diff g23m/condat/ms/src/aci/psa_ccf.c @ 0:509db1a7b7b8

initial import: leo2moko-r1
author Space Falcon <falcon@ivan.Harhan.ORG>
date Mon, 01 Jun 2015 03:24:05 +0000 (2015-06-01)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/g23m/condat/ms/src/aci/psa_ccf.c	Mon Jun 01 03:24:05 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2959 @@
+|  Project :  GSM-PS (6147)
+|  Modul   :  PSA_CCF
+|  Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG
+|                 All rights reserved.
+|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas
+|                 Instruments Berlin, AG
+|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey
+|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to
+|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in
+|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of
+|                 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG.
+|  Purpose :  This module defines the functions for the protocol
+|             stack adapter for call control.
+#ifndef PSA_CCF_C
+#define PSA_CCF_C
+#include "aci_all.h"
+#undef TRACING
+/*==== INCLUDES ===================================================*/
+#include "l4_tim.h"
+#include "ccdapi.h"
+#include "aci_cmh.h"
+#include "ati_cmd.h"
+#include "aci_cmd.h"
+#include "phb.h"
+#ifdef FAX_AND_DATA
+#include "aci_fd.h"
+#endif    /* of #ifdef FAX_AND_DATA */
+#include "aci.h"
+#include "psa.h"
+#include "psa_cc.h"
+#include "psa_mmi.h"
+#include "psa_ss.h"
+#include "cmh.h"
+#include "cmh_cc.h"
+#include "psa_util.h"
+#include "cmh_phb.h"
+#include "psa_sim.h"
+#include "aci_mem.h"
+#include "hl_audio_drv.h"
+#include "gdi.h"
+#include "rtcdrv.h"
+#include "audio.h"
+#include "aoc.h"
+#include "psa_sat.h"
+#include "cmh_sat.h"
+#endif /* SIM_TOOLKIT */
+/*==== CONSTANTS ==================================================*/
+#define MAX_MOCTI_NR    (7)     /* max number of ti's for MOC */
+#define SA_DEL         ('-')    /* subaddress delimiter */
+#define MAX_ITM         (5)     /* max number of items per line */
+#define ITM_WDT         (14)    /* item width in chars */
+#define HDR_WDT         (10)    /* header width in chars */
+#define EMRGNCY_NUM    {"000","08","112","110","911","999",""}
+                                    /* default emergency numbers */
+#define EMRGNCY_NUM_NS {"118","119",""}  /* additional default emergency    */
+                                    /* numbers for use without SIM     */
+/*==== TYPES ======================================================*/
+/*==== EXPORT =====================================================*/
+/*==== VARIABLES ==================================================*/
+LOCAL UBYTE tiPool = 0xFF; /* holds pool of transaction identifiers */
+LOCAL const CHAR * const ec_string[]    = EMRGNCY_NUM;
+LOCAL const CHAR * const ec_string_ns[] = EMRGNCY_NUM_NS;
+EXTERN SHORT Ext_USSD_Res_Pending_sId;
+ * Phonebook search list
+ *
+ * Description : this is the list of phonebooks, which will be searched
+ *               for known entries. This is done during phonebook
+ *               dialling and the indication of incoming calls. It is
+ *               important to leave the EOL indicator at the end of
+ *               the list to terminate the list.
+ *               Available phonebooks:
+ *
+ *               ECC Emergency call numbers
+ *               ADN Abbreviated dialing number
+ *               FDN Fixed dialing number
+ *               BDN Barred dialing number
+ *               LDN Last dialing number
+ *               LRN Last received number
+ *               SDN Service dialing number
+ */
+const SHORT phbSrchLst[] =
+      ADN,
+      SDN,
+      FDN,
+/*--- EOL -------------------------------------------------------*/
+      -1
+/*==== FUNCTIONS ==================================================*/
+LOCAL UBYTE psaCC_handleInternatPlus( char *number );
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCS                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_send_satevent     |
+  PURPOSE : Tries to send an event to SAT.
+GLOBAL void psaCC_send_satevent( UBYTE event,
+                                 SHORT callId ,
+                                 T_CC_INITIATER actionSrc,
+                                 BOOL check_SatDiscEvent )
+#ifdef SIM_TOOLKIT  /* monitoring for SAT */
+  T_CC_CALL_TBL * pCtbNtry;     /* holds pointer to call table entry */
+  pCtbNtry = ccShrdPrm.ctb[callId];
+  if( check_SatDiscEvent EQ TRUE )    /* not sure whether this is needed */
+  {
+    if ( !pCtbNtry -> SatDiscEvent )
+    {
+      pCtbNtry -> SatDiscEvent = TRUE;
+      if ( psaSAT_ChkEventList(event) )
+      {
+        cmhSAT_EventDwn( event, callId, actionSrc );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if ( psaSAT_ChkEventList(event) )
+    {
+      cmhSAT_EventDwn( event, callId, actionSrc );
+    }
+  }
+#endif  /* SIM_TOOLKIT */
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_ctbNewEntry       |
+  PURPOSE : returns the call table index for a free entry to be used,
+            otherwise the function return -1 to indicate that no
+            entry is free.
+GLOBAL SHORT psaCC_ctbNewEntry ( void )
+  SHORT ctbIdx;             /* holds call table index */
+  for (ctbIdx = 0; ctbIdx < MAX_CALL_NR; ctbIdx++)
+  {
+    if (ccShrdPrm.ctb[ctbIdx] EQ NULL)
+    {
+      psaCC_InitCtbNtry( ctbIdx );
+      return( ctbIdx );
+    }
+  }
+  return( -1 );
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_ctbFindTi         |
+  PURPOSE : returns the call table index for the entry that holds
+            call parameters for the passed transaction identifier.
+            Returning -1 indicates that the passed ti was not found.
+GLOBAL SHORT psaCC_ctbFindTi ( UBYTE ti2Find )
+  SHORT ctbIdx;             /* holds call table index */
+  for( ctbIdx = 0; ctbIdx < MAX_CALL_NR; ctbIdx++ )
+  {
+    T_CC_CALL_TBL *ctbx = ccShrdPrm.ctb[ctbIdx];
+    if (ctbx NEQ NULL AND
+        ctbx->ti EQ ti2Find )
+      return( ctbIdx );
+  }
+  return( -1 );
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_ctbFindCall       |
+  PURPOSE : returns the call table index for the entry that holds
+            call parameters for the call with the searched call owner,
+            call status and call type.
+            Returning -1 indicates that no such call was found.
+GLOBAL SHORT psaCC_ctbFindCall ( T_OWN calOwn,
+                                 T_CC_CLST calStat,
+                                 T_CC_CLTP calType )
+  SHORT ctbIdx;             /* holds call table index */
+  for( ctbIdx = 0; ctbIdx < MAX_CALL_NR; ctbIdx++ )
+  {
+    T_CC_CALL_TBL *ctbx = ccShrdPrm.ctb[ctbIdx];
+    if (ctbx NEQ NULL AND
+        ctbx->calStat EQ calStat)
+    {
+      if( calOwn EQ NO_VLD_OWN OR
+          ctbx->calOwn EQ calOwn )
+      {
+        if( calType EQ NO_VLD_CT OR
+            ctbx->calType EQ calType )
+          return( ctbIdx );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return( -1 );
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_ctbCallInUse      |
+  PURPOSE : checks the call table if there is a call in use by a
+            owner, or if the call table is idle. The function returns
+            TRUE or FALSE.
+GLOBAL BOOL psaCC_ctbCallInUse ( void )
+  SHORT ctbIdx;             /* holds call table index */
+  for( ctbIdx = 0; ctbIdx < MAX_CALL_NR; ctbIdx++ )
+  {
+    T_CC_CALL_TBL *ctbx = ccShrdPrm.ctb[ctbIdx];
+    if (ctbx NEQ NULL)
+    {
+      switch( ctbx->calStat )
+      {
+        case( CS_ACT ):
+        case( CS_ACT_REQ ):
+        case( CS_HLD_REQ ):
+        case( CS_HLD ):
+        case( CS_DSC_REQ ):
+        case( CS_CPL_REQ ):
+        case( CS_MDF_REQ ):
+          if( ctbx->calOwn NEQ OWN_NONE )
+            return( TRUE );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return( FALSE );
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_ctbAnyCallInUse   |
+  PURPOSE : checks the call table if there is a any call in use,
+            or if the call table is idle. The function returns
+            TRUE or FALSE.
+GLOBAL BOOL psaCC_ctbAnyCallInUse ( void )
+  SHORT ctbIdx;             /* holds call table index */
+  for( ctbIdx = 0; ctbIdx < MAX_CALL_NR; ctbIdx++ )
+  {
+    T_CC_CALL_TBL *ctbx = ccShrdPrm.ctb[ctbIdx];
+    if (ctbx NEQ NULL)
+    {
+      switch( ctbx->calStat )
+      {
+        case( CS_ACT ):
+        case( CS_ACT_REQ ):
+        case( CS_HLD_REQ ):
+        case( CS_HLD ):
+        case( CS_DSC_REQ ):
+        case( CS_CPL_REQ ):
+        case( CS_MDF_REQ ):
+          return( TRUE );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return( FALSE );
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_ctbDialNr2CldAdr  |
+  PURPOSE : this function converts a dial string into the settings
+            for the called address parameters for the passed call id.
+            The function returns -1 if an error occurs.
+GLOBAL SHORT psaCC_ctbDialNr2CldAdr ( SHORT cId, char * pDialStr )
+  T_CC_CALL_TBL *ctb = ccShrdPrm.ctb[cId];
+  char * pSubAdr;           /* points to subaddress */
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * seach for subaddress
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+  pSubAdr = strchr( pDialStr, SA_DEL );
+  if ( pSubAdr )    /* subaddress found */
+  {
+    /*
+     * cutoff the subaddr from the dialnumber
+     */
+    *pSubAdr = 0x0;
+    pSubAdr++;
+    /*
+     * fill in subaddress information
+     */
+    ctb->cldPtySub.tos = TOS_NSAP;
+    ctb->cldPtySub.c_subaddr =
+      (UBYTE)utl_dialStr2BCD (pSubAdr, ctb->cldPtySub.subaddr, SUB_LENGTH);
+    ctb->cldPtySub.odd_even =
+      (ctb->cldPtySub.c_subaddr & 1) ? OE_ODD : OE_EVEN;
+  }
+  else            /* subaddress not found */
+  {
+    ctb->cldPtySub.tos = TOS_NOT_PRES;
+    ctb->cldPtySub.odd_even = OE_EVEN;
+    ctb->cldPtySub.c_subaddr = 0;
+  }
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * fill in address information
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+  ctb->cldPty.npi = NPI_ISDN_TEL_NUMB_PLAN;
+  ctb->cldPty.ton = ((pDialStr[0] EQ '+') ? TON_INT_NUMB : TON_UNKNOWN);
+  /*
+   * 00 is not an indication for an international number
+  if( pDialStr[0] EQ '0' AND pDialStr[1] EQ '0' )
+  {
+    pDialStr += 2;
+    ctb->cldPty.ton = TON_INT_NUMB;
+  }
+  */
+  if (ctb->cldPty.called_num NEQ NULL)
+  {
+    ACI_MFREE (ctb->cldPty.called_num);
+    ctb->cldPty.called_num = NULL;
+  }
+  ctb->cldPty.c_called_num =
+    (UBYTE)utl_dialStr2BCD (pDialStr, NULL, MAX_CC_CALLED_NUMBER);
+  if (ctb->cldPty.c_called_num NEQ 0)
+  {
+    ACI_MALLOC (ctb->cldPty.called_num,
+                ctb->cldPty.c_called_num);
+    (void)utl_dialStr2BCD (pDialStr,
+                           ctb->cldPty.called_num,
+                           ctb->cldPty.c_called_num);
+  }
+  return( 0 );
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_ctbClrAdr2Num     |
+  PURPOSE : this function converts the parameters of the calling
+            address for the passed call id into a dial number. The
+            string is copied into the passed buffer. In case the
+            buffer size is not sufficient to hold the called number,
+            the number is cut to maxSize. The function returns a pointer
+            to the buffer or NULL if an error occurs.
+GLOBAL CHAR *psaCC_ctbClrAdr2Num ( SHORT cId, CHAR *pNumBuf, UBYTE maxSize )
+  T_CC_CALL_TBL *ctb = ccShrdPrm.ctb[cId];
+  TRACE_FUNCTION ("psaCC_ctbClrAdr2Num()");
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * convert BCD address
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+  if (ctb->clgPty.c_num EQ 0)
+  {
+    *pNumBuf = '\0';     /* empty string */
+    return( NULL );
+  }
+  maxSize -= 1; /* for trailing '\0' */
+  /*
+   *  International call add + at the beginning
+   */
+  if (ctb->clgPty.ton EQ TON_INT_NUMB)
+  {
+    *pNumBuf = '+';
+    utl_BCD2DialStr (ctb->clgPty.num,
+                     pNumBuf+1,
+                     (UBYTE)MINIMUM(maxSize-1, ctb->clgPty.c_num));
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    utl_BCD2DialStr (ctb->clgPty.num,
+                     pNumBuf,
+                     (UBYTE)MINIMUM(maxSize,   ctb->clgPty.c_num));
+  }
+  return( pNumBuf );
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_ctbClrAdr2Sub     |
+  PURPOSE : this function converts the parameters of the calling
+            subaddress for the passed call id into a dial subnumber.
+            The string is copied into the passed buffer. The function
+            returns a pointer to the buffer or 0 if an error occurs.
+GLOBAL CHAR *psaCC_ctbClrAdr2Sub ( SHORT cId, CHAR * pSubBuf )
+  T_CC_CALL_TBL *ctb = ccShrdPrm.ctb[cId];
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * convert BCD subaddress
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+  if (ctb->clgPtySub.c_subaddr EQ 0 )
+  {
+    *pSubBuf = '\0';     /* empty string */
+    return( NULL );
+  }
+  utl_BCD2DialStr (ctb->clgPtySub.subaddr, pSubBuf,
+                   ctb->clgPtySub.c_subaddr);
+  return( pSubBuf );
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_ctbCldAdr2Num     |
+  PURPOSE : this function converts the parameters of the called
+            address for the passed call id into a dial number. The
+            string is copied into the passed buffer. In case the
+            buffer size is not sufficient to hold the called number,
+            the number is cut to maxSize. This is currently necessary
+            to protect the protocol stack from memory overwriting, as
+            the called party address for CC may have a size of up to
+            80 digits, but there may not be this room foreseen in some
+            phonebook entries. The function returns a pointer
+            to the buffer or NULL if an error occurs.
+GLOBAL CHAR *psaCC_ctbCldAdr2Num ( SHORT cId, CHAR *pNumBuf, UBYTE maxSize )
+  T_CC_CALL_TBL *ctb = ccShrdPrm.ctb[cId];
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * convert BCD address
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+  if (ctb->cldPty.c_called_num EQ 0 )
+  {
+    *pNumBuf = '\0';     /* empty string */
+    return( NULL );
+  }
+  maxSize -= 1; /* for trailing '\0' */
+  /*
+   *  International call add + at the beginning
+   */
+  if (ctb->cldPty.ton EQ TON_INT_NUMB)
+  {
+    *pNumBuf = '+';
+    utl_BCD2DialStr (ctb->cldPty.called_num,
+                     pNumBuf+1,
+                     (UBYTE)MINIMUM(maxSize-1, ctb->cldPty.c_called_num));
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    utl_BCD2DialStr (ctb->cldPty.called_num,
+                     pNumBuf,
+                     (UBYTE)MINIMUM(maxSize,   ctb->cldPty.c_called_num));
+  }
+  return( pNumBuf );
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_ctbCldAdr2Sub     |
+  PURPOSE : this function converts the parameters of the called
+            subaddress for the passed call id into a dial subnumber.
+            The string is copied into the passed buffer. The function
+            returns a pointer to the buffer or 0 if an error occurs.
+GLOBAL CHAR *psaCC_ctbCldAdr2Sub ( SHORT cId, CHAR * pSubBuf )
+  T_CC_CALL_TBL *ctb = ccShrdPrm.ctb[cId];
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * convert BCD subaddress
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+  if (ctb->cldPtySub.c_subaddr EQ 0 )
+  {
+    *pSubBuf = '\0';     /* empty string */
+    return( NULL );
+  }
+  utl_BCD2DialStr (ctb->cldPtySub.subaddr, pSubBuf,
+                   ctb->cldPtySub.c_subaddr);
+  return( pSubBuf );
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_ctbRdrAdr2Num     |
+  PURPOSE : this function converts the parameters of the redirecting
+            address for the passed call id into a dial number. The
+            string is copied into the passed buffer. In case the
+            buffer size is not sufficient to hold the called number,
+            the number is cut to maxSize. The function returns a pointer
+            to the buffer or NULL if an error occurs.
+GLOBAL CHAR *psaCC_ctbRdrAdr2Num ( SHORT cId, CHAR *pNumBuf, UBYTE maxSize )
+  T_CC_CALL_TBL *ctb = ccShrdPrm.ctb[cId];
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * convert BCD address
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+  if (ctb->rdrPty.c_redir_num EQ 0 )
+  {
+    *pNumBuf = '\0';     /* empty string */
+    return( NULL );
+  }
+  maxSize -= 1; /* for trailing '\0' */
+  /*
+   *  International call add + at the beginning
+   */
+  if (ctb->rdrPty.ton EQ TON_INT_NUMB)
+  {
+    *pNumBuf = '+';
+    utl_BCD2DialStr (ctb->rdrPty.redir_num,
+                     pNumBuf+1,
+                     (UBYTE)MINIMUM(maxSize-1, ctb->rdrPty.c_redir_num));
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    utl_BCD2DialStr (ctb->rdrPty.redir_num,
+                     pNumBuf,
+                     (UBYTE)MINIMUM(maxSize,   ctb->rdrPty.c_redir_num));
+  }
+  return( pNumBuf );
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_ctbRdrAdr2Sub     |
+  PURPOSE : this function converts the parameters of the redirecting
+            subaddress for the passed call id into a dial subnumber.
+            The string is copied into the passed buffer. The function
+            returns a pointer to the buffer or 0 if an error occurs.
+GLOBAL CHAR *psaCC_ctbRdrAdr2Sub ( SHORT cId, CHAR * pSubBuf )
+  T_CC_CALL_TBL *ctb = ccShrdPrm.ctb[cId];
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * convert BCD subaddress
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+  if (ctb->rdrPtySub.c_subaddr EQ 0 )
+  {
+    *pSubBuf = '\0';     /* empty string */
+    return( NULL );
+  }
+  utl_BCD2DialStr (ctb->rdrPtySub.subaddr, pSubBuf,
+                   ctb->rdrPtySub.c_subaddr);
+  return( pSubBuf );
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_ctbGetAplha       |
+  PURPOSE : this function returns the pointer of the aplha identifier
+            in the call table for the specified call. If no alpha
+            identifier is available a NULL pointer will be returned.
+GLOBAL T_ACI_PB_TEXT *psaCC_ctbGetAlpha ( SHORT cId )
+  T_CC_CALL_TBL *ctb = ccShrdPrm.ctb[cId];
+  if( ctb->alphIdUni.len EQ 0 )
+    return( NULL );
+  else
+    return( &ctb->alphIdUni );
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_chgCalTypCnt      |
+  PURPOSE : this function modifies the call type counter (MOC/MTC)
+            defined by the passed call id by the passed delta value.
+            NOTE: The purpose of this function is to be able to set
+                  ccShrdPrm.TCHasg to FALSE if all calls are gone.
+                  Nice try, but this could achieved more easily by
+                  having a clean call table management.
+                  Misconcepted code.
+GLOBAL void psaCC_chngCalTypCnt ( SHORT cId, SHORT dlt )
+  T_CC_CALL_TBL *ctb = ccShrdPrm.ctb[cId];
+  TRACE_EVENT_P3 ("MOC = %d, MTC = %d, cId = %d",
+                  (int)ccShrdPrm.nrOfMOC, (int)ccShrdPrm.nrOfMTC, (int)cId);
+  switch( ctb->calType )
+  {
+    case( CT_MOC ):
+      ccShrdPrm.nrOfMOC += dlt;
+      if( ccShrdPrm.nrOfMOC < 0 ) ccShrdPrm.nrOfMOC = 0;
+      break;
+    case( CT_MTC ):
+      ccShrdPrm.nrOfMTC += dlt;
+      if( ccShrdPrm.nrOfMTC < 0 ) ccShrdPrm.nrOfMTC = 0;
+      break;
+    case( CT_MOC_RDL):
+      break;
+    default:
+  }
+  if (ctb->calType NEQ CT_MOC_RDL)
+  {
+  if (ccShrdPrm.nrOfMTC EQ 0 AND    /* update state of TCH assignment */
+      ccShrdPrm.nrOfMOC EQ 0)
+    {
+      ccShrdPrm.TCHasg = FALSE;
+      cmhCC_TTY_Control (cId, TTY_STOP);
+    }
+  }
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_chkPrgDesc        |
+  PURPOSE : this function checks for a valid progress description.
+            if valid, it updates the shared parameters and notifies
+            ACI.
+GLOBAL void psaCC_chkPrgDesc ( SHORT cId, UBYTE prgDesc, UBYTE msgType )
+  T_CC_CALL_TBL *ctb = ccShrdPrm.ctb[cId];
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("psaCC_chkPrgDesc( )");
+  /* check in-band tones anouncement during call establishment
+     GSM 04.08/5.5.1 */
+  ccShrdPrm.msgType = msgType;
+  ctb->prgDesc = prgDesc;
+  if( msgType EQ MT_SETUP OR
+      msgType EQ MT_ALRT  OR
+      msgType EQ MT_PROC  OR
+      msgType EQ MT_SYNC  OR
+      msgType EQ MT_PROGR OR
+      msgType EQ MT_CONN     )
+  {
+    if( prgDesc EQ PROG_INBAND_AVAIL       OR
+        prgDesc EQ PROG_NO_END_TO_END_PLMN OR
+        prgDesc EQ PROG_DEST_NON_PLMN      OR
+        prgDesc EQ PROG_ORIGIN_NON_PLMN    OR
+        (prgDesc >= 6 AND prgDesc <= 20) )
+    {
+      /* if( ccShrdPrm.TCHasg EQ TRUE ) */
+      {
+        TRACE_EVENT("Call with In-band tones");
+        ctb->inBndTns = TRUE;      /* implicit connect to In-band tones */
+      }
+    }
+    else if ( msgType EQ MT_ALRT )
+    {
+      cmhCC_CallAlerted(cId);
+    }
+  }
+  /* check in-band tones anouncement during call disconnection
+     GSM 04.08/ */
+  else if( msgType EQ MT_DISC )
+  {
+    if( prgDesc EQ PROG_INBAND_AVAIL )
+    {
+      TRACE_EVENT("Call with In-band tones");
+      ctb->inBndTns = TRUE;
+    }
+    else
+      ctb->inBndTns = FALSE;
+  }
+  /*
+   *  In the case of MT_DISC (mncc_disconnect_ind) cmhCC_CallDisconnected()
+   *  called the CPI macro
+   */
+  if(MT_DISC NEQ msgType)
+  {
+    cmhCC_CallProceeding (cId);
+  }
+  /* Attach/Detach user connection as required */
+  psaCC_setSpeechMode ();
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_getMOCTi          |
+  PURPOSE : this function selects a ti out of a pool of valid ti's
+            and inserts it into the passed call table entry if the
+            table index is valid. if no ti is available the function
+            returns -1 otherwise it returns the selected ti.
+            a bit of the pool stands for a valid ti.
+            0 indicates a used ti, 1 indicates a free ti.
+  UBYTE idx;               /* holds pool idx */
+  for( idx = 0; idx < MAX_MOCTI_NR; idx++ )
+  {
+    if( tiPool & (1u << idx) )
+    {
+      tiPool &= ~(1u << idx);
+      if( cId >= 0 ) 
+        psaCC_ctb(cId)->ti = idx;
+      return( idx );
+    }
+  }
+  return( -1 );
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_retMOCTi          |
+  PURPOSE : this function returns a used ti to the ti pool if the
+            call was a MOC. the ti is free for the next MOC
+            afterwards.
+            a bit of the pool stands for a valid ti.
+            0 indicates a used ti, 1 indicates a free ti.
+GLOBAL void psaCC_retMOCTi( UBYTE ti )
+  if( ti < MAX_MOCTI_NR )
+    tiPool |= (0x01 << ti);
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_setSpeechMode     |
+  PURPOSE : this function attachs or detachs the user connection.
+GLOBAL void psaCC_setSpeechMode (void)
+  SHORT ctbIdx;             /* holds call table index */
+  BOOL user_attach;         /* Attach/Detach user connection */
+  TRACE_FUNCTION ("psaCC_setSpeechMode()");
+  user_attach = FALSE;
+  if (((ccShrdPrm.chMod EQ CHM_SPEECH) OR
+      (ccShrdPrm.chMod EQ CHM_SPEECH_V2) OR
+      (ccShrdPrm.chMod EQ CHM_SPEECH_V3)) AND (ccShrdPrm.syncCs NEQ MNCC_CAUSE_REEST_STARTED))
+  {
+    /*
+     * The channel mode is appropriate for speech.
+     * Find any non-IDLE speech call where inband tones are available
+     * or the active state has been reached. If there is such a call,
+     * attach the user connection, otherwise detach it.
+     */
+    for (ctbIdx = 0; ctbIdx < MAX_CALL_NR; ctbIdx++)
+    {
+      T_CC_CALL_TBL *ctbx = ccShrdPrm.ctb[ctbIdx];
+      if ((ctbx NEQ NULL) AND
+          (ctbx->calStat NEQ NO_VLD_CS) AND
+          (ctbx->calStat NEQ CS_IDL) AND
+          (ctbx->calStat NEQ CS_HLD))
+      {
+        /*
+         * The call is non-Idle and non-Hold. Check for inband tones,
+         * active or call modification requested state.
+         */
+        if ( ctbx->inBndTns OR
+            (ctbx->calStat EQ CS_ACT) OR
+            (ctbx->calStat EQ CS_CPL_REQ) OR
+            (ctbx->calStat EQ CS_MDF_REQ))
+        {
+          if (ccShrdPrm.TCHasg NEQ TRUE)
+          {
+              /* CCBS: 4.08/ do not connect to the in-band tone/announcement
+              */
+          }
+          else
+          {
+          user_attach = TRUE;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  }
+  if (user_attach)
+  {
+    hl_drv_enable_vocoder();    /* enable vocoder  */
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    hl_drv_disable_vocoder();   /* disable vocoder */
+  }
+  TRACE_EVENT (user_attach ? "Speech mode: User Attached" : "Speech mode: User Detached");
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : CMH_CC                  |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_phbSrchNum        |
+  PURPOSE : phonebook search for number
+GLOBAL void psaCC_phbSrchNum ( SHORT cId, T_CC_CLTP call_type)
+  UBYTE maxLen = MAX_ALPHA;           /* maximum length of entry   */
+  CHAR  numBuf[MAX_PHB_NUM_LEN];      /* buffers number 'number\0' */
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("psaCC_phbSrchNum");
+  switch(call_type)
+  {
+    case CT_MOC:
+    case CT_MOC_RDL:
+    case CT_NI_MOC:
+      if(!psaCC_ctbCldAdr2Num(cId, numBuf, MAX_PHB_NUM_LEN))
+        return;
+      break;
+    case CT_MTC:
+      if(!psaCC_ctbClrAdr2Num (cId, numBuf, MAX_PHB_NUM_LEN))
+        return;
+      break;
+    default:
+      return;
+  }
+  psaCC_phbSrchNumPlnTxt( numBuf, &maxLen, &psaCC_ctb(cId)->alphIdUni );
+  return;
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : CMH_CC                  |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_phbSrchNumPlnTxt  |
+  PURPOSE : phonebook search for number. Returns TRUE if at least 
+            any matching number is found.
+GLOBAL BOOL psaCC_phbSrchNumPlnTxt ( CHAR          * inNum,
+                                     UBYTE         * inoutMaxLen,
+                                     T_ACI_PB_TEXT * outTxt )
+#ifdef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
+  SHORT        order_num;            /* Order number of entry by number */
+  SHORT        mtch    = 0;          /* holds number of matches    */
+  SHORT        fstIdx;               /* holds first index          */
+  UBYTE        lstIdx;               /* holds phonebook list index */
+  T_PHB_RECORD ntry;                 /* found entry                */
+  outTxt->cs  = CS_NotPresent;
+  outTxt->len = 0;
+  for ( lstIdx = 0; phbSrchLst[lstIdx] NEQ -1; lstIdx++ )
+  {
+#ifdef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
+    order_num = 0;
+    if (pb_search_number ((T_PHB_TYPE)phbSrchLst[lstIdx],
+                          (const UBYTE*)inNum,
+                          &order_num) EQ PHB_OK)
+    {
+      if (pb_sim_read_number_record ((T_PHB_TYPE)phbSrchLst[lstIdx],
+                                     order_num,
+                                     &ntry) EQ PHB_OK)
+    pb_search_number ( (UBYTE)phbSrchLst[lstIdx],
+                       (UBYTE*)inNum,
+                       PHB_NEW_SEARCH,
+                       &fstIdx, &mtch, &ntry );
+    {
+      if ( mtch NEQ 0 )
+      {
+        *inoutMaxLen = ( UBYTE ) MINIMUM ( ntry.tag_len, MAX_ALPHA );
+        while ( ( outTxt->len < *inoutMaxLen ) AND
+                ( ntry.tag[outTxt->len] NEQ 0xFF ) )
+        {
+          outTxt->data[outTxt->len] = ntry.tag[outTxt->len];
+          outTxt->len++;
+        }
+        outTxt->cs = CS_Sim;
+        return TRUE;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return FALSE;
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)       MODULE  : CMH_CC                    |
+|                               ROUTINE : psaCC_phbMfwSrchNumPlnTxt |
+  PURPOSE : phonebook search for number. Returns TRUE if at least 
+            any matching number is found.
+GLOBAL BOOL psaCC_phbMfwSrchNumPlnTxt ( CHAR          * inNum,
+                                        T_ACI_PB_TEXT * outTxt )
+#ifdef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
+  SHORT        order_num;            /* Order number of entry by number */
+  SHORT        mtch    = 0;          /* holds number of matches    */
+  SHORT        fstIdx;               /* holds first index          */
+  UBYTE        maxLen;               /* holds max alpha length     */
+  UBYTE        lstIdx;               /* holds phonebook list index */
+  T_PHB_RECORD ntry;                 /* found entry                */
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("psaCC_phbMfwSrchNumPlnTxt()");
+  outTxt->len = 0;
+  for ( lstIdx = 0; phbSrchLst[lstIdx] NEQ -1; lstIdx++ )
+  {
+#ifdef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
+    order_num = 0;
+    if (pb_search_number ((T_PHB_TYPE)phbSrchLst[lstIdx],
+                          (const UBYTE*)inNum,
+                          &order_num) EQ PHB_OK)
+    {
+      if (pb_sim_read_number_record ((T_PHB_TYPE)phbSrchLst[lstIdx],
+                                     order_num,
+                                     &ntry) EQ PHB_OK)
+    pb_search_number ( (UBYTE)phbSrchLst[lstIdx],
+                       (UBYTE*)inNum,
+                       PHB_NEW_SEARCH,
+                       &fstIdx, &mtch, &ntry );
+    {
+      if ( mtch NEQ 0 )
+      {
+        maxLen = ( UBYTE ) MINIMUM ( ntry.tag_len, MAX_ALPHA );
+        outTxt -> len = 0;
+        while ( outTxt -> len < maxLen AND ntry.tag[outTxt -> len] NEQ 0xFF )
+        {
+          outTxt -> data[outTxt -> len] = ntry.tag[outTxt -> len];
+          outTxt -> len++;
+        }
+        return TRUE;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return FALSE;
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : CMH_CC                  |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_phbSrchName       |
+  PURPOSE : phonebook search for name
+GLOBAL BOOL psaCC_phbSrchName ( T_ACI_CMD_SRC srcId,
+                                T_ACI_PB_TEXT *srchName,
+                                T_CLPTY_PRM   *calPrm )
+#ifdef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
+  T_PHB_MATCH match_criteria;       /* matching criteria */
+  SHORT order_num;                  /* Order number of entry by number */
+  SHORT fstIdx;                     /* holds first index */
+  SHORT srchRslt = 0;               /* holds search result */
+  UBYTE lstIdx;                     /* holds phonebook list index */
+  T_PHB_RECORD phbNtry;             /* holds phonebook entry */
+  memset( calPrm, 0x0, sizeof(T_CLPTY_PRM));
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * check for name search
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+  for( lstIdx = 0; phbSrchLst[lstIdx] NEQ -1; lstIdx++ )
+  {
+#ifdef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
+    if (srcId EQ CMD_SRC_LCL)
+      match_criteria = PHB_MATCH_GE;
+    else
+      match_criteria = PHB_MATCH_PARTIAL;
+    order_num = 0;
+    if (pb_search_name ((T_PHB_TYPE)phbSrchLst[lstIdx],
+                        match_criteria,
+                        srchName,
+                        &order_num) EQ PHB_OK)
+    {
+      if (pb_sim_read_alpha_record ((T_PHB_TYPE)phbSrchLst[lstIdx],
+                                    order_num,
+                                    &phbNtry) EQ PHB_OK)
+    pb_search_name ( srcId,
+                     (UBYTE)phbSrchLst[lstIdx], srchName, PHB_NEW_SEARCH,
+                     &fstIdx, &srchRslt, &phbNtry );
+    {
+      if( srchRslt NEQ 0 )
+      {
+        cmhPHB_getAdrStr( calPrm->num, MAX_PHB_NUM_LEN-1,
+                          phbNtry.number, phbNtry.len );
+        cmh_demergeTOA ( phbNtry.ton_npi, &calPrm->ton, &calPrm->npi );
+        return( TRUE );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return( FALSE );
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : CMH_CC                  |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_phbSrchECC        |
+  PURPOSE : phonebook search for emergency number
+GLOBAL UBYTE psaCC_phbSrchECC ( CHAR* dialStr, BOOL srchECC )
+#ifdef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
+  SHORT order_num;                    /* Order number of entry by number */
+  UBYTE dummy_num_len;
+  UBYTE tag_len;
+  UBYTE idx;
+  SHORT max_rcd, used_rcd;
+  SHORT mtch;                         /* holds number of matches */
+  SHORT fstIdx;                       /* holds first index */
+  T_PHB_RECORD ntry;                  /* found entry */
+  UBYTE service, tag_len;
+  UBYTE idx;
+  SHORT max_rcd, ecc_on_sim_count, avail_rcd;
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("psaCC_phbSrchECC");
+  if (dialStr EQ NULL)
+    return( PRIO_NORM_CALL );
+  /* remove any CLIR suppression/invocation prior checking for ECC */
+  if (!strncmp( dialStr, "*31#", 4) OR !strncmp( dialStr, "#31#", 4))
+    dialStr+=4;          /* skip CLIR supression/invocation digits */
+  if ( *dialStr EQ '\0' )
+    return( PRIO_NORM_CALL );  /* empty dialStr passed? */
+  /* 
+   * if emergency call numbers from SIM are available, only use
+   * the emergency call numbers from the SIM
+   */
+#ifdef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
+  if (pb_read_sizes (ECC, &max_rcd, &used_rcd, &dummy_num_len, &tag_len) EQ PHB_OK)
+  {
+    if ( used_rcd )
+    {
+      /* SIM emergency numbers in SIM phonebook available */
+      order_num = 0;
+      if (pb_search_number (ECC, (const UBYTE*)dialStr, &order_num) EQ PHB_OK)
+      {
+        return( PRIO_EMERG_CALL );
+      }
+      if (!strcmp("911",dialStr) OR !strcmp("112",dialStr))
+      {
+        return( PRIO_EMERG_CALL );
+      }
+      /* no valid emergency number */
+      return( PRIO_NORM_CALL );
+    }
+  }
+  if (pb_read_status( ECC, &service, &max_rcd, &ecc_on_sim_count, &tag_len, &avail_rcd) EQ PHB_OK)
+  {
+    if ( ecc_on_sim_count )
+    {
+      /* SIM emergency numbers have been read and stored in phonebook */
+      if (pb_search_number( ECC, (UBYTE*)dialStr, PHB_NEW_SEARCH, &fstIdx, &mtch, &ntry ) EQ PHB_OK)
+      {
+        if( mtch )
+        {
+          return( PRIO_EMERG_CALL );
+        }
+        if(!strcmp("911",dialStr) || !strcmp("112",dialStr))
+        {
+          TRACE_EVENT("EMERGENCY_CALL (!PHONEBOOK) 911 or 112");
+            return( PRIO_EMERG_CALL );
+        }
+        /* no valid emergency number */
+        return( PRIO_NORM_CALL );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* check the default emergency numbers */
+  for (idx=0; *ec_string[idx] NEQ '\0'; idx++)
+  {
+    if ( !strcmp(ec_string[idx], dialStr) )
+    {
+      /* if dialStr is a service number, then no emergency call */
+#ifdef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
+      order_num = 0;
+      if (pb_search_number (SDN, (const UBYTE*)dialStr, &order_num) EQ PHB_OK)
+      {
+        break;
+      }
+      return( PRIO_EMERG_CALL );
+    }
+  }
+      if (pb_search_number( SDN, (UBYTE*)dialStr, PHB_NEW_SEARCH, &fstIdx, &mtch, &ntry ) EQ PHB_OK)
+      {
+        if( mtch )
+        {
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      return( PRIO_EMERG_CALL );
+    }
+  }
+  /*if no valid SIM is inserted check the additional default emergency numbers */
+  if ((simShrdPrm.SIMStat NEQ SS_OK)   AND
+      (simShrdPrm.SIMStat NEQ SS_BLKD))
+  {
+    /* compare each additional default emergency call number */
+    for (idx=0; *ec_string_ns[idx] NEQ '\0'; idx++)
+    {
+      if ( !strcmp(ec_string_ns[idx], dialStr) )
+      {
+        return ( PRIO_EMERG_CALL );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* search for emergency call numbers in the phonebook */
+  if( srchECC )
+#ifdef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
+  {
+    order_num = 0;
+    if (pb_search_number (ECC, (const UBYTE*)dialStr, &order_num) EQ PHB_OK)
+    {
+      return( PRIO_EMERG_CALL );
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    if (pb_search_number( ECC, (UBYTE*)dialStr, PHB_NEW_SEARCH, &fstIdx, &mtch, &ntry ) EQ PHB_OK)
+    {
+      if( mtch )
+      {
+        return( PRIO_EMERG_CALL );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* no valid emergency number */
+  return( PRIO_NORM_CALL );
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : CMH_CC                  |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_phbNtryFnd        |
+  PURPOSE : phonebook search if entry exist
+GLOBAL BOOL psaCC_phbNtryFnd ( UBYTE phb, T_CLPTY_PRM* calPrm )
+#ifndef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
+  SHORT mtchDmy = 0;                 /* holds number of matches */
+  SHORT fstIdxDmy;                     /* holds first index */
+  T_PHB_RECORD ntry;                  /* holds phonebook entry */
+  SHORT order_num;                    /* Order number of entry by number */
+  UBYTE toa;                          /* Type Of Address */
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("psaCC_phbNtryFnd()");
+  /* Problem for GSM string in FDN: if the call number includes an
+     international '+', the number will not be found, because the
+     FDN entry will not have a '+' for international calls, but ton
+     is set to TON_International.
+     Solution: copy the call parameter. If ton is not set to international,
+     then check if '+' is embeded in the call number. If it has a '+',
+     then remove it from the copied call number, set ton of the copy
+     to international and use the copy for the FDN search.
+  */
+  /* search number */
+  toa = cmh_mergeTOA ( calPrm -> ton, calPrm -> npi );
+  if( phb EQ FDN )
+  {
+    T_CLPTY_PRM *calPrmCopy;
+    ACI_MALLOC (calPrmCopy, sizeof (T_CLPTY_PRM));
+    *calPrmCopy = *calPrm; /* Struct assignment */
+    /* check  if '+' is within the string and remove it if it is */
+    if (psaCC_handleInternatPlus(calPrmCopy->num))
+    {
+      /* set calling parameter for international */
+      calPrmCopy->ton = TON_International;
+      toa = cmh_mergeTOA( calPrmCopy->ton, calPrmCopy->npi );
+    }
+    if (calPrm->ton EQ TON_UNKNOWN)
+    {
+      toa = 0;
+    }
+    ACI_MFREE (calPrmCopy);
+    return (pb_check_fdn(toa, (const UBYTE*)calPrm->num) EQ PHB_OK);
+  }
+  else
+#ifdef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
+  {
+    order_num = 0;
+    if (pb_search_number (phb, (const UBYTE*)calPrm->num, &order_num) NEQ PHB_OK)
+      return FALSE;
+    if (pb_sim_read_number_record (phb, order_num, &ntry) NEQ PHB_OK)
+      return FALSE;
+  }
+  return ((toa EQ ntry.ton_npi) OR (ntry.ton_npi EQ 0xFF));
+  {
+    pb_search_number( phb, (UBYTE*)calPrm->num, PHB_NEW_SEARCH,
+                      &fstIdxDmy,&mtchDmy,&ntry );
+  }
+  if( mtchDmy NEQ 0 AND ((toa EQ ntry.ton_npi) OR (ntry.ton_npi EQ 0xFF) OR (toa EQ 0)) ) /* VO patch 02.03.01 */
+  {
+    return( TRUE );
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    return( FALSE );
+  }
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : CMH_CC                  |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_handleInternatPlus|
+  PURPOSE : check if '+' is embeded in the call number. If it
+            has a '+', then remove it from the call number
+  RETURNS : TRUE,  if '+' has been found
+            FALSE, if '+' has not been found
+LOCAL UBYTE psaCC_handleInternatPlus( char *number )
+  UBYTE i;
+  UBYTE str_len = strlen((char*)number);
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("psaCC_handleInternatPlus()");
+  /* Specific pos to check are number[4], number[5] and number[6] */
+  if ( str_len > 4 )
+  {
+    for (i=4; (number[i] != 0) && (i<=6); i++)
+    {
+      if ( number[i]== '+' )
+      {
+        /* '+' for international number found */
+        /* move all digits to right of '+' 1 position to the left to
+           remove the '+' from the call number */
+        memmove( (&number[i]), (&number[i+1]), str_len - (i+1) );
+        number[str_len-1] = '\0';
+        return TRUE;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* no '+' for international number found */
+  return FALSE;
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : CMH_CC                  |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_phbAddNtry        |
+  PURPOSE : add call table setting to specified phonebook
+  NOTE:     This function can be called with a cId EQ NO_ENTRY.
+            Not nice.
+GLOBAL void psaCC_phbAddNtry ( UBYTE phb, SHORT cId, UBYTE clTp, T_CLPTY_PRM *cldPty )
+#ifndef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
+  SHORT mtch;                         /* holds number of matches */
+  SHORT fstIdx;                       /* holds first index */
+  T_PHB_RECORD ntry;                  /* holds phonebook entry */
+  SHORT order_num;                    /* holds first index */
+  CHAR  numBuf[MAX_PHB_NUM_LEN];      /* buffers number 'number\0' */
+  rtc_time_type rtc_time;             /* creation time for LDN,LRN,.. entry */
+  TRACE_FUNCTION ("psaCC_phbAddNtry()");
+  if( phb EQ LDN AND PBCFldn EQ PBCF_LDN_Disable ) return;
+  if( phb EQ LRN AND PBCFlrn EQ PBCF_LRN_Disable ) return;
+  if( phb EQ LMN AND PBCFlmn EQ PBCF_LMN_Disable ) return;
+  if (cldPty NEQ NULL)  /* Explicit number passed? */
+  {
+    strncpy(numBuf, cldPty->num, MAX_PHB_NUM_LEN-1);
+    numBuf[MAX_PHB_NUM_LEN-1]='\0';
+  }
+  else           /* otherwise read number from CTB and add DTMF */
+  {
+    switch (clTp)
+    {
+      case CT_MTC:
+        if (!psaCC_ctbClrAdr2Num( cId, numBuf, MAX_PHB_NUM_LEN ))
+          return;
+        break;
+      case CT_MOC:
+      case CT_NI_MOC:   /* Maybe also for CCBS */
+        if (!psaCC_ctbCldAdr2Num( cId, numBuf, MAX_PHB_NUM_LEN ))
+          return;
+        break;
+      default:          /* invalid or no call */
+        return;
+    }
+    if (strlen(numBuf) < MAX_PHB_NUM_LEN-1)    /* is there still room for DTMF digits? */
+    {
+      strncat(numBuf,
+              (char *)ccShrdPrm.dtmf.dig,
+              (MAX_PHB_NUM_LEN-1) - strlen(numBuf) );      /* remember the previos cut off DTMF digits */
+    }
+  }
+  if ((phb NEQ LDN) AND (phb NEQ LRN) AND (phb NEQ LMN))
+#ifdef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
+  {
+    order_num = 0;
+    if (pb_search_number (phb, (const UBYTE*)numBuf, &order_num) EQ PHB_OK)
+      return; /* entry already exist */
+  }
+  memset (&ntry, 0, sizeof (T_PHB_RECORD));
+  ntry.phy_recno = 0; /* Search for a free record */
+  {
+    pb_search_number( phb, (UBYTE*)numBuf, PHB_NEW_SEARCH,
+                      &fstIdx,&mtch,&ntry );
+    if( mtch NEQ 0 ) return;    /* entry already exist */
+  }
+  ntry.index = 0;
+  memset((char *)ntry.tag, 0xFF, PHB_MAX_TAG_LEN);
+  if (cldPty NEQ NULL)  /* Explicit number passed? */
+  {
+    T_ACI_PB_TEXT tag;
+    ntry.tag_len = PHB_MAX_TAG_LEN;
+    if (psaCC_phbSrchNumPlnTxt ( numBuf, &ntry.tag_len, &tag ))
+      memcpy(ntry.tag, tag.data, ntry.tag_len);
+    else
+      ntry.tag_len = 0;
+    ntry.ton_npi=((cldPty->ton & 0x07) << 4 ) +
+                  (cldPty->npi & 0x0F) + 0x80;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    /* 
+     * Probably it is important to use this pointer variable here!
+     */
+    T_CC_CALL_TBL *ctb = ccShrdPrm.ctb[cId];
+    if ( ctb->alphIdUni.cs EQ CS_Sim )
+    {
+      cmhPHB_getTagSim( &ctb->alphIdUni, ntry.tag, PHB_MAX_TAG_LEN );
+      ntry.tag_len = MINIMUM ( ctb->alphIdUni.len, PHB_MAX_TAG_LEN );
+    }
+    else
+      ntry.tag_len = 0;
+    if( clTp EQ CT_MOC )
+      ntry.ton_npi = ((ctb->cldPty.ton & 0x07) << 4 ) +
+                      (ctb->cldPty.npi & 0x0F) + 0x80;
+    else if ( clTp EQ CT_MTC )
+      ntry.ton_npi = ((ctb->clgPty.ton & 0x07) << 4 ) +
+                      (ctb->clgPty.npi & 0x0F) + 0x80;
+  }
+  cmhPHB_getAdrBcd ( ntry.number, &ntry.len,
+                     PHB_PACKED_NUM_LEN, numBuf );
+  ntry.cc_id  = 0xFF;
+#ifdef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
+  ntry.v_time = FALSE;
+  ntry.v_line = FALSE;
+  if ( ( phb EQ LDN ) OR ( phb EQ LRN ) OR ( phb EQ LMN ) )
+  {
+    if ( rtc_read_time ( &rtc_time ) EQ TRUE )
+    {
+#ifdef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
+      ntry.v_time = TRUE;
+      ntry.time.year   = rtc_time.year;
+      ntry.time.month  = rtc_time.month;
+      ntry.time.day    = rtc_time.day;
+      ntry.time.hour   = rtc_time.hour;
+      ntry.time.minute = rtc_time.minute;
+      ntry.time.second = rtc_time.second;
+      ntry.year   = rtc_time.year;
+      ntry.month  = rtc_time.month;
+      ntry.day    = rtc_time.day;
+      ntry.hour   = rtc_time.hour;
+      ntry.minute = rtc_time.minute;
+      ntry.second = rtc_time.second;
+    }
+#ifdef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
+    ntry.v_line = TRUE;
+    if (cId NEQ NO_ENTRY AND
+        psaCC_ctb(cId)->BC[0].bearer_serv EQ BEARER_SERV_AUX_SPEECH)
+    {
+      ntry.line = 2;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      ntry.line = 1;
+    }
+  }
+  /* ACI-SPR-16301: result might also be PHB_EXCT */
+#ifdef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
+  if( pb_add_record ( phb, ntry.phy_recno, &ntry ) EQ PHB_FAIL )
+  if( pb_add_record ( phb, ntry.index, &ntry ) EQ PHB_FAIL )
+  {
+  }
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_asmBuildMPTY      |
+  PURPOSE : assemble the build multiparty SS facility
+            information element. return invoke id.
+GLOBAL void psaCC_asmBuildMPTY ( void )
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("psaCC_asmBuildMPTY");
+  memset( &ssFIECodeBuf, 0, sizeof( ssFIECodeBuf ));
+  ssFIECodeBuf.l_buf = 8;
+  ssFIECodeBuf.o_buf = 0;
+  ssFIECodeBuf.buf[0] = OPC_BUILD_MPTY;
+  ccShrdPrm.cmpType = CT_INV;
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_asmHoldMPTY       |
+  PURPOSE : assemble the hold multiparty SS facility
+            information element. return invoke id.
+GLOBAL void psaCC_asmHoldMPTY ( void )
+  memset( &ssFIECodeBuf, 0, sizeof( ssFIECodeBuf ));
+  ssFIECodeBuf.l_buf = 8;
+  ssFIECodeBuf.o_buf = 0;
+  ssFIECodeBuf.buf[0] = OPC_HOLD_MPTY;
+  ccShrdPrm.cmpType = CT_INV;
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_asmRetrieveMPTY   |
+  PURPOSE : assemble the retrieve multiparty SS facility
+            information element. return invoke id.
+GLOBAL void psaCC_asmRetrieveMPTY ( void )
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("psaCC_asmRetrieveMPTY");
+  memset( &ssFIECodeBuf, 0, sizeof( ssFIECodeBuf ));
+  ssFIECodeBuf.l_buf = 8;
+  ssFIECodeBuf.o_buf = 0;
+  ssFIECodeBuf.buf[0] = OPC_RETRIEVE_MPTY;
+  ccShrdPrm.cmpType = CT_INV;
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_asmSplitMPTY      |
+  PURPOSE : assemble the split multiparty SS facility
+            information element. return invoke id.
+GLOBAL void psaCC_asmSplitMPTY ( void )
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("psaCC_asmSplitMPTY");
+  memset( &ssFIECodeBuf, 0, sizeof( ssFIECodeBuf ));
+  ssFIECodeBuf.l_buf = 8;
+  ssFIECodeBuf.o_buf = 0;
+  ssFIECodeBuf.buf[0] = OPC_SPLIT_MPTY;
+  ccShrdPrm.cmpType = CT_INV;
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_asmECT            |
+  PURPOSE : assemble the explicit call transfer SS facility
+            information element. return invoke id.
+GLOBAL void psaCC_asmECT ( void )
+  memset( &ssFIECodeBuf, 0, sizeof( ssFIECodeBuf ));
+  ssFIECodeBuf.l_buf = 8;
+  ssFIECodeBuf.o_buf = 0;
+  ssFIECodeBuf.buf[0] = OPC_EXPLICIT_CT;
+  ccShrdPrm.cmpType = CT_INV;
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_asmCUGInfo        |
+  PURPOSE : assemble the forward CUG info SS facility
+            information element.
+GLOBAL void psaCC_asmCUGInfo ( SHORT cId )
+  T_CC_CALL_TBL *ctb = ccShrdPrm.ctb[cId];
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("psaCC_asmCUGInfo");
+  memset( CUGinf, 0, sizeof( T_FWD_CUG_INFO_INV ));
+  /* set basic settings */
+  CUGinf->msg_type            = FWD_CUG_INFO_INV;
+  CUGinf->v_forwardCUGInfoArg = TRUE;
+  /* set CUG info */
+  if( ctb->CUGidx NEQ NOT_PRESENT_8BIT )
+  {
+    CUGinf->forwardCUGInfoArg.v_cugIndex = TRUE;
+    CUGinf->forwardCUGInfoArg.cugIndex   = ctb->CUGidx;
+  }
+  CUGinf->forwardCUGInfoArg.v_suppressPrefCUG = ctb->CUGprf;
+  CUGinf->forwardCUGInfoArg.v_suppressOA      = ctb->OAsup;
+  memset( &ssFIECodeBuf, 0, sizeof( ssFIECodeBuf ));
+  ssFIECodeBuf.l_buf = MAX_FIE_CODE_BUF_LEN<<3;
+  ccd_codeMsg (CCDENT_FAC, UPLINK,
+               (T_MSGBUF *)&ssFIECodeBuf, _decodedMsg,
+               NOT_PRESENT_8BIT);
+  ccShrdPrm.cmpType = CT_INV;
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_asmCDReq          |
+  PURPOSE : Assemble the Invoke component for CallDeflection.
+            On calling this function, it is assumed the semaphore
+            for the shared CCD buffer is already set.
+GLOBAL void psaCC_asmCDReq ( const CHAR      *number,
+                             const T_ACI_TOA *type,
+                             const CHAR      *subaddr,
+                             const T_ACI_TOS *satype)
+  UBYTE ton, tos;           /* holds type of number/subaddress */
+  UBYTE npi, oe;            /* holds numbering plan/odd.even indicator */
+  UBYTE ccdRet;
+  TRACE_FUNCTION ("psaCC_asmCDReq()");
+  memset( invokeCD, 0, sizeof( T_CALL_DEFLECTION_INV ));
+  /* set basic settings */
+  invokeCD->msg_type            = CALL_DEFLECTION_INV;
+  invokeCD->v_callDeflectionArg = TRUE;
+  /* Process T_deflectedToNumber (mandatory element) */
+  if ((type EQ NULL) OR
+      (type->npi EQ NPI_NotPresent) OR
+      (type->ton EQ TON_NotPresent))
+  {
+    /* Use defaults */
+    ton = (number[0] EQ '+') ? NOA_INTER_NUM : NOA_UNKNOWN;
+    npi = NPI_ISDN;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    /* Use given values */
+    ton = type->ton;
+    npi = type->npi;
+  }
+  invokeCD->callDeflectionArg.v_deflectedToNumber     = TRUE;
+  invokeCD->callDeflectionArg.deflectedToNumber.v_noa = TRUE;
+  invokeCD->callDeflectionArg.deflectedToNumber.noa   = ton;
+  invokeCD->callDeflectionArg.deflectedToNumber.v_npi = TRUE;
+  invokeCD->callDeflectionArg.deflectedToNumber.npi   = npi;
+  invokeCD->callDeflectionArg.deflectedToNumber.c_bcdDigit =
+    (UBYTE)utl_dialStr2BCD (number,
+        invokeCD->callDeflectionArg.deflectedToNumber.bcdDigit,
+        MAX_PARTY_NUM);
+  /* Process T_deflectedToSubaddress (optional element) */
+  if (subaddr NEQ NULL)
+  {
+    if ((satype EQ NULL) OR
+        (satype->tos EQ TOS_NotPresent) OR
+        (satype->oe  EQ OE_NotPresent))
+    {
+      /* Use defaults */
+      tos = TOS_X213;
+      oe  = OEI_EVEN;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      /* Use given values */
+      tos = satype->tos;
+      oe  = satype->oe;
+    }
+    invokeCD->callDeflectionArg.v_deflectedToSubaddress     = TRUE;
+    invokeCD->callDeflectionArg.deflectedToSubaddress.v_tos = TRUE;
+    invokeCD->callDeflectionArg.deflectedToSubaddress.tos   = tos;
+    invokeCD->callDeflectionArg.deflectedToSubaddress.v_oei = TRUE;
+    invokeCD->callDeflectionArg.deflectedToSubaddress.oei   = oe;
+    invokeCD->callDeflectionArg.deflectedToSubaddress.c_bcdDigit =
+      (UBYTE)utl_dialStr2BCD(subaddr,
+          invokeCD->callDeflectionArg.deflectedToSubaddress.bcdDigit,
+          MAX_SUBADDR_NUM);
+  }
+  memset( &ssFIECodeBuf, 0, sizeof( ssFIECodeBuf ));
+  ssFIECodeBuf.l_buf = MAX_FIE_CODE_BUF_LEN<<3;
+  ccdRet = ccd_codeMsg (CCDENT_FAC, UPLINK,
+                        (T_MSGBUF *)&ssFIECodeBuf, _decodedMsg,
+                        NOT_PRESENT_8BIT);
+  switch (ccdRet)
+  {
+    case ccdOK:
+      break;
+    case ccdWarning:
+      TRACE_EVENT ("ccdWarning");
+      break;
+    default:
+      TRACE_ERROR ("ccdError/other problem");
+      break;
+  }
+  ccShrdPrm.cmpType = CT_INV; /* Component Type = Invoke */
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_asmComponent      |
+  PURPOSE : Build the componenet. The content of the component is
+            expected in ssFIECodeBuf, the ready built component will
+            be returned in ssFIECodeBuf.
+GLOBAL void psaCC_asmComponent ( SHORT cId )
+  T_CC_CALL_TBL *ctb = ccShrdPrm.ctb[cId];
+  UBYTE ccdRet;
+  TRACE_FUNCTION ("psaCC_asmComponent()");
+  memset (comp, 0, sizeof (T_COMPONENT));
+  comp->v_inv_comp = TRUE;
+  comp->inv_comp.v_inv_id  = TRUE;
+  comp->inv_comp.inv_id    = ctb->iId    = ccShrdPrm.iIdNxt++;
+  comp->inv_comp.v_op_code = TRUE;
+  comp->inv_comp.op_code   = ctb->opCode = ssFIECodeBuf.buf[0];
+  comp->inv_comp.v_params  = TRUE;
+  comp->inv_comp.params.l_params = ssFIECodeBuf.l_buf - 8;
+  comp->inv_comp.params.o_params = 8;
+  memcpy (comp->inv_comp.params.b_params,
+          ssFIECodeBuf.buf + (ssFIECodeBuf.o_buf >> 3),
+          ssFIECodeBuf.l_buf >> 3);
+  ccdRet = ccd_codeMsg (CCDENT_FAC,
+                        UPLINK,
+                        (T_MSGBUF *)&ssFIECodeBuf,
+                        _decodedMsg,
+                        COMPONENT);
+  if (ccdRet NEQ ccdOK)
+  {
+    TRACE_EVENT_P1 ("ccdRet=%d NEQ ccdOK", ccdRet);
+  }
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_asmCCBSReq        |
+  PURPOSE : assemble the access register CC entry SS facility
+            information element.
+GLOBAL void psaCC_asmCCBSReq ( SHORT cId )
+  memset( CCBSreq, 0, sizeof( T_ACC_REGISTER_CC_ENTRY_INV ));
+  /* set basic settings */
+  CCBSreq->msg_type                = ACC_REGISTER_CC_ENTRY_INV;
+  CCBSreq->v_accRegisterCCEntryArg = TRUE;
+  CCBSreq->accRegisterCCEntryArg.l_accRegisterCCEntryArg = 0;
+  memset( &ssFIECodeBuf, 0, sizeof( ssFIECodeBuf ));
+  ssFIECodeBuf.l_buf = MAX_FIE_CODE_BUF_LEN<<3;
+  ccd_codeMsg (CCDENT_FAC, UPLINK,
+               (T_MSGBUF *)&ssFIECodeBuf, _decodedMsg,
+               NOT_PRESENT_8BIT);
+  ccShrdPrm.cmpType = CT_INV;
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_dasmInvokeCmp     |
+  PURPOSE : disassemble the result component.
+GLOBAL void psaCC_dasmInvokeCmp ( SHORT cId, T_inv_comp *invCmp )
+  USHORT ivId;                /* holds invoke Id */
+  UBYTE  opCode;              /* holds operation code */
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("psaCC_dasmInvokeCmp");
+  if( invCmp -> v_inv_id )
+    ivId = invCmp -> inv_id;
+  else
+    ivId = NOT_PRESENT_16BIT;
+  if( invCmp -> v_op_code )
+    opCode = invCmp -> op_code;
+  else
+    opCode = NOT_PRESENT_8BIT;
+  if( invCmp -> params.l_params )
+  {
+    UBYTE ccdRet;
+    memcpy( &ssFIECodeBuf, &invCmp -> params, sizeof(ssFIECodeBuf));
+    ccdRet = ccd_decodeMsg (CCDENT_FAC,
+                            DOWNLINK,
+                            (T_MSGBUF *) &ssFIECodeBuf,
+                            (UBYTE    *) _decodedMsg,
+                            opCode);
+    if( ccdRet NEQ ccdOK )
+    {
+      TRACE_EVENT_P1( "CCD Decoding Error: %d",ccdRet );
+      psaCC_ctb(cId)->failType = SSF_CCD_DEC;
+      cmhCC_SSTransFail(cId);
+    }
+  }
+  /* determine to which operation the invoke belongs to */
+  switch( opCode )
+  {
+    /*
+     * Advice of Charge Information received
+     */
+      {
+        MCAST( aoc_para, FWD_CHG_ADVICE_INV);
+        aoc_parameter (cId, aoc_para);
+        if (aoc_info (cId, AOC_START_AOC))
+        {
+          /*
+           * build return result to infrastructure
+           * directly without using CCD (it´s too simple)
+           */
+          PALLOC (facility_req, MNCC_FACILITY_REQ);
+          facility_req->fac_inf.l_fac   = 5*8;
+          facility_req->fac_inf.o_fac   = 0;
+          facility_req->fac_inf.fac [0] = 0xA2;         /* component type tag     */
+          facility_req->fac_inf.fac [1] = 3;            /* component type length  */
+          facility_req->fac_inf.fac [2] = 2;            /* invoke id tag          */
+          facility_req->fac_inf.fac [3] = 1;            /* invoke id length       */
+          facility_req->fac_inf.fac [4] = (UBYTE)ivId;  /* invoke id              */
+          facility_req->ti              = psaCC_ctb(cId)->ti;
+          facility_req->ss_version      = NOT_PRESENT_8BIT;
+          PSENDX (CC, facility_req);
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    case( OPC_NOTIFY_SS ):
+      {
+        MCAST( ntfySS, NOTIFY_SS_INV );
+        cmhCC_NotifySS( cId, ntfySS );
+      }
+      break;
+    case( OPC_FWD_CHECK_SS_IND ):
+      {
+        cmhCC_CheckSS( cId);
+      }
+      break;
+  }
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_dasmResultCmp     |
+  PURPOSE : disassemble the result component.
+GLOBAL void psaCC_dasmResultCmp ( SHORT cId, T_res_comp *resCmp )
+  UBYTE  opCode;              /* holds operation code */
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("psaCC_dasmResultCmp");
+  /* get operation code of the result */
+  if( resCmp -> v_sequence AND resCmp -> sequence.v_op_code )
+    opCode = resCmp -> sequence.op_code;
+  else
+    opCode = psaCC_ctb(cId)->opCode;
+  /* decode additional parameters of result */
+  if( resCmp -> v_sequence AND resCmp -> sequence.params.l_params )
+  {
+    UBYTE ccdRet;
+    memcpy( &ssFIECodeBuf, &resCmp -> sequence.params, sizeof(ssFIECodeBuf));
+    ccdRet = ccd_decodeMsg (CCDENT_FAC,
+                            DOWNLINK,
+                            (T_MSGBUF *) &ssFIECodeBuf,
+                            (UBYTE    *) _decodedMsg,
+                            opCode);
+    if( ccdRet NEQ ccdOK )
+    {
+      TRACE_EVENT_P1( "CCD Decoding Error: %d",ccdRet );
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  /* determine to which operation the result belongs to */
+  switch( opCode )
+  {
+    case( OPC_BUILD_MPTY ):
+      {
+        MCAST( bldMPTY, BUILD_MPTY_RES );
+        cmhCC_MPTYBuild( cId, bldMPTY );
+      }
+      break;
+    case( OPC_EXPLICIT_CT ):
+      {
+      }
+      break;
+    case( OPC_SPLIT_MPTY ):
+      {
+        MCAST( splMPTY, SPLIT_MPTY_RES );
+        cmhCC_MPTYSplit( cId, splMPTY );
+      }
+      break;
+    case( OPC_HOLD_MPTY ):
+      {
+        MCAST( hldMPTY, HOLD_MPTY_RES );
+        cmhCC_MPTYHeld( cId, hldMPTY );
+      }
+      break;
+    case( OPC_RETRIEVE_MPTY ):
+      {
+        cmhCC_MPTYRetrieved( cId, rtvMPTY );
+      }
+      break;
+      {
+        cmhCC_CCBSRegistered( cId, ccbs );
+      }
+      break;
+      {
+        cmhCC_CDRegistered ( cId );
+      }
+      break;
+  }
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_dasmErrorCmp      |
+  PURPOSE : disassemble the error component.
+GLOBAL void psaCC_dasmErrorCmp ( SHORT cId, T_err_comp *errCmp )
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("psaCC_dasmErrorCmp");
+  if( errCmp -> v_err_code )
+  {
+    psaCC_ctb(cId)->failType = SSF_ERR_PRB;
+    psaCC_ctb(cId)->errCd    = errCmp -> err_code;
+  }
+  cmhCC_SSTransFail (cId);
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_SSF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_dasmRejectCmp     |
+  PURPOSE : disassemble the error component.
+GLOBAL void psaCC_dasmRejectCmp ( SHORT cId, T_rej_comp *rejCmp )
+  T_CC_CALL_TBL *ctb = ccShrdPrm.ctb[cId];
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("psaCC_dasmRejectCmp");
+  if( rejCmp -> v_gen_problem )
+  {
+    ctb->failType = SSF_GEN_PRB;
+    ctb->rejPrb   = rejCmp -> gen_problem;
+  }
+  else if( rejCmp -> v_inv_problem )
+  {
+    ctb->failType = SSF_INV_PRB;
+    ctb->rejPrb   = rejCmp -> inv_problem;
+  }
+  else if( rejCmp -> v_res_problem )
+  {
+    ctb->failType = SSF_RSL_PRB;
+    ctb->rejPrb   = rejCmp -> res_problem;
+  }
+  else if( rejCmp -> v_err_problem )
+  {
+    ctb->failType = SSF_ERR_PRB;
+    ctb->rejPrb   = rejCmp -> err_problem;
+  }
+  cmhCC_SSTransFail(cId);
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_DTMFSent          |
+  PURPOSE : previous DTMF digit was sent
+GLOBAL void psaCC_DTMFSent ( SHORT cId )
+  TRACE_FUNCTION( "psaCC_DTMFSent()" );
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * check current command
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+  if (!psaCC_ctbIsValid (cId))
+    return;
+  if ( psaCC_ctb(cId)->dtmfSrc EQ OWN_SAT ) /* confirm to SAT send DTMF cmd */
+  {
+    cmhCC_SatDTMFsent ( cId );
+    return;
+  }
+  else
+#endif /* SIM_TOOLKIT */
+  {
+    cmhCC_DTMFsent ( cId );
+  }
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_StopDTMF          |
+  PURPOSE : stop further DTMF generation for that call
+GLOBAL void psaCC_StopDTMF ( SHORT cId )
+  T_ACI_SAT_TERM_RESP resp_data;
+#endif /* SIM_TOOLKIT */
+  TRACE_FUNCTION( "psaCC_StopDTMF()" );
+  if( cId EQ ccShrdPrm.dtmf.cId )
+  {
+    T_CC_CALL_TBL *ctb = ccShrdPrm.ctb[cId];
+    psaSAT_InitTrmResp( &resp_data );
+      /* if other dtmf were to be sent in send DTMF SAT cmd*/
+    if ( ctb->dtmfSrc EQ OWN_SAT AND
+         ccShrdPrm.dtmf.cnt NEQ 0 )
+    {
+      resp_data.add_content = ADD_ME_NO_SPCH_CALL; /* tell SIM that it failed */
+      psaSAT_SendTrmResp( RSLT_ME_UNAB_PROC, &resp_data );
+    }
+    else /*Stop DTMF generation before calling cmhCC_DTMFstopped */
+#endif /* SIM_TOOLKIT */
+    {
+      cmhCC_DTMFstopped ( cId );
+    }
+    ctb->dtmfSrc = NO_VLD_OWN;
+    ctb->dtmfCmd = AT_CMD_NONE;
+    ccShrdPrm.dtmf.cId = NO_ENTRY;
+    ccShrdPrm.dtmf.cnt = 0;
+    ccShrdPrm.dtmf.cur = 0;
+  }
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_DTMFTimeout       |
+  PURPOSE : handle DTMF timeout
+GLOBAL void psaCC_DTMFTimeout ( void )
+  TRACE_FUNCTION( "psaCC_DTMFTimeout()" );
+  psaCC_DTMFSent( ccShrdPrm.dtmf.cId );
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CC                  |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_InitCtbNtry       |
+  PURPOSE : allocate and initialize the indexed call table entry.
+GLOBAL void psaCC_InitCtbNtry ( SHORT idx )
+  T_CC_CALL_TBL *ctb;
+  /*
+   *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+   * initialize call table entry
+   *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+   */
+  TRACE_FUNCTION ("psaCC_InitCtbNtry()");
+  if (ccShrdPrm.ctb[idx] NEQ NULL)
+  {
+    TRACE_EVENT ("Suspicious: ccShrdPrm.ctb[idx] was not freed");
+    ACI_MFREE (ccShrdPrm.ctb[idx]); /* Make sure we get no leak */
+  }
+  ACI_MALLOC (ccShrdPrm.ctb[idx], sizeof (T_CC_CALL_TBL));
+  ctb = ccShrdPrm.ctb[idx];
+  ctb->ti                 = NO_ENTRY;
+  ctb->calStat            = NO_VLD_CS;
+  ctb->calType            = NO_VLD_CT;
+  ctb->alrtStat           = AS_IDL;
+  ctb->inBndTns           = FALSE;
+  ctb->prgDesc            = PROG_NOT_PRES;
+  ctb->BC[0].rate         = DEF_BC1_UR;
+  ctb->BC[0].bearer_serv  = DEF_BC1_BS;
+  ctb->BC[0].conn_elem    = DEF_BC1_CE;
+  ctb->BC[0].stop_bits    = DEF_BC1_SB;
+  ctb->BC[0].data_bits    = DEF_BC1_DB;
+  ctb->BC[0].parity       = DEF_BC1_PR;
+  ctb->BC[0].flow_control = DEF_BC1_FC;
+  ctb->BC[0].modem_type   = DEF_BC1_MT;
+  ctb->BC[1].rate         = DEF_BC2_UR;
+  ctb->BC[1].bearer_serv  = DEF_BC2_BS;
+  ctb->BC[1].conn_elem    = DEF_BC2_CE;
+  ctb->BC[1].stop_bits    = DEF_BC2_SB;
+  ctb->BC[1].data_bits    = DEF_BC2_DB;
+  ctb->BC[1].parity       = DEF_BC2_PR;
+  ctb->BC[1].flow_control = DEF_BC2_FC;
+  ctb->BC[1].modem_type   = DEF_BC2_MT;
+  ctb->curBC              = 0;
+  ctb->rptInd             = DEF_RPT_IND;
+  ctb->sigInf             = SIG_NOT_PRES;
+  ctb->prio               = NO_ENTRY;
+  ctb->CLIRsup            = DEF_CLIR_SUP;
+  ctb->mptyStat           = CS_IDL;
+  ctb->iId                = 0;
+  ctb->srvStat            = SSS_IDL;
+  ctb->srvType            = NO_VLD_ST;
+  ctb->SSver              = DEF_SS_VER;
+  ctb->CUGidx             = NOT_PRESENT_8BIT;
+  ctb->CUGprf             = FALSE;
+  ctb->OAsup              = FALSE;
+  ctb->opCode             = NOT_PRESENT_8BIT;
+  ctb->rslt               = CAUSE_MAKE (DEFBY_CONDAT, 
+                                        ORIGSIDE_MS,
+                                        CC_ORIGINATING_ENTITY,
+                                        NOT_PRESENT_8BIT);
+  ctb->nrmCs              = CAUSE_MAKE (DEFBY_CONDAT,
+                                        ORIGSIDE_MS,
+                                        CC_ORIGINATING_ENTITY,
+                                        NOT_PRESENT_8BIT);
+  ctb->rejCs              = CAUSE_MAKE (DEFBY_CONDAT,
+                                        ORIGSIDE_MS,
+                                        CC_ORIGINATING_ENTITY,
+                                        NOT_PRESENT_8BIT);
+  ctb->failType           = NO_VLD_SSF;
+  ctb->rejPrb             = NOT_PRESENT_8BIT;
+  ctb->errCd              = NOT_PRESENT_8BIT;
+  ctb->ssDiag             = SS_DIAG_NOT_PROVIDED;  
+  ctb->SATinv             = FALSE;
+  ctb->CCBSstat           = NO_VLD_CCBSS;
+  ctb->CDStat             = NO_VLD_CD;
+  ctb->curCmd             = AT_CMD_NONE;
+  ctb->curSrc             = CMD_SRC_NONE;
+  ctb->dtmfCmd            = AT_CMD_NONE;
+  ctb->dtmfSrc            = CMD_SRC_NONE;
+  ctb->calOwn             = OWN_NONE;
+  ctb->alphIdUni.cs       = CS_NotPresent;
+  ctb->alphIdUni.len      = 0;
+  memset (&ctb->cldPty,    0, sizeof(T_dyn_called_party));
+  memset (&ctb->cldPtySub, 0, sizeof(T_called_party_sub));
+  memset (&ctb->clgPty,    0, sizeof(T_calling_party));
+  memset (&ctb->clgPtySub, 0, sizeof(T_calling_party_sub));
+  memset (&ctb->rdrPty,    0, sizeof(T_dyn_redir_party));
+  memset (&ctb->rdrPtySub, 0, sizeof(T_dyn_redir_party_sub));
+  ctb->rdlCnt             = 0;
+  ctb->rdlTimIndex        = RDL_TIM_INDEX_NOT_PRESENT;
+  ctb->curCs              = MNCC_CAUSE_NO_MS_CAUSE;
+  ccShrdPrm.ccCs[idx]     = CAUSE_MAKE (DEFBY_STD, 
+                                        ORIGSIDE_MS, 
+                                        ACI_ORIGINATING_ENTITY, 
+                                        NOT_PRESENT_8BIT);
+  ccShrdPrm.callType[idx] = (S8)NO_VLD_CC_CALL_TYPE;
+  ctb->numRawCauseBytes   = 0;
+  ctb->rawCauseBytes      = NULL;
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ * SAT settings
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+  ctb->SatDiscEvent = FALSE;
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CC                  |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_FreeRdrPty        |
+  PURPOSE : free (re-initialize) the redirecting party number and
+            the redirecting party subaddress of the indexed call
+            table entry.
+GLOBAL void psaCC_FreeRdrPty ( SHORT idx )
+  T_CC_CALL_TBL *ctb = ccShrdPrm.ctb[idx];
+  TRACE_FUNCTION ("psaCC_FreeRdrPty()");
+  if (ctb->rdrPty.redir_num NEQ NULL)
+  {
+    ACI_MFREE (ctb->rdrPty.redir_num);
+    memset (&ctb->rdrPty,    0, sizeof(T_dyn_redir_party));
+  }
+  if (ctb->rdrPtySub.subaddr NEQ NULL)
+  {
+    ACI_MFREE (ctb->rdrPtySub.subaddr);
+    memset (&ctb->rdrPtySub, 0, sizeof(T_dyn_redir_party_sub));
+  }
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CC                  |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_FreeCtbNtry       |
+  PURPOSE : free (re-initialize) the indexed call table entry.
+GLOBAL void psaCC_FreeCtbNtry ( SHORT idx )
+  T_CC_CALL_TBL *ctb;
+  USHORT listcounter;
+  T_ACI_LIST *msg2send;
+  TRACE_FUNCTION ("psaCC_FreeCtbNtry()");
+  if (!psaCC_ctbIsValid (idx))
+  {
+    TRACE_ERROR ("Try to clear an invalid entry!");
+    return;
+  }
+  /* 
+   * Probably it is important to use this pointer variable here!
+   */
+  ctb = ccShrdPrm.ctb[idx];
+  /*
+   * Save the last cause, if any, for later query with qAT_PlusCEER()
+   */
+  {
+    ccShrdPrm.ccCs[idx] = ctb->rejCs;
+  }
+  else if (GET_CAUSE_VALUE(ctb->nrmCs) NEQ NOT_PRESENT_8BIT)
+  {
+    ccShrdPrm.ccCs[idx] = ctb->nrmCs;
+  }
+  else if (GET_CAUSE_VALUE(ctb->rslt) NEQ NOT_PRESENT_8BIT)
+  {
+    ccShrdPrm.ccCs[idx] = ctb->rslt;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    /* in case network has sent no extended report */
+    ccShrdPrm.ccCs[idx] = CAUSE_MAKE (DEFBY_STD, 
+                                      ORIGSIDE_MS, 
+                                      ACI_ORIGINATING_ENTITY, 
+                                      NOT_PRESENT_8BIT);
+  }
+  /*
+   * Save the call type. Fax/Data needs this information.
+   */
+  ccShrdPrm.callType[idx] = (T_CC_CALL_TYPE)cmhCC_getcalltype(idx);
+  /* Deleting linked list of Facility primitives */
+  if ((listcounter = get_list_count(ccShrdPrm.facility_list)) > 0)
+  {
+    for (;listcounter > 0 ; listcounter --)
+    {
+      msg2send = get_next_element( ccShrdPrm.facility_list, NULL);
+      remove_first_element(ccShrdPrm.facility_list);
+      PFREE(msg2send);
+    }
+  }
+  ccShrdPrm.facility_list= NULL;
+  ccShrdPrm.aocRsmpPend  = 0;
+  if (ctb->cldPty.called_num NEQ NULL)
+  {
+    ACI_MFREE (ctb->cldPty.called_num);
+    ctb->cldPty.called_num = NULL;
+  }
+  psaCC_FreeRdrPty (idx);
+  ACI_MFREE (ccShrdPrm.ctb[idx]);
+  ccShrdPrm.ctb[idx] = NULL;
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : CMH                     |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_ctbIsValid        |
+  PURPOSE : This function returns whether a given call table entry
+            is valid (means non-NULL).
+            Caution with TRACE_EVENTs etc., it could be used in 
+            a signal handler.
+GLOBAL BOOL psaCC_ctbIsValid (SHORT cId)
+  return ((cId >= 0) AND
+          (cId < MAX_CALL_NR) AND
+          (ccShrdPrm.ctb[cId] NEQ NULL));
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : CMH                     |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_ctb               |
+  PURPOSE : This function returns a pointer to the call table
+            described by the cId. It is assumed that cId is valid,
+            no return of NULL pointer expected here.
+            What's the sense of this function? There were problems 
+            encountered with the target compiler having a too
+            complicated pointer expression.
+  return (ccShrdPrm.ctb[cId]);
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CC                  |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_Init              |
+  PURPOSE : initialize the protocol stack adapter for CC.
+/* initialize CC parametrs for MTC bearer capabilities */
+GLOBAL void psaCC_init_mtcbearer ( void )
+  /* wasn't really used apparently
+  ccShrdPrm.mtcBC.rate         = DEF_BC1_UR;
+  ccShrdPrm.mtcBC.bearer_serv  = DEF_BC1_BS;
+  ccShrdPrm.mtcBC.conn_elem    = DEF_BC1_CE;
+  ccShrdPrm.mtcBC.stop_bits    = DEF_BC1_SB;
+  ccShrdPrm.mtcBC.data_bits    = DEF_BC1_DB;
+  ccShrdPrm.mtcBC.parity       = DEF_BC1_PR;
+  ccShrdPrm.mtcBC.flow_control = DEF_BC1_FC;
+  ccShrdPrm.mtcBC.modem_type   = DEF_BC1_MT;*/
+  /* initialize CC for MTC calls */
+  ccShrdPrm.CBSTspeed          = BS_SPEED_9600_V32;
+  ccShrdPrm.CBSTname           = CBST_NAM_Asynch;
+  ccShrdPrm.CBSTce             = CBST_CE_NonTransparent;
+  ccShrdPrm.snsMode            = SNS_MODE_VOICE;
+#ifdef FF_TTY
+  ccShrdPrm.ctmReq             = CTM_DISABLED;
+  ccShrdPrm.ctmState           = TTY_STATE_NONE;
+  ccShrdPrm.ttyCmd             = (UBYTE)TTY_OFF;
+  ccShrdPrm.ctmOvwr            = FALSE;
+#endif /* FF_TTY */
+  psaCC_Config( );
+GLOBAL void psaCC_Init ( void )
+  UBYTE ctbIdx;            /* holds index to call table */
+  /* initialize call table */
+  for( ctbIdx = 0; ctbIdx < MAX_CALL_NR; ctbIdx++ )
+  {
+    ccShrdPrm.ctb[ctbIdx] = NULL;
+  }
+  /* initialize shared parameter */
+  ccShrdPrm.cIdFail            = -1;
+  ccShrdPrm.nrOfMOC            = 0;
+  ccShrdPrm.nrOfMTC            = 0;
+  ccShrdPrm.chMod              = NOT_PRESENT_8BIT;
+  ccShrdPrm.chType             = NOT_PRESENT_8BIT;
+  ccShrdPrm.TCHasg             = FALSE;
+  ccShrdPrm.datStat            = DS_IDL;
+  ccShrdPrm.CMODmode           = CMOD_MOD_Single;
+  ccShrdPrm.msgType            = NO_VLD_MT;
+  ccShrdPrm.dtmf.cId           = NO_ENTRY;
+  ccShrdPrm.dtmf.cnt           = 0;
+  ccShrdPrm.dtmf.cur           = 0;
+  ccShrdPrm.facility_list      = NULL;
+#if defined (FF_WAP) || defined (FF_SAT_E)
+  ccShrdPrm.wapStat            = CC_WAP_STACK_DOWN;
+  cuscfgParams.MO_SM_Control_SIM = CUSCFG_STAT_Disabled;
+  cuscfgParams.MO_Call_Control_SIM = CUSCFG_STAT_Disabled;
+  cuscfgParams.MO_SS_Control_SIM = CUSCFG_STAT_Disabled;
+  cuscfgParams.MO_USSD_Control_SIM = CUSCFG_STAT_Disabled;
+  cuscfgParams.Two_digit_MO_Call = CUSCFG_STAT_Disabled;
+  cuscfgParams.Ext_USSD_Response = CUSCFG_STAT_Disabled;
+  Ext_USSD_Res_Pending_sId = NOT_PRESENT_8BIT;
+  psaCC_init_mtcbearer( );
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCP                       |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_ProcessCmp              |
+  PURPOSE : processes the each component sent by the function 
+            psa_mncc_facility_ind().
+GLOBAL const void psaCC_ProcessCmp ( T_MNCC_FACILITY_IND *mncc_facility_ind )
+  SHORT cId;                 /* holds call id */
+  BOOL  facility_stored = FALSE;
+  TRACE_FUNCTION ("psaCC_ProcessCmp()");
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * find call in call table
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+  cId = psaCC_ctbFindTi( mncc_facility_ind -> ti );
+  if( cId < 0 )
+  {
+   /*
+    * ignore primitive, due to not found transaction identifier.
+    */
+    TRACE_EVENT ("primitive rejected due to unused ti");
+    PFREE(mncc_facility_ind);
+    return;
+  }
+  psaCC_DumpFIE ( &mncc_facility_ind -> fac_inf );
+                  cId,
+                  &mncc_facility_ind -> fac_inf );
+  /* decode component type */
+  {
+    UBYTE ccdRet;
+    MCAST( com, COMPONENT );
+    memset( com, 0, sizeof( T_COMPONENT ));
+    ccdRet = ccd_decodeMsg (CCDENT_FAC,
+                            DOWNLINK,
+                            (T_MSGBUF *) &mncc_facility_ind -> fac_inf,
+                            (UBYTE    *) _decodedMsg,
+                            COMPONENT);
+    if( ccdRet NEQ ccdOK )
+    {
+      TRACE_EVENT_P1("CCD Decoding Error: %d",ccdRet );
+      psaCC_ctb(cId)->failType = SSF_CCD_DEC;
+      cmhCC_SSTransFail(cId);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      /* Buffer MNCC_FACILITY_IND primitive 
+          if the Call direction is MTC 
+          and no TCHasg Flag 
+          and RING is not sent yet 
+          and no signal information
+      */
+      if (psaCC_ctb(cId)->calType ==  CT_MTC AND !ccShrdPrm.TCHasg AND 
+        psaCC_ctb(cId)->calStat == CS_ACT_REQ AND psaCC_ctb(cId)->sigInf == SIG_NOT_PRES) 
+      {
+        if ( ccShrdPrm.facility_list == NULL)
+        {
+          ccShrdPrm.facility_list = new_list ();
+          insert_list(ccShrdPrm.facility_list, mncc_facility_ind);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          insert_list(ccShrdPrm.facility_list, mncc_facility_ind);
+        }
+        facility_stored = TRUE;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         if( com->v_inv_comp )
+        {
+          psaCC_dasmInvokeCmp( cId, &com->inv_comp );
+        }
+        else if( com->v_res_comp )
+        {
+          psaCC_dasmResultCmp( cId, &com->res_comp );
+        }
+        else if( com->v_err_comp )
+        {
+          if( psaCC_ctb(cId)->SATinv )
+          {
+            psaCC_ctb(cId)->SATinv = FALSE;
+            psaSAT_SSErrComp( &mncc_facility_ind -> fac_inf, FALSE );
+          }
+          psaCC_dasmErrorCmp( cId, &com->err_comp );
+        }
+        else if( com->v_rej_comp )
+        {
+          if( psaCC_ctb(cId)->SATinv )
+          {
+            psaCC_ctb(cId)->SATinv = FALSE;
+            psaSAT_SSRejComp( RSLT_NTW_UNAB_PROC );
+          }
+          psaCC_dasmRejectCmp( cId, &com->rej_comp );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          cmhCC_SSTransFail (cId);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * free the primitive buffer if not stored
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+  if (!facility_stored)
+  {
+    PFREE (mncc_facility_ind);
+  }
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CC                  |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_DumpFIE           |
+  PURPOSE : Dump facility information element to debug output.
+GLOBAL void psaCC_DumpFIE ( T_fac_inf * fie )
+  CHAR strBuf[40+1];           /* holds string buffer */
+  UBYTE idx, cnt,mcnt;         /* buffer index */
+  CHAR *pDest;                 /* points to destination */
+  mcnt = fie->l_fac >> 3;
+  /* G23 uses ever offset 0 !!! */
+  /* format FIE */
+  for( cnt = 0; cnt < mcnt; cnt+=idx )
+  {
+    pDest = strBuf;
+    for( idx = 0; idx < 20 AND idx+cnt <  mcnt; idx++ )
+    {
+      pDest += sprintf( pDest, "%02X", (UBYTE)fie->fac[idx+cnt] );
+    }
+    *pDest = 0x0;
+    TRACE_EVENT_P1("%s", strBuf );
+  }
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_ctbDump           |
+  PURPOSE : this function dumps the call table to the debug output.
+#ifdef TRACING
+// What you are searching for has been removed by Conquest issue 
+// ACI-ENH-30932 for the Locosto project in the assumption noone
+// is using it anymore. If I was wrong get the function back from 
+// the version control system and let me know.
+// HM, 4-May-2005
+#endif  /* of #ifdef TRACING */
+| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_CCF                 |
+|                                 ROUTINE : psaCC_ctbDumpBC         |
+  PURPOSE : this function dumps the BC to the debug output.
+#ifdef TRACING
+// What you are searching for has been removed by Conquest issue 
+// ACI-ENH-30932 for the Locosto project in the assumption noone
+// is using it anymore. If I was wrong get the function back from 
+// the version control system and let me know.
+// HM, 4-May-2005
+#endif  /* of #ifdef TRACING */
+/*==== EOF ========================================================*/