/*+--------------------------------------------------------------------+| PROJECT: MMI-Framework (8417) $Workfile:: mfw_sms.h $|| $Author:: Vo $Revision:: 1 $|| CREATED: 21.12.98 $Modtime:: 21.03.00 10:48 $|| STATE : code |+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ MODULE : MFW_SMS PURPOSE : This modul contains the definition for SMS management. $History:: mfw_sms.h $ Feb 07, 2006 DR: OMAPS00059261 x0pleela Description: SMS is not forwarding STATUS reports that are read from SIM storage to ACI Solution: Renamed "MFW_SMS_STATRPT_PENDG" to MFW_SMS_STATRPT in T_MFW_SMS_STAT Removed T_MFW_SMS_MT_TYPE enumeration added earlier Feb 01, 2006 DR: OMAPS00059261 x0pleela Description: SMS is not forwarding STATUS reports that are read from SIM storage to ACI Solution: Added new enumeration T_MFW_SMS_MSG_TYPE to suport message type MT, MO or STATUS REPORT. Changed the name from T_MFW_SMS_MSG_TYPE to T_MFW_SMS_MT_TYPE Changed the type of new field sms_msg_type ( of type T_MFW_SMS_MT_TYPE) in the structure T_MFW_SMS_MT. Added new enumeration type "MFW_SMS_STATRPT_PENDG" into T_MFW_SMS_STAT Jan 30, 2006 DR: OMAPS00059261 x0pleela Description: SMS is not forwarding STATUS reports that are read from SIM storage to ACI Solution: Added new enumeration T_MFW_SMS_MSG_TYPE to suport message type either TEXT or STATUS REPORT. Added new field sms_msg_type to the structure T_MFW_SMS_MT. Jan 20, 2006 REF: DRT OMAPS00053377 xdeepadh Description: SMS Validity Period - using MMI - Failure, MS not able to set SMS validity Solution: Store the first octet too while querying. Dec 15, 2005 REF: MMI-FIX-OMAPS00058684 x0035544 Description: OMAPS00045726 / MMI-FIX-30439 Follow-Up : ifdef for FF Home Zone forgotten. Solution: Added Feature flag FF_HOMEZONE for the function sms_homezoneCBToggle(U8 Activate_CB) in this file as it has got the prototype for this function Jun 14, 2005 REF: MMI-FIX-30439 x0018858 Description: The homezone/cityzone tags were not being displayed properly. Solution: Modified to save the tags properly in caches and also made the appropriate modifications to update the same properly during mobility. x0018858 24 Mar, 2005 MMI-FIX-11321 Issue Description :- If the inbox is full and a new message is receivd, no indication is received. Fix: Added support for handling indication when message box is full and there is a pending message. Feb 16, 2005 REF: CRR MMI-SPR-27900 xnkulkar Issue description: BMI: using the tool nowSMS the voicemail indication via sms does not work Solution: Instead of identifying voice using addr[0] and pid, we use dcs. Also, messages belonging to group "1100" are deleted when voicemail icon is displayed. Oct 04, 2004 REF: CRR 25519 Deepa M.D Bug:Re-align structure members in MFW Fix:Structure elements have been realigned to avoid the structure padding * ***************** Version 27 ***************** SPR 2260: Merged in bugfixes 1833, and 1830 fom the 1.6.3 branch into this file. * * ***************** Version 26 ***************** * User: Vo Date: 22.03.00 Time: 17:44 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/MS/SRC/MFW * check voice mail status * * ***************** Version 24 ***************** * User: Vo Date: 14.01.00 Time: 20:15 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/MS/SRC/MFW * Bug fix: Constant define: MAX_CBMSG_LEN * New:change parameter "data" to "data + len" in function * sms_submit(), sms_store() and sms_change() * * ***************** Version 23 ***************** * User: Vo Date: 2.12.99 Time: 13:15 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/MS/SRC/MFW * * ***************** Version 22 ***************** * User: Vo Date: 17.11.99 Time: 12:17 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/MS/SRC/MFW * change define NON_STRING_CHARACTER to NO_ASCIIZ * * ***************** Version 21 ***************** * User: Vo Date: 17.11.99 Time: 11:00 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/MS/SRC/MFW * 1. Change constants: T_MFW_SMS_MEM * 2. New constants: T_MFW_SMS_MO_TYPE for submit message type * 3. New constants: T_MFW_SMS_CMD_IND for command indication * 4. #ifdef NON_STRING_CHARACTER - alpha uses data + len * 5. Change interface: sms_submit() * 6. New interface: sms_change_read_status() * * ***************** Version 20 ***************** * User: Vo Date: 21.10.99 Time: 13:35 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/MS/SRC/MFW * change constant define * * ***************** Version 19 ***************** * User: Es Date: 16.09.99 Time: 17:23 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW * added TON/NPI fields to T_MFW_SMS_ADDR * * ***************** Version 18 ***************** * User: Vo Date: 12.09.99 Time: 12:40 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW * change parameter 'dcs' in T_MFW_SMS_CB_INFO (adaptation to ACI) * * ***************** Version 17 ***************** * User: Vo Date: 10.09.99 Time: 19:53 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW * move sms_save_pref_lang() to sim_save_pref_lang() * * ***************** Version 16 ***************** * User: Vo Date: 30.08.99 Time: 15:19 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW * new events * * ***************** Version 15 ***************** * User: Vo Date: 26.07.99 Time: 14:32 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW * Add new definitions * * ***************** Version 14 ***************** * User: Vo Date: 16.07.99 Time: 13:50 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW * * ***************** Version 13 ***************** * User: Vo Date: 16.07.99 Time: 10:39 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW * * ***************** Version 12 ***************** * User: Vo Date: 22.06.99 Time: 8:54 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW * * ***************** Version 11 ***************** * User: Vo Date: 1.06.99 Time: 14:47 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW * * ***************** Version 10 ***************** * User: Vo Date: 28.05.99 Time: 9:52 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW * * ***************** Version 9 ***************** * User: Vo Date: 21.05.99 Time: 13:51 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW * * ***************** Version 8 ***************** * User: Vo Date: 18.05.99 Time: 14:35 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW * * ***************** Version 7 ***************** * User: Vo Date: 25.03.99 Time: 16:34 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW * * ***************** Version 6 ***************** * User: Vo Date: 25.02.99 Time: 16:47 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW * * ***************** Version 5 ***************** * User: Vo Date: 17.02.99 Time: 20:00 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW * * ***************** Version 4 ***************** * User: Vo Date: 11.02.99 Time: 15:43 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW * * ***************** Version 3 ***************** * User: Vo Date: 11.02.99 Time: 12:54 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW * * ***************** Version 2 ***************** * User: Vo Date: 7.01.99 Time: 12:38 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW * * ***************** Version 1 ***************** * User: Vo Date: 30.12.98 Time: 11:49 * Created in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW*/#ifndef DEF_MFW_SMS_HEADER#define DEF_MFW_SMS_HEADER#include "mfw_cm.h"#include "aci_lst.h"#include "conc_sms.h"#ifndef NEPTUNE_BOARD//#define MAX_IDENTS 0x14#else#define MAX_IDENTS 0x14 /* NEPTUNE Integration: Uncommented.*/#endif#define MAX_SCTP_DIGITS 2#define BASIC_MAX_MSG_LEN 160#define MAX_CBMSG_LEN 94//1227 - API - 05/10/02 - Create new Define for Single SMS and increase original for Conc_SMS#define MAX_MSG_LEN_SGL 161 //Max message length for disabled Conc SMS API/*JVJ-SPR-1298. Provisional until a new option in the .inf file is inserted.*/#ifdef MMI_LITE/*SPR 2350, concat messagse of up to 500 chars should be allowed*/#define MAX_MSG_LEN_LITE (MAX_MSG_LEN_SGL*3) #define MAX_MSG_LEN MAX_MSG_LEN_LITE#else#define MAX_MSG_LEN 1601 //Max size for a SMS #endif#define MAX_MSG_LEN_ARRAY (MAX_MSG_LEN+1) //Array size for SMS/*MC, chinese message lengths*/#define MAX_MSG_LEN_SGL_CHI 140 //Max message length for single chinese message#define MAX_MSG_LEN_CHI MAX_MSG_LEN_SGL_CHI*10 /* * events are organised as bitmaps */#define E_SMS_MO_AVAIL 0x0001#define E_SMS_CMD_AVAIL 0x0002#define E_SMS_SAVE_AVAIL 0x0004#define E_SMS_MT 0x0008#define E_SMS_MO 0x0010#define E_SMS_CB 0x0020#define E_SMS_CB_RECEIVED 0x0040#define E_SMS_MT_RECEIVED 0x0080#define E_SMS_STATUS 0x0100#define E_SMS_MEM 0x0200#define E_SMS_OK 0x0400#define E_SMS_ERR 0x0800#define E_SMS_BUSY 0x1000#define E_SMS_READY 0x2000#define E_SMS_MEM_FULL 0x4000#define E_SMS_MEM_FREE 0x8000#define E_SMS_RECEIVED 0x0600#define E_SMS_ALL_SERVICE 0xffff#if defined (FF_WAP) && defined (FF_GPF_TCPIP)//liuyu/* SPR#2086 */#define E_SMS_WAP_MT_RECEIVED 0x10000#define E_SMS_WAP_MO_SENT 0x20000#define E_SMS_WAP_ERR 0x40000#endif/* definition for validity period mode */#define SMS_VPF_NOTPRESENT 0#define SMS_VPF_NUMERICAL 2 // Corresponds to relative period#define SMS_VPF_STRING 3 // Corresponds to absolute period/* definition for reply path */#define SMS_UNSET_RP 0#define SMS_SET_RP 1/* definition for reject duplicates */#define SMS_ACCEPT_RD 0#define SMS_REJECT_RD 1/* definition for status report request */#define SMS_NOT_REQUESTED_SRR 0#define SMS_REQUESTED_SRR 1/* SMS management functional return codes */typedef enum { MFW_SMS_FAIL = -1, /* execution of command failed */ MFW_SMS_OK /* execution of command completed */} T_MFW_SMS_RETURN;/* definition for message type */typedef enum { MFW_NO_MESSAGE, MFW_SMS_MESSAGE, /* SMS message */ MFW_CB_MESSAGE /* cell broadcast message */} T_MFW_SMS_TYPE;/* definition for submit message type */typedef enum { MFW_SMS_SUBMIT, MFW_SMS_REPLY, MFW_SMS_SUBMIT_SENT, MFW_SMS_REPLY_SENT} T_MFW_SMS_MO_TYPE;/* Memory which messages are stored */typedef enum{ MFW_MEM_ME, MFW_MEM_SIM} T_MFW_SMS_MEM;// Feb 16, 2005 REF: CRR MMI-SPR-27900 xnkulkar// Added MFW_SMS_VOICEMSG_DELETE to enum T_MFW_SMS_STAT/* Memory which messages are stored */typedef enum{ MFW_SMS_UNKNOWN, MFW_SMS_UNREAD, /* received unread message */ MFW_SMS_READ, /* received read message */ MFW_SMS_STOR_UNSENT, /* stored unsent messgae */ MFW_SMS_STOR_SENT, /* stored sent message */ MFW_SMS_MO, /* MO SMS message */ MFW_SMS_MT, /* MT SMS message */ MFW_SMS_ALL, MFW_SMS_NotVOICE, MFW_SMS_VOICE, /* voice mail message */ MFW_SMS_VOICEMSG_DELETE, // To mark the voice mail sms for deletion (group 1100) MFW_SMS_STATRPT, ////x0pleela 01 Feb, 2006 DR: OMAPS00059261 /* Status report status*/ //x0pleela 06 Feb, 2006 DR: OMAPS00059261 Removed pending from name MFW_SMS_INVALID /*SPR2260*/} T_MFW_SMS_STAT;/*SPR 2260, eneumerated type for concat status of message in list*/typedef enum{ MFW_SMS_NO_CONC, MFW_SMS_CONC_PART, MFW_SMS_CONC_WHOLE}T_MFW_SMS_CONC_STAT ;typedef struct{ UBYTE year [MAX_SCTP_DIGITS]; UBYTE month [MAX_SCTP_DIGITS]; UBYTE day [MAX_SCTP_DIGITS]; UBYTE hour [MAX_SCTP_DIGITS]; UBYTE minute [MAX_SCTP_DIGITS]; UBYTE second [MAX_SCTP_DIGITS]; SHORT timezone;} T_MFW_SMS_SCTP;/* SMS command */typedef enum { SMS_ENQ_PREV_SMS, /* Starts an enquiry to previously sended short message */ SMS_CAN_STAT_REQ, /* Cancels status report request */ SMS_DEL_PREV_SMS, /* Deletion of previous sended short message */ SMS_REQ_STAT_REP /* Requests status report for SMS message */} T_MFW_SMS_COMMAND;typedef enum{ MT_IND_IDX, /* message will be stored to memory and index will be indicated (E_SMS_MT_RECEIVED) */ MT_IND_NO_IDX, /* message will be stored to memory and index will not be indicated */ MT_IND_MSG, /* message will be indicated to mmi (E_SMS_MT) but not stored to memory */ MT_CB_IDX, /* CB message will be stored to memory and index will be indicated (E_SMS_CB_RECEIVED) */ MT_CB_NO_IDX, /* CB message will be stored to memory and index will not be indicated */ MT_CB_MSG, /* CB message will be indicated to mmi (E_SMS_CB) but not stored to memory */ /* Marcus: Issue 1170: 07/10/2002: Start */ MT_IND_SRR_ON, /* Status reports are to be notified */ MT_IND_SRR_OFF /* Status reports are not to be notified */ /* Marcus: Issue 1170: 07/10/2002: End */ } T_MFW_SMS_MT_IND;typedef enum{ CMD_SMS_NO_CMD, CMD_SMS_SUBMIT, /* send message */ CMD_SMS_MEMORY, /* set/get preferred message store */ CMD_SMS_READ, /* read message */ CMD_SMS_STORE, /* save message */ CMD_SMS_DELETE, /* delete message */ CMD_SMS_COMMAND, /* send command */ CMD_SMS_SET_PARA, /* set SMS parameter */ CMD_SMS_SET_CB_PARA, /* set cell broadcast parameter */ CMD_SMS_SET_IND /* set new message indication */ } T_MFW_SMS_CMD_IND;//x0pleela 01 Feb, 2006 DR: OMAPS00059261/* SMS type: MT, MO, STAT RPT */typedef enum{ MFW_MSG_DELIVER, MFW_MSG_SUBMIT, MFW_MSG_STATUS_REPORT}T_MFW_SMS_MSG_TYPE;typedef struct{ UBYTE mem; UBYTE used; UBYTE total; UBYTE dummy;} T_MFW_SMS_MEM_INFO;/* SMS parameters */typedef struct { CHAR sc_addr[MAX_LEN]; /* service centre address */ SHORT prot_id; /* protocol identifier */ SHORT dcs; /* data coding scheme */ UBYTE srr; /* status report request */ UBYTE rp; /* reply path */ UBYTE rd; /* reject duplicates */ UBYTE vp_mode; /* validity period mode */ UBYTE vp_rel; /* validity period relative */ T_MFW_SMS_SCTP vp_abs; /* validity period absolute */ SHORT first_oct; /* First Octet*/} T_MFW_SMS_INFO;/* Identification to incomming message */typedef struct{ UBYTE mem; /* indicate the memory for stored message */ UBYTE index; /* index of message */ UBYTE concat_status; /* status of concatenated */ UBYTE received_sms_type; /* type of sms */} T_MFW_SMS_ID;/* Information about mobile terminated short message */typedef struct{ CHAR tag[MFW_TAG_LEN];#ifdef NO_ASCIIZ UBYTE len; /* length of name */ UBYTE dummy1; UBYTE dummy2; UBYTE dummy3;#endif CHAR number[MFW_NUM_LEN]; T_MFW_PHB_TON ton; T_MFW_PHB_NPI npi;} T_MFW_SMS_ADDR;typedef struct{ UBYTE index; /* index of message */ T_MFW_SMS_ADDR orig_addr; /* call party address */ CHAR sc_addr[MAX_LEN]; /* service centre address */ UBYTE prot_id; /* protocol identifier */ SHORT dcs; /* data coding scheme */ UBYTE rp; /* reply path */ UBYTE ti; /* type indicator */ T_MFW_SMS_SCTP sctp; /* service centre timestamp */ USHORT/*UBYTE*/ msg_len; /* length of short message */ CHAR sms_msg[MAX_MSG_LEN_ARRAY]; /* short message */ UBYTE udh_len; /* length of user data header */ UBYTE udh[BASIC_MAX_MSG_LEN]; /* user data header */ T_MFW_SMS_STAT sms_msg_type; //x0pleela 01 Feb, 2006 DR: OMAPS00059261 /* sms message type: MT text or MT status report*/ BOOL voicemail;/*SPR#1408 - DS - TRUE if a voicemail message. Port of 1669*/} T_MFW_SMS_MT;/* Incomming call broadcast message */typedef struct{ SHORT sn; /* serial number in integer format */ USHORT msg_id; /* message identification */ UBYTE dcs; /* data coding scheme */ UBYTE page; /* number of this page */ UBYTE pages; /* number of total pages */ UBYTE msg_len; /* length of short message */ CHAR cb_msg[MAX_CBMSG_LEN]; /* cell broadcast message */} T_MFW_SMS_CB;/* Parameter for cell broadcast message */typedef struct{ UBYTE mode; /* acception mode: 0 - accept, 1 - not accept */#ifdef FF_2TO1_PS USHORT msg_id[CBM_MAX_RANGE_NUMBER]; /* message identifier */ UBYTE dcs[CBM_MAX_RANGE_NUMBER]; /* data coding schemes */#else USHORT msg_id[MAX_IDENTS]; /* message identifier */ UBYTE dcs[MAX_IDENTS]; /* data coding schemes */#endif UBYTE dummy;} T_MFW_SMS_CB_INFO;/* Information for mobile originated short message */typedef struct{ T_MFW_SMS_ADDR dest_addr; /* called party address */ CHAR sc_addr[MAX_LEN]; /* service centre address */ UBYTE prot_id; /* protocol identifier */ SHORT dcs; /* data coding scheme */ UBYTE status; /* status of sms message */ UBYTE vp_mode; /* validity period mode */ UBYTE vp_rel; /* validity period relative */ T_MFW_SMS_SCTP vp_abs; /* validity period absolute */ CHAR sms_msg[MAX_MSG_LEN_ARRAY]; /* short message */ USHORT msg_len; /* length of short message */ UBYTE msg_ref; /* message reference */} T_MFW_SMS_MO;/* Status report for short message */typedef struct{ SHORT msg_id; /* message type */ UBYTE msg_ref; /* message Reference */ T_MFW_SMS_ADDR addr; /* called party address */ UBYTE status; /* status of sms message */ T_MFW_SMS_SCTP rctp; /* received sms timestamp */} T_MFW_SMS_STATUS;/***************************Go-lite Optimization changes Start***********************///Oct 04, 2004 REF: CRR 25519 Deepa M.D//Structure elements (T_MFW_SMS_MSG)are realigned to avoid the structure paddingtypedef struct{ T_MFW_SMS_STAT stat; T_MFW_SMS_STAT msg_type; /* voice mail status */ T_MFW_SMS_CONC_STAT concat_status;/*2260*/ T_MFW_SMS_ADDR addr; T_MFW_SMS_SCTP rctp; SHORT index; SHORT first_index;/*index of first sms in concat assembly SPR 2260*/ UBYTE msg_ref;} T_MFW_SMS_MSG;/*structure used in message list*//***************************Go-lite Optimization changes end***********************/// PATCH JPS 29.09: new structure used in mfw_index_listtypedef struct{ SHORT index; T_MFW_SMS_STAT stat; T_MFW_SMS_STAT msg_type; T_MFW_SMS_CONC_STAT concat_status;/*SPR 2260*/} T_MFW_SMS_IDX;/*structure passed in sms_copy_idx() function,used externally*/// PATCH JPS 29.09 END/* * SMS event Parameter */typedef union{ T_MFW_SMS_ID sms_id; T_MFW_SMS_MT sms_mt; T_MFW_SMS_MO sms_mo; T_MFW_SMS_CB sms_cb; T_MFW_SMS_STATUS sms_status; T_MFW_SMS_MEM_INFO sms_mem; UBYTE index; UBYTE cmd_ind;} T_MFW_SMS_PARA;EXTERN void sms_init (void);EXTERN void sms_exit (void);EXTERN T_MFW_HND sms_create (T_MFW_HND hWin, T_MFW_EVENT event, T_MFW_CB cbfunc);EXTERN T_MFW_RES sms_delete (T_MFW_HND h);#ifdef NO_ASCIIZ#if defined (FF_WAP) && defined (FF_GPF_TCPIP)EXTERN T_MFW sms_submit (T_MFW_SMS_MO_TYPE type, CHAR *dest_addr, UBYTE *msg, USHORT msg_len, CHAR *sca);//Dec 14, 2005 REF: MMI-FIX-OMAPS00058684 x0035544#ifdef FF_HOMEZONE//Jun 14, 2005 REF: MMI-FIX-30439 x0018858EXTERN void sms_homezoneCBToggle(U8 Activate); #endifEXTERN T_MFW sms_submit_wap_sms(T_MFW_SMS_MO_TYPE type, CHAR *dest_addr, T_MFW_PHB_TON addr_type, UBYTE *msg, USHORT msg_len, CHAR *sca, T_MFW_PHB_TON sc_type); /* SPR#2086 - SH - Added */#elseEXTERN T_MFW sms_submit (T_MFW_SMS_MO_TYPE type, CHAR *dest_addr, UBYTE *msg, USHORT msg_len, CHAR *sca);#endifEXTERN T_MFW sms_store (T_MFW_SMS_MO_TYPE type, CHAR *addr, UBYTE *msg, USHORT msg_len, CHAR *sca);EXTERN T_MFW sms_change (CHAR *addr, UBYTE *msg, USHORT msg_len, UBYTE index);#else#if defined (FF_WAP) && defined (FF_GPF_TCPIP)EXTERN T_MFW sms_submit (T_MFW_SMS_MO_TYPE type, CHAR *dest_addr, T_MFW_PHB_TON addr_type, UBYTE *msg, USHORT msg_len, CHAR *sca, T_MFW_PHB_TON sc_type); // sbh added length, see function itselfEXTERN T_MFW sms_submit_wap_sms(T_MFW_SMS_MO_TYPE type, CHAR *dest_addr, T_MFW_PHB_TON addr_type, UBYTE *msg, USHORT msg_len, CHAR *sca, T_MFW_PHB_TON sc_type); /* SPR#2086 - SH - Added */#elseEXTERN T_MFW sms_submit (T_MFW_SMS_MO_TYPE type, CHAR *dest_addr, UBYTE *msg, USHORT msg_len, CHAR *sca); // sbh added length, see function itself#endifEXTERN T_MFW sms_store (T_MFW_SMS_MO_TYPE type, CHAR *addr, UBYTE *msg, USHORT msg_len, CHAR *sca); // sbh added length, see function itselfEXTERN T_MFW sms_change (CHAR *addr, UBYTE *msg, USHORT msg_len, UBYTE index); // sbh added length, see function itself#endifEXTERN T_MFW sms_stored_submit (CHAR *dest_addr, UBYTE index);/*SPR 2260, added concatenated status parameter*/EXTERN T_MFW sms_store_new_msg_info(UBYTE index, T_ACI_CMGL_SM* sm, UBYTE update_mem, T_CONC_ASSEMBLY_RETURN concat_stat);EXTERN T_MFW sms_send_new_msg_ind(T_ACI_CMGL_SM* sm,UBYTE index, UBYTE mem, UBYTE received_sms_type, UBYTE concatenated_status);EXTERN T_MFW sms_set_pref_memory (UBYTE mem);EXTERN T_MFW sms_read (UBYTE type, UBYTE index);EXTERN T_MFW sms_mt_store (T_MFW_SMS_MT *mt_msg, T_MFW_SMS_STAT stat);EXTERN T_MFW sms_msg_delete (UBYTE index);EXTERN T_MFW sms_get_memset (void);EXTERN T_MFW sms_command (CHAR *dest_addr, UBYTE command, UBYTE msg_ref);EXTERN T_MFW sms_parameter (T_MFW_SMS_INFO *sms_info, BOOL fGet);EXTERN T_MFW sms_set_SrvCntr_number (T_MFW_SMS_INFO *sms_info);EXTERN T_MFW sms_set_dcs_number (T_MFW_SMS_INFO *sms_info);//GW AddedEXTERN T_MFW sms_set_val_period (T_MFW_SMS_INFO *sms_info);//GW AddedEXTERN T_MFW sms_set_cell_broadcast_info (UBYTE mode, T_MFW_SMS_CB_INFO *sms_cb_info);EXTERN T_MFW sms_get_cell_broadcast_info (T_MFW_SMS_CB_INFO *sms_cb_info);EXTERN void sms_set_mt_ind (T_MFW_SMS_MT_IND sms_ind);EXTERN SHORT sms_message_count (T_MFW_SMS_STAT stat);EXTERN SHORT sms_message_list (T_MFW_SMS_STAT stat, T_MFW_SMS_MSG * msg_list, int max_entries);// PATCH JPS 29.09: add function equivalent of sms_message_list bu more economicEXTERN SHORT sms_index_list (T_MFW_SMS_STAT stat, T_MFW_SMS_IDX * msg_list, int max_entries);// PATCH JPS 29.09 ENDEXTERN T_MFW sms_change_read_status (SHORT index);//x0018858 24 Mar, 2005 MMI-FIX-11321//begin -MMI-FIX-11321EXTERN T_MFW sms_set_cind_values(T_ACI_MM_CIND_VAL_TYPE *cindSettings);EXTERN T_MFW sms_set_cmer_values(T_ACI_MM_CMER_VAL_TYPE *cmerSettings);//end -MMI-FIX-11321#endif