FreeCalypso on Mot C139 back on the agenda

Das Signal das.signal at
Fri May 29 14:36:30 UTC 2020

Hi David,

> I'm currently using a Pirelli, but - @ Mychaela - I have located my freerunner *and* the unlock cable, co I'm going to put a saved dump from an early C139 (now lost) on the new C139 to get around it being locked to a single provided :-)

Be careful when reflashing the firmware, first of all you want to avoid rewriting
the bootloader unless absolutely necessary to prevent the risk of bricking the device.
Also if you flash the image from another phone you might rewrite the calibration
values, this could less to suboptimal or even non working operation. I'm sure Mychaela
will be able to provide you with useful advice in how to remove your SIM lock in a
completely safe manner.


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