Another message encoding test!

Spacefalcon the Outlaw falcon at ivan.Harhan.ORG
Fri May 1 08:35:55 CEST 2015

david at wrote:

> It's late in the day for me to bring this up,

I got a moment to write this reply while fc-loadtool is flashing yet
another test image into my GTA02 modem. :)

> but mailman is 2nd on my list (after any php), that I would not give server
> space to. Given the taste for simple bespoke software that Michael has, I'm
> surprised mailman was on the wish list.

Ignorance on my part...  I remember the days when Majordomo was the
"norm", but in this day and age it appears that all "respectable" FOSS
projects and communities who have their own servers (as opposed to
using Yahoo groups or the like) run Mailman - hence I naively assumed
that we needed to do the same in order to appear legitimate and


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