3GPP Specification Change Requests

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3GPP Specification Change Request records for: 02.03

CR no. rev cat Release CR written to vers new vers CR title TSG meeting TSG doc TSG status source WG meeting WG doc WG status cover date work item remarks database record created
0000 - - Ph1 3.0.1 - Revision of definitions for Teletex, SMS etc to aligne with WP4 work smg-20 - Approved GSM1 - - - 1988-10-07 - - 1999-08-15
0002 - A Ph1 3.1.0 - SMS - MESSAGE LENGTH smg-25 393/89 Approved GSM1 - - - 1989-12-04 - - 1999-08-15
0003 2 A Ph1 3.1.0 - SMS - MESSAGE LENGTH (ALIGNMENT WITH 03.40-41) smg-25 428/89 Approved GSM1 - - - 1989-12-04 - - 1999-08-15
0004 1 B Ph1 3.2.0 - FACSIMILE GROUP 3 (TELESERVICE 62) smg-25b 44/90r1 Approved GSM - - - 1990-01-24 - - 1999-08-15
0005 1 A Ph1 3.3.0 - AUTOMATIC FACSIMILE GROUP 3 smg-26 60/90 Approved GSM4 - - - 1990-02-16 - - 1999-08-15
0006 1 A Ph1 3.3.0 - FACSIMILE GROUP 3 smg-26 59/90 Approved GSM1 - - - 1990-02-23 - - 1999-08-15
0007 - A Ph1 3.3.0 - ALTERNATE SPEECH/FAX GROUP 3 smg-26 60/90 WITHDRAWN GSM4 - - - 1990-02-16 - NOT NEEDED DUE TO CR 09.07-13 1999-08-15
0010 1 C Ph2 3.4.0 - Emergency calls smg-30 145/91 Rejected GSM1 - - - 1991-02-08 - Rev 0 postponed at GSM29 1999-08-15
0011 - B Ph2 3.4.0 - Short Message Service, Confirmation capabilities smg-32 310/91 Approved GSM1 - - - 1991-09-06 - - 1999-08-15
0012 - B Ph2 3.4.0 4.0.0 Short Message Service - Reply Path smg-32 309/91 Approved GSM1 - - - 1991-09-06 - - 1999-08-15
0013 - C Ph2 4.0.0 - Short Message Service smg-03 282/92 Approved SMG1 - - - 1992-04-10 - - 1999-08-15
0014 - C Ph2 4.0.0 - Removal of services (Videotex & MHS) smg-03 282/92 Approved SMG1 - - - 1992-04-10 - - 1999-08-15
0015 - D Ph2 4.0.0 - Clarifications of tables smg-03 282/92 Approved SMG1 - - - 1992-04-10 - - 1999-08-15
0016 - B Ph2 4.0.0 4.1.0 Teletex smg-03 326/92 Approved PT12 - - - 1992-04-15 - - 1999-08-15
0017 - C Ph2 4.1.0 - Interworking between TS61/62 smg-05 90/93 Approved SMG1 - - - 1992-10-29 - - 1999-08-15
0018 1 C Ph2 4.1.0 4.2.0 TS61/62 smg-05 90/93 Approved SMG1 - - - 1992-10-29 - Dependant on 02.03-17 1999-08-15
0019 - D Ph2 4.2.0 4.2.1 Editorial Changes smg-06 193/93 Approved SMG1 - - - 1993-02-12 - - 1999-08-15
0020 - F Ph2 4.2.3 4.3.0 Changes for SMS DRX mode smg-11 405/94 Approved SMG1 - - - 1994-04-22 - - 1999-08-15
A001 2 1 R96 - 5.0.0 Addition of teleservices VGCS and VBS smg-17 052/96 approved BRT/UIC 4/95 284/95 Agreed 1995-11-08 VBS, VGCS, eMLPP - -
A002 1 B R96 5.0.0 5.1.0 Introduction of a second SMS CB channel smg-19 395/96 Approved DeTeMobil 2/96 132/96 Agreed 1996-03-01 TEI - 1999-08-15
A003 - B R96 5.1.0 5.2.0 Support of 14.4 kbit/s (Radio interface related) smg-21 232/97 approved T1P1 - - - 1997-02-12 14, 4kbit/s - -
A004 - F R96 5.2.0 5.3.0 HSCSD use of multiple TS for Fax & alt speech/fax service smg-22 305/97 approved SMG1 - 98 - 1997-06-05 HSCSD - 1999-08-15
A005 - D R99 7.0.0 8.0.0 Correction of references. smg-30 P-99-647 approved SMG1 S1 #5 S1-99643 Agreed 1999-11-10 - - -

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