line source
#ifndef _MMIICONS_H_
#define _MMIICONS_H_ 1
This software product is the property of Condat (UK) Ltd and may not be
disclosed to any third party without the express permission of the owner.
$Project name: Basic MMI
$Project code: BMI (6349)
$Module: Icons
$File: Mmiicons.h
$Revision: 1.0
$Author: Condat(UK)
$Date: 25/10/00
This provides the implementation of the icon handling in the basic MMI
$History: Mmiicons.h
Apr 27, 2004 REF: ENH 12646 Deepa M.D
Fix: When the SMS memory is full,the SMS icon is made to blink.
25/10/00 Original Condat(UK) BMI version.
#include "MmiResources.h" //For display definition
Required Definitions
#define ALLOC_MEMORY mfwAlloc
#define FREE_MEMORY mfwFree
Public Enum types
/* GW #1471 11/12/02 - Add TI logo as powerdown animation */
#define animwelcome 10
#define animGoodbye 10
#define animwelcome 2
#define animGoodbye 2
#define screenparts 5
iconIdSMS = 0, /* icon New SMS message */
iconIdVoice, /* icon New Voice mail */
iconIdCallFor, /* icon Call forward uncond */
iconIdSilRin, /* icon silent ringer */
iconIdKeyplock, /* icon Keypad locked */
iconIdCipheringActiv, /* icon Ciphering */
iconIdCipheringDeActiv, /* icon Ciphering */
iconIdRinger, /* icon ringer */
iconIdVibrator, /* icon vibrator */
iconIdRingVibr, /* icon ringer + vibrator */
iconIdAlarm, /* icon alarm on */
iconSIMTool, /* icon SIM Toolkit */
iconMessages, /* icon Messages */
iconOrganiser, /* icon Organiser */
iconSounds, /* icon Sounds */
iconSettings, /* icon Settings */
iconServices, /* icon Services */
iconExtra, /* icon Extra */
iconWAP, /* icon WAP */
iconIdGPRSOn, /* icon GPRS ON (sbh 18/01/02) */
iconIdHomezone, /* icon Homezone (SH 29/11/01) */
iconIdTTY, /* SPR#xxx- SH - icon TTY */
idlIdMax /* number of icons */
} IconId;
iconAMBLOW = 0, /* icon ambigous mode low */
iconAMBUPP, /* icon ambigous mode upper */
iconAMBNUM, /* icon ambigous mode numeric */
iconMTLOW, /* icon multitap mode low */
iconMTUPP, /* icon multitap mode upper */
iconMTNUM, /* icon multitap mode numeric */
inputIdMax /* number of icons */
} IconInputId;
typedef enum /* AVAILABLE ICONS BATTERY */
iconBattery4 = 0, /* icon Battery 0-4% */
iconBattery14, /* icon Battery 5-14% */
iconBattery24, /* icon Battery 15-24% */
iconBattery49, /* icon Battery 25-49% */
iconBattery100, /* icon Battery 50-100% */
iconBattMax /* number of batterie icon */
typedef enum /* AVAILABLE ICONS SIGNAL */
iconSigStat49 = 0, /* icon Signal 0-49 */
iconSigStat99, /* icon Signal 50-99 */
iconSigStat149, /* icon Signal 100-149 */
iconSigStat199, /* icon Signal 150-199 */
iconSigStat255, /* icon Signal 200-255 */
iconSignalMax /* number of signal icon */
Externally declared data elements
extern const MfwIcnAttr idl_Attr[ idlIdMax ];
extern const MfwIcnAttr batt_Attr[ iconBattMax ];
extern const MfwIcnAttr sign_Attr[ iconSignalMax ];
extern const MfwIcnAttr goodbye_Attr[ animGoodbye ];
extern const MfwIcnAttr welcome_Attr[ animwelcome];
extern const MfwIcnAttr incoming_call_animate [CALLANIMATION];
extern MfwIcnAttr callBackDrop;
extern MfwIcnAttr mainIconSimToolkit;
extern MfwIcnAttr mainIconCalculator;
extern MfwIcnAttr mainIconSettings;
extern MfwIcnAttr mainIconRecentCalls;
extern MfwIcnAttr mainIconCallDivert;
extern MfwIcnAttr mainIconSecurity;
extern MfwIcnAttr mainIconMessages;
extern MfwIcnAttr mainIconPhonebook;
extern MfwIcnAttr mainIconWAP;
extern MfwIcnAttr IconTexteZiText;
extern MfwIcnAttr IconTexteZiTextSmall;
extern MfwIcnAttr mainIconBackground;
extern const MfwIcnAttr IconCol1Attr;
extern const MfwIcnAttr IconCol2Attr;
extern const MfwIcnAttr IconCol3Attr;
extern const MfwIcnAttr IconCol4Attr;
extern MfwIcnAttr IconLogo;
//gb icons for game(four in a row)
extern const unsigned char white_stone_bw[];
extern const unsigned char black_stone_bw[];
extern const unsigned char game_cursor[];
extern const unsigned char game_name1[];
extern const unsigned char player_win1[];
extern const unsigned char player_lost1[];
extern const unsigned char board_full1[];
extern const unsigned char game_name2[];
extern const unsigned char player_win2[];
extern const unsigned char player_lost2[];
extern const unsigned char board_full2[];
//gb icons for melodygenerator
extern const MfwIcnAttr melodygenerator_Attr[ screenparts];
//active frame
extern const unsigned char akt_frame[];
//begin of noteline
extern const unsigned char noteline_begin[];
extern const unsigned char noteline_background[];
//end of noteline
extern const unsigned char noteline_end[];
//all the possible musical notes
//all notes with flag up
extern const unsigned char n1[];
extern const unsigned char n1_16[];
extern const unsigned char n1_32[];
extern const unsigned char n1_8[];
extern const unsigned char n1_f[];
extern const unsigned char n1_h[];
//all notes with flag down
extern const unsigned char n5[];
extern const unsigned char n5_16[];
extern const unsigned char n5_32[];
extern const unsigned char n5_8[];
extern const unsigned char n5_h[];
//all musical pauses
extern const unsigned char n4_b[];
extern const unsigned char n8_b[];
extern const unsigned char n16_b[];
extern const unsigned char n32_b[];
extern const unsigned char nf_b[];
extern const unsigned char nh_b[];
//musical sign
extern const unsigned char n_point[];
extern const unsigned char n_hash[];
extern const unsigned char screenpart0[];
extern const unsigned char screenpart1[];
extern const unsigned char screenpart2[];
extern const unsigned char screenpart3[];
extern const unsigned char screenpart4[];
//multicaller icon
extern const unsigned char multi_pointer[];
#define T_BITMAP MfwIcnAttr
enum {
Public method prototypes
void iconsInit( void );
void iconsExit( void );
void iconsSetState( int icon );
void iconsDeleteState( int icon );
U8 iconsGetState( int icon );
void iconsShow( void );
int iconsShowBattery( U8 batterystatus );
int iconsShowSignal( U8 signalstatus );
void iconsInputShow( int IconInputId );
void iconsMainIconsAreaSet (MfwRect selected_area);
void iconShowGoodbye(void); // RAVI
// Apr 27, 2004 REF: ENH 12646 Deepa M.D
int iconsShowSmsFull(void ); //to start the timer for blinking SMS Icon // RAVI
T_BITMAP* icon_getNetworkIcon( UBYTE* networkNumber);
T_BITMAP* icon_getBgdBitmap( int bgdId );
T_BITMAP *icon_getBitmapFromId( int bgdId, T_BITMAP *bmpData);
// Apr 27, 2004 REF: ENH 12646 Deepa M.D
int smsFullEventTim( MfwEvt e, MfwTim *tc ); //Timer callback for blinking SMS Icon(sms_animate)
int icon_networkShow (MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i);
int icon_networkDontShow (MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i);
#define ICON_VISIBLE (0)
End Of File