FCDEV3B update

Mychaela Falconia mychaela.falconia at gmail.com
Sun Dec 25 07:01:40 UTC 2016

Hello again everyone,

More progress on the FCDEV3B front: John from Golden Gate Graphics
(the Altium PCB layout person whom I hired a few months ago to fix the
defects in the FCDEV3B design left by the anonymous people who donated
the original design labor) has delivered the final version of the PCB
design which passes all of my very strict motherly nitpicks, and this
version is now hopefully ready to go out to fabrication.  You can find
the design files in the official FCDEV3B release directory:


The file named fcdev3b-gerbers-20161223-official.zip is what the file
name says - it is the official release package which I plan on sending
to the PCB fab.  The ggg subdirectory contains the raw bits received
from Golden Gate Graphics; there is a lot of Windows goo in there (my
original notes in plain ASCII have been converted to Word docs - WTF),
as well as Openmoko's fab notes for the GTA02 which are not really
applicable to the FCDEV3B - hence I did my own pruned repackaging to
produce our official release.

Now I just need to do one more step before placing the order for the
PCB fabrication: I need to get this design reviewed and OKed by the
SMT assembly shop I plan on using (I need them to confirm that they'll
be able to populate the parts on the boards made from these gerbers),
and get their recommendation as to the choice of PCB surface finish -
it is an option that needs to be selected at PCB fab time, but it
primarily affects the soldering assembly process, hence it needs to be
coordinated with the assembly shop.

I am going to email my contact at the assembly shop after I make this
list post; hopefully I'll be able to talk to him some time during the
week between Xmas and New Year, but if not, then hopefully the first
week of January.  Then it will be PCB fab time!

Hasta la Victoria, Siempre,
Mychaela aka The Mother

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