diff g23m/condat/ms/src/bmi/mmimmsbox.c @ 0:509db1a7b7b8

initial import: leo2moko-r1
author Space Falcon <falcon@ivan.Harhan.ORG>
date Mon, 01 Jun 2015 03:24:05 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/g23m/condat/ms/src/bmi/mmimmsbox.c	Mon Jun 01 03:24:05 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2577 @@
+					TI (Shanghai)
+ This software product is the property of TI (Shanghai) Ltd and may not be
+ disclosed to any third party without the express permission of the owner.                                 
+ $Project name:	TISHMMS Project                                                     
+ $Project code:	BMI (6349)                                                           
+ $Module:		MMS
+ $File:		    mmimmsbox.h
+ $Revision:		1.0                                                       
+ $Author:		Yan Bin(bin-yan@ti.com)                                                         
+ $Date:		    28/08/03                                                     
+ Description:
+    This module provides definitions of the types and
+    constants which are shared across the MMS
+    application modules.
+ $History: MmiMmsBox.c
+     xrashmic 23 Nov, 2005 MMI-SPR-OMAPS00047637
+     Play mms error restart rectified. Removing unwanted screens in the callback of the "New mms"
+     dialog screen.
+	xrashmic 29 Nov, 2005 MMI-SPR-OMAPS00050170
+	Changed from static allocations for g_mmstopic and g_mmsstatus to dynamic allocation.
+    Nov 05, 2005	REF: OMAPS00049502   Sumanth Kumar. C
+    Description:	MMS: During MMS Reply, Enter Number shows Empty.
+    Solution:		Senders number is extracted from the Message Header and is displayed.
+  	Nov 02, 2005    REF:ER OMAPS00039044  xdeepadh
+	Description:   Mp3 Ringer Implementation
+	Solution: The Midi Ringer application has been enhanced to support mp3 as ringer.
+	The interface  function names have been modified.
+     May 11 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-29887  x0012849
+     To Implement the deferred MMS retrieval.
+    Apr 07 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-27826  x0012849
+    To avoid crash when a user replies to the MMS which is there in Inbox
+    xrashmic 08 Feb, 2005 MMI-SPR-27853
+     Added more parameters to the information_dialog function
+ 	Apr 05, 2005    REF: ENH 29994 xdeepadh
+   	Description: Implementation of Generic Midi Ringer and Modification of existing Midi Test Application
+   	Solution: Generic Midi Ringer and Midi Test Application were implemented.
+    xreddymn Jan-31-2004 MMI-SPR-28483: Support for MIDI objects
+     x0012849 Feb-03-2005 MMI-SPR-28224 :
+     To allow the user to scroll up and down while creating, reading or forwarding MMS .   
+    xrashmic 14 Dec, 2004 MMI-SPR-23921
+    Implementing the forward functionality for MMS  
+    xreddymn Dec-20-2004 MMI-SPR-27382
+    (1) Added "Please Wait" screen when deleting messages from a folder.
+    This prevents the user from navigating menus during the process.
+    (2) Modified inbox refresh to occur only when inside the inbox list screen.
+    MMI-SPR-27384: Dec-17-2004 - xreddymn
+    Changes for MMS/EMS Inbox/Sent/Unsent folder presentation
+    xrashmic 7 Dec, 2004 MMI-SPR-23965
+    Description: Not able to extract the objects in EMS message
+    Solution: Extract and store the objects in the Object Manager
+    MMI-SPR-23981: Nov-30-2004 - xreddymn
+    Modified delete message behaviour. 
+    Fixed "Play MMS Error" message that appears when trying to read messages
+    MMI-SPR-25278: Nov-29-2004 - xreddymn
+    Implemented FFS limits for MMS/EMS storage
+    CRR 24456: 19 Oct 2004 - xpradipg
+    Description: On opening MMS with PNG image "Play MMS Error" is displayed.
+    On pressing Back D-sample resets.
+    Solution: The EPlayModeStop was posted even if the EPlayModeRun was not 
+    posted. The EPlayModeStop event posting is controled.
+    CRR: 25291 - xrashmic 14 Oct 2004
+    Description: The sent EMS is stored in unsent folder.
+    Solution: The Outbox has been removed, instead we now have Sent folder for the sent EMS 
+    MMI-SPR-25273: Oct-14-2004 - xreddymn
+    Description: EMS forward not working
+    Solution: Added changes to implement the EMS forward feature
+    CRR 25268: 13 Oct 2004 - xpradipg
+    Description: Unable to see the Number / name and the status read/unread of
+    the received EMS/MMS
+    Solution: The status of each message is updated as soon as the Message is 
+    read, and "old"/"new" is appended based on the status flag
+    CRR 25270: 13 Oct 2004 - xpradipg
+    Description: EMS: Titles such as "no name" is added to EMSs with no titles
+    Solution: The corresponding name is retrieved from the phone book for the
+    number from which EMS is received, if name is not present number is 
+    displayed in Inbox
+    CRR 25277: 06 Oct 2004 - xpradipg
+    Description: Recieving an ems when inbox is open
+    Solution: A refresh event is sent to the Inbox list which inturn updates 
+    the list
+    MMI-SPR-25148: Sep-24-2004 - xreddymn
+    Changes to map object index correctly to displayed list index
+    in case of extractable object list.
+    xrashmic 22 Sep, 2004 MMI-SPR-25032
+    To play the buzzer when there are sound objects in EMS message
+    MMI-SPR-24735: Sep-16-2004 - xreddymn
+    Changes related to EMS screen flickering issue
+    MMI-SPR-23962 (TII_MMS31): Aug-20-2004 - xreddymn
+    Extract objects modified not to include text and unknown objects
+    MMI-SPR-23933 (TII_MMS17): Aug-17-2004 - xreddymn
+    Display a more meaningful error message when playback fails.
+    MMI-SPR-23972 (TII_MMS41) Aug-27-2004 - xreddymn
+    Correctly close message session when extracting objects or reading the message	
+    MMI-SPR-23926 (TII_MMS12) and  MMI-SPR-24115 (TII_MMS55): Aug-26-2004 - xreddymn
+    Keep track of MMS/EMS display
+    CRR 23963: xpradipg 26 Aug 2004
+    Description: Remove "Reply" option from Unsent folder
+    Solution: The current selected folder is stored in a variable and depending on the selected folder
+    the menu item display is controled.
+    CRR 23959: xpradipg 26 Aug 2004
+    Description: List not updated after deleting the messages in Unsent/Inbox folder
+    Solution: The list is refreshed everytime the user returns from the options menu
+    xrashmic 26 Aug, 2004 MMI-SPR-23931
+    Only the complete message will be displayed in the inbox, outbox, unsent folders
+    Bug Id 19 : 		13 Aug, 2004 - xrashmic  
+    Description: MMS compose is displayed when reply option is selected 
+    for an EMS message
+    Solution: 	When reply is selected for a message from the inbox, we need to display corresponding 
+    compose screen i.e either EMS compose or MMS compose screen
+	17/01/04			Replace mfw edit with AUI edit.	
+	28/08/03			Original TI(Shanghai) BMI version.	
+ $End
+#define MMI_MMSBOX_C
+#define ENTITY_MFW
+/* includes */
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#if defined (NEW_FRAME)
+#include "typedefs.h"
+#include "vsi.h"
+#include "pei.h"
+#include "custom.h"
+#include "gsm.h"
+#include "STDDEFS.H"
+#include "custom.h"
+#include "gsm.h"
+#include "vsi.h"
+#include "prim.h"
+#include "mfw_mfw.h"
+#include "mfw_win.h"
+#include "mfw_kbd.h"
+#include "mfw_edt.h"
+#include "mfw_tim.h"
+#include "mfw_phb.h"
+#include "ksd.h"
+#include "psa.h"
+#include "mfw_sms.h"
+#include "mfw_smsi.h"
+#include "mfw_icn.h"
+#include "mfw_mnu.h"
+#include "mfw_lng.h"
+#include "mfw_sat.h"
+#include "mfw_kbd.h"
+#include "mfw_nm.h"
+#include "psa_util.h"
+#include "dspl.h"
+// #include "unicode_types.h"
+#include "MmiMain.h"
+#include "MmiDummy.h"
+//#include "MmiLists.h"
+#include "MmiMmi.h"
+#include "mmiCall.h"//GW 29/11/01 for 'callNumber'
+#include "MmiDialogs.h"
+#include "MmiLists.h"
+#include "MmiMenu.h"
+#include "MmiSoftKeys.h"
+#ifdef NEW_EDITOR
+#include "ATBCommon.h"
+#include "ATBDisplay.h"
+#include "ATBEditor.h"
+#include "AUIEditor.h"
+#else /* NEW_EDITOR */
+#include "MmiLatinPredText.h"
+#endif /* EASY_TEXT_ENABLED */
+#include "MmiEditor.h"
+#endif /* NEW_EDITOR */
+#include "MmiBookShared.h" // MZ 
+#include "mmimmsmenu.h"
+#include "mmimmsbox.h"
+#include "mfw_ffs.h"
+#include "mmiwindow.h"
+#include "cus_aci.h"
+#include "prim.h"
+#ifndef PCM_2_FFS
+#include "pcm.h"
+#include "aci_cmh.h"	//GW 29/11/01 added for types in aci_fd.h
+#include "aci_fd.h"		//GW 29/11/01 added for types in 'cmh.h'
+#include "cmh.h" 		//GW 29/11/01 added for types in 'cmh_phb.h'
+#include "cmh_phb.h"	//GW 29/11/01 added for cmhPHB_getAdrStr
+#include "mmiColours.h"
+//xrashmic 22 Sep, 2004 MMI-SPR-25032
+#include "audio.h"
+#include "mg4def.h"
+#include "evtdefs.h"
+#include "mg4stu.h"
+#include "Mg4Dal.h"
+#include "mg4devif.h"
+#include "dalevt.h"
+#include "evif.h"
+#include "mg4str.h"
+#include "mmif.h"
+#include "mg4mem.h"
+//Apr 05, 2005    REF: ENH 29994 xdeepadh
+#include "mfw_midi.h"
+#include "MmiSounds.h"
+//xrashmic 14 Dec, 2004 MMI-SPR-23921
+#include "mmimmscreate.h"
+extern int MMSactive;
+//xreddymn Aug-26-2004 MMI-SPR-23926 (TII_MMS12) and  MMI-SPR-24115 (TII_MMS55): To keep track of MMS display
+extern BOOL g_M4_display_active;
+//CRR 25270: 13 Oct 2004 - xpradipg
+extern T_idle idle_data;
+extern int bookFindNameInPhonebook( const char *p_pszNumber, T_MFW_PHB_ENTRY *p_pEntry );
+int MMS_Is_Unread_Msgs_Inbox(void);
+//CRR 23959: xpradipg 26 Aug 2004
+//CRR 23963: xpradipg 26 Aug 2004
+//Holdsthe current selected folder value. Default is set to 0xFF - 
+//indicating no folder is assigned
+UBYTE folder=0xFF;
+// May 12 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-29887  
+// is_deferdownload will be TRUE when Deferred retrieval of MMS starts
+BOOL is_deferdownload = FALSE;  
+// May 12 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-29887
+//Used to check whther control went to DeviceEndAck while Retrieving the MMS
+// If that is the case then dont display NewNotificaion dialog.
+BOOL is_notifyResponse = FALSE;  
+// Jun 23 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-29887  x0012849
+extern BOOL is_downloadcancelled;  
+extern UBYTE rtvprogressValue; 
+//CRR 25277: xpradipg 06 Oct 2004
+extern MfwHnd mmsboxwinhnd;
+//GW 29/11/01 - added header file - removed extern void callNumber(UBYTE* number);
+MfwWin* getWinData( MfwHnd win);
+// xreddymn Nov-29-2004: Added externals
+//xrashmic 08 Feb, 2005 MMI-SPR-27853
+extern T_MFW_HND information_dialog(USHORT TxtId1, USHORT TxtId2,char* Txt1, char* Txt2, USHORT SoftKeyTxtId1, USHORT SoftKeyTxtId2, int timer, T_MFW_EVENT keyEvents, T_VOID_FUNC callback);
+extern T_MFW_HND g_inSaveModeWin;
+// xreddymn Nov-30-2004 MMI-SPR-23981
+T_MFW_HND g_OptionsWin;
+T_MFW_HND g_MmsBoxWin;
+//xrashmic 23 Nov, 2005 MMI-SPR-OMAPS00047637
+T_MFW_HND g_MmsReadWin;
+T_MFW_HND g_MmsExtractEdtWin;
+// xreddymn Dec-20-2004 MMI-SPR-27382
+T_MFW_HND g_MmsBoxWinSavedHnd;
+T_MFW_HND g_MmsPleaseWaitWin;
+//xrashmic 7 Dec, 2004 MMI-SPR-23965
+int attachmentInEMS=0;
+EV_S_EXTRACTABLE_IN_MESSAGE apExtractableInMessage;
+/* xreddymn Dec-16-2004 MMI-SPR-27384: MMS/EMS message list is now displayed as a two line per item list */
+static MfwMnuAttr MmsBox_menuAttrib =
+    &melody_menuArea,
+    MNU_LEFT | MNU_LIST_2_LINE | MNU_CUR_LINE, /* double line menu       */
+    -1,                                 /* use default font         */
+    NULL,                               /* with these items         */
+    0,                                   /* number of items     */
+static MfwMnuAttr MmsBox_ExtractMedia_menuAttrib =
+    &melody_menuArea,
+    MNU_LEFT | MNU_LIST | MNU_CUR_LINE, /* centered page menu       */
+    -1,                                 /* use default font         */
+    NULL,                               /* with these items         */
+    0,                                   /* number of items     */
+static int MMSBox_OPTexeRead(MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i);
+// May 12 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-29887  x0012849
+//Prototyes of the functions. START
+static int MMSBox_OPTexeDeferDownload(MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i); 
+static void  DeferDownloadMsg(MM_MESSAGE_ID msgId); 
+void  MMSDownLoadNow(MM_MESSAGE_ID msgId);
+static ESTATUS DeferDownloadMsgCallback(EVENT_ID		aeId,  
+		          EVENT_TYPE	aeType,
+				  MESSAGE_PARAM	ampParam,
+				  EVT_HANDLE	evtHandle);
+// May 12 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-29887  x0012849
+//Prototyes of the functions. END
+static int MMSBox_OPTexeExtract(MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i);
+static int MMSBox_OPTexeForward(MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i);
+static int MMSBox_OPTexeDelete(MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i);
+static int MMSBox_OPTexeReply(MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i);
+//CRR 23963: xpradipg 26 Aug 2004
+USHORT MMSBox_Is_Unsent( struct MfwMnuTag *m, struct MfwMnuAttrTag *ma, struct MfwMnuItemTag *mi );
+// May 12 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-29887  x0012849
+//Prototyes of the function
+USHORT MMSBox_Is_NotRetrieved( struct MfwMnuTag *m, struct MfwMnuAttrTag *ma, struct MfwMnuItemTag *mi );
+// May 12 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-29887  x0012849
+//Prototyes of the function
+USHORT MMSBox_Is_Retrieved( struct MfwMnuTag *m, struct MfwMnuAttrTag *ma, struct MfwMnuItemTag *mi );
+void MMSBox_Extract_exec_cb (T_MFW_HND win, USHORT event, SHORT value, void * parameter);
+static MfwMnuItem MMSBox_OPTItems [] =
+    // May 11 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-29887  x0012849
+    //Choose either of one Read or Retrieve based on the type of MMS.
+    {0,0,0,(char *)TxtRead,0,(MenuFunc)MMSBox_OPTexeRead,MMSBox_Is_Retrieved}, 
+    // May 11 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-29887  x0012849
+    //Retrieve will be showed in case if the MMS is not complete
+    {0,0,0,(char *)TxtRetrieve,0,(MenuFunc)MMSBox_OPTexeDeferDownload,MMSBox_Is_NotRetrieved},		
+    {0,0,0,(char *)TxtExtract,0,(MenuFunc)MMSBox_OPTexeExtract,MMSBox_Is_Retrieved},
+     //CRR 23963: xpradipg 26 Aug 2004
+     //added MMSBox_Is_Unsent which controls the display of the menu item
+    {0,0,0,(char *)TxtReply,0,(MenuFunc)MMSBox_OPTexeReply,MMSBox_Is_Unsent},
+    {0,0,0,(char *)TxtForward,0,(MenuFunc)MMSBox_OPTexeForward,MMSBox_Is_Retrieved},
+    {0,0,0,(char *)TxtDelete,0,(MenuFunc)MMSBox_OPTexeDelete,item_flag_none},
+//xrashmic 7 Dec, 2004 MMI-SPR-23965
+// Separate options list for the EMS message. The extract menu item is removed from this list
+static MfwMnuItem EMSBox_OPTItems [] =
+    {0,0,0,(char *)TxtRead,0,(MenuFunc)MMSBox_OPTexeRead,item_flag_none},
+     //CRR 23963: xpradipg 26 Aug 2004
+     //added MMSBox_Is_Unsent which controls the display of the menu item
+    {0,0,0,(char *)TxtReply,0,(MenuFunc)MMSBox_OPTexeReply,MMSBox_Is_Unsent},
+    {0,0,0,(char *)TxtForward,0,(MenuFunc)MMSBox_OPTexeForward,item_flag_none},
+    {0,0,0,(char *)TxtDelete,0,(MenuFunc)MMSBox_OPTexeDelete,item_flag_none},
+static MfwMnuAttr MMSBox_OPTAttrib =
+    &SmsRead_R_OPTArea,
+    MNU_LEFT | MNU_LIST | MNU_CUR_LINE, /* centered page menu       */
+    -1,                                 /* use default font         */
+    MMSBox_OPTItems,                      /* with these items         */
+    sizeof(MMSBox_OPTItems)/sizeof(MfwMnuItem), /* number of items     */
+//xrashmic 7 Dec, 2004 MMI-SPR-23965
+// Separate options list for the EMS message. The extract menu item is removed from this list
+static MfwMnuAttr EMSBox_OPTAttrib =
+    &SmsRead_R_OPTArea,
+    MNU_LEFT | MNU_LIST | MNU_CUR_LINE, /* centered page menu       */
+    -1,                                 /* use default font         */
+    EMSBox_OPTItems,                      /* with these items         */
+    sizeof(EMSBox_OPTItems)/sizeof(MfwMnuItem), /* number of items     */
+/* pointer used to get mms list */
+MM_S_MESSAGE_HEADER_LIST*	g_pMessageHeaderList	= NULL;
+int g_currentMessage=0;
+//CRR 25270 & CRR 25268: 14 Oct 2004 - xpradipg 
+// xreddymn Dec-16-2004 MMI-SPR-27384: Modified string lengths for Inbox/Unsent/Sent presentation
+//xrashmic 29 Nov, 2005 MMI-SPR-OMAPS00050170
+//Changed the static allocation to dynamic for the following variables
+char *g_mmstopic;
+char *g_mmsstatus;
+static ListMenuData *box_menu_list_data=NULL;
+static ListMenuData *extra_menu_list_data=NULL;
+// xreddymn Sep-24-2004 MMI-SPR-25148 : An array that maps displayed index to an index in the list of objects extracted
+static S16 *extra_menu_list_indices=NULL;
+//CRR 24456: 19 Oct 2004 - xpradipg
+//flag to control the posting of EPlayModeStop
+static int MmsReadStatus =ENoError;
+void M4_FreeListFolderMemory(void)
+	/* If there is any data */
+	if (g_pMessageHeaderList != NULL)
+	{
+		g_pMessageHeaderList->memHdr.freeFunc(g_pMessageHeaderList);
+		g_pMessageHeaderList = NULL;
+	}
+	return;
+//CRR 23963: xpradipg 26 Aug 2004
+ $Function:     MMSBox_Is_Unsent
+ $Description:  decides if the Reply menu item needs to be displayed or not
+ $Returns:    False if it should be displayed
+ $Arguments:
+USHORT MMSBox_Is_Unsent( struct MfwMnuTag *m, struct MfwMnuAttrTag *ma, struct MfwMnuItemTag *mi )
+    // May 11 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-29887  x0012849
+    if(folder == MMS_UNSENT ||(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[g_currentMessage].complete == FALSE ))
+    {
+  	return 1;
+     }		
+  return 0;
+ // May 11 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-29887  x0012849
+ // New Function added
+ $Function:     MMSBox_Is_NotRetrieved
+ $Description:  decides whether Retrieve option need to be displayed or not 
+ $Returns:    False if it should be displayed
+ $Arguments:
+USHORT MMSBox_Is_NotRetrieved( struct MfwMnuTag *m, struct MfwMnuAttrTag *ma, struct MfwMnuItemTag *mi )
+    if(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[g_currentMessage].complete == FALSE)
+    {
+  	return 0;
+     }		
+  return 1;
+ // May 11 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-29887  x0012849
+ // New Function added
+ $Function:     MMSBox_Is_Retrieved
+ $Description:  decides whether Read options need to be displayed or not
+ $Returns:    False if it should be displayed
+ $Arguments:
+USHORT MMSBox_Is_Retrieved( struct MfwMnuTag *m, struct MfwMnuAttrTag *ma, struct MfwMnuItemTag *mi )
+   if(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[g_currentMessage].complete == TRUE)
+    {
+  	return 0;
+     }		
+  return 1;
+ $Function:     MMSBoxList_cb
+ $Description:  Callback function for the melody list.
+ $Returns:    none
+ $Arguments:  Parent - parent window.
+        ListData - Menu item list
+void MMSBoxList_cb(T_MFW_HND * Parent, ListMenuData * ListData)
+	T_MFW_HND    win  = mfwParent(mfw_header());
+	TRACE_EVENT_P1("MMSBoxList_cb : %d", ListData->Reason);
+	if ((ListData->Reason EQ LISTS_REASON_BACK) || (ListData->Reason EQ LISTS_REASON_CLEAR)
+		|| (ListData->Reason EQ LISTS_REASON_HANGUP))	// sbh - added hangup key
+	{
+		listsDestroy(ListData->win);
+		MMI_DestoryWindow(Parent);
+	}
+	else if(ListData->Reason EQ LISTS_REASON_SELECT)
+	{
+		g_currentMessage=ListData->CursorPosition;
+		MMSBox_OPT_start(ListData->win,0);
+	}
+static void MMSBox_info_cb(T_MFW_HND win, UBYTE identifier, UBYTE reason)
+	TRACE_FUNCTION("MMSBox_info_cb");
+	switch (reason)
+	{
+		MMI_DestoryWindow(win);
+	    	break;
+	case INFO_KCD_HUP:
+		MMI_DestoryWindow(win);
+    	break;
+	default:
+    	break;
+    }
+ $Function:    	MMSBox_DT_string
+ $Description:  Forms a string from a date/time structure
+ $Returns:      none
+ $Arguments:    s - String into which the output is written.
+                Must be sufficiently large: Doesn't perform any bounds check.
+                t - MMS time stamp structure
+                xreddymn Dec-16-2004
+void MMSBox_DT_string(char *s,MM_S_TIME_STAMP *t)
+	sprintf(s,"%02d/%02d %02d:%02d",t->day,t->month,t->hour,t->min);
+ $Function:    	MMSBox_exec_cb
+ $Description:	Exec callback function of the MMS Create window 
+ $Returns:		none
+ $Arguments:	win - window handler
+ 				event - mfw event
+ 				parameter - optional data.
+void MMSBox_exec_cb (T_MFW_HND win, USHORT event, SHORT value, void * parameter)
+    /* callback handler for events sent to to trigger execution */
+	T_MFW_WIN        * win_data = ((T_MFW_HDR *) win)->data;
+	int i;
+	ESTATUS eStatus=0;
+	MM_LIST_PARAM listParams = 0;
+       //CRR 25270 && CRR 25268: 13 Oct 2004 - xpradipg
+       //moved the declaration to the start of the function
+       int lenSub=0;
+       T_MFW_PHB_ENTRY phonebook_entry;
+     // May 17 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-29887  xreddymn
+     //list_size will give the value - No of Messages presently in the list
+	int list_size;                   
+	TRACE_FUNCTION ("MMSBox_exec_cb()");
+	switch (event)
+	{
+	//CRR 23963: xpradipg 26 Aug 2004
+	//New case added, this is invoked when ever the user returns back from the 
+	//options screen. This cleans the list of messages and re-populates the list
+	case MWM_REDRAW:
+		// we delete the list - free the list - before actually allocating and drawing.
+		list_size = box_menu_list_data->ListLength;
+		if(box_menu_list_data->win)
+			listsDestroy(box_menu_list_data->win);
+		if(box_menu_list_data)
+		{
+			if(box_menu_list_data->List && g_pMessageHeaderList)
+			{
+                           // May 17 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-29887  xreddymn
+                           // Use list_size to while freeing the memory
+				FREE_MEMORY((void*)(box_menu_list_data->List), list_size * sizeof(T_MFW_MNU_ITEM ));
+			}
+			FREE_MEMORY((void*)(box_menu_list_data),sizeof(ListMenuData));
+		}
+		//xrashmic 29 Nov, 2005 MMI-SPR-OMAPS00050170
+		//Freeing the allocated memory on exiting the list screen
+		if(g_mmsstatus)
+		if(g_mmstopic)
+			FREE_MEMORY((void*)g_mmstopic,MMS_BOX_LIST_STRING_MAX_LENGTH*g_pMessageHeaderList->size);
+		//CRR 23963: xpradipg 26 Aug 2004
+		//the break; is omitted intentionally, since the list is recreated using the below code
+	case MWM_CREATE:
+              //CRR 25277: xpradipg 06 Oct 2004
+              //the display needs to be refreshed forcibly
+               dspl_Enable(0);
+		/* initialization of administrative data */
+		//yanbin:  call magic4 function to create MMS list
+		/* make sure g_pMessageHeaderList be freed if not free */
+		M4_FreeListFolderMemory();
+		box_menu_list_data=NULL;
+		//CRR 23963: xpradipg 26 Aug 2004
+		//CRR 23963: xpradipg 26 Aug 2004
+		//check if no folder number is assigned before assigning
+		if(folder == 0xFF)
+			folder = (UBYTE)parameter;
+		else
+			parameter=(void*)folder;
+		TRACE_EVENT_P1("the value of folder is %d",folder);
+		//parameter=(folder==0xFF)?parameter:(void*)folder;
+		if (parameter == (void *)MMS_INBOX)
+		{
+			//xrashmic 26 Aug, 2004 MMI-SPR-23931
+			//added MM_LIST_COMPLETE so that the list does not contain 
+			//incomplete messages
+			//listParams  = MM_LIST_INBOX|MM_LIST_COMPLETE; 			
+                     //May 17 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-29887  x0012849
+                     //To Implement the deferred MMS retrieval.
+		}
+		//CRR: 25291 - xrashmic 14 Oct 2004
+		//To display a list of the sent messages.
+		else if (parameter == (void *)MMS_SENT)
+		{
+			// xreddymn May-18-2005 MMI-SPR-29887: Removed MM_LIST_COMPLETE
+			// as it causes messages from Inbox to be listed, with the new MMS library
+			listParams  = MM_LIST_SENT;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			// xreddymn May-18-2005 MMI-SPR-29887: Removed MM_LIST_COMPLETE
+			// as it causes messages from Sent to be listed, with the new MMS library
+	    	listParams  = MM_LIST_DRAFT;
+		}
+		eStatus = DAL_ListMessagesByParam(&g_pMessageHeaderList, listParams);
+		if(eStatus != ENoError)
+		{
+			//M4_DebugStringMessage("MMSBox_exec_cb: eStatus != ENoError",sizeof("MMSBox_exec_cb: eStatus != ENoError"),0);
+		}
+		if(g_pMessageHeaderList == NULL || g_pMessageHeaderList->size ==0 )
+		{
+			T_DISPLAY_DATA display_info;
+			//M4_DebugStringMessage("g_pMessageHeaderList->size==0",sizeof("g_pMessageHeaderList->size==0"),0);
+			if(g_pMessageHeaderList != NULL) M4_FreeListFolderMemory();
+			dlg_initDisplayData_TextId( &display_info,  TxtNull, TxtSoftBack,TxtEmptyList, TxtNull, COLOUR_STATUS);
+			dlg_initDisplayData_events( &display_info, (T_VOID_FUNC)MMSBox_info_cb, FOREVER, KEY_RIGHT|KEY_CLEAR|KEY_HUP);
+			display_info.Identifier=0;
+			info_dialog (win, &display_info);
+			dspl_Enable(1);
+			break;
+		}
+		box_menu_list_data =(ListMenuData *) ALLOC_MEMORY(sizeof(ListMenuData));
+		box_menu_list_data->List = (T_MFW_MNU_ITEM *)ALLOC_MEMORY( g_pMessageHeaderList->size * sizeof(T_MFW_MNU_ITEM) );
+		//xrashmic 29 Nov, 2005 MMI-SPR-OMAPS00050170
+		//dynamically allocating memory for g_mmstopic. Total size = max size of one string in the list X total number of mms
+		g_mmstopic=(char*)ALLOC_MEMORY(MMS_BOX_LIST_STRING_MAX_LENGTH*g_pMessageHeaderList->size);
+		// xreddymn Dec-15-2004 MMI-SPR-27384: Modifications for Inbox/Unsent/Sent box presentation
+		// xrashmicn OMAPS00050170
+		for (i = 0; (i < g_pMessageHeaderList->size) ; i++)
+		{
+			//CRR 25270: xpradipg    
+			mnuInitDataItem(&box_menu_list_data->List[i]);
+			box_menu_list_data->List[i].flagFunc = item_flag_none;
+			//CRR 25270 && CRR 25268: 14 Oct 2004 - xpradipg
+			//the temporary buffer is reset after every iteration
+			memset(g_mmsstatus,'\0',MMS_BOX_LIST_STRING_MAX_LENGTH);
+			//CRR 25270 & CRR 25268: 13 Oct 2004 - xpradipg
+			//Set the title to Saved if the folder being listed is Unsent
+			//Otherwise append thestring "New"/"Old" depending on the 
+			//status of the read flag in the message header
+			if(!(listParams & MM_LIST_DRAFT))
+			{
+				//xrashmic 29 Nov, 2005 MMI-SPR-OMAPS00050170
+				//Changed from static allocations for g_mmstopic and g_mmsstatus to dynamic allocation.
+				if(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[i].read== TRUE)
+					strcpy(&g_mmstopic[i*MMS_BOX_LIST_STRING_MAX_LENGTH],"Old: ");
+				else
+					strcpy(&g_mmstopic[i*MMS_BOX_LIST_STRING_MAX_LENGTH],"New: ");
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				//xrashmic 29 Nov, 2005 MMI-SPR-OMAPS00050170
+				//Changed from static allocations for g_mmstopic and g_mmsstatus to dynamic allocation.
+				strcpy(&g_mmstopic[i*MMS_BOX_LIST_STRING_MAX_LENGTH],"Saved: ");
+				box_menu_list_data->List[i].str  = &g_mmstopic[i*MMS_BOX_LIST_STRING_MAX_LENGTH];
+				// continue;
+			}
+			//CRR 25270 & CRR 25268: 13 Oct 2004 - xpradipg
+			//The Topic is displayed for the mms, if the topic is not present
+			//then the name is searched for corresponding to the number from
+			//which the message was received. For EMS only the number /name is 
+			//displayed
+			if(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[i].type!=EMtSms)
+			{
+				lenSub=GetStringBytes(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[i].messageTypeHeader.mmsHeader.pSubject);
+				//CRR 25270: xpradipg 
+				if(lenSub==0)
+				{
+					// xreddymn Dec-15-2004 MMI-SPR-27384
+					switch((UBYTE)parameter)
+					{
+						case MMS_INBOX:
+							lenSub=GetStringBytes(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[i].messageTypeHeader.mmsHeader.pFrom);		
+							break;
+						case MMS_SENT:
+							lenSub=GetStringBytes(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[i].messageTypeHeader.mmsHeader.pToList);
+							break;
+						default:
+							lenSub=0;
+							break;
+					}
+					if(lenSub==0)
+					{
+						strcpy(g_mmsstatus,"No name");
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						// xreddymn Dec-15-2004 MMI-SPR-27384
+						switch((UBYTE)parameter)
+						{
+							case MMS_INBOX:
+								ConvertUcs2To8BitString(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[i].messageTypeHeader.mmsHeader.pFrom, lenSub, (MByte*)g_mmsstatus);
+								break;
+							case MMS_SENT:
+								ConvertUcs2To8BitString(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[i].messageTypeHeader.mmsHeader.pToList, lenSub, (MByte*)g_mmsstatus);
+								break;
+							default:
+								strcpy(g_mmsstatus,"");
+								break;
+						}
+						if (bookFindNameInPhonebook( g_mmsstatus, &phonebook_entry ))
+						{
+							if (phonebook_entry.name.len >0)
+							{
+								strncpy(g_mmsstatus,(const char*)phonebook_entry.name.data,lenSub);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					ConvertUcs2To8BitString(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[i].messageTypeHeader.mmsHeader.pSubject, lenSub, (MByte*)g_mmsstatus);
+				}
+				//xrashmic 29 Nov, 2005 MMI-SPR-OMAPS00050170
+				//Changed from static allocations for g_mmstopic and g_mmsstatus to dynamic allocation.
+				strcat(&g_mmstopic[i*MMS_BOX_LIST_STRING_MAX_LENGTH],g_mmsstatus);
+				/* Dec-15-2004 MMI-SPR-27384: Insert the time stamp information */
+				MMSBox_DT_string((char*)g_mmsstatus,&g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[i].timestamp);
+				strcat(&g_mmstopic[i*MMS_BOX_LIST_STRING_MAX_LENGTH],"\n");
+				strcat(&g_mmstopic[i*MMS_BOX_LIST_STRING_MAX_LENGTH],g_mmsstatus);
+			}
+			//CRR 25270 & CRR 25268: 13 Oct 2004 - xpradipg
+			//retrieve the number from the ems and look for the
+			//corresponding entry in the phonebook, populate the
+			//name if present else display the number
+			else
+			{
+				lenSub=GetStringBytes(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[i].messageTypeHeader.smsHeader.pszAddress);
+				if(lenSub>0)
+				{
+					ConvertUcs2To8BitString(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[i].messageTypeHeader.smsHeader.pszAddress, lenSub, (MByte*)g_mmsstatus);
+					if (bookFindNameInPhonebook( g_mmsstatus, &phonebook_entry ))
+					{
+						if (phonebook_entry.name.len >0)
+						{
+							strncpy(g_mmsstatus,(const char*)phonebook_entry.name.data,lenSub);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				//xrashmic 29 Nov, 2005 MMI-SPR-OMAPS00050170
+				//Changed from static allocations for g_mmstopic and g_mmsstatus to dynamic allocation.
+				strcat(&g_mmstopic[i*MMS_BOX_LIST_STRING_MAX_LENGTH],g_mmsstatus);
+				/* Dec-15-2004 MMI-SPR-27384: Insert the time stamp information */
+				MMSBox_DT_string((char*)g_mmsstatus,&g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[i].timestamp);
+				strcat(&g_mmstopic[i*MMS_BOX_LIST_STRING_MAX_LENGTH],"\n");
+				strcat(&g_mmstopic[i*MMS_BOX_LIST_STRING_MAX_LENGTH],g_mmsstatus);
+			}
+			box_menu_list_data->List[i].str  = &g_mmstopic[i*MMS_BOX_LIST_STRING_MAX_LENGTH];
+		}
+		box_menu_list_data->ListLength =g_pMessageHeaderList->size;
+		box_menu_list_data->ListPosition = 1;
+		box_menu_list_data->CursorPosition = 1;
+		box_menu_list_data->SnapshotSize = g_pMessageHeaderList->size;
+		box_menu_list_data->Font = 0;
+		box_menu_list_data->LeftSoftKey = TxtSoftSelect;
+		box_menu_list_data->RightSoftKey = TxtSoftBack;
+		box_menu_list_data->KeyEvents = KEY_ALL;
+		box_menu_list_data->Reason = 0;
+		box_menu_list_data->Strings = TRUE;
+		box_menu_list_data->Attr   = &MmsBox_menuAttrib;
+		box_menu_list_data->autoDestroy    = FALSE;
+		listDisplayListMenu(win,box_menu_list_data,(ListCbFunc)MMSBoxList_cb,0);
+		//CRR 25277: xpradipg 06 Oct 2004
+		//the display needs to be refreshed forcibly
+		dspl_Enable(1);
+		break;
+		if(box_menu_list_data)
+		{
+			if(box_menu_list_data->List && g_pMessageHeaderList)
+			{
+				FREE_MEMORY((void*)(box_menu_list_data->List),g_pMessageHeaderList->size * sizeof(T_MFW_MNU_ITEM ));
+			}
+			FREE_MEMORY((void*)(box_menu_list_data),sizeof(ListMenuData));
+		}
+		//xrashmic 29 Nov, 2005 MMI-SPR-OMAPS00050170
+		//Freeing the allocated memory on exiting the list screen
+		if(g_mmsstatus)
+		if(g_mmstopic)
+			FREE_MEMORY((void*)g_mmstopic,MMS_BOX_LIST_STRING_MAX_LENGTH*g_pMessageHeaderList->size);
+		//CRR 23963: xpradipg 26 Aug 2004
+		//reset the folder value to default
+		folder = 0xFF;
+                //CRR 25277: xpradipg 06 Oct 2004
+                //set the handle to NULL on destroying the window
+                mmsboxwinhnd=NULL;
+				g_MmsBoxWin=NULL;//xrashmic 23 Nov, 2005 MMI-SPR-OMAPS00047637
+		//xrashmic 29 Nov, 2005 MMI-SPR-OMAPS00050170
+		//M4_FreeListFolderMemory frees the memory for g_pMessageHeaderList. But g_pMessageHeaderList->size is used to
+		//free memory for various dynamically allocated pointers eg. g_mmstopic. Hence this should be done at the end .
+		M4_FreeListFolderMemory();
+		break;
+	case MWM_ONDRAW:
+		displaySoftKeys(TxtSoftOptions,TxtSoftBack);
+		break;
+	// xreddymn Dec-20-2004 MMI-SPR-27382: Save the handle to Inbox window
+		g_MmsBoxWinSavedHnd=mmsboxwinhnd;
+		mmsboxwinhnd=NULL;
+		break;
+	// xreddymn Dec-20-2004 MMI-SPR-27382: Restore the handle to Inbox window
+	case MWM_RESUME:
+		if(!mmsboxwinhnd)
+		{
+			mmsboxwinhnd=g_MmsBoxWinSavedHnd;
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+	    break;
+	}
+	return;
+ $Function:    	MMSBox_start
+ $Description:	Start the creation of the main window for Create MMS
+ $Returns:		mfw window handler 
+ $Arguments:	parent_window - Parent window handler
+ 				menuAttr	  - Menu attributes.
+T_MFW_HND MMSBox_start(T_MFW_HND parent_window, MfwMnuAttr *menuAttr)
+	TRACE_FUNCTION ("MMSBox_start()");
+	mmeBackLight(64);
+	// xreddymn Nov-30-2004 MMI-SPR-23981: Retain the handle to the Message List menu window
+	g_MmsBoxWin=MMI_CreateWindow(parent_window, (T_DIALOG_FUNC)MMSBox_exec_cb,(void*)menuAttr,(T_MFW_CB)0,0,0);
+	return g_MmsBoxWin;
+#if 1
+UCS2 medianame[32]={'p','i','c','0',0};
+int len_medianame=10;
+void M4_FreeAttrib(void * block)	/*Pointer to function used to free this block of memory*/
+	if(block)
+		FREE_MEMORY((void*)block,sizeof(M4_S_OBJECT_ATTRIB));
+void M4_FreeItem(void * block)	/*Pointer to function used to free this block of memory*/
+	if(block)
+		FREE_MEMORY((void*)block,sizeof(M4_S_OBJECT_ITEM));
+ * Func : SaveObjectDone
+ * Desc : It is the callback function indicating the result of saving object.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ESTATUS M4_SaveObjectDone(EVENT_ID			aeId,
+		       EVENT_TYPE		aeType,
+			   MESSAGE_PARAM	ampParam,
+			   EVT_HANDLE		evtHandle)
+	switch(aeId)
+	{
+		case(EMG4_FileOpDone):
+			{
+				/* NOTES:
+				 * Object storing is done
+				 */
+				/* 
+				 * Further notification to upper layer if necessary
+				 */
+				DAL_PostMessage(EMG4_FileOpDone,
+						        EVENT_REACTIVE,
+								0,
+								evtHandle->parentEvtHandle);
+				// xreddymn Nov-26-2004 MMI-SPR-25278
+				winDelete(g_inSaveModeWin);
+                            //xrashmic 08 Feb, 2005 MMI-SPR-27853
+                            //Added few more parameters for this function
+				information_dialog(TxtSaved,TxtNull,NULL,NULL, TxtNull,TxtSoftBack,FOREVER,KEY_CLEAR|KEY_RIGHT|KEY_HUP,NULL);
+			}
+			break;
+		case(EMG4_OpError):
+		// xreddymn Nov-26-2004 MMI-SPR-25278
+		winDelete(g_inSaveModeWin);
+              //xrashmic 08 Feb, 2005 MMI-SPR-27853
+              //Added few more parameters for this function
+		information_dialog(TxtFailed,TxtFatalError,NULL,NULL,TxtNull,TxtSoftBack,FOREVER,KEY_CLEAR|KEY_RIGHT|KEY_HUP,NULL);
+		default:
+			break;
+	}
+	if(evtHandle)
+	{
+		FREE_MEMORY((void*)evtHandle,sizeof(*evtHandle));
+	}
+	// xreddymn Aug-26-2004, MMI-SPR-24113 (TII_MMS53) and MMI-SPR-23972 (TII_MMS41)
+	// Removed the following lines since this is done in MWM_DESTROY of MMSBox_Extract_exec_cb
+	/* NOTES:
+	 * The PP Session must be closed 
+	 */
+	DAL_CloseMessageSession(msgHandle);
+	/* Free the memory allocated before */
+	pObjArray->oms.freeFunc(pObjArray);
+	pObjData->oms.freeFunc(pObjData);
+	return ENoError;
+ * Func : SaveObject
+ * Desc : User selects the object being saved
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ESTATUS M4_SaveObject(PP_OBJECT_ID	objId, EVT_HANDLE parentHandle)
+	ESTATUS 	status = ENoError;
+	EVT_HANDLE 	evtHandle = NULL;
+	// xreddymn Nov-26-2004 MMI-SPR-25278
+        //xrashmic 08 Feb, 2005 MMI-SPR-27853
+        //Added few more parameters for this function
+	g_inSaveModeWin=information_dialog(TxtPleaseWait,TxtNull,NULL,NULL,TxtNull,TxtNull,FOREVER,0,NULL);
+	status = DAL_GetObjectByID(msgHandle, objId, &pObjData);
+	TRACE_EVENT_P1("DAL_GetObjectByID :%d", status);
+	if(ENoError != status)
+	{
+		return status;
+	}
+	status = DAL_GetObjectAttributes(msgHandle, objId, &pObjAttrib);
+	TRACE_EVENT_P1("DAL_GetObjectAttributes :%d", status);
+	if(ENoError != status)
+	{
+		pObjData->oms.freeFunc(pObjData);
+		return status;
+	}	
+	if((NULL == evtHandle) || (NULL == pItem) || (NULL == pAttrib))
+	{
+		if(pItem)
+		{
+			FREE_MEMORY((void*)pItem,sizeof(*pItem));
+		}
+		if(pAttrib)
+		{
+			FREE_MEMORY((void*)pAttrib,sizeof(*pAttrib));
+		}
+		if(evtHandle)
+		{
+			FREE_MEMORY((void*)evtHandle,sizeof(*evtHandle));
+		}
+		return EOutOfMemory;
+	}
+	memset((void*)pItem, 0x00, sizeof(M4_S_OBJECT_ITEM));
+	memset((void*)pAttrib, 0x00, sizeof(M4_S_OBJECT_ATTRIB));
+	memset((void*)evtHandle, 0x00, sizeof(EVT_STRUCT));
+	/* NOTES:
+	 * Copy the information into appropriate structure
+	 */
+	pItem->memHdr.freeFunc = M4_FreeItem;/* Object free function */
+	pItem->objectSize = pObjData->lObjectDataSize;
+	pItem->pData = pObjData->objData.pByteData;
+	pAttrib->memHdr.freeFunc = M4_FreeAttrib;/* Object free function */
+	pAttrib->type = pObjAttrib->contentType/* Object Type: EMtMimeWbmp, etc*/;
+	pAttrib->objectSize = pObjData->lObjectDataSize;
+	pAttrib->drmInfo =  EDrmNotSet; /* DRM info */
+	pAttrib->objectFile.fileNameLen = len_medianame; /* User Input FileName Size */ ;
+	pAttrib->objectFile.pFileName = medianame;  /* User Input File Name */;
+	/* NOTES:
+	 * Setup the event handler
+	 */
+	evtHandle->handler = M4_SaveObjectDone;
+	evtHandle->pData = pObjData;
+	evtHandle->parentEvtHandle = parentHandle;
+	status = DAL_StoreObjectAsync(evtHandle, pItem, pAttrib);
+	TRACE_EVENT_P1("DAL_StoreObjectAsync :%d", status);
+	return status;
+ * Func: PPOpenMessageCallback
+ * Desc: 
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ESTATUS M4_PPOpenMessageCallback(EVENT_ID			aeId,
+		              EVENT_TYPE		aeType,
+					  MESSAGE_PARAM		ampParam,
+					  EVT_HANDLE		evtHandle)
+	ESTATUS	status = ENoError;
+	PP_OBJECT_ID 			objId;
+	T_MFW_HND    win  = mfwParent(mfw_header());
+	//M4_DebugStringMessage("M4_PPOpenMessageCallback", sizeof("M4_PPOpenMessageCallback"), 0);
+	switch(aeId)
+	{
+		case(EMG4_FileOpDone):
+			{
+				/* 
+				 * The PP Session is ready for listing objects available
+				 */
+				msgHandle = (PP_MESSAGE_HANDLE)ampParam;
+				status = DAL_ListMessageObjects(msgHandle, &pObjArray);
+				/* User use the this information to display the associated objects
+				 * in this message
+				 */
+				//M4_DebugStringMessage("DAL_ListMessageObjects", sizeof("DAL_ListMessageObjects"), 0);
+				M4_DebugMessage(status);
+				//M4_DebugStringMessage("pObjArray->numOfObjects", sizeof("pObjArray->numOfObjects"), pObjArray->numOfObjects);
+				M4_DebugMessage(pObjArray->numOfObjects);
+				if(pObjArray==NULL || pObjArray->numOfObjects==0)
+				{
+					MMSBox_Extract_exec_cb (win, MWM_EXTRACT_MEDIA_NONE, 0, 0);
+				}else
+				{
+					MMSBox_Extract_exec_cb (win, MWM_EXTRACT_MEDIA_LIST, 0, 0);
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		case(EMG4_OpError):
+			// xreddymn Aug-20-2004 MMI-SPR-23962 (TII_MMS31): Added error handling
+			MMSBox_Extract_exec_cb (win, MMS_EXTRACT_MEDIA_ERROR, 0, 0);
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+	}
+	if(evtHandle)
+	{
+		FREE_MEMORY ((void *)evtHandle, sizeof (EVT_STRUCT));
+	}
+	return ENoError;
+ESTATUS M4_ExtractMedia(MM_MESSAGE_ID selectedMsgId, EVT_HANDLE parentHandle)
+	EVT_HANDLE	evtHandler = NULL;
+	ESTATUS		status = ENoError;
+	evtHandler = (EVT_HANDLE)ALLOC_MEMORY(sizeof(EVT_STRUCT));
+	if(NULL == evtHandler)
+	{
+		/* Error */
+		return EOutOfMemory;
+	}
+	memset((void*)evtHandler, 0x00, sizeof(EVT_STRUCT));
+	evtHandler->handler = M4_PPOpenMessageCallback;
+	evtHandler->parentEvtHandle = parentHandle;
+	/* 
+	 * Open the PP session & wait for EMG4_FileOpDone
+	 */
+	status = DAL_OpenMessageAsync(evtHandler, selectedMsgId);
+	TRACE_EVENT_P1("DAL_OpenMessageAsync :%d", status);
+	if(ENoError != status)
+	{
+		FREE_MEMORY ((void *)evtHandler, sizeof (EVT_STRUCT));
+	}
+	return status;
+ESTATUS DeleteMsgCallback(EVENT_ID		aeId,
+		          EVENT_TYPE	aeType,
+				  MESSAGE_PARAM	ampParam,
+				  EVT_HANDLE	evtHandle)
+	switch(aeId)
+	{
+		case(EMG4_FileOpDone):
+			/*
+			 * Msg Delete Successful
+			 */
+			// xreddymn Dec-20-2004 MMI-SPR-27382: Remove the "Please wait" screen
+			winDelete(g_MmsPleaseWaitWin);
+			// xreddymn Nov-30-2004 MMI-SPR-23981: Reload the message list
+			MMI_DestoryWindow(g_OptionsWin);
+			SEND_EVENT (g_MmsBoxWin, MWM_REDRAW, 0,(void *)folder);
+			break;
+		case(EMG4_OpError):
+			/*
+			 * Msg Delete Fail with error code in ampParam
+			 */
+			// xreddymn Dec-20-2004 MMI-SPR-27382: Remove the "Please wait" screen
+			winDelete(g_MmsPleaseWaitWin);
+			// xreddymn Nov-30-2004 MMI-SPR-23981: Display an error dialog
+			MMI_DestoryWindow(g_OptionsWin);
+			SEND_EVENT (g_MmsBoxWin, MWM_REDRAW, 0,(void *)folder);
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+	}
+	if(evtHandle)
+	{
+		FREE_MEMORY ((void *)evtHandle, sizeof (EVT_STRUCT));
+	}
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+	EVT_HANDLE evtHandle = NULL;
+	if(NULL == evtHandle)
+	{
+		return EOutOfMemory;
+	}
+	memset((void*)evtHandle, 0x00, sizeof(EVT_STRUCT));
+	evtHandle->handler = DeleteMsgCallback;
+	(void)DAL_DeleteMessageAsync(evtHandle, msgId);
+	return ENoError;
+static T_MFW_HND l_extractwin=NULL;
+static char topic[16];
+static void MMSBox_ExtractMedia_edit_cb( T_MFW_HND win, USHORT Identifier,UBYTE reason)
+	T_MFW_WIN	        * win_data = ((T_MFW_HDR *) win)->data;
+	T_DISPLAY_DATA display_info;
+    	ESTATUS status;
+	TRACE_EVENT_P1("MMSBox_ExtractMedia_edit_cb() %d", Identifier);
+	switch (reason)
+    {
+	case INFO_KCD_LEFT:  // confirm (press LEFT soft key)
+        { 
+		MMS_ConvertStringToUcs2((const MByte *)(topic), 
+                                            strlen(topic),
+                                            medianame);
+		len_medianame=2*(strlen(topic)+1);
+		status=M4_SaveObject((PP_OBJECT_ID)Identifier, 0);
+		if(status==ENoError)
+		{
+		}else if(status==EObjectAlreadyExists)
+		{
+		}else
+		{
+		}
+        }
+    	break;
+	case INFO_KCD_HUP:
+    		//xreddymn Aug-20-2004 MMI-SPR-24114 (TII_MMS54)
+    		//MMI_DestoryWindow(win);
+    	break;
+	default:
+    		TRACE_EVENT("Err: Default");
+    	break;
+    }
+    g_MmsExtractEdtWin=NULL;//xrashmic 23 Nov, 2005 MMI-SPR-OMAPS00047637
+ $Function:     MMSBoxList_ExtractMedia_cb
+ $Description:  Callback function for the melody list.
+ $Returns:    none
+ $Arguments:  Parent - parent window.
+        ListData - Menu item list
+void MMSBoxList_ExtractMedia_cb(T_MFW_HND * Parent, ListMenuData * ListData)
+	TRACE_EVENT_P1("MMSBoxList_ExtractMedia_cb : %d", ListData->Reason);
+	TRACE_EVENT_P2("ExtractMedia win parent: %x, l_extractwin: %x", Parent,l_extractwin);
+	if ((ListData->Reason EQ LISTS_REASON_BACK) || (ListData->Reason EQ LISTS_REASON_CLEAR)
+		|| (ListData->Reason EQ LISTS_REASON_HANGUP))	// sbh - added hangup key
+	{
+		listsDestroy(ListData->win);
+		MMI_DestoryWindow(l_extractwin);
+	}
+	else if(ListData->Reason EQ LISTS_REASON_SELECT)
+	{
+		T_AUI_EDITOR_DATA editor_data;
+		AUI_edit_SetDefault(&editor_data);
+		AUI_edit_SetDisplay(&editor_data, CENTRE_EDITOR, COLOUR_EDITOR_XX, EDITOR_FONT);
+		//xreddymn Sep-24-2004 MMI-SPR-25148 : Modified this to get the object index from the array of indices
+//		AUI_edit_SetEvents(&editor_data, (USHORT)( pObjArray->pMsgObject[ListData->CursorPosition].objId),
+//			TRUE, FOREVER, (T_AUI_EDIT_CB)MMSBox_ExtractMedia_edit_cb);
+		AUI_edit_SetEvents(&editor_data, (USHORT)( pObjArray->pMsgObject[extra_menu_list_indices[ListData->CursorPosition]].objId),
+			TRUE, FOREVER, (T_AUI_EDIT_CB)MMSBox_ExtractMedia_edit_cb);
+		AUI_edit_SetTextStr(&editor_data, TxtSoftOK, TxtDelete, TxtTopics, NULL);
+		AUI_edit_SetAltTextStr(&editor_data, 0, TxtNames, TRUE, TxtSoftBack);
+              //AUI_edit_SetMode(&editor_data,ED_MODE_ALL, ED_CURSOR_UNDERLINE);
+		AUI_edit_SetMode(&editor_data,ED_MODE_ALPHA, ED_CURSOR_UNDERLINE);
+		AUI_edit_SetBuffer(&editor_data, ATB_DCS_ASCII, (UBYTE*)topic, 16);
+		g_MmsExtractEdtWin = AUI_edit_Start(ListData->win, &editor_data);//xrashmic 23 Nov, 2005 MMI-SPR-OMAPS00047637
+	}
+ $Function:    	MMSBox_Extract_exec_cb
+ $Description:	Exec callback function for the Option window
+ $Returns:		none
+ $Arguments:	win - current window
+ 				event - event id
+ 				value - unique id
+ 				parameter - optional data.
+/* xreddymn Aug-20-2004, MMI-SPR-23962 (TII_MMS31), Changes start:
+ * Set to 1 for information display using dialog box
+ * Set to 0 for information display using direct calls to display functions
+ */
+/* In some cases, after object extraction, we may get an empty list. For such cases,
+ * MMSBox_Extract_exec_list will be set to FALSE.
+ */
+BOOL MMSBox_Extract_exec_list=FALSE;
+/* Keeps track of the window used to display the list or empty dialog */
+T_MFW_HND MMSBox_Extract_exec_win;
+/* Default key handler for MMIWindow. Control would be passed to this
+ * in case a list menu is displayed, otherwise, a custom key handler will be called
+ */
+extern int MMIWindow_kbd_cb (MfwEvt e, MfwKbd *k);
+/* Call back function for the "Empty List" information dialog */
+static void MMSBox_extract_info_cb(T_MFW_HND win, UBYTE identifier, UBYTE reason)
+	switch (reason)
+	{
+	case INFO_KCD_HUP:
+		MMI_DestoryWindow(MMSBox_Extract_exec_win);
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+/* Key handler: In case of list menu, control is passed to the default key handler */
+int MMSBox_Extract_exec_kbd_cb (MfwEvt e, MfwKbd *k)
+	if(MMSBox_Extract_exec_list == TRUE)
+	{
+		return MMIWindow_kbd_cb(e, k);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		switch (k->code)
+		{
+		case KCD_HUP:
+		case KCD_RIGHT:
+		case KCD_CLEAR:
+		 	MMI_DestoryWindow(MMSBox_Extract_exec_win);
+		    break;
+		default:
+		    return MFW_EVENT_CONSUMED;
+		}
+	}
+/* xreddymn Aug-20-2004, MMI-SPR-23962 (TII_MMS31): Changes end */
+void MMSBox_Extract_exec_cb (T_MFW_HND win, USHORT event, SHORT value, void * parameter)
+    /* callback handler for events sent to to trigger execution */
+	int i, count;
+	TRACE_FUNCTION ("MMSBox_Extract_exec_cb()");
+	//M4_DebugStringMessage("MMSBox_Extract_exec_cb", sizeof("MMSBox_Extract_exec_cb"),0);
+	switch (event)
+	{
+	case MWM_CREATE:
+		/* initialization of data */
+		pObjData = NULL;
+		pObjAttrib = NULL;
+		pObjArray = NULL;
+		pItem = NULL;
+		pAttrib = NULL;
+		M4_ExtractMedia(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[g_currentMessage].id, 0);
+		break;
+		{
+			T_DISPLAY_DATA display_info;
+			T_MFW_HND *win_handle;
+			//M4_DebugStringMessage("pObjArray->numOfObjects==0",sizeof("pObjArray->numOfObjects==0"),0);
+			//xreddymn Aug-17-2004, MMI-SPR-23962 (TII_MMS31): Moved back functionality to RSK
+			dspl_Enable(0);
+			dlg_initDisplayData_TextId( &display_info, TxtNull, TxtSoftBack, TxtEmptyList, TxtNull, COLOUR_STATUS);
+			dlg_initDisplayData_events( &display_info, (T_VOID_FUNC)MMSBox_info_cb, FOREVER, KEY_RIGHT|KEY_CLEAR|KEY_HUP);
+			display_info.Identifier=0;
+			win_handle=info_dialog (win, &display_info);
+			win_show(win_handle);
+			dspl_Enable(1);
+		}
+		break;
+	// xreddymn Aug-20-2004 MMI-SPR-23962 (TII_MMS31): Added error handling
+		{
+			T_DISPLAY_DATA display_info;
+			T_MFW_HND *win_handle;
+			dspl_Enable(0);
+			dlg_initDisplayData_TextId( &display_info, TxtNull, TxtSoftBack, TxtFailed, TxtNull, COLOUR_STATUS);
+			dlg_initDisplayData_events( &display_info, (T_VOID_FUNC)MMSBox_extract_info_cb, FOREVER, KEY_RIGHT|KEY_CLEAR|KEY_HUP);
+			display_info.Identifier=0;
+			win_handle=info_dialog (win, &display_info);
+			win_show(win_handle);
+			dspl_Enable(1);
+		}
+		break;
+		//M4_DebugStringMessage("MWM_EXTRACT_MEDIA_LIST", sizeof("MWM_EXTRACT_MEDIA_LIST"), pObjArray->numOfObjects);
+		M4_DebugMessage(pObjArray->numOfObjects);
+		extra_menu_list_data =(ListMenuData *) ALLOC_MEMORY(sizeof(ListMenuData));
+		// xreddymn Aug-09-2004: MMI-SPR-23920 (TII_MMS7), If the object list is empty, then break out
+		if(extra_menu_list_data==NULL)
+		{
+			//M4_DebugStringMessage("extra_menu_list_data Alloc memory fail", sizeof("extra_menu_list_data Alloc memory fail"), 0);
+			break;
+		}
+		extra_menu_list_data->List = (T_MFW_MNU_ITEM *)ALLOC_MEMORY( pObjArray->numOfObjects* sizeof(T_MFW_MNU_ITEM) );
+		if(extra_menu_list_data->List==NULL)
+		{
+			break;
+		}
+		// xreddymn Sep-24-2004, MMI-SPR-25148 : Allocate memory for the list of indices
+		extra_menu_list_indices = (S16*) ALLOC_MEMORY(pObjArray->numOfObjects * sizeof(S16));
+		if(extra_menu_list_indices==NULL)
+		{
+			break;
+		}
+		/* xreddymn Aug-18-2004, MMI-SPR-23962 (TII_MMS31): i is now used to index into
+		 * extra_menu_list_data->List[] and count is used to index into pObjArray->pMsgObject[]
+		 * On exit of the loop, count will contain the total objects listed
+		 */
+		for (count = 0, i=0; i < pObjArray->numOfObjects; count++, i++)
+		{
+			mnuInitDataItem(&extra_menu_list_data->List[count]);
+			extra_menu_list_data->List[count].flagFunc = item_flag_none;
+			M4_DebugMessage(pObjArray->pMsgObject[i].contentType);
+			//xreddymn Sep-24-2004 MMI-SPR-25148 : Insert object index into the list of indices
+			extra_menu_list_indices[count]=i;
+			switch(pObjArray->pMsgObject[i].contentType)
+			{
+			case EMtMimeJpeg:
+				extra_menu_list_data->List[count].str  = "Jpeg picture";
+				break;
+			case EMtMimeGif:
+				extra_menu_list_data->List[count].str  = "Gif picture";
+				break;
+			case EMtMimeBmp:
+				extra_menu_list_data->List[count].str  = "Bmp picture";
+				break;
+			case EMtMimeWbmp:
+				extra_menu_list_data->List[count].str  = "WBmp picture";
+				break;
+			case EMtMimePng:
+				extra_menu_list_data->List[count].str  = "Png picture";
+				break;
+			case EMtTextPlain:
+				//xreddymn Aug-17-2004 MMI-SPR-23962 (TII_MMS31): Disabled text extraction
+				//extra_menu_list_data->List[i].str  = "Plain text";
+				--count;
+				break;
+			case EMtTextPhoneNumber:
+				extra_menu_list_data->List[count].str  = "Phone Number";
+				break;
+			case EMtTextEmail:
+				extra_menu_list_data->List[count].str  = "Email";
+				break;
+			//xreddymn Aug-23-2004 MMI-SPR-23962 (TII_MMS31): Audio AMR included for listing
+			case EMtMimeAmr:
+				extra_menu_list_data->List[count].str  = "Audio AMR";
+				break;
+			//xreddymn Jan-31-2004 MMI-SPR-28483: Audio MIDI included for listing
+			case EMtMimeMidi:
+				extra_menu_list_data->List[count].str  = "Audio MIDI";
+				break;
+			default:
+				//xreddymn Aug-17-2004 MMI-SPR-23962 (TII_MMS31): Disabled Unknown object extraction
+				//extra_menu_list_data->List[i].str  = "Unknown";
+				--count;
+			}
+		}
+		// xreddymn Aug-09-2004: MMI-SPR-23962 (TII_MMS31), Display a dialog if there are no objects to extract
+		if(count<=0)
+		{
+			MMSBox_Extract_exec_list=FALSE;
+			{
+			/* Display information using a dialog box */
+			T_DISPLAY_DATA display_info;
+			T_MFW_HND *win_handle;
+			dspl_Enable(0);
+ 			dlg_initDisplayData_TextId( &display_info, TxtNull, TxtSoftBack, TxtEmptyList, TxtNull, COLOUR_STATUS);
+			dlg_initDisplayData_events( &display_info, (T_VOID_FUNC)MMSBox_extract_info_cb, FOREVER, KEY_RIGHT|KEY_CLEAR|KEY_HUP);
+			display_info.Identifier=0;
+			win_handle=info_dialog (win, &display_info);
+			win_show(win_handle);
+			dspl_Enable(1);
+			}
+			{
+			/* Display information directly */
+			char *str=MmiRsrcGetText(TxtEmptyList);
+			dspl_Enable(0);
+			dspl_SetBgdColour(COL_White);
+			dspl_ClearAll();
+			dspl_SetFgdColour(COL_Black);
+			dspl_TextOut(0,32,0,str);
+			displaySoftKeys(TxtNull,TxtSoftBack);
+			dspl_Enable(1);	
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		extra_menu_list_data->ListLength = count;
+		extra_menu_list_data->ListPosition = 1;
+		extra_menu_list_data->CursorPosition = 1;
+		extra_menu_list_data->SnapshotSize = count;
+		extra_menu_list_data->Font = 0;
+		extra_menu_list_data->LeftSoftKey = TxtSoftSelect;
+		extra_menu_list_data->RightSoftKey = TxtSoftBack;
+		extra_menu_list_data->KeyEvents = KEY_ALL;
+		extra_menu_list_data->Reason = 0;
+		extra_menu_list_data->Strings = TRUE;
+		extra_menu_list_data->Attr   = &MmsBox_ExtractMedia_menuAttrib;
+		extra_menu_list_data->autoDestroy    = FALSE;
+		listDisplayListMenu(win,extra_menu_list_data,(ListCbFunc)MMSBoxList_ExtractMedia_cb,0);
+		dspl_Enable(1);
+		break;
+		if(extra_menu_list_data)
+		{
+			if(extra_menu_list_data->List && pObjArray)
+			{
+				FREE_MEMORY((void*)(extra_menu_list_data->List), pObjArray->numOfObjects* sizeof(T_MFW_MNU_ITEM ));
+			}
+			FREE_MEMORY((void*)(extra_menu_list_data),sizeof(ListMenuData));
+		}
+		//xreddymn Sep-24-2004 MMI-SPR-25148 : Free memory for list of indices
+		if(extra_menu_list_indices)
+		{
+			FREE_MEMORY((void*)extra_menu_list_indices, pObjArray->numOfObjects * sizeof(S16));
+		}
+		if(pObjArray) pObjArray->oms.freeFunc(pObjArray);
+		//xreddymn Aug-24-2004 MMI-SPR-23972 (TII_MMS41) and MMI-SPR-24113 (TII_MMS53): Close the message session if it hasn't been already done
+		if(pObjData) pObjData->oms.freeFunc(pObjData);
+		{
+			DAL_CloseMessageSession(msgHandle);
+		}
+		MMSBox_Extract_exec_win=NULL;//xrashmic 23 Nov, 2005 MMI-SPR-OMAPS00047637
+		break;
+	case MWM_ONDRAW:
+		// xreddymn Aug-20-2004, MMI-SPR-23962 (TII_MMS31): Removed direct display for now
+		// Dialog display to be added
+		dspl_ClearAll();
+		dspl_TextOut(0,32,0,"Please Wait");
+		displaySoftKeys(TxtSoftOK,TxtSoftBack);
+		break;
+	default:
+	    return;
+	}
+ $Function:    	MMSBox_Extract_start
+ $Description:	Start the creation of the main window for Create MMS
+ $Returns:		mfw window handler 
+ $Arguments:	parent_window - Parent window handler
+ 				menuAttr	  - Menu attributes.
+T_MFW_HND MMSBox_Extract_start(T_MFW_HND parent_window, MfwMnuAttr *menuAttr)
+	TRACE_FUNCTION ("MMSBox_Extract_start()");
+	// xreddymn Aug-20-2004, MMI-SPR-23962 (TII_MMS31): Initialization
+	MMSBox_Extract_exec_list=TRUE;
+	MMSBox_Extract_exec_win=MMI_CreateWindow(parent_window, (T_DIALOG_FUNC)MMSBox_Extract_exec_cb,(void*)menuAttr,(T_MFW_CB)MMSBox_Extract_exec_kbd_cb,0,0);
+	return MMSBox_Extract_exec_win;
+ $Function:    	MMSBox_OPT_exec_cb
+ $Description:	Exec callback function for the Option window
+ $Returns:		none
+ $Arguments:	win - current window
+ 				event - event id
+ 				value - unique id
+ 				parameter - optional data.
+void MMSBox_OPT_exec_cb (T_MFW_HND win, USHORT event, SHORT value, void * parameter)
+    /* callback handler for events sent to to trigger execution */
+	TRACE_FUNCTION ("MMSBox_OPT_exec_cb()");
+	switch (event)
+	{
+	case MWM_CREATE:
+		/* initialization of administrative data */
+		winShow(win);
+		break;
+		// xreddymn Nov-30-2004 MMI-SPR-23981: Moved this from MMSBox_Read_exec_cb
+		//xrashmic 29 Nov, 2005 MMI-SPR-OMAPS00050170
+		//Only for Inbbox this check for new ems messages are necessary not for other folders
+		if(folder==MM_LIST_INBOX)
+		{
+			if( MMS_Is_Unread_Msgs_Inbox())
+			{
+				idle_data.ems = TRUE;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				idle_data.ems = FALSE;
+			}
+		}
+              //xrashmic 20 Dec, 2004  MMI-SPR-23921
+              // On deleting the window, set the handler to NULL
+              g_OptionsWin=NULL;
+		break;
+	case MWM_ONDRAW:
+		dspl_ClearAll();
+		displaySoftKeys(TxtSoftOK,TxtSoftBack);
+		break;
+	default:
+	    return;
+	}
+extern void EMS_RetriveSendMsg(UINT32 MsgId);
+// xrashmic 13 Aug, 2004 Bug: 19
+extern T_MFW_HND EMSCreate_start(T_MFW_HND parent_window, MfwMnuAttr *menuAttr);
+//CRR 23963: xpradipg 26 Aug 2004
+ $Function:    	MMSBox_OPT_kbd_cb
+ $Description:	Keyboard handler for the options menu
+ $Returns:	if event consumed or not
+ $Arguments:	 
+static int MMSBox_OPT_kbd_cb(MfwEvt e, MfwKbd *k)
+  T_MFW_HND    win  = mfwParent(mfw_header());
+    T_MFW_WIN  * win_data = ((T_MFW_HDR *)win)->data;
+    T_MMIWINDOW      * data = (T_MMIWINDOW *)win_data->user;
+    TRACE_FUNCTION ("MMIWindow_kbd_cb()");
+ 	 if (e & KEY_LONG)
+	{
+	    switch (k->code)
+		{
+		case KCD_HUP: /* back to previous menu */
+		    mnuEscape(data->menu);
+		    break;
+		case KCD_RIGHT: /* Power Down */
+		    return MFW_EVENT_REJECTED; /* handled by idle */
+		default: /* no response to all other keys */
+		    return MFW_EVENT_CONSUMED;
+		}
+	}
+    else
+	{
+	    switch (k->code)
+		{
+		case KCD_MNUUP: /* highlight previous entry */
+		    mnuUp(data->menu);
+		    break;
+		case KCD_MNUDOWN: /* highlight next entry */
+		    mnuDown(data->menu);
+		    break;
+		case KCD_LEFT: /* activate this entry */
+		    mnuSelect(data->menu);
+		    break;
+		case KCD_HUP: /* back to previous menu */
+		case KCD_RIGHT: /* back to previous menu */
+			{
+				T_MFW_HND    pWin  = data->parent ;
+				T_MFW_WIN  * pwin_data = ((T_MFW_HDR *)pWin)->data;
+    				T_MMIWINDOW      * pdata = (T_MMIWINDOW *)pwin_data->user;
+				mnuEscape(data->menu);
+				if (pdata NEQ NULL)
+				{
+					SEND_EVENT (pdata->parent, MWM_REDRAW, 0,(void *)folder);
+				}
+			}
+		     break;
+		default: /* no response to all other keys */
+		    return MFW_EVENT_CONSUMED;
+		}
+	}
+ $Function:    	MMSBox_OPT_start
+ $Description:	Start the creation of the main window for Create MMS
+ $Returns:		mfw window handler 
+ $Arguments:	parent_window - Parent window handler
+ 				menuAttr	  - Menu attributes.
+T_MFW_HND MMSBox_OPT_start(T_MFW_HND parent_window, MfwMnuAttr *menuAttr)
+	TRACE_FUNCTION ("MMSBox_OPT_start()");
+	//CRR 23963: xpradipg 26 Aug 2004
+	//keyboard handler added for the options menu
+	// xreddymn Nov-30-2004 MMI-SPR-23981: Retain handle to Message Options sub-menu window
+    if(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[g_currentMessage].type==EMtSms)
+    {
+        //xrashmic 7 Dec, 2004 MMI-SPR-23965
+        // Separate Option list for EMS. 
+        g_OptionsWin=MMI_CreateWindow(parent_window, (T_DIALOG_FUNC)MMSBox_OPT_exec_cb,(void*)menuAttr,(T_MFW_CB)MMSBox_OPT_kbd_cb,&EMSBox_OPTAttrib,0);    
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        g_OptionsWin=MMI_CreateWindow(parent_window, (T_DIALOG_FUNC)MMSBox_OPT_exec_cb,(void*)menuAttr,(T_MFW_CB)MMSBox_OPT_kbd_cb,&MMSBox_OPTAttrib,0);
+    }       
+    return g_OptionsWin;    
+//menu call back
+static int MMSBox_OPTexeRead(MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i)
+    T_MFW_HND    win  = mfwParent(mfw_header());
+    MMSBox_Read_start(win, NULL);
+ // May 11 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-29887  x0012849
+ // New Function which is called when tried to retrieve the incomplete MMS.
+ $Function:    	MMSBox_OPTexeDeferDownload
+ $Description:	Starts the retrieval of MMS from the server
+ $Returns:		
+ $Arguments:	
+extern T_idle idle_data;	
+static int MMSBox_OPTexeDeferDownload(MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i)
+    T_MFW_HND dlg_win = NULL;  
+    TRACE_EVENT("MMSBox_OPTexeDeferDownload");
+    MMSactive = TRUE ; 
+    if (idle_data.search)
+    {
+         dlg_win= information_dialog(TxtNotConnected,TxtNull,NULL,NULL, TxtNull,TxtNull,TWO_SECS,0,NULL);
+ 	  return 1;	
+    }
+    DeferDownloadMsg(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[g_currentMessage].id);
+    return 0;	
+  // May 12 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-29887  x0012849
+ // New Function which is called when tried to retrieve the incomplete MMS.
+ $Function:    	DeferDownloadMsg
+ $Description:	Starts the retrieval of MMS from the server
+ $Returns:	 return the status of the operation.	
+ $Arguments: msgID  - For which the MMS body need to be retrieved	 
+void DeferDownloadMsg(MM_MESSAGE_ID msgId)
+     MM_S_MESSAGE_HEADER *appMessageHeader;
+	TRACE_FUNCTION ("DeferDownloadMsg()");
+       // Jun 23 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-29887  x0012849
+	 is_downloadcancelled=FALSE; 	 
+        is_deferdownload = TRUE; 
+   	 AUI_mms_status_notify(MMS_RECEIVE_PROGRESS);       
+       MMSDownLoadNow(msgId);
+       // May 11 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-29887  xrashmi
+      AUI_retrievemms_gprs_set_callback();
+ // May 12 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-29887  x0012849
+ // New Function which is called when tried to retrieve the incomplete MMS.
+ $Function:    	MMSDownLoadNow
+ $Description:	Starts the download of MMS  from the server
+ $Returns:	 return the status of the operation.	
+ $Arguments: msgID  - For which the MMS body need to be retrieved	 
+ void MMSDownLoadNow(MM_MESSAGE_ID msgId)
+   EVT_HANDLE evtHandle = NULL;
+   ESTATUS status;
+TRACE_FUNCTION ("MMSDownLoadNow()"); 
+   evtHandle = (EVT_HANDLE)ALLOC_MEMORY(sizeof(EVT_STRUCT));
+   if(NULL == evtHandle)    
+       return;    
+   is_deferdownload = TRUE;  
+   is_notifyResponse= TRUE;   
+   // Jun 23 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-29887  x0012849
+   rtvprogressValue=0;                    
+   memset((void*)evtHandle, 0x00, sizeof(EVT_STRUCT));
+   evtHandle->handler = DeferDownloadMsgCallback;
+   status = DAL_GetMessageAsync(evtHandle, msgId);    
+   }
+ // May 12 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-29887  x0012849
+ // New Function which is called when tried to retrieve the incomplete MMS.
+ $Function:    	 DeferDownloadMsgCallback
+ $Description:	Starts the retrieval of MMS from the server
+ $Returns:	status of the operation	
+ $Arguments: 	 
+static ESTATUS DeferDownloadMsgCallback(EVENT_ID		aeId,
+		          EVENT_TYPE	aeType,
+				  MESSAGE_PARAM	ampParam,
+				  EVT_HANDLE	evtHandle)
+    BOOL deferdownload_finish = FALSE;
+   TRACE_FUNCTION ("DeferDownloadMsgCallback()");       
+    switch(aeId)
+    {
+        case(EMG4_NetworkOpDone):
+            deferdownload_finish = TRUE;		 	   
+           break;
+       case(EMG4_OpProgress):
+	   deferdownload_finish = FALSE;
+         // Jun 23 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-29887  x0012849
+         // Whenever there is a progress while retrieving MMS, update the display with the value..
+        if(FALSE== is_downloadcancelled   &&  (ampParam > ( rtvprogressValue +5 )) )	 	
+        	{ 
+                if(ampParam < 0)
+  		    rtvprogressValue=0;
+		  else if(ampParam > 95 )
+                   rtvprogressValue=100;	    	 	
+		  else
+                   rtvprogressValue=ampParam; 
+		  AUI_mms_status_notify(MMS_RECEIVE_PROGRESS );
+        	}
+          break;
+      case(EMG4_OpError):
+	    deferdownload_finish = TRUE;	   		 
+           break;
+      default:			
+           break;
+   }
+   if(deferdownload_finish == TRUE)
+   {        
+        if(evtHandle)
+        {
+            FREE_MEMORY ((void *)evtHandle, sizeof (EVT_STRUCT));
+        }
+     }                       
+static int MMSBox_OPTexeExtract(MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i)
+    T_MFW_HND    win  = mfwParent(mfw_header());
+    l_extractwin=MMSBox_Extract_start(win, NULL);
+// xreddymn Oct-14-2004 MMI-SPR-25273
+extern char EmsNumber[];
+extern BOOL gEmsForward;
+extern UINT32 gEmsMsgId;
+static int MMSBox_OPTexeForward(MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i)
+// xreddymn Oct-14-2004 MMI-SPR-25273: Re-implemented this function
+	// xreddymn Oct-14-2004 MMI-SPR-25273: Added forward feature for EMS messages
+	if(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[g_currentMessage].type==EMtSms)
+	{
+#ifdef FF_MMI_EMS
+		T_MFW_HND win = mfwParent(mfw_header());
+		gEmsForward=TRUE;
+		gEmsMsgId = g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[g_currentMessage].id;
+/* 1 -> Insert existing phone number into the editor
+ * 0 -> Start with blank phone number editor
+ */
+	{
+		U16 *data;
+		S32	length;
+		data=(U16*)(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[g_currentMessage].messageTypeHeader.smsHeader.pszAddress);
+		length=GetStringBytes((const UCS2 *)data);
+		if(length>0)
+		{
+			ConvertUcs2To8BitString((const UCS2 * const)g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[g_currentMessage].messageTypeHeader.smsHeader.pszAddress,
+				length,(MByte*)EmsNumber);
+		}
+		else /* If the number is not valid, then start with blank number and ask the user to input */
+		{
+			strcpy((char*)EmsNumber,"");
+		}
+	}
+#else // if(0)
+		// Clear the number - Start with a blank number on the phone number input screen
+		strcpy((char*)EmsNumber,"");
+#endif // if(0)
+		EMSCreate_start(win, 0);
+#endif // FF_MMI_EMS
+	}
+//xrashmic 14 Dec, 2004 MMI-SPR-23921
+// Added forward feature for MMS messages
+       else
+       {        
+                 MMSactive=TRUE;
+                 MMSFwd_start();
+       }
+//    Nov 05, 2005	REF: OMAPS00049502   Sumanth Kumar. C
+//    Fix:		An external variable to store the Mms Number extracted from the message header.
+extern char MmsNumber[];
+static int MMSBox_OPTexeReply(MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i)
+	T_MFW_HND    win  = mfwParent(mfw_header());
+	//Nov 05, 2005	REF: OMAPS00049502   Sumanth Kumar. C
+       //Fix:		A local variable to store the length of the senders address.
+	S32	length;
+	// xrashmic 13 Aug, 2004 Bug: 19
+	// When reply is selected for a message from the inbox, we need to display corresponding 
+	// compose screen i.e either EMS compose or MMS compose screen
+	// TRACE_EVENT("Message Type = %d",g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[g_currentMessage].type);
+	if(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[g_currentMessage].type==EMtSms)
+	{
+#ifdef FF_MMI_EMS
+		EMSCreate_start(win, 0);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+#ifdef FF_MMI_MMS
+              //Nov 05, 2005	REF: OMAPS00049502   Sumanth Kumar. C
+              //Fix:	Extraction of Senders number from the message header in the form of Unicode and converting it to 8bit string.
+		length=GetStringBytes((const UCS2 *)g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[g_currentMessage].messageTypeHeader.mmsHeader.pFrom);
+		if(length>0)
+		{
+			ConvertUcs2To8BitString((const UCS2 * const)g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[g_currentMessage].messageTypeHeader.mmsHeader.pFrom,
+				length,(MByte*)MmsNumber);
+		}
+		else /* If the number is not valid, then start with blank number and ask the user to input */
+		{
+			strcpy((char*)MmsNumber,"");
+		}
+                // Apr 07 2005  REF:  MMI-SPR-27826  x0012849
+               // To avoid crash when a user replies to the MMS which is there in Inbox 
+               // If it is not set to TRUE , ATB_wap_content() will display the windows saying downloading data.
+               MMSactive=TRUE;          
+		MMSCreate_start(win, 0);
+	}
+static void MMSBox_Delete_cb(T_MFW_HND win, UBYTE identifier, UBYTE reason)
+	TRACE_FUNCTION("MMSBox_Delete_cb");
+	switch (reason)
+	{
+		//yanbin: Call magic4 function to delete text
+		DeleteMsg(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[g_currentMessage].id);
+		// xreddymn Dec-20-2004 MMI-SPR-27382: Display a "Please Wait" screen while deleting a message
+		{
+			T_DISPLAY_DATA display_info;
+			T_MFW_HND    win  = mfwParent(mfw_header());
+			dlg_initDisplayData_TextId( &display_info, TxtNull, TxtNull, TxtPleaseWait, TxtNull, COLOUR_STATUS);
+			dlg_initDisplayData_events( &display_info, (T_VOID_FUNC)MMSBox_Delete_cb, FOREVER, 0);
+			g_MmsPleaseWaitWin=info_dialog (win, &display_info);
+		}
+		break;
+	case INFO_KCD_HUP:
+		//return back
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+static int MMSBox_OPTexeDelete(MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i)
+	T_DISPLAY_DATA display_info;
+	T_MFW_HND    win  = mfwParent(mfw_header());
+	dlg_initDisplayData_TextId( &display_info, TxtSoftOK, TxtSoftBack, TxtPressOk, TxtDelete, COLOUR_STATUS);
+	dlg_initDisplayData_events( &display_info, (T_VOID_FUNC)MMSBox_Delete_cb, FOREVER, KEY_LEFT |KEY_RIGHT|KEY_CLEAR|KEY_HUP);
+	info_dialog (win, &display_info);
+void M4_DebugMessage_Pn ( char *format, ... )
+	char trace_buf[128];
+	va_list varpars;
+	va_start (varpars, format);      
+	vsprintf(trace_buf,format,varpars);
+	va_end (varpars);             
+	//M4_DebugStringMessage(trace_buf,strlen(trace_buf), 0);
+ESTATUS M4_PlayMessageEventHandlerFunc(EVENT_ID aeId, EVENT_TYPE aeType, MESSAGE_PARAM ampParam, EVT_HANDLE evtHandle)
+//	M4_DebugMessage_Pn("M4_PlayMessageEventHandlerFunc() aeId: %d,aeType: %d,ampParam:%d",aeId,aeType,ampParam);
+	switch(aeId)
+	{
+		case EMG4_FileOpDone:
+//			M4_DebugMessage_Pn("EMG4_FileOpDone");
+			DAL_PostMessage(EMG4_Resume,EMG4_Type_NotUsed,0,NULL);
+			DAL_PostMessage(EMG4_PlayMode,EMG4_Type_NotUsed,EPlayModeRun,NULL);
+			break;
+		case EMG4_End:
+			{
+//				M4_DebugMessage_Pn("EMG4_End");
+				/* Message has finished */
+				FREE_MEMORY((U8*)evtHandle, sizeof(EVT_STRUCT));
+			}
+			break;
+		case EMG4_PlayComplete:
+//			M4_DebugMessage_Pn("EMG4_PlayComplete");
+			/* TODO */
+			break;
+		case EMG4_OpProgress:
+//			M4_DebugMessage_Pn("EMG4_OpProgress");
+			dspl_TextOut(16, 16, 0,"Please wait!");
+			break;
+		case EMG4_OpError:
+			{
+				int type;
+				int module;
+				int status;
+//				M4_DebugMessage_Pn("EMG4_OpError");
+				status = (ampParam & 0x3FFF);
+				module = (ampParam >> 22) & 0x1F;
+				type   = (ampParam >> 28) & 0x1F;
+				//M4_ActionError(status);
+				dspl_TextOut(16, 16, 0,"Play MMS Error!");
+				//xrashmic 23 Nov, 2005 MMI-SPR-OMAPS00047637
+				//To display the specific errors encountered
+				switch(status)
+				{
+					case EFileNotFound:
+						dspl_TextOut(16, 40, 0,"File not found");
+						break;
+					case EInvalidMediaType:
+						dspl_TextOut(16, 40, 0,"Media Not Supported");
+						break;
+					case EMsgInComplete:
+						 dspl_TextOut(16, 40, 0,"Incomplete Message");
+						break;
+					case EInvalidMsgId:
+						 dspl_TextOut(16, 40, 0,"InvalidMsgID");
+						break;
+				}
+                            MmsReadStatus = status;
+				dspl_Enable(1);
+				FREE_MEMORY((U8*)evtHandle, sizeof(EVT_STRUCT));
+			}
+			break;
+	}
+	return ENoError;
+void M4_PlayMessage(MM_MESSAGE_ID aMessageID)
+	EVT_HANDLE evtHandler;
+	TRACE_EVENT("M4_PlayMessage");
+	/* Create the event handler */
+       evtHandler  = (EVT_HANDLE)ALLOC_MEMORY(sizeof(EVT_STRUCT));
+	if (evtHandler == NULL)
+	{
+		//M4_DebugStringMessage("M4_PlayMessage: can not alloc message!", sizeof("M4_PlayMessage: can not alloc message!"), 0);
+		return;
+	}
+	memset(evtHandler, 0x00, sizeof(EVT_STRUCT));				/* Reset the structure */
+	evtHandler->handler = M4_PlayMessageEventHandlerFunc;	/* Set the event handler function */
+	DAL_PlayMessage(evtHandler, aMessageID);
+ $Function:    	MMSBox_read_exec_cb
+ $Description:	Exec callback function of the MMS Create window 
+ $Returns:		none
+ $Arguments:	win - window handler
+ 				event - mfw event
+ 				parameter - optional data.
+void MMSBox_Read_exec_cb (T_MFW_HND win, USHORT event, SHORT value, void * parameter)
+    /* callback handler for events sent to to trigger execution */
+	TRACE_FUNCTION ("MMSBox_read_exec_cb()");
+	switch (event)
+	{
+	case MWM_CREATE:
+		//xreddymn Aug-26-2004 MMI-SPR-23926 (TII_MMS12) and  MMI-SPR-24115 (TII_MMS55): M4 client will now use the display
+		g_M4_display_active=TRUE;
+		break;
+	case MWM_ONDRAW:
+		dspl_Enable(0);
+		dspl_SetBgdColour(COL_White);
+		dspl_ClearAll();
+		//yanbin: here call Magic4 functions to play MMS slides
+		M4_PlayMessage(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[g_currentMessage].id);
+              //CRR 25270 & CRR 25268: 13 Oct 2004 - xpradipg 
+              //the status of the message is not updated if it is already in the read state
+              //else the header of the message is edited and the flag is set to true
+              if(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[g_currentMessage].read!=TRUE)
+		{
+        	     MM_BeginUpdateHeader(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[g_currentMessage].id);
+        	     MM_UtilSetRead(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[g_currentMessage].id, TRUE);
+                   MM_CommitUpdateHeaderAsync(NULL, g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[g_currentMessage].id);
+                 // xreddymn Nov-30-2004 MMI-SPR-23981: Update g_pMessageHeaderList
+                 g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[g_currentMessage].read=TRUE;
+                 }
+		//xmzhou_trace_string_value("MMSBox_Read_win_cb: M4_PlayMessage with id = ",  g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[g_currentMessage].id);
+              // xrashmic 7 Dec, 2004 MMI-SPR-23965
+              if(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[g_currentMessage].type==EMtSms)
+		displaySoftKeys(TxtExtract,TxtSoftBack);
+		else
+		displaySoftKeys(NULL,TxtSoftBack);    
+		dspl_Enable(1);
+		break;
+		//xreddymn Sep-16-2004: Changes related to MMI-SPR-24735
+		dspl_Enable(1);
+              //CRR 24456: 19 Oct 2004 - xpradipg
+              //check if the error has occurred while playing the message if
+              //post the EPlayModeStop event else reset the error
+              if(MmsReadStatus == ENoError)
+                {
+			DAL_PostMessage(EMG4_PlayMode,EMG4_Type_NotUsed, EPlayModeStop,NULL);
+			//xrashmic 23 Nov, 2005 MMI-SPR-OMAPS00047637
+			//EMG4_Exit should be done for only MMS that are sucessfully played.
+			//For MMS which throw EMG4_OpError when DAL_PlayMessage is called, 
+			//EMG4_Exit should not be done
+			DAL_PostMessage(EMG4_Exit, EMG4_Type_NotUsed, 0, NULL);
+                }
+              else
+                {
+                    MmsReadStatus = ENoError;
+                }
+// xreddymn Nov-30-2004 MMI-SPR-23981: Moved this to MMSBox_OPT_exec_cb
+              if(MMS_Is_Unread_Msgs_Inbox())
+                idle_data.ems = TRUE;
+              else
+                idle_data.ems = FALSE;
+		//xreddymn Aug-26-2004 MMI-SPR-23926 (TII_MMS12) and  MMI-SPR-24115 (TII_MMS55): BMI will now use the display
+		g_M4_display_active=FALSE;
+		g_MmsReadWin=NULL;//xrashmic 23 Nov, 2005 MMI-SPR-OMAPS00047637
+		break;
+		//xreddymn Sep-16-2004: Changes related to MMI-SPR-24735
+		dspl_Enable(1);
+		//xreddymn Aug-27-2004 MMI-SPR-23926 (TII_MMS12) and  MMI-SPR-24115 (TII_MMS55): BMI will now use the display
+		g_M4_display_active=FALSE;
+		DAL_PostMessage(EMG4_Suspend,EMG4_Type_NotUsed,0,NULL);
+		DAL_PostMessage(EMG4_PlayMode,EMG4_Type_NotUsed, EPlayModeStop,NULL);
+		break;
+	case MWM_RESUME:
+		//xreddymn Aug-27-2004 MMI-SPR-23926 (TII_MMS12) and  MMI-SPR-24115 (TII_MMS55): M4 client will now use the display
+		g_M4_display_active=TRUE;
+		DAL_PostMessage(EMG4_Resume,EMG4_Type_NotUsed,0,NULL);
+		DAL_PostMessage(EMG4_Refresh, EMG4_Type_NotUsed, 0, 0);
+		break;
+	default:
+	    break;
+	}
+ $Function:    	    extractEMSObjects
+ $Description:	    To extract user defined objects in EMS
+                         xrashmic 7 Dec, 2004 MMI-SPR-23965
+ $Returns:	    none
+ $Arguments:	    none
+void extractEMSObjects(void)
+    ESTATUS status;
+    attachmentInEMS=0;
+    EV_GetExtractableList(EAllMessage, &apExtractableInMessage);
+    if(apExtractableInMessage.NumOfAttachments)
+    {
+        EV_ReadExtractableItem(&apExtractableInMessage.pAttachmentsInMessage[attachmentInEMS],&appObj);
+        status = M4_StoreExtractedObject((char *)appObj->objData.pByteData, appObj->lObjectDataSize, appObj->contentType);
+    }
+    else 
+    {
+        apExtractableInMessage.omh.freeFunc(&apExtractableInMessage);
+        //xrashmic 08 Feb, 2005 MMI-SPR-27853
+        //Added few more parameters for this function   
+        information_dialog(TxtNoObjects, TxtExtractable, NULL,NULL, TxtNull, TxtSoftBack, 0, KEY_RIGHT, NULL); 
+    }   
+ $Function:    	MMSBox_Read_kbd_cb
+ $Description:	Exec callback function for the Option window
+ $Returns:		execution status
+ $Arguments:	e - event id
+ 				k - keyboard info
+int MMSBox_Read_kbd_cb (MfwEvt e, MfwKbd *k)
+    /* SmsRead_R_OPT keyboard event handler */
+    T_MFW_HND    win  = mfwParent(mfw_header());
+    TRACE_FUNCTION ("MMSBox_Read_kbd_cb()");
+    if (e & KEY_LONG)
+	{
+	    switch (k->code)
+		{
+		case KCD_HUP: /* back to previous menu */
+			MMI_DestoryWindow(win);
+		    break;
+            case  KCD_MNUUP:
+                DAL_PostMessage(EVT_StartOfMessage, EMG4_Type_NotUsed, 0, NULL);
+                 break;
+             case KCD_MNUDOWN:
+                 DAL_PostMessage(EVT_EndOfMessage, EMG4_Type_NotUsed, 0, NULL);
+                 break;
+             case KCD_MNULEFT:
+                 DAL_PostMessage(EVT_StartOfLine, EMG4_Type_NotUsed, 0, NULL);
+                 break;
+             case KCD_MNURIGHT:
+                 DAL_PostMessage(EVT_EndOfLine, EMG4_Type_NotUsed, 0, NULL);
+                 break;
+		case KCD_RIGHT: /* Power Down */
+		    return MFW_EVENT_REJECTED; /* handled by idle */
+		default: /* no response to all other keys */
+		    return MFW_EVENT_CONSUMED;
+		}
+	}
+    else
+	{
+	    switch (k->code)
+		{
+		case KCD_MNUUP: /* highlight previous entry */
+		   //x0012849 Feb-03-2005 MMI-SPR-28224
+		   //send scrollUp Event instead of cursorup
+                   DAL_PostMessage(EMG4_ScrollUp,EMG4_Type_NotUsed,0,NULL);                		 			
+                   break;
+             case KCD_MNUDOWN:
+		   //x0012849 Feb-03-2005 MMI-SPR-28224 	
+		   //send scroDown Event instead of cursordown
+		   DAL_PostMessage(EMG4_ScrollDown,EMG4_Type_NotUsed,0,NULL);		
+                 break;
+             case KCD_MNULEFT:
+                 DAL_PostMessage(EMG4_CursorLeft, EMG4_Type_NotUsed, 0, NULL);
+                 break;
+             case KCD_MNURIGHT:
+                 DAL_PostMessage(EMG4_CursorRight, EMG4_Type_NotUsed, 0, NULL);
+		    break;
+                break;
+		case KCD_LEFT: /* activate this entry */
+                        // xrashmic 7 Dec, 2004 MMI-SPR-23965
+                        // Allows the user to extract objects in the EMS message. For extracting the objects,  
+                        // the editor has to be initialized.
+                        if(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[g_currentMessage].type==EMtSms)
+                            extractEMSObjects();
+		    break;
+		case KCD_HUP: /* back to previous menu */
+		case KCD_RIGHT: /* back to previous menu */
+			MMI_DestoryWindow(win);
+		    break;
+		default: /* no response to all other keys */
+		    return MFW_EVENT_CONSUMED;
+		}
+	}
+ $Function:    	MMSBox_Read_start
+ $Description:	Start the creation of the main window for Create MMS
+ $Returns:		mfw window handler 
+ $Arguments:	parent_window - Parent window handler
+ 				menuAttr	  - Menu attributes.
+T_MFW_HND MMSBox_Read_start(T_MFW_HND parent_window, MfwMnuAttr *menuAttr)
+	TRACE_FUNCTION ("MMSBox_Read_start()");
+	//xrashmic 23 Nov, 2005 MMI-SPR-OMAPS00047637
+	g_MmsReadWin= MMI_CreateWindow(parent_window, (T_DIALOG_FUNC)MMSBox_Read_exec_cb,(void*)menuAttr,(T_MFW_CB)MMSBox_Read_kbd_cb,0,0);
+	return g_MmsReadWin;
+ $Function:    	MMS_ConvertStringToUcs2
+ $Description:	converting string to ucs2
+ $Returns:		
+ $Arguments:	
+UCS2 * MMS_ConvertStringToUcs2 (const MByte * const p8BitString,
+                                           const MUint uLength,
+                                           UCS2        * pUcs2String)
+    if ((UCS2 *) NULL == pUcs2String)
+    {
+        pUcs2String = (UCS2 *)MM_MALLOC(sizeof(UCS2) * (1 + uLength));
+    }
+    if ((UCS2 *)NULL != pUcs2String)
+    {
+        register MUint uIndex;
+        for (uIndex = 0; uIndex < uLength; ++uIndex)
+        {
+            pUcs2String[uIndex] = (UCS2)p8BitString[uIndex];
+        }
+        pUcs2String[uIndex] = NULLCHAR;
+    }
+    return pUcs2String;
+//xrashmic 22 Sep, 2004 MMI-SPR-25032
+// To play the buzzer when there are sound objects in EMS message
+//Apr 05, 2005    REF: ENH 29994 xdeepadh
+//To Play the default midi file when there are sound objects in EMS message.
+void playBuzzerForEMS(void)
+#ifdef FF_MIDI_RINGER  
+	T_AS_PLAYER_TYPE player_type;
+	T_MELODY melody_data;
+	char* midi_file;
+//Nov 02, 2005    REF:ER OMAPS00039044  xdeepadh
+	melody_data=sounds_midi_return_memory_location(0);
+	player_type=mfw_ringer_deduce_player_type(melody_data.melody_name);
+	mfw_player_start_memory(player_type,(UINT32*)melody_data.melody,melody_data.melody_size,AS_VOLUME_MEDIUM,FALSE,sounds_midi_player_start_cb);
+	midi_file=sounds_midi_return_file_name(0);
+	player_type=mfw_ringer_deduce_player_type(midi_file);
+	mfw_player_start_file(player_type,midi_file,AS_VOLUME_MEDIUM,FALSE,sounds_midi_player_start_cb);
+    UBYTE currentVoiceTone; 
+    currentVoiceTone = getcurrentVoiceTone();
+    audio_PlaySoundID( AUDIO_BUZZER, currentVoiceTone, 200, AUDIO_PLAY_ONCE );
+//CRR 25270 & CRR 25268: 13 Oct 2004 - xpradipg
+ $Function:    	MMS_Is_Unread_Msgs_Inbox
+ $Description:	Lists out all the messages in the inbox and returns true if the status of one of the 
+                     message is not set to read = true
+  $Returns:		
+ $Arguments:	
+int MMS_Is_Unread_Msgs_Inbox(void)
+    //xrashmic 29 Nov, 2005 MMI-SPR-OMAPS00050170
+    //Inbox listing params were changed in MMI-SPR-29887
+    ESTATUS eStatus=0;
+    int i;
+	//xrashmic 29 Nov, 2005 MMI-SPR-OMAPS00050170
+	//g_pMessageHeaderList will be populated again, hence need to release the memory already allocated to it
+	if(g_pMessageHeaderList != NULL) 
+		M4_FreeListFolderMemory();
+	eStatus = DAL_ListMessagesByParam(&g_pMessageHeaderList, listParams);
+    for(i=0;i<g_pMessageHeaderList->size;i++)
+     {   if(g_pMessageHeaderList->ppList[i].read == FALSE)
+            return TRUE;
+      }
+    return FALSE;
+#undef MMI_MMSBOX_C