diff g23m/condat/com/src/driver/ffs_pc.c @ 0:509db1a7b7b8

initial import: leo2moko-r1
author Space Falcon <falcon@ivan.Harhan.ORG>
date Mon, 01 Jun 2015 03:24:05 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/g23m/condat/com/src/driver/ffs_pc.c	Mon Jun 01 03:24:05 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1475 @@
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    File Name:         ffs_pc.c                                               */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Purpose:           This file contains the internal functions related to   */
+/*                       the Flash File System.                                 */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Note:              None.                                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Revision History:                                                         */
+/*       02/27/02        Pascal Pompei                                          */
+/*                          - Create.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/* (C) Copyright 2002 by Texas Instruments Incorporated, All Rights Reserved.   */
+/*                                                                              */
+#include "ffs_pc_api.h"
+/********************************* NAME LENGTHS *********************************/
+/*                                                                              */
+/* Define the maximum lengths.                                                  */
+#define FFS_MAX_PATH_LENGTH                           (MAX_PATH)
+#define FFS_MAX_OBJECT_LENGTH                         (20)
+/*************************** INTERNAL FILE DESCRIPTOR ***************************/
+/*                                                                              */
+/* Define the internal file descriptor.                                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*      __ Open the file for appending.                                         */
+/*     |                               __ File handle (30 bits).                */
+/*   __|______________________________|_____________________________            */
+/*  | ¦ ¦                                                           |           */
+/*  |0¦ ¦                                                           |           */
+/*  |_¦_¦_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._|           */
+typedef union
+	INT32  fd;
+	struct
+	{
+		INT32  handle : 30;
+		INT32  append : 1;
+	} ifd;
+/* Define the directory nesting depth.                                          */
+#define FFS_DIR_NESTING_DEPTH                         (0x06)
+/* Define the directory dedicated to the Flash File System.                     */
+#define FFS_DIR                                       ("C:\\FFS")
+/******************** GLOBAL FLASH FILE SYSTEM CONTROL BLOCK ********************/
+/*                                                                              */
+/* Define a global structure used to gather information related to the 'Global  */
+/* Flash File System Control Block'.                                            */
+typedef struct
+	BOOLEAN        is_running;								  /* Indicates      */
+															  /* whether the    */
+															  /* Flash File     */
+															  /* System is      */
+															  /* running.       */
+	char           current_working_dir[FFS_MAX_PATH_LENGTH];  /* Indicates the  */
+															  /* current        */
+															  /* working        */
+															  /* directory.     */
+/******************** GLOBAL FLASH FILE SYSTEM CONTROL BLOCK ********************/
+/*                                                                              */
+T_FFS_CTRL_BLK gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk;
+/* Define a pointer to the 'Global Flash File System Control Block'.            */
+T_FFS_CTRL_BLK  *gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p = NULL;
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Function Name:     ffs_init_working_folder                                */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Purpose:           This function sets the working directory up.           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Input Parameter:   None.                                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Output Parameter:  None.                                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Global Parameter:                                                         */
+/*       gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p - Points to the 'Global Flash File System Control   */
+/*                            Block'.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Note:              None.                                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Revision History:                                                         */
+/*       02/28/02        Pascal Pompei                                          */
+/*                          - Create.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+T_FFS_RET ffs_init_working_folder (void)
+/******************** ffs_init_working_folder function begins *******************/
+	/* First, check whether the current working directory matches the reference */
+	/* one. Otherwise, create the reference directory.                          */
+  strcpy (gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p->current_working_dir, FFS_DIR);
+	if ((CreateDirectory (TEXT(gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p->current_working_dir), \
+						  NULL) == FALSE) && \
+		(GetLastError () != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS))
+	{
+		return (EFFS_DRIVER);
+	}
+	return (EFFS_OK);
+} /******************* End of ffs_init_working_folder function ******************/
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Function Name:     ffs_is_valid_object_name                               */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Purpose:           This function checks whether the name of an object is  */
+/*                       valid, according to the Microsoft® Win32® Programmer's */
+/*                       Reference.                                             */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Input Parameter:                                                          */
+/*       object_name_p      - Points to the name of the object to check         */
+/*                            (0-terminated string).                            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Output Parameter:  None.                                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Global Parameter:  None.                                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Note:              None.                                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Revision History:                                                         */
+/*       06/27/01        David Lamy-Charrier                                    */
+/*                          - Create.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+T_FFS_RET ffs_is_valid_object_name (const char  *object_name_p)
+    /* Declare local variables.                                                 */
+	DWORD  object_count = 0x00000000;
+    DWORD  path_count   = 0x00000000;
+/******************* ffs_is_valid_object_name function begins *******************/
+	/* First, check for the leading '/' character.                              */
+	if (object_name_p[path_count++] != '/')
+	{
+		return (EFFS_BADNAME);
+	}
+	/* Then, check for invalid characters or too long object names.             */
+	for (;
+		 path_count <= FFS_MAX_PATH_LENGTH;
+		 path_count++)
+	{
+		/* Check for invalid characters.                                        */
+		if (((object_name_p[path_count] >= 'a') && (object_name_p[path_count] <= 'z')) || \
+			((object_name_p[path_count] >= 'A') && (object_name_p[path_count] <= 'Z')) || \
+			((object_name_p[path_count] >= '0') && (object_name_p[path_count] <= '9')) || \
+			(object_name_p[path_count] == '#') || \
+			(object_name_p[path_count] == '$') || \
+			(object_name_p[path_count] == '%') || \
+			(object_name_p[path_count] == '+') || \
+			(object_name_p[path_count] == '-') || \
+			(object_name_p[path_count] == '.') || \
+			(object_name_p[path_count] == '_'))
+		{
+			/* Check for too long object names.                                 */
+			if (++object_count > FFS_MAX_OBJECT_LENGTH)
+			{
+				return (EFFS_NAMETOOLONG);
+			}
+			continue;
+		}
+		/* Proceed with the next object name.                                   */
+		if (object_name_p[path_count] == '/')
+		{
+			/* Check for empty object names.                                    */
+			if (object_count == 0x00000000)
+			{
+				break;
+			}
+			object_count = 0x00000000;
+			continue;
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+	/* Check for the ending '/' character.                                      */
+    if ((object_name_p[path_count] == '\x00') && \
+		(object_count == 0x00000000))
+	{
+		return (EFFS_NOTADIR);
+	}
+	/* Report an error whether an object name contains some illegal characters. */
+    if ((object_name_p[path_count] != '\x00') || \
+		(object_count == 0x00000000))
+	{
+		return (EFFS_BADNAME);
+	}
+	return (EFFS_OK);
+} /****************** End of ffs_is_valid_object_name function ******************/
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Function Name:     ffs_convert_to_win32_filename                          */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Purpose:           This function converts filenames in accordance with    */
+/*                       the Microsoft® Win32® Programmer's Reference.          */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Input Parameter:                                                          */
+/*       filename_p         - Points to the filename to convert (0-terminated   */
+/*                            string).                                          */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Output Parameter:                                                         */
+/*       win32_filename_p   - Points to the filename as defined in the          */
+/*                            Microsoft® Win32® Programmer's Reference.         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Global Parameter:                                                         */
+/*       gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p - Points to the 'Global Flash File System Control   */
+/*                            Block'.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Note:              None.                                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Revision History:                                                         */
+/*       06/27/01        David Lamy-Charrier                                    */
+/*                          - Create.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+T_FFS_RET ffs_convert_to_win32_filename (const char  *filename_p,
+										 char        win32_filename_p[FFS_MAX_PATH_LENGTH])
+    /* Declare local variables.                                                 */
+	DWORD  filename_len = 0x00000000;
+	DWORD  pathname_len = 0x00000000;
+/***************** ffs_convert_to_win32_filename function begins ****************/
+	/* Get the lengths of both filenames.                                       */
+	filename_len = strlen (filename_p);
+	pathname_len = strlen (gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p->current_working_dir);
+	/* Convert the filename in accordance with the Microsoft® Win32®            */
+	/* Programmer's Reference. Abort whether the filename is too long.          */
+	if ((pathname_len + filename_len + 0x00000001) > FFS_MAX_PATH_LENGTH)
+	{
+	}
+	(void) memcpy (win32_filename_p,
+				   gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p->current_working_dir,
+				   pathname_len);
+	(void) memcpy (win32_filename_p + pathname_len,
+				   filename_p,
+				   filename_len);
+	win32_filename_p[pathname_len + filename_len] = '\x00';
+	return (EFFS_OK);
+} /**************** End of ffs_convert_to_win32_filename function ***************/
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Function Name:     ffs_open                                               */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Purpose:           This function opens or creates a file.                 */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Input Parameters:                                                         */
+/*       pathname_p         - Points to the name of the file to open or create  */
+/*                            (0-terminated string).                            */
+/*       flags              - Specifies the modes used to open the file.        */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Output Parameter:  None.                                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Global Parameter:                                                         */
+/*       gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p - Points to the 'Global Flash File System Control   */
+/*                            Block'.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Note:              The append concept while opening files is not          */
+/*                       supported, according to the Microsoft® Win32®          */
+/*                       Programmer's Reference.                                */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Revision History:                                                         */
+/*       06/27/01        David Lamy-Charrier                                    */
+/*                          - Create.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+T_FFS_FD ffs_open (const char        *pathname_p,
+				   T_FFS_OPEN_FLAGS  flags)
+    /* Declare local variables.                                                 */
+	char       win32_pathname_p[FFS_MAX_PATH_LENGTH] = "";
+	DWORD      desired_access                        = GENERIC_WRITE;
+	DWORD      creation_distribution                 = OPEN_EXISTING;
+	HANDLE     handle                                = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
+	T_FFS_IFD  ifd                                   = {0x00000000};
+	T_FFS_RET  return_status                         = EFFS_OK;
+/*************************** ffs_open function begins ***************************/
+	/* First, check whether the Flash File System is running.                   */
+	if ((gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p == NULL) || (gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p->is_running == FALSE))
+	{
+		return (EFFS_AGAIN);
+	}
+	/* Then, convert the filename as defined in the Microsoft® Win32®           */
+	/* Programmer's Reference. Abort whether any error occurred.                */
+	if (((return_status = ffs_is_valid_object_name (pathname_p)) != EFFS_OK) || \
+		((return_status = ffs_convert_to_win32_filename (pathname_p, \
+														 win32_pathname_p)) != EFFS_OK))
+	{
+		return (return_status);
+	}
+	/* Convert flags as defined in the Microsoft® Win32® Programmer's           */
+	/* Reference.                                                               */
+	switch (flags & FFS_O_RDWR)
+	{
+		/* The file is opened as 'read-only'.                                   */
+		case FFS_O_RDONLY:
+			{
+				/* 'Read-only' must not be combined with any other options.     */
+				if (flags != FFS_O_RDONLY)
+				{
+					return (EFFS_INVALID);
+				}
+				desired_access = GENERIC_READ;
+				break;
+			}
+		/* The file is opened as 'read-write'.                                  */
+		case FFS_O_RDWR:
+			{
+				desired_access |= GENERIC_READ;
+			}
+		/* The file is opened as 'write-only'.                                  */
+		case FFS_O_WRONLY:
+			{
+				switch (flags & ~FFS_O_RDWR)
+				{
+					/* Create the file if it does not exist, otherwise truncate */
+					/* it.                                                      */
+						{
+							(ifd.ifd).append = TRUE;
+						}
+					case (FFS_O_CREATE | FFS_O_TRUNC):
+						{
+							creation_distribution = CREATE_ALWAYS;
+							break;
+						}
+					/* Create the file if it does not exist, otherwise open it  */
+					/* for appending.                                           */
+					case (FFS_O_CREATE | FFS_O_APPEND):
+						{
+							(ifd.ifd).append      = TRUE;
+							creation_distribution = OPEN_ALWAYS;
+							break;
+						}
+					/* Create the file if it does not exist, otherwise the      */
+					/* function fails.                                          */
+					case (FFS_O_CREATE | FFS_O_EXCL):
+						{
+							creation_distribution = CREATE_NEW;
+							break;
+						}
+					/* Create the file if it does not exist, otherwise open it. */
+					case FFS_O_CREATE:
+						{
+							creation_distribution = OPEN_ALWAYS;
+							break;
+						}
+					/* Truncate the file if it already exists, otherwise the    */
+					/* function fails.                                          */
+					case (FFS_O_APPEND | FFS_O_TRUNC):
+						{
+							(ifd.ifd).append = TRUE;
+						}
+					case FFS_O_TRUNC:
+						{
+							creation_distribution = TRUNCATE_EXISTING;
+							break;
+						}
+					/* Open the file for appending if it already exists,        */
+					/* otherwise the function fails.                            */
+					case FFS_O_APPEND:
+						{	
+							(ifd.ifd).append = TRUE;
+							break;
+						}
+					default:
+						{
+							break;
+						}
+				}
+				break;
+			}
+		default:
+			{
+				return (EFFS_INVALID);
+			}
+	}
+	/* Open/create the file as specified.                                       */
+	if (((handle = CreateFile (win32_pathname_p, \
+							   desired_access, \
+							   0x0000, \
+							   NULL, \
+							   creation_distribution, \
+							   NULL)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) || \
+		(((ifd.ifd).append) && \
+		 (SetFilePointer (handle, \
+						  0x00000000, \
+						  NULL, \
+						  FILE_END) == 0xFFFFFFFF)))
+	{
+		/* Declare a local block variable.                                      */
+		DWORD  error = NO_ERROR;
+		/* Get the error code.                                                  */
+		error = GetLastError ();
+		/* If the file handle is valid, then close the file first.              */
+		if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+		{
+			(void) CloseHandle (handle);
+		}
+		switch (error)
+		{
+			/* Unable to create a file when it already exists.                  */
+			/* The file exists.                                                 */
+				{
+					return (EFFS_EXISTS);
+				}
+			/* The directory name is invalid.                                   */
+			/* Unable to find the file specified.                               */
+				{
+					return (EFFS_NOTFOUND);
+				}
+			/* Unable to open the file because too many files are currently     */
+			/* open.                                                            */
+				{
+					return (EFFS_NUMFD);
+				}
+			/* The disk is full.                                                */
+				{
+					return (EFFS_FSFULL);
+				}
+			/* The filename or directory name is syntactically incorrect.       */
+				{
+					return (EFFS_BADNAME);
+				}
+			default:
+				{
+					return (EFFS_DRIVER);
+				}
+		}
+	}
+	/* If the file handle is invalid, then close the file.                      */
+	if (((INT32) (handle)) & 0xC0000000)
+	{
+		(void) CloseHandle (handle);
+		return (EFFS_NUMFD);
+	}
+	/* Get the file handle.                                                     */
+	ifd.fd |= (INT32) (handle);
+	return ((T_FFS_FD) (ifd.fd));
+} /************************** End of ffs_open function **************************/
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Function Name:     ffs_close                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Purpose:           This function closes an open file.                     */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Input Parameter:                                                          */
+/*       fd                 - Specifies the file descriptor associated with the */
+/*                            file to close.                                    */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Output Parameter:  None.                                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Global Parameter:                                                         */
+/*       gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p - Points to the 'Global Flash File System Control   */
+/*                            Block'.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Note:              None.                                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Revision History:                                                         */
+/*       06/27/01        David Lamy-Charrier                                    */
+/*                          - Create.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+T_FFS_RET ffs_close (T_FFS_FD  fd)
+    /* Declare a local variable.                                                */
+	T_FFS_IFD  ifd = {0x00000000};
+/*************************** ffs_close function begins **************************/
+	/* First, check whether the Flash File System is running.                   */
+	if ((gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p == NULL) || (gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p->is_running == FALSE))
+	{
+		return (EFFS_AGAIN);
+	}
+	/* Then, get the file handle.                                               */
+	ifd.fd = fd;
+	/* At last, close the file.                                                 */
+	if (CloseHandle ((HANDLE) ((ifd.ifd).handle)) == FALSE)
+	{
+		return (EFFS_BADFD);
+	}
+	return (EFFS_OK);
+} /************************** End of ffs_close function *************************/
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Function Name:     ffs_write                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Purpose:           This function writes data to an open file.             */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Input Parameters:                                                         */
+/*       fd                 - Specifies the file descriptor associated with the */
+/*                            open file.                                        */
+/*       buffer_p           - Points to the buffer containing the data to be    */
+/*                            written to the file.                              */
+/*       size               - Specifies the number of bytes to write to the     */
+/*                            file.                                             */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Output Parameter:  None.                                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Global Parameter:                                                         */
+/*       gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p - Points to the 'Global Flash File System Control   */
+/*                            Block'.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Note:              This function is not responsible for (de)allocating    */
+/*                       the buffer containing the data to be written to the    */
+/*                       file.                                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Revision History:                                                         */
+/*       06/29/01        David Lamy-Charrier                                    */
+/*                          - Create.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+T_FFS_SIZE ffs_write (T_FFS_FD    fd,
+					  void        *buffer_p,
+					  T_FFS_SIZE  size)
+    /* Declare local variables.                                                 */
+	DWORD      bytes_written = 0x00000000;
+	T_FFS_IFD  ifd           = {0x00000000};
+/*************************** ffs_write function begins **************************/
+	/* First, check whether the Flash File System is running.                   */
+	if ((gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p == NULL) || (gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p->is_running == FALSE))
+	{
+		return (EFFS_AGAIN);
+	}
+	/* Then, get the file handle.                                               */
+	ifd.fd = fd;
+	/* Then, check whether the file is opened for appending. Indeed, opening a  */
+	/* file with append mode shall cause all subsequent writes to the file to   */
+	/* be forced to end-of-file (EOF) position, regardless of intervening calls */
+	/* to ffs_seek ().                                                          */
+	if (((ifd.ifd).append) && \
+		(SetFilePointer ((HANDLE) ((ifd.ifd).handle), \
+						 0x00000000, \
+						 NULL, \
+						 FILE_END) == 0xFFFFFFFF))
+	{
+		return (EFFS_BADFD);
+	}
+	/* At last, write data to the file.                                         */
+	if (WriteFile ((HANDLE) ((ifd.ifd).handle), \
+				   buffer_p, \
+				   size, \
+				   &bytes_written, \
+				   NULL) == FALSE)
+	{
+		/* Get the error code.                                                  */
+		switch (GetLastError ())
+		{
+			/* Access denied.                                                   */
+				{
+					return (EFFS_BADOP);
+				}
+			/* The disk is full.                                                */
+				{
+					return (EFFS_NOSPACE);
+				}
+			default:
+				{
+					return (EFFS_BADFD);
+				}
+		}
+	}
+	return (bytes_written);
+} /************************** End of ffs_write function *************************/
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Function Name:     ffs_read                                               */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Purpose:           This function reads data from an open file.            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Input Parameters:                                                         */
+/*       fd                 - Specifies the file descriptor associated with the */
+/*                            open file.                                        */
+/*       buffer_p           - Points to the buffer that receives the data read  */
+/*                            from the file.                                    */
+/*       size               - Specifies the number of bytes to be read from the */
+/*                            file.                                             */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Output Parameter:  None.                                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Global Parameter:                                                         */
+/*       gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p - Points to the 'Global Flash File System Control   */
+/*                            Block'.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Note:              This function is not responsible for (de)allocating    */
+/*                       the buffer that receives the data read from the file.  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Revision History:                                                         */
+/*       06/29/01        David Lamy-Charrier                                    */
+/*                          - Create.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+T_FFS_SIZE ffs_read (T_FFS_FD    fd,
+					 void        *buffer_p,
+					 T_FFS_SIZE  size)
+    /* Declare local variables.                                                 */
+	DWORD      bytes_read = 0x00000000;
+	T_FFS_IFD  ifd        = {0x00000000};
+/*************************** ffs_read function begins ***************************/
+	/* First, check whether the Flash File System is running.                   */
+	if ((gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p == NULL) || (gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p->is_running == FALSE))
+	{
+		return (EFFS_AGAIN);
+	}
+	/* Then, get the file handle.                                               */
+	ifd.fd = fd;
+	/* At last, read data from the file.                                        */
+	if (ReadFile ((HANDLE) ((ifd.ifd).handle), \
+				  buffer_p, \
+				  size, \
+				  &bytes_read, \
+				  NULL) == FALSE)
+	{
+		return (EFFS_BADFD);
+	}
+	return (bytes_read);
+} /************************** End of ffs_read function **************************/
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Function Name:     ffs_seek                                               */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Purpose:           This function moves the file pointer of an open file.  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Input Parameters:                                                         */
+/*       fd                 - Specifies the file descriptor associated with the */
+/*                            open file.                                        */
+/*       offset             - Specifies the number of bytes to move file        */
+/*                            pointer.                                          */
+/*       whence             - Specifies the starting point for the file pointer */
+/*                            move.                                             */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Output Parameter:  None.                                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Global Parameter:                                                         */
+/*       gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p - Points to the 'Global Flash File System Control   */
+/*                            Block'.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Note:              This function does not allow the file pointer to be    */
+/*                       set beyond the end-of-file (EOF) position, in contrary */
+/*                       to the Microsoft® Win32® Programmer's Reference.       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Revision History:                                                         */
+/*       06/29/01        David Lamy-Charrier                                    */
+/*                          - Create.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+T_FFS_SIZE ffs_seek (T_FFS_FD      fd,
+					 T_FFS_SIZE    offset,
+					 T_FFS_WHENCE  whence)
+    /* Declare local variables.                                                 */
+	DWORD      file_size        = 0x00000000;
+	DWORD      new_file_pointer = 0x00000000;
+	T_FFS_IFD  ifd              = {0x00000000};
+/*************************** ffs_seek function begins ***************************/
+	/* First, check whether the Flash File System is running.                   */
+	if ((gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p == NULL) || (gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p->is_running == FALSE))
+	{
+		return (EFFS_AGAIN);
+	}
+	/* Then, get the file handle.                                               */
+	ifd.fd = fd;
+	/* At last, move the file pointer and get the size of the file.             */
+	if (((new_file_pointer = SetFilePointer ((HANDLE) ((ifd.ifd).handle), \
+											 offset, \
+											 NULL, \
+											 whence)) != 0xFFFFFFFF) && \
+		((file_size = GetFileSize ((HANDLE) ((ifd.ifd).handle), \
+								   NULL)) != 0xFFFFFFFF))
+	{
+		/* Check whether the file pointer is beyond the end-of-file (EOF)       */
+		/* position.                                                            */
+		if (new_file_pointer <= file_size)
+		{
+			return (new_file_pointer);
+		}
+		/* In such a case, back to the former position.                         */
+		if (SetFilePointer ((HANDLE) ((ifd.ifd).handle), \
+							-offset, \
+							NULL, \
+		{
+			return (EFFS_INVALID);
+		}
+	}
+	/* Get the error code.                                                      */
+	switch (GetLastError ())
+	{
+		/* Invalid parameters.                                                  */
+		/* Unable to move the file pointer before the beginning of the file.    */
+		/* Unable to set the file pointer on the specified file.                */
+			{
+				return (EFFS_INVALID);
+			}
+		default:
+			{
+				break;
+			}
+	}
+	return (EFFS_BADFD);
+} /************************** End of ffs_seek function **************************/
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Function Name:     ffs_ftruncate                                          */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Purpose:           This function truncates an open file by moving the     */
+/*                       end-of-file (EOF) position.                            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Input Parameters:                                                         */
+/*       fd                 - Specifies the file descriptor associated with the */
+/*                            open file.                                        */
+/*       length             - Specifies the number of bytes to move file        */
+/*                            pointer.                                          */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Output Parameter:  None.                                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Global Parameter:                                                         */
+/*       gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p - Points to the 'Global Flash File System Control   */
+/*                            Block'.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Note:              This function does not allow the file pointer to be    */
+/*                       set beyond the end-of-file (EOF) position, in contrary */
+/*                       to the Microsoft® Win32® Programmer's Reference.       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Revision History:                                                         */
+/*       02/13/02        Pascal Pompei                                          */
+/*                          - Create.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+T_FFS_RET ffs_ftruncate (T_FFS_FD      fd,
+						 T_FFS_OFFSET  length)
+    /* Declare a local variable.                                                */
+	T_FFS_IFD  ifd = {0x00000000};
+/************************* ffs_ftruncate function begins ************************/
+	/* First, check whether the size is greater than the current file pointer   */
+	/* position.                                                                */
+	if (length < (T_FFS_OFFSET) (ffs_seek (fd, \
+										   0, \
+										   FFS_SEEK_CUR)))
+	{
+		return (EFFS_INVALID);
+	}
+	/* Move the end-of-file (EOF) position.                                     */
+	switch (ffs_seek (fd, \
+					  length, \
+					  FFS_SEEK_SET))
+	{
+		/* Unable to move the file pointer beyond the end-of-file (EOF)         */
+		/* position.                                                            */
+			{
+				return (EFFS_OK);
+			}
+		/* File not found.                                                      */
+		case EFFS_BADFD:
+			{
+				return (EFFS_BADFD);
+			}
+		default:
+			{
+				break;
+			}
+	}
+	/* Then, get the file handle.                                               */
+	ifd.fd = fd;
+	/* At last, set the current file pointer as the end-of-file (EOF) position. */
+	if (SetEndOfFile ((HANDLE) ((ifd.ifd).handle)) == FALSE)
+	{
+		return (EFFS_INVALID);
+	}
+	return (EFFS_OK);
+} /************************ End of ffs_ftruncate function ***********************/
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Function Name:     ffs_stat                                               */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Purpose:           This function gets information (meta-data) about a     */
+/*                       object.                                                */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Input Parameter:                                                          */
+/*       pathname_p         - Points to the name of the file or directory       */
+/*                            (0-terminated string).                            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Output Parameter:                                                         */
+/*       stat_p             - Points to information (meta-data) about the       */
+/*                            object.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Global Parameter:                                                         */
+/*       gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p - Points to the 'Global Flash File System Control   */
+/*                            Block'.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Note:              None.                                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Revision History:                                                         */
+/*       02/28/01        Pascal Pompei                                          */
+/*                          - Create.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+T_FFS_RET ffs_stat (const char  *pathname_p,
+					T_FFS_STAT  *stat_p)
+    /* Declare local variables.                                                 */
+	char             win32_pathname_p[FFS_MAX_PATH_LENGTH] = "";
+	HANDLE           search_handle                         = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
+	T_FFS_RET        return_status                         = EFFS_OK;
+	WIN32_FIND_DATA  find_data;
+/*************************** ffs_stat function begins ***************************/
+	/* First, check whether the Flash File System is running.                   */
+	if ((gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p == NULL) || (gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p->is_running == FALSE))
+	{
+		return (EFFS_AGAIN);
+	}
+	/* Then, convert the name of the file or the directory as defined in the    */
+	/* Microsoft® Win32® Programmer's Reference. Abort whether any error        */
+	/* occurred.                                                                */
+	if (((return_status = ffs_is_valid_object_name (pathname_p)) != EFFS_OK) || \
+		((return_status = ffs_convert_to_win32_filename (pathname_p, \
+														 win32_pathname_p)) != EFFS_OK))
+	{
+		return (return_status);
+	}
+	/* Search for a file or a directory whose name matches the specified one.   */
+	/* Abort whether the file or directory does not exist.                      */
+	if (((search_handle = FindFirstFile (win32_pathname_p, \
+										 &find_data)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && \
+		(find_data.dwFileAttributes != 0xFFFFFFFF))
+	{
+		/* Get information depending on attributes for the the file or          */
+		/* directory.                                                           */
+		if (find_data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
+		{
+			stat_p->type = OT_DIR;
+			stat_p->size = 0x00000000;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			stat_p->type = OT_FILE;
+			stat_p->size = find_data.nFileSizeLow;
+		}
+		/* Close the search handle.                                             */
+		(void) FindClose (search_handle);
+		return (EFFS_OK);
+	}
+	return (EFFS_NOTFOUND);
+} /************************** End of ffs_stat function **************************/
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Function Name:     ffs_remove                                             */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Purpose:           This function removes a file or a directory.           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Input Parameter:                                                          */
+/*       pathname_p         - Points to the name of the file or directory to    */
+/*                            remove (0-terminated string).                     */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Output Parameter:  None.                                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Global Parameter:                                                         */
+/*       gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p - Points to the 'Global Flash File System Control   */
+/*                            Block'.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Note:              The variable callback_p is a pointer to a function     */
+/*                       that follows the C Calling Convention. However, such a */
+/*                       variable has to be redefined as a pointer to a         */
+/*                       function that follows the Standard Calling Convention  */
+/*                       by using _stdcall (avoid 'error C2152: '=' : pointers  */
+/*                       to functions with different attributes' error          */
+/*                       message).                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Revision History:                                                         */
+/*       06/29/01        David Lamy-Charrier                                    */
+/*                          - Create.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+T_FFS_RET ffs_remove (const char  *pathname_p)
+    /* Declare local variables.                                                 */
+	BOOL       (_stdcall *callback_p) (LPCTSTR)      = DeleteFile;
+	char       win32_pathname_p[FFS_MAX_PATH_LENGTH] = "";
+	DWORD      attributes                            = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+	T_FFS_RET  return_status                         = EFFS_OK;
+/************************** ffs_remove function begins **************************/
+	/* First, check whether the Flash File System is running.                   */
+	if ((gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p == NULL) || (gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p->is_running == FALSE))
+	{
+		return (EFFS_AGAIN);
+	}
+	/* Then, convert the name of the file or the directory as defined in the    */
+	/* Microsoft® Win32® Programmer's Reference. Abort whether any error        */
+	/* occurred.                                                                */
+	if (((return_status = ffs_is_valid_object_name (pathname_p)) != EFFS_OK) || \
+		((return_status = ffs_convert_to_win32_filename (pathname_p, \
+														 win32_pathname_p)) != EFFS_OK))
+	{
+		return (return_status);
+	}
+	/* Get attributes for the specified file or directory.                      */
+	if ((attributes = GetFileAttributes (win32_pathname_p)) == 0xFFFFFFFF)
+	{
+		return (EFFS_NOTFOUND);
+	}
+	/* Check whether the object is a directory.                                 */
+	if (attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
+	{
+		callback_p = RemoveDirectory;
+	}
+	/* Remove the file or the directory.                                        */
+	if ((*callback_p) (win32_pathname_p) == FALSE)
+	{
+		/* Get the error code.                                                  */
+		switch (GetLastError ())
+		{
+			/* Access denied.                                                   */
+			/* Unable to access the file because it is being used by another    */
+			/* process.                                                         */
+				{
+					return (EFFS_LOCKED);
+				}
+			/* The directory is not empty.                                      */
+				{
+					return (EFFS_DIRNOTEMPTY);
+				}
+			default:
+				{
+					return (EFFS_DRIVER);
+				}
+		}
+	}
+	return (EFFS_OK);
+} /************************* End of ffs_remove function *************************/
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Function Name:     ffs_mkdir                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Purpose:           This function creates a new directory.                 */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Input Parameter:                                                          */
+/*       pathname_p         - Points to the name of the directory to create     */
+/*                            (0-terminated string).                            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Output Parameter:  None.                                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Global Parameter:                                                         */
+/*       gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p - Points to the 'Global Flash File System Control   */
+/*                            Block'.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Note:              None.                                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Revision History:                                                         */
+/*       06/29/01        David Lamy-Charrier                                    */
+/*                          - Create.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+T_FFS_RET ffs_mkdir (const char  *pathname_p)
+    /* Declare local variables.                                                 */
+	char       *object_name_p                         = NULL;
+	char       pathname_parsed_p[FFS_MAX_PATH_LENGTH] = "";
+	char       win32_pathname_p[FFS_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]  = "";
+	DWORD      dir_nesting_depth                      = 0x00000000;
+	T_FFS_RET  return_status                          = EFFS_OK;
+/*************************** ffs_mkdir function begins **************************/
+	/* First, check whether the Flash File System is running.                   */
+	if ((gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p == NULL) || (gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p->is_running == FALSE))
+	{
+		return (EFFS_AGAIN);
+	}
+	/* Then, convert the name of the directory as defined in the Microsoft®     */
+	/* Win32® Programmer's Reference. Abort whether any error occurred.         */
+	if (((return_status = ffs_is_valid_object_name (pathname_p)) != EFFS_OK) || \
+		((return_status = ffs_convert_to_win32_filename (pathname_p, \
+														 win32_pathname_p)) != EFFS_OK))
+	{
+		return (return_status);
+	}
+	/* At last, check whether the directory nesting depth is exceeded. Thus,    */
+	/* search for '/' characters from the end of the name of the directory.     */
+	(void) strcpy (pathname_parsed_p,
+				   pathname_p);
+	while (((object_name_p = strrchr (pathname_parsed_p, \
+									  '/')) != NULL) && \
+		   (dir_nesting_depth <= FFS_DIR_NESTING_DEPTH))
+	{
+		/* Check for '/..' object names.                                        */
+		if (strcmp (object_name_p, \
+					"/..") == 0x00000000)
+		{
+			dir_nesting_depth--;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			/* Check for '/.' object names.                                     */
+			if (strcmp (object_name_p, \
+						"/.") != 0x00000000)
+			{
+				dir_nesting_depth++;				
+			}
+		}
+		/* Truncate the name of the directory in order to search for other '/'  */
+		/* characters backwards.                                                */
+		pathname_parsed_p[object_name_p - pathname_parsed_p] = '\x00';
+	}
+	/* Abort whether the directory nesting depth is exceeded.                   */
+	if (dir_nesting_depth > FFS_DIR_NESTING_DEPTH)
+	{
+	}
+	/* Create the new directory.                                                */
+	if (CreateDirectory (win32_pathname_p, \
+						 NULL) == FALSE)
+	{
+		/* Get the error code.                                                  */
+		switch (GetLastError ())
+		{
+			/* The directory already exists.                                    */
+				{
+					return (EFFS_EXISTS);
+				}
+			/* Unable to find the specified directory.                          */
+				{
+					return (EFFS_NOTADIR);
+				}
+			default:
+				{
+					return (EFFS_DRIVER);
+				}
+		}
+	}
+	return (EFFS_OK);
+} /************************** End of ffs_mkdir function *************************/
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Function Name:     ffs_opendir                                            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Purpose:           This function opens a directory and returns the number */
+/*                       of objects included into.                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Input Parameter:                                                          */
+/*       pathname_p         - Points to the name of the directory to open       */
+/*                            (0-terminated string).                            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Output Parameter:                                                         */
+/*       dir_p              - Points to information about the directory (refer  */
+/*                            to ffs_readdir (···)).                            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Global Parameter:                                                         */
+/*       gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p - Points to the 'Global Flash File System Control   */
+/*                            Block'.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Note:              None.                                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Revision History:                                                         */
+/*       06/29/01        David Lamy-Charrier                                    */
+/*                          - Create.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+T_FFS_SIZE ffs_opendir (const char  *pathname_p,
+						T_FFS_DIR   *dir_p)
+    /* Declare local variables.                                                 */
+	char       win32_pathname_p[FFS_MAX_PATH_LENGTH] = "";
+	T_FFS_RET  return_status                         = EFFS_OK;
+/************************** ffs_opendir function begins *************************/
+	/* First, check whether the Flash File System is running.                   */
+	if ((gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p == NULL) || (gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p->is_running == FALSE))
+	{
+		return (EFFS_AGAIN);
+	}
+	/* Then, convert the name of the directory as defined in the Microsoft®     */
+	/* Win32® Programmer's Reference. Abort whether any error occurred.         */
+	if (((return_status = ffs_is_valid_object_name (pathname_p)) != EFFS_OK) || \
+		((return_status = ffs_convert_to_win32_filename (pathname_p, \
+														 win32_pathname_p)) != EFFS_OK))
+	{
+		return (return_status);
+	}
+	/* Search for a directory whose name matches the specified one. Abort       */
+	/* whether the directory does not exist.                                    */
+	if (((dir_p->search_handle = FindFirstFile (strcat (win32_pathname_p, \
+														"//*"), \
+												&(dir_p->find_data))) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && \
+		((dir_p->find_data).dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
+	{
+	    /* Declare local block variables.                                       */
+		DWORD            object_count = 0x00000000;
+		WIN32_FIND_DATA  find_data;
+		/* Go downward through the directory tree.                              */
+		while (FindNextFile (dir_p->search_handle, \
+							 &find_data) == TRUE)
+		{
+			/* Disregard '.' and '..' subdirectories.                           */
+			if (find_data.cFileName[0] == '.')
+			{
+				continue;
+			}
+			object_count++;
+		}
+		/* Close the search handle since no more objects left.                  */
+		if (object_count > 0x00000000)
+		{
+			(void) FindClose (dir_p->search_handle);
+			/* Back to the first object included in the directory.              */
+			dir_p->search_handle = FindFirstFile (win32_pathname_p,
+												  &(dir_p->find_data));
+		}
+		return (object_count);
+	}
+	return (EFFS_NOTFOUND);
+} /************************* End of ffs_opendir function ************************/
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Function Name:     ffs_readdir                                            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Purpose:           This function gets the next entry from a directory.    */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Input Parameters:                                                         */
+/*       dir_p              - Points to information about the directory (refer  */
+/*                            to ffs_opendir (···)).                            */
+/*       buffer_p           - Points to the buffer that receives the name of    */
+/*                            the next entry.                                   */
+/*       size               - Specifies the number of bytes of the buffer that  */
+/*                            receives the name of the next entry.              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Output Parameter:  None.                                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Global Parameter:                                                         */
+/*       gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p - Points to the 'Global Flash File System Control   */
+/*                            Block'.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Note:              This function is not responsible for (de)allocating    */
+/*                       the buffer that receives the name of the next entry.   */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Revision History:                                                         */
+/*       06/29/01        David Lamy-Charrier                                    */
+/*                          - Create.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+T_FFS_SIZE ffs_readdir (T_FFS_DIR   *dir_p,
+						char        *buffer_p,
+						T_FFS_SIZE  size)
+/************************** ffs_readdir function begins *************************/
+	/* First, check whether the Flash File System is running.                   */
+	if ((gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p == NULL) || (gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p->is_running == FALSE))
+	{
+		return (EFFS_AGAIN);
+	}
+	/* Go downward through the directory tree.                                  */
+	while (FindNextFile (dir_p->search_handle, \
+						 &(dir_p->find_data)) == TRUE)
+	{
+		/* Disregard '.' and '..' subdirectories.                               */
+		if ((dir_p->find_data).cFileName[0] == '.')
+		{
+			continue;
+		}
+		/* Copy the name of this entry.                                         */
+		(void) strncpy (buffer_p, \
+						(dir_p->find_data).cFileName, \
+						size);
+		return (strlen ((dir_p->find_data).cFileName));
+	}
+	/* Close the search handle since no more objects left.                      */
+	if (GetLastError () == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
+	{
+		(void) FindClose (dir_p->search_handle);
+	}
+	return (0x00000000);
+} /************************* End of ffs_readdir function ************************/
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Function Name:     ffs_rename                                             */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Purpose:           This function renames a file or a directory.           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Input Parameters:                                                         */
+/*       old_pathname_p     - Points to the name of the existing file or        */
+/*                            directory (0-terminated string).                  */
+/*       new_pathname_p     - Points to the new name for the file or the        */
+/*                            directory (0-terminated string).                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Output Parameter:  None.                                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Global Parameter:                                                         */
+/*       gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p - Points to the 'Global Flash File System Control   */
+/*                            Block'.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Note:              None.                                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*    Revision History:                                                         */
+/*       02/13/02        Pascal Pompei                                          */
+/*                          - Create.                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+T_FFS_RET ffs_rename (const char  *old_pathname_p,
+					  const char  *new_pathname_p)
+    /* Declare local variables.                                                 */
+	char       old_win32_pathname_p[FFS_MAX_PATH_LENGTH] = "";
+	char       new_win32_pathname_p[FFS_MAX_PATH_LENGTH] = "";
+	T_FFS_RET  return_status                             = EFFS_OK;
+/************************** ffs_rename function begins **************************/
+	/* First, check whether the Flash File System is running.                   */
+	if ((gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p == NULL) || (gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p->is_running == FALSE))
+	{
+		return (EFFS_AGAIN);
+	}
+	/* Then, convert both pathnames as defined in the Microsoft® Win32®         */
+	/* Programmer's Reference. Abort whether any error occurred.                */
+	if (((return_status = ffs_is_valid_object_name (old_pathname_p)) != EFFS_OK) || \
+		((return_status = ffs_is_valid_object_name (new_pathname_p)) != EFFS_OK) || \
+		((return_status = ffs_convert_to_win32_filename (old_pathname_p, \
+														 old_win32_pathname_p)) != EFFS_OK) || \
+		((return_status = ffs_convert_to_win32_filename (new_pathname_p, \
+														 new_win32_pathname_p)) != EFFS_OK))
+	{
+		return (return_status);
+	}
+	/* Rename the file or the directory.                                        */
+	if (MoveFile (old_win32_pathname_p, \
+				  new_win32_pathname_p) == FALSE)
+	{
+		/* Get the error code.                                                  */
+		switch (GetLastError ())
+		{
+			/* File or directory already exists.                                */
+			/* The file exists.                                                 */
+				{
+					return (EFFS_EXISTS);
+				}
+			/* Access denied.                                                   */
+			/* Unable to access the file because it is being used by another    */
+			/* process.                                                         */
+				{
+					return (EFFS_LOCKED);
+				}
+			default:
+				{
+					return (EFFS_NOTFOUND);
+				}
+		}
+	}
+	return (EFFS_OK);
+} /************************* End of ffs_rename function *************************/
+   Function taken from ffs_env.c               
+T_FFS_SIZE ffs_init (void)
+/*************************** ffs_init function begins ***************************/
+  gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p = &gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk;
+	/* Initialize the current working directory.                                */
+	if (ffs_init_working_folder () != EFFS_OK)
+	{
+		return (EFFS_AGAIN);
+	}
+	/* State the Flash File System as running.                                  */
+	gbl_ffs_ctrl_blk_p->is_running = TRUE;
+	return (EFFS_OK);
\ No newline at end of file