FCDEV3B status update

Mychaela Falconia mychaela.falconia at gmail.com
Mon Oct 9 15:21:06 UTC 2017

Hi DS!

> Is it possible that the OpenMoko PCB design files, or Leonardo schematics
> for the modem board you based FCDEV3B on were not the very latest? I'm
> thinking that perhaps OpenMoko or TI's Leonardo had a hardware defect and
> a more recent version of the design were to fix this problem.

It is indeed true that the PCB design files we got from OM are for
GTA02-MB-A6, whereas their last revision was A7.  However, I have two
bare (sans-case) GTA02 MBs which I got as scrap from GDC, and they are
revision A6.  I have successfully powered one of them from my bench
supply with alligator clips on the battery contacts, got the Calypso
powered up from U-Boot and got the modem to bring up the SIM interface
with AT+CFUN=1.  The sleep mode bug does not occur, hence the rev A6
GTA02 MB design on which our FCDEV3B is based is free from the defect.


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