Welcome to GSM Fundamentals class series and discussion list

Mychaela Falconia falcon at freecalypso.org
Fri Nov 10 19:04:26 UTC 2023

Dear students,

Welcome to GSM-Class mailing list!  This mailing list has been set up
to enable easier communication among the class: any message sent to
gsm-class at freecalypso.org goes out to all registered students plus me
as your faculty instructor; only members can post.  Right now we have
a total of 4 registered students, all from different countries around
the world.

As a reminder, our first videoconference class session will be held
tomorrow, November 11 at 18:00 UTC which is also 10:00 USA Pacific
Standard Time.  The videoconference link is:


In this first class session I will be giving an overview of various
components and skill areas that need to come together in order to
operate your own GSM network.  Some of these skill areas will be taught
in this class series, others you may need to acquire independently - but
each student will be given an opportunity to give feedback as to which
areas they are comfortable with vs which areas will need to be taught
more intensively, and I will be tayloring subsequent classes
accordingly.  Depending on how long this overview takes and if we have
time, we may also go into the first technical topic of radio frequency
spectrum, which is absolutely essential for anyone who even thinks
about operating their own GSM cell(s).

Class session duration: I don't have a fixed end time in mind - we'll
play it by ear and see how long everyone can stay on the video call.
I look forward to video-meeting all of you tomorrow!

Mother Mychaela aka Mrs. Falconia

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