Creating GSM Users Association (GSMUA)

Serg l serg at
Sat Jun 10 04:43:59 UTC 2017

I took a really quick look into the files and found a whole bunch of .lib
and .o files. This seems to be similar to those OEM packages provided by
MTK, it exposes control interfaces and customization tools, but the
essential part is pre-compiled in form of libraries and object files, which
are combined in the correct order based on the SoC variant. IMHO

Based on the articles down the links, qcom firmware "sources" are not very
rare and floating on the Internet, so it would be interesting to see some
more samples.

Still worth to take another look...Some day...

On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 10:18 PM, Mychaela Falconia <
mychaela.falconia at> wrote:

> thayyil09 yil <thayyil at> wrote:
> > michela are you kidding ( dont worrry iam a kid at twentees)
> Kidding about what?
> > calypso bb starts from leaked Docs ( if not sorry )
> I don't know what you mean by "calypso bb", but OsmocomBB started from
> not only leaked docs, but also leaked *source code* for TI's original
> firmware for the chipset in question.  Even though OsmocomBB people
> have chosen (for license worship reasons) not to make any direct reuse
> of TI's original code beyond a couple of L1 header files, they have
> extensively studied those TI firmware source leaks in order to gain
> the knowledge of how to operate the Calypso hardware and how to
> command the Calypso's DSP ROM to perform the functions it needs to
> perform for GSM functionality.  See here for more juicy details
> regarding those two OsmocomBB L1 header files I just mentioned:
> > so why qcom code leak is ugly
> Where did I say that it is ugly?  I have not yet had a chance to look
> at that QC code you keep talking about - I only downloaded it earlier
> today and don't have time currently to look at it in any depth, thus I
> am not qualified to judge whether it is ugly or beautiful or somewhere
> in between.
> > osmocom is for open softwear  not for any specific hardware
> I am not a member of Osmocom, instead I lead my own project
> (FreeCalypso) in the same general space, hence the arguments regarding
> what Osmocom is or is not have no direct applicability to me or to my
> non-Osmocom project.
> > keeping updated with mainstream hardware is the way
> There is no such thing as "the way"; it may be YOUR way, but it is not
> *my* way.
> > its happy to know your the mother of freecalypso.
> > in softwear world you maybe first mom :)
> Well, some of us (me included) subscribe to the view that our poor
> planet is *way* overpopulated, hence engaging in biological procreation
> (imposing more living and resource-consuming humans on the poor planet)
> is akin to a crime.  As a result, those of us with maternal instincts
> have to find a different outlet for those instincts, such as becoming
> the mother of a FLOSS project. :)
> Also leaders of FLOSS projects commonly take on titles such as
> principal developer, maintainer or even BDFL - but I prefer Mother. :)
> > and i here for osmocom on qcom  ==
> I assume you are talking about the QC source leak described on this page:
> (yes, I can read Russian just fine, it's one of my native languages)
> When you first posted about it back in April, I went to that page and
> the mirror it talks about was down - appeared
> to have been taken down.  But when I tried it again earlier today
> while in the process of composing this response to you, it worked, so
> I was finally able to download this QC source you've been talking
> about.
> However, even if this leak is 100% real source and not a semi-src (the
> Russian hacker says he was able to make a complete build from this
> source, but it doesn't mean that everything is really rebuilt from
> source - there could be major important pieces that are in the form of
> linkable binary objects, and it would take a lot of work to analyze
> the source to see which is the case), I have my doubts that this
> MSM8x26 platform would make a good replacement for FreeCalypso.  I see
> the following (potential) problems:
> * According to the marketing info that I could easily find for this
>   chip(set), it seems to be CDMA/3GPP2-oriented, which is not what I
>   am interested in.  That marketing info seems to imply that the chip
>   supports UMTS/WCDMA too, but says nothing about GSM support.  I
>   principally refuse to use any chip, chipset or device that does not
>   support GSM, i.e., I am potentially interested in having support for
>   UMTS/WCDMA and maybe even LTE *in addition* to GSM/2G, but never
>   instead of.  Furthermore, one of my absolute requirements is to be
>   able to invert the preference order for network search, i.e., have
>   the modem always preferentially choose GSM/2G networks if such
>   service is available, fall back to 3G/UMTS only if no GSM is
>   available, and use LTE (or more properly VoLTE only, *without* LTE
>   Internet service) only as the last resort when neither 2G nor 3G is
>   available.
> * This MSM8x26 chip(set) has a ton of extra hardware for making those
>   smartphones which I detest: 4 CPU cores, a powerful GPU and gawd
>   knows what other crap.  I desire a phone that can only make plain
>   old phone calls and absolutely positively nothing else, based on a
>   processor that has just enough horsepower to make those plain old
>   phone calls and not one iota more, thus having all that extra
>   application processor power would be a problem for me.
> * Where are the chip datasheets and reference board schematics and so
>   forth that would be needed in order to make our own board with the
>   chip(set) you are advocating for?  Being able to build my own
>   hardware starting from just chips is an absolute requirement for me,
>   as I am NOT willing to use an Android slab phone, even it has a
>   liberated baseband - I want a phone in my own personally preferred
>   form factor (a "dumbphone" *without* Android), hence I need to be
>   able to build my own hw in order to package it in the FF I desire.
> Overall, it is pretty clear to me that we are on different paths with
> very different interests and goals.
> M~
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