FC project direction

Das Signal das.signal at freecalypso.org
Sun May 31 10:56:23 CEST 2015

Hi SF,

>From my point of view the GTA02 is not entirely satisfying: it is hard
to get by, and still has closed-source firmware blobs for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
and GPS. This phone was groundbreaking in 2008 and still holds very well
today, but doesn't fully qualify for the objective of having a completely
free (both software and hardware) phone. In this regard the creation of
a new dumb phone, with a completely open hardware design (based for example
on Leonardo or the modem part of GTA02) running FreeCalypso would be very
close to my ideal. Of course running FreeCalypso on GTA02 is a major
milestone right now, running it on other targets like the C1xx is not out
of the question, but will likely shift later in time since we don't have
a lot of resources (esp. developer time and money) to spare at the moment.


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