FreeCalypso on Mot C139 back on the agenda

Mychaela Falconia mychaela.falconia at
Mon May 11 01:12:45 UTC 2020

Hi David,

> For me there is an elephant in this room.
> [...]
> the end result is still a spy in the user's pocket.

I fundamentally disagree.  Please explain how a GSM phone whose
operation is controlled 100% by you is a spy in your pocket.  The only
thing that outsiders can determine is your location when your phone is
transmitting, based on the laws of physics - but when the phone
firmware is controlled by you (or even with proprietary phones that
are old enough to have no FOTA backdoors), there is absolutely no way
for any outside attacker to surreptitiously turn on your microphone or
anything along those lines.

> Under current conditions I no longer carry any sort of phone with me
> when I leave the house

When you leave your house?  How are you able to do that in the first
place, and how often?  I mean, I can *physically* leave my apartment
because thankfully we don't have police cordons in the streets yet to
enforce those tyrannical stay-at-home orders, but where would I go
when absolutely all interesting places are closed?

Because I expect this lockdown to continue for longer than the very
little remaining lifespan I have left, I suppose that from a purely
practical standpoint, I don't really need a cellphone either - when
GSM/2G gets shut down in USA, I will just have to use my plain old
land line phone which I thankfully still have.  Obviously a land line
phone only works when I am at home, but where else can I be under
these current conditions?  My day job converted to 100% work-from-home
like everyone else under govt orders, and not being reachable by phone
during that once every couple of days 30 min trip to the grocery store
isn't a very big deal.

But I still use my GSM phone every day just to make a point: my
significant other and I talk on our phones every day to coordinate our
comings and goings (mostly her comings and goings between my place and
her other place), my S.O.'s phone is also GSM/2G, and unlike me she
has a big extended family, so she gets a lot of calls and texts - so
between the two of us we do generate a fair amount of traffic on the
local 2G network, which to me is the whole point.

In any case, my core values in life are as follows:

1) To *not* use any 3G or newer cellular phone under any circumstances.
If we as a community can ever convince TI (has to be TI, not any other
chip vendor) to release their abandoned 3G solution, then 3G would
become acceptable to me, and I would revise my personal prohibition to
not allowing 4G or newer - but until then, I won't use 3G either.

2) To *not* ever-ever-ever use any kind of Android or iOS smartphone,
not under any circumstances ever, no matter what radio it has, even if
someone were to somehow produce a model with a 2G-only radio.

3) To use a GSM/2G dumbphone as much as possible, and at this point
*any* GSM/2G dumbphone is acceptable: a FreeCalypso phone is still the
dream goal, but even proprietary GSM/2G dumbphones are acceptable as
long as they are old enough to predate the introduction of truly
offensive malfeatures like FOTA - and almost all GSM/2G dumbphones are
old enough to predate that shit.

> I don't have the sort of development skills your project needs

I am not asking you or anyone else to do any development work, and
given the development hardware situation (my inability to provide a
Luna development kit to anyone other than me and Das Signal), it would
not be reasonable for me to ask anyone else to be a developer.

> so I'd only be a tester and very occasional user.

Users are always appreciated, but I am concerned about the "very
occasional" part - what the project really needs is users who would be
willing to use FreeCalypso as their main personal phone and to generate
heavy traffic on their local GSM/2G networks.

In any case, I think I made myself clear enough - *as of right now*,
right this moment, I do have the motivation to produce FreeCalypso Lite
firmware for C139 that will hopefully be practically usable unlike
previous versions, albeit still extremely minimal, using my Luna
development platform to make the code changes in such a way that won't
break the other "big color" version.  But I have no way of predicting
if this motivation will still be there next month, or if it will
dissipate again.  In order to make this venture more of a sure thing,
I would need a much greater level of emotional support than I am
getting so far.

Right now I am waiting till May 13 when I can place the order with my
PCB fab to produce one more piece of hardware (a keypad add-on for my
Luna platform), and then I will need to wait for that PCB to be
delivered - the last one (Luna LCD board) took almost a month from
order to arrival, with the last two weeks spent in shipping from China
to my mailbox in California, shipping which previously took 2-3 days.
While I am waiting for this keypad PCB to arrive, I will try my hand
at fixing a couple of bugs which should be fixable in the current
Magnetite environment on current Luna hardware, using fc-shell to feed
simulated keystrokes to the fw in the absence of a physical keypad.

Hasta la Victoria, Siempre,
Mychaela aka The Mother

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