view g23m/condat/ms/src/bmi/MmiVoiceMemo.c @ 193:87856e381ca3

tpudrv12.c: passes compilation, but fails link because of TPU_wait_idle()
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Wed, 08 Jun 2016 03:34:58 +0000
parents 509db1a7b7b8
line wrap: on
line source


          CONDAT (UK)


 This software product is the property of Condat (UK) Ltd and may not be
 disclosed to any third party without the express permission of the owner.


 $Project name: Basic MMI
 $Project code: BMI (6349)
 $Module:   VOICEMEMO
 $File:       MmiVoiceMemo.c
 $Revision:   1.0

 $Author:   Condat(UK)
 $Date:       09/04/01



    This provides the start code for the MMI

 $History: MmiVoiceMemo.c

  09/04/01      Original Condat(UK) BMI version.




                                Include files

#define ENTITY_MFW

/* includes */
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "typedefs.h"
#include "vsi.h"
#include "pei.h"
#include "custom.h"
#include "gsm.h"

#include "mfw_sys.h"

#include "prim.h"

#include "cus_aci.h"

#include "mfw_mfw.h"
#include "mfw_win.h"
#include "mfw_kbd.h"
/* SPR#1428 - SH - New Editor changes */
#ifndef NEW_EDITOR
#include "mfw_edt.h"
#include "mfw_lng.h"
#include "mfw_tim.h"
#include "mfw_icn.h"
#include "mfw_mnu.h"
#include "mfw_phb.h"
#include "mfw_cm.h"
#include "mfw_sim.h"
#include "mfw_nm.h"
#include "mfw_sat.h"
#include "mfw_phb.h"
#include "ksd.h"
#include "psa.h"
#include "mfw_sms.h"
#include "mfw_cphs.h"
#include "mfw_sat.h"

#include "dspl.h"

#include "MmiMmi.h"
#include "MmiDummy.h"
#include "MmiDialogs.h"
#include "MmiLists.h"
#include "MmiIdle.h"
#include "MmiSoftKeys.h"
#include "Mmiicons.h"
#include "MmiMenu.h"
#include "MmiMain.h"
#include "MmiStart.h"
#include "MmiPins.h"
#include "MmiSettings.h"

#include "gdi.h"
#include "audio.h"
#include "MmiSounds.h"
#include "MmiResources.h"
#include "mmiColours.h"

//#include "vmd.h"
#include "MmiVoiceMemo.h"
#include "mfw_ffs.h"

/* BEGIN ADD: Req ID: : Sumit : 14-Mar-05 */
/* END ADD: Req ID: : Sumit : 14-Mar-05 */
#include "Audio/audio_api.h"
/* BEGIN ADD: Req ID: : Sumit : 14-Mar-05 */
#endif /* NEPTUNE_BOARD*/
/* END ADD: Req ID: : Sumit : 14-Mar-05 */

#include "mfw_aud.h"


                                internal data


 * Internal events
#define VM_INIT           500
#define VM_DESTROY       501
#define VM_PLAY           502
#define VM_RECORD         503
#define VM_DELETE_BUFFER  504

#define VOICE_MEMO_MAX_DURATION 10					// 10 Secs

typedef struct
  T_MMI_CONTROL   mmi_control;
  T_MFW_HND       parent_win;
  T_MFW_HND       info_win;
  T_MFW_HND       info_tim;
  T_MFW_HND       info_kbd;
  USHORT          Identifier;
  USHORT          time;
  char         elapsed_time[7];
  int			  play_sk2;
} T_voice_memo;


                                Local prototypes


T_MFW_HND       voice_memo_start  (T_MFW_HND  parent_win, SHORT ID);
static T_MFW_HND    voice_memo_create (T_MFW_HND  parent_win);
static void       voice_memo_destroy  (T_MFW_HND  own_window);
static void       voice_memo      (T_MFW_HND  win, USHORT event, SHORT value, void * parameter);
static int        voice_memo_win_cb (T_MFW_EVENT event, T_MFW_WIN * win);
static T_MFW_CB     voice_memo_tim_cb (T_MFW_EVENT event, T_MFW_TIM * tc);
static int        voice_memo_kbd_cb (T_MFW_EVENT event, T_MFW_KBD * keyboard);
static void			voice_memo_dialog_create(T_MFW_HND win, int str1, int str2);
void          voice_memo_dialog_cb (T_MFW_HND win, UBYTE identifier, UBYTE reason);

** Rivera Callback functions
static void voice_memo_riv_record_cb(void *parameter);
static void voice_memo_riv_play_cb(void *parameter);


 $Function:     voice_memo_init




GLOBAL void voice_memo_init (void)
  TRACE_FUNCTION ("voice_memo_init()");


 $Function:     voice_memo_exit




GLOBAL void voice_memo_exit (void)
  TRACE_FUNCTION ("voice_memo_exit()");



 $Function:     voice_memo_play




GLOBAL int  voice_memo_play (MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i)
  T_MFW_HND win = mfw_parent(mfw_header());

  TRACE_FUNCTION ("voice_memo_play()");

  //create a new voice memo dialog
  voice_memo_start (win, VM_PLAY);
  return 1;  // ADDED BY RAVI - 29-11-2005


 $Function:     voice_memo_record




GLOBAL int voice_memo_record (MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i)

  T_MFW_HND win = mfw_parent(mfw_header());

  TRACE_FUNCTION ("voice_memo_record()");

  //create a new voice memo dialog
  voice_memo_start (win, VM_RECORD);
  return 1;  // RAVI - 29-11-2005


 $Function:     voice_memo_start

 $Description:  create a new voicememo dialog

 $Returns:    Dialogue info win

 $Arguments:  parent win, display info

T_MFW_HND voice_memo_start (T_MFW_HND  parent_win, SHORT ID)
  T_MFW_HND win;

  win = voice_memo_create (parent_win);

  if (win NEQ NULL)
    SEND_EVENT (win, VM_INIT, ID, 0);
  return win;


 $Function:     vocie_memo_create

 $Description:  Creation of window

 $Returns:    Dialogue info win

 $Arguments:  parent win

static T_MFW_HND voice_memo_create (T_MFW_HND parent_win)
  T_MFW_WIN     * win_data;
  T_voice_memo *  data = (T_voice_memo *)ALLOC_MEMORY (sizeof (T_voice_memo));

  TRACE_FUNCTION ("vocie_memo_create()");

  data->info_win = win_create (parent_win, 0, E_WIN_VISIBLE, (T_MFW_CB)voice_memo_win_cb);

  if (data->info_win EQ 0)
    return 0;

   * Create window handler
  data->mmi_control.dialog   = (T_DIALOG_FUNC)voice_memo;
  data->     = data;
  data->parent_win           = parent_win;
  win_data                   = ((T_MFW_HDR *)data->info_win)->data;
  win_data->user             = (void *)data;

  ** Initialise values to safe defualts
  data->play_sk2 = TxtSoftBack;
   * return window handle
  return data->info_win;


 $Function:     voice_memo_destroy

 $Description:  Destruction of an dialog

 $Returns:    void

 $Arguments:  win

void voice_memo_destroy (T_MFW_HND own_window)
  T_MFW_WIN     * win  = ((T_MFW_HDR *)own_window)->data;
  T_voice_memo * data   = (T_voice_memo *)win->user;

  TRACE_FUNCTION ("voice_memo_destroy()");

	if (own_window == NULL)
		TRACE_EVENT ("Error : Called with NULL Pointer");

  if (data)
     * Exit TIMER & KEYBOARD Handle
    kbd_delete (data->info_kbd);
    tim_delete (data->info_tim);

     * Delete WIN Handler
    win_delete (data->info_win);
     * Free Memory
    FREE_MEMORY ((void *)data, sizeof (T_voice_memo));


 $Function:     voice_memo

 $Description:  Dialog function for voice memo dialog

 $Returns:    void

 $Arguments:  win, window handle event, value, parameter

void voice_memo (T_MFW_HND win, USHORT event, SHORT value, void * parameter)
  T_MFW_WIN      * win_data     = ((T_MFW_HDR *)win)->data;
  T_voice_memo    * data         = (T_voice_memo *)win_data->user;

 // T_DISPLAY_DATA display_info;   // RAVI
  SHORT	mfw_aud_retVal;

  data->Identifier = value;

  TRACE_FUNCTION ("voice_memo()");

  switch (event)
    case VM_INIT:
       * Initialize dialog

       * Create timer and keyboard handler
    data->info_tim = tim_create (win, 1000, (T_MFW_CB)voice_memo_tim_cb);
    data->info_kbd = kbd_create (win, KEY_ALL, (T_MFW_CB)voice_memo_kbd_cb);

    if (value EQ VM_PLAY)
      TRACE_EVENT ("VM_PLAY()");
	  mfw_aud_retVal = mfw_aud_vm_start_playback(voice_memo_riv_play_cb);
	  if (mfw_aud_retVal == MFW_AUD_VM_OK)
        //start the second timer
        data->time = 0;
	    tim_start (data->info_tim);
	    //Set the Right Softkey Id
	    data->play_sk2 = TxtStop;
	    if (mfw_aud_retVal == MFW_AUD_VM_MEM_EMPTY)
	    	voice_memo_dialog_create(win, TxtRecording, TxtEmpty);
	    	//Display a dialog and exit
	    	TRACE_EVENT_P1 ("ERROR : mfw_aud_vm_start_playback failed with return value : %d", mfw_aud_retVal);
	    	voice_memo_dialog_create( win, TxtPlayback, TxtFailed);
    else if (value EQ VM_RECORD)
	  mfw_aud_retVal = mfw_aud_vm_start_record(VOICE_MEMO_MAX_DURATION, voice_memo_riv_record_cb);
	  // If the Riviera call failed
	  if (mfw_aud_retVal == MFW_AUD_VM_OK)
	  	//start the second timer
	  	data->time = 0;
	  	tim_start (data->info_tim);
	  	if (mfw_aud_retVal == MFW_AUD_VM_MEM_FULL)
	      TRACE_EVENT ("memory full ");
/* RAVI - 20-1-2006 */
/* Silent Implementation */
             audio_PlaySoundID(0, TONES_KEYBEEP, getCurrentVoulmeSettings(), 
                                              AUDIO_PLAY_ONCE ); /* GW#2355 /CQ11341 */
	      /* play Keybeep */
	      audio_PlaySoundID(0, TONES_KEYBEEP, 200, AUDIO_PLAY_ONCE ); /* GW#2355 /CQ11341 */
/* END RAVI */
	  	  voice_memo_dialog_create( win, TxtRecording, TxtFull );
	      //Display a dialog and exit
	      TRACE_EVENT_P1 ("ERROR : mfw_aud_vm_start_record failed with return value : %d", mfw_aud_retVal);
	      voice_memo_dialog_create( win, TxtRecording, TxtFailed );
    win_show (win);

  //if the user selected to clear the Voicememo buffer
	voice_memo_dialog_create( win, TxtDeleted, TxtNull );

	** Delete the voice memo file

    case VM_DESTROY:


 $Function:     voice_memo_win_cb

 $Description:  Callback function for information dialog

 $Returns:    void

 $Arguments:  window handle event, win
static int voice_memo_win_cb (T_MFW_EVENT event, T_MFW_WIN * win)
    T_voice_memo * data = (T_voice_memo *)win->user;

    TRACE_FUNCTION ("voice_memo_win_cb()");

    if (data EQ 0)
  return 1;

    switch (event)
      if (win->flags & E_WIN_VISIBLE)
         * Clear Screen

      switch (data->Identifier)
        case VM_PLAY:
             * Print the information screen
					ALIGNED_PROMPT(LEFT,Mmi_layout_line(1),0, TxtPlayback);

             * Print the elapsed time
				    displayAlignedText(LEFT, Mmi_layout_line(2), 0, data->elapsed_time);

             * Print softkeys
					displaySoftKeys(TxtDelete, data->play_sk2);

        case VM_RECORD:
             * Print the information screen
					ALIGNED_PROMPT(LEFT,Mmi_layout_line(1),0, TxtRecording);

             * Print the elapsed time
				    displayAlignedText(LEFT, Mmi_layout_line(2), 0, data->elapsed_time);

             * Print softkeys
            displaySoftKeys(TxtStop, '\0');


      return 0;
    return 1;


 $Function:     voice_memo_tim_cb

 $Description:  Callback function for the voice_memo timer.

 $Returns:    MFW event handler

 $Arguments:  window handle event, timer control block

static T_MFW_CB voice_memo_tim_cb (T_MFW_EVENT event, T_MFW_TIM *tc)
  T_MFW_HND       win  = mfw_parent (mfw_header());
  T_MFW_WIN     * win_data = ((T_MFW_HDR *)win)->data;
  T_voice_memo   * data = (T_voice_memo *)win_data->user;

	SHORT	mfw_aud_retVal;

//  char buf[40];   // RAVI

    TRACE_FUNCTION ("voice_memo_tim_cb()");

  switch (data->Identifier)
    case VM_PLAY:
      //the max. playback time is 10 second
			if (data->time < mfw_aud_vm_get_duration())
          TRACE_EVENT ("continue the second timer");

        data->time ++;
        // it shows here the elapsed time
        sprintf(data->elapsed_time,"%02d sec", data->time);

          TRACE_EVENT (data->elapsed_time);

        //continue the second timer
        tim_start (data->info_tim);
		data->play_sk2 = TxtSoftBack;
#ifndef _SIMULATION_
		** Stop playing the Voice Memo.
		mfw_aud_retVal = mfw_aud_vm_stop_playback(voice_memo_riv_play_cb);

		if (mfw_aud_retVal != MFW_AUD_VM_OK)
			TRACE_EVENT_P1 ("ERROR : mfw_aud_vm_stop_playback failed with return value : %d", mfw_aud_retVal);
		TRACE_EVENT("call mfw_aud_vm_stop_playback()");

    case VM_RECORD:

	  if (data->time < VOICE_MEMO_MAX_DURATION)
          TRACE_EVENT ("continue the second timer");

        // it shows here the remainig time
		sprintf(data->elapsed_time,"%02d sec", (VOICE_MEMO_MAX_DURATION - data->time));

          TRACE_EVENT (data->elapsed_time);

        //continue the second timer
        tim_start (data->info_tim);
#ifndef _SIMULATION_
		** Stop recording the Voice Memo.
		mfw_aud_retVal = mfw_aud_vm_stop_record(voice_memo_riv_record_cb);

		if (mfw_aud_retVal != MFW_AUD_VM_OK)
			TRACE_EVENT_P1 ("ERROR : mfw_aud_vm_stop_record failed with return value : %d", mfw_aud_retVal);
/* RAVI - 20-1-2006 */
              audio_PlaySoundID(0, TONES_KEYBEEP, getCurrentVoulmeSettings(),
                                               AUDIO_PLAY_ONCE ); /* GW#2355 /CQ11341 */
		/*the voice memo is now full, show "memory full" */
		audio_PlaySoundID(0, TONES_KEYBEEP, 200, AUDIO_PLAY_ONCE ); /* GW#2355 /CQ11341 */
/* END RAVI */

		voice_memo_dialog_create( win, TxtRecording, TxtFull );
		TRACE_EVENT("call mfw_aud_vm_stop_record()");

  //Update the screen

  return 0;


 $Function:     voice_memo_kbd_cb

 $Description:  Keyboard event handler

 $Returns:    status int

 $Arguments:  window handle event, keyboard control block


static int voice_memo_kbd_cb (T_MFW_EVENT event, T_MFW_KBD *keyboard)
  T_MFW_HND       win  = mfw_parent (mfw_header());
  T_MFW_WIN     * win_data = ((T_MFW_HDR *)win)->data;
  T_voice_memo   * data = (T_voice_memo *)win_data->user;

  USHORT          Identifier = data->Identifier;
	SHORT			mfw_aud_retVal;


  switch (keyboard->code)
  case KCD_HUP:
    case KCD_LEFT:
    if (Identifier EQ VM_PLAY)
#ifndef _SIMULATION_
	  ** Stop playing the Voice Memo and Delete it.
	  mfw_aud_retVal = mfw_aud_vm_stop_playback(voice_memo_riv_play_cb);
	  if (mfw_aud_retVal != MFW_AUD_VM_OK)
	  	TRACE_EVENT_P1 ("ERROR : mfw_aud_vm_stop_playback failed with return value : %d", mfw_aud_retVal);
	  TRACE_EVENT("call mfw_aud_vm_stop_playback()");
      //delete the voicememo buffer

      //user selected the delete-key
      SEND_EVENT (win, VM_DELETE_BUFFER, 0, 0);
    else if (Identifier EQ VM_RECORD)
#ifndef _SIMULATION_
	  ** Stop recording the Voice Memo.
	  mfw_aud_retVal = mfw_aud_vm_stop_record(voice_memo_riv_record_cb);
	  if (mfw_aud_retVal != MFW_AUD_VM_OK)
	  	TRACE_EVENT_P1 ("ERROR : mfw_aud_vm_stop_record failed with return value : %d", mfw_aud_retVal);
	  //go back to the previous dialog
	  SEND_EVENT (win, VM_DESTROY, 0, 0);
	  TRACE_EVENT("call mfw_aud_vm_stop_record()");

    case KCD_RIGHT:
    if (Identifier EQ VM_PLAY)

#ifndef _SIMULATION_
	  ** Stop playing the Voice Memo.
	  mfw_aud_retVal = mfw_aud_vm_stop_playback(voice_memo_riv_play_cb);
	  if (mfw_aud_retVal != MFW_AUD_VM_OK)
	  	TRACE_EVENT_P1 ("ERROR : mfw_aud_vm_stop_playback failed with return value : %d", mfw_aud_retVal);
	  TRACE_EVENT("call mfw_aud_vm_stop_playback()");

      //go back to the previous dialog
      SEND_EVENT (win, VM_DESTROY, 0, 0);
    else if (Identifier EQ VM_RECORD)



 $Function:     voice_memo_dialog_cb




void voice_memo_dialog_cb(T_MFW_HND win, UBYTE identifier, UBYTE reason)
  TRACE_FUNCTION ("voice_memo_dialog_cb()");

      switch (reason)
        case INFO_KCD_LEFT:
          /* no break; */
        case INFO_TIMEOUT:
          /* no break; */
        case INFO_KCD_HUP:
          /* no break; */
        case INFO_KCD_RIGHT:
          /* no break; */
        case INFO_KCD_CLEAR:

        //go back to the previous dialog
      SEND_EVENT (win, VM_DESTROY,0, 0);



 $Function:     voice_memo_dialog_create




static void voice_memo_dialog_create(T_MFW_HND win, int str1, int str2)
	T_DISPLAY_DATA display_info;
	TRACE_FUNCTION ("voice_memo_dialog_create()");

	dlg_initDisplayData_TextId( &display_info, TxtNull, TxtNull, str1, str2, COLOUR_STATUS);
	dlg_initDisplayData_events( &display_info, (T_VOID_FUNC)voice_memo_dialog_cb, THREE_SECS, KEY_CLEAR | KEY_RIGHT | KEY_LEFT );
	* Call Info Screen
	info_dialog (win, &display_info);

static void voice_memo_riv_record_cb(void *parameter)
/* BEGIN ADD: Req ID: : Sumit : 14-Mar-05 */
/* END ADD: Req ID: : Sumit : 14-Mar-05 */

	T_AUDIO_VM_RECORD_STATUS *record_status;

	record_status = (T_AUDIO_VM_RECORD_STATUS *)parameter;

	if (record_status->status != AUDIO_OK)
		TRACE_EVENT_P1("ERROR : voice_memo_riv_play_cb received AUDIO_ERROR, recorded duration is %d",
		TRACE_EVENT_P1("INFO : voice_memo_riv_play_cb received AUDIO_OK, recorded duration is %d",

/* BEGIN ADD: Req ID: : Sumit : 14-Mar-05 */
#endif /* NEPTUNE_BOARD */
/* END ADD: Req ID: : Sumit : 14-Mar-05 */


static void voice_memo_riv_play_cb(void *parameter)
/* BEGIN ADD: Req ID: : Sumit : 14-Mar-05 */
/* END ADD: Req ID: : Sumit : 14-Mar-05 */

	T_AUDIO_VM_PLAY_STATUS *play_status;

	play_status = (T_AUDIO_VM_PLAY_STATUS *)parameter;

	if (play_status->status != AUDIO_OK)
		TRACE_EVENT("ERROR : voice_memo_riv_play_cb received AUDIO_ERROR");
		TRACE_EVENT("INFO : voice_memo_riv_play_cb received AUDIO_OK");
/* BEGIN ADD: Req ID: : Sumit : 14-Mar-05 */
#endif /* NEPTUNE_BOARD*/
/* END ADD: Req ID: : Sumit : 14-Mar-05 */
