtPlayerFileNotLoaded, //Jul 18, 2005 REF: SPR 31695 xdeepadh TxtPlayerOptionNotImplemented,//Jul 18, 2005 REF: SPR 31695 xdeepadh #endif //FF_MMI_TEST_MP3 //Aug 22, 2005 REF: ENH 31154 xdeepadh #ifdef FF_MMI_TEST_CAMERA TxtCameraTest, TxtViewFinder, TxtSnapshot, TxtSaveSnapshot, TxtSnapshotSaved, TxtSoftSnap, TxtSoftSnapSave, TxtSnapSaving, TxtQuality, TxtEconomy, TxtStandard, TxtColor, TxtSepia, TxtBlackandWhite, TxtNegative, TxtFilename, TxtDigiZoom, #endif //FF_MMI_TEST_CAMERA // Apr 05, 2005 REF: ENH 29994 xdeepadh //Midi Test Application Strings were put under the flag FF_MMI_TEST_MIDI #ifdef FF_MMI_TEST_MIDI TxtMidiTest, TxtMidiChangeConfig, TxtMidiPlay, TxtMidiPlayAllFiles, TxtMidiExit, TxtChConfigFile, TxtChConfigVoiceLimit, TxtChConfigLoop, TxtChConfigChannels, TxtChConfigBankLocation, TxtMidiEnterVoiceNumber, TxtMidiSelectFile, TxtMidiOptionNotImplemented, TxtMidiLoopOn, TxtMidiLoopOff, TxtMidiChannels, TxtMidiMonoChannel, TxtMidiStereoChannel, TxtMidiBankLocation, TxtMidiFastBankLocation, TxtMidiSlowBankLocation, TxtMidiFileTitle, TxtMidiFileNotLoaded, TxtMidiFileSelected, TxtChConfigAudioOutput, TxtMidiSpeaker, TxtMidiHeadset, #endif //#ifdef FF_MMI_TEST_MIDI #ifdef BTE_MOBILE /* ** Start of Bluetooth Related Strings */ TxtBluetooth, TxtBluetoothEnable, TxtBluetoothDisable, TxtBtEnterDeviceName, TxtBtEnterPassKey, TxtBtPassKey, TxtBtTimeout, TxtBtPairing, TxtBtPaired, TxtBtAuthorize, TxtBtUnAuthorize, TxtBtInfo, TxtBtYesOnce, TxtBtYesAlways, TxtBtPairDevice, TxtBtChangePassKey, TxtBtShowServices, TxtBtAddToKnown, TxtBtRemoveDevice, TxtBtDeviceName, TxtBtSet, TxtBtServices, TxtBtNoServices, TxtBtSupported, TxtBtSerialPort, TxtBtDialUpNetworking, TxtBtHeadSet, TxtBtHandsFree, TxtBtObjectPush, TxtBtFileTransfer, TxtBtLanAccess, TxtBtCordlessTelephony, TxtBtIntercom, TxtBtUnknownService, TxtBtRequiresAuthorizationForService, TxtBtDevices, TxtBtDevice, TxtBtHidden, TxtBtTimed, TxtBtKnownDevices, TxtBtDiscoverable, TxtBtNoDevices, TxtBtFound, TxtBtSetLocalName, TxtBtClearStoredDevices, #endif /* ** End of Bluetooth Related Strings */ TxtFDNName,// MMI SPR 18555 TxtAllDivert,// MMI SPR 13614 TxtNoReachDivert, // MMI SPR 13614 TxtBusyDivert, // MMI SPR 13614 TxtNoAnsDivert, // MMI SPR 13614 TxtCondDivert, // MMI SPR 13614 TxtAllCallsDivert,// MMI SPR 13614 TxtInvalidInput,// MMI SPR 21547 TxtFDNListFull, // SPR 31710 x0021308 :RamG //Nov 29, 2004 REF: CRR 25051 xkundadu //Description: INCALL SCREEN – ADJUSTING THE VOLUME //Fix: Enums corresponding to various speaker volume // level strings. TxtLevel1, TxtLevel2, TxtLevel3, TxtLevel4, TxtLevel5, TxtImage, //xrashmic 28 Jan, 2005 MMI-SPR-28166 TxtSmsWaiting,//x0018858 24 Mar, 2005 MMI-FIX-11321 #ifdef FF_MMI_MULTIMEDIA /* String to be displayed in BMI. Menu Strings. */ TxtMultimediaApp, TxtConfigurationParameters, TxtAudioVideoPlayback, TxtMidiPlayback, TxtImageViewer, TxtCameraCapture, TxtVideoRecording, TxtAudioRecording, TxtPlayRecording, TxtFileListType, TxtNoFileAvail, TxtOutputScreenSize, TxtAudioEncodingFormat, TxtVideoEncodingFormat, TxtVideoCaptureSize, TxtVideoFrameRateSelection, TxtAudioBitRate, TxtVideoBitRate, TxtMidiPlayerSelect, /* Configuration Parameter Strings. */ TxtHalfScreenMode, TxtFullScreenMode, /* Audio Format */ TxtAAC, TxtAMR, TxtPCM, TxtMP3, /* Video Format */ TxtMpeg4, TxtH263, /* Frame Size */ TxtQcif, TxtCif, /* Video Frame Rate */ Txt5fps, Txt10fps, Txt15fps, Txt20fps, Txt25fps, Txt30fps, /* Bit Rate */ TxtAACBitRate, AMRNBBitRate, /* AAC Bit Rate */ Txt48Kbps, Txt66p15Kbps, Txt72Kbps, Txt96pKbps, Txt132p3Kbps, Txt144Kbps, Txt192Kbps, Txt264p6Kbps, Txt288Kbps, /* AMR Bit Rate */ Txt4p75Kbps, Txt5p15Kbps, Txt5p9Kbps, Txt6p7Kbps, Txt7p4Kbps, Txt7p95Kbps, Txt10p2Kbps, Txt12p2Kbps, /* Video Bit Rate */ Txt64Kbps, Txt128Kbps, Txt384Kbps, /* Softkey display strings */ TxtPauseKey, TxtResumeKey, TxtEncodeKey, TxtSoftIVT, TxtPictureDisp, TxtSetParam, /* Audio Path Configuration Parameter */ TxtAudioPath, TxtHeadset, TxtHeadphone, /* Audio / Video Recording related strings. */ TxtSoftStart, TxtAudvidRecord, TxtQQVga, TxtEncdTo, TxtJPEGFile, /* File Management related Strings. */ TxtFileMgmt, TxtFileOprns, TxtFileOprnsTest, TxtFFS, TxtMMC, TxtSDC, TxtTestCase1, TxtTestCase2, TxtTestCase3, TxtOperSuccess, TxtOperFailed, TxtNotYetDone, TxtFTPApp, TxtPut, TxtGet, /* Configuration parameter, Volume and Preferred storage.*/ TxtVolumeConfig, TxtPreferredStorage, TxtSpeaker, TxtEnterPath, TxtInvalidPath, TxtRename, TxtCreateFolder, TxtEnterFileName, TxtFolderNotEmpty, TxtOperationList, TxtDestination, TxtVMPlayback, TxtVMRecord, TxtVMConfigParam, TxtStartRecord, TxtPlayingfile, TxtPauseFile, TxtRecordVoice, TxtSoftMore, TxtUseCase, TxtRepeateForEver, TxtPlayonce, TxtCamera, TxtCapture, TxtCrop, TxtRescale, TxtRotate, TxtDummyStr, TxtDummyStr1, #endif // xpradipg - LOCOSTO-ENH-31895 : 23 June 2005 #ifdef FF_MMI_AUDIO_PROFILE TxtLoudspeaker, TxtHandheld, TxtCarkit, TxtHeadset, TxtInserted, TxtRemoved, #endif //Aug 22, 2005 REF: ENH 31154 xdeepadh #ifdef FF_MMI_FILE_VIEWER TxtFileNotLoaded,//file viewer TxtFileViewer,////May 02, 2005 REF:Camera App xdeepadh TxtRename, TxtRotate, TxtRotate90Degree, TxtRotate180Degree, TxtRotate270Degree, TxtZoom, TxtZoomIn, TxtZoomOut, TxtDeleteConfirm, TxtFileTooBig, TxtFileExists, //Jan 03, 2006 REF: SPR OMAPS00060036 xdeepadh TxtWrongFilename, //Aug 31, 2005 REF: SPR 34050 xdeepadh TxtNoExtension, // Aug 31, 2005 REF: SPR 34050 xdeepadh #endif // FF_MMI_FILE_VIEWER #ifdef NEPTUNE_BOARD #ifdef MMI_POWER_MANAGEMENT_TEST TxtPowerMgnt, #endif #endif NO_OF_DEFINED_TEXT_IDS //GW Leave this as the last element. } tIndexTagNames, LangTxt; #if 0 //SPR#1147 - DS - Added one string for incoming fax to lang table. #define LEN_LANGUAGE1 662 //English language //SPR#1147 - DS - Added one string for incoming fax to lang table. #ifndef CHINESE_MMI //German language #define LEN_LANGUAGE2 662 #else //Chinese language #define LEN_LANGUAGE2 662 #endif /* CHINESE_MMI */ #else /* ** SPR#1869 - NDH - I have moved this so that it is after the ENUM, so that it is possible ** to use NO_OF_DEFINED_TEXT_IDS as the size of the Language Array */ #define LEN_LANGUAGE1 NO_OF_DEFINED_TEXT_IDS //English language /* ** SPR#1869 - NDH - The second language needs to be the same size as the first regardless ** of whether it is German, Chinese or Martian */ #define LEN_LANGUAGE2 NO_OF_DEFINED_TEXT_IDS #endif /******************************************************************************* Public Routine Definitions *******************************************************************************/ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif void *Mmir_BaseAddress(void); int Mmir_NumberOfEntries(void); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /******************************************************************************* End of File *******************************************************************************/ #endif