/****************************************************************************//* *//* File Name: dar_handle_message.c *//* *//* Purpose: This function is called when the DAR entity receives a new *//* message in its mailbox. *//* *//* *//* Version 0.1 *//* *//* Date Modification *//* ------------------------------------ *//* 17 October 2001 Create *//* *//* Author Stephanie Gerthoux *//* *//* (C) Copyright 2001 by Texas Instruments Incorporated, All Rights Reserved*//****************************************************************************/#include "rv/rv_defined_swe.h"#ifdef RVM_DAR_SWE #include "rv/rv_general.h" #include "rvm/rvm_gen.h" #include "rvm/rvm_priorities.h" #include "dar/dar_api.h" #include "dar/dar_env.h" #include "dar/dar_macro_i.h" #include "dar/dar_messages_i.h" #include "dar/dar_msg_ft.h" /********************************************************************************/ /* Function dar_handle_message */ /* */ /* Description This function is called every time the DAR entity received */ /* a new message in its mailbox */ /* */ /********************************************************************************/ T_RV_RET dar_handle_msg(T_RV_HDR *msg_p) { /* Declare local variables */ T_RV_RET status = RVF_GREEN; if (msg_p != NULL) { switch (msg_p->msg_id) { case DAR_FILTER_REQ: { //DAR_SEND_TRACE_PARAM("DAR Diagnose with the msg", msg_p->msg_id, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW); /* process the dar filter */ dar_filter_request((T_DAR_FILTER_START *)msg_p); break; } case DAR_WRITE_REQ: { //DAR_SEND_TRACE_PARAM("DAR Diagnose with the msg", msg_p->msg_id, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW); /* process the dar to write */ dar_write_data_in_buffer((T_DAR_WRITE_START *)msg_p); break; } default: { /* Unknow message has been received */ DAR_TRACE_WARNING("A DAR unknow message has been received "); break; }; } /* switch (msg_p->msg_id) */ /* Free message buffer */ status = rvf_free_buf((T_RVF_BUFFER *)msg_p); if (status != RVF_GREEN) { DAR_SEND_TRACE(" DAR ERROR (env). A wrong message is deallocated ", RV_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR); } } /* if (msg_p != NULL) */ return RV_OK; }#endif /* #ifdef RVM_DAR_SWE */