3GPP Specification Change Requests

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3GPP Specification Change Request records for: 02.06

CR no. rev cat Release CR written to vers new vers CR title TSG meeting TSG doc TSG status source WG meeting WG doc WG status cover date work item remarks database record created
0001 - C Ph1 3.0.0 - POWER CLASS OF VEHICLE MOBILE STATION smg-24 383/89 Approved UK VODAFONE - - - 1989-10-05 - - 1999-08-15
0002 - C Ph1 3.1.0 - CLASS 5, HANDHELD MOBILE STATION smg-25 427/89 Approved GSM1 - - - 1989-12-04 - - 1999-08-15
0003 - D Ph2 3.2.0 4.0.0 Merging GSM-DCS smg-32 311/91 Approved GSM1 - - - 1991-09-20 - - 1999-08-15
0004 - D Ph2 4.0.0 4.0.1 MS classmarks smg-03 298/92 Approved PT12 - - - 1992-05-22 - - 1999-08-15
0005 - C Ph2 4.0.1 4.1.0 Types of Mobile Stations smg-04 397/92 Approved SMG1 - - - 1992-09-04 - - 1999-08-15
0007 - F Ph2 4.1.0 - MS mode of use and classes smg-08 576/93 Postponed SMG1 - - - 1993-08-28 - - 1999-08-15
0008 - D Ph2 4.1.0 - ETSI editorial ramification smg-08 638/93 Approved PT12 - - - 1993-09-22 - - 1999-08-15
0009 - F Ph2 4.1.0 - Definition of MS power classes smg-08 647/93 Postponed Vodafone - - - 1993-09-23 - - 1999-08-15
0010 - F Ph2 4.1.0 - MS classes and mode of use smg-08 691/93 - SMG - - - 1993-09-30 - - 1999-08-15
A001 - 1 - - - Definition of the multi band mobile terminal types - 236/95 - Telia Research #1/95 079/95 Revised 1995-02-09 Dual_band_ME - 1999-08-15
A001 1 1 - - - Definition of the multi band mobile terminal types - - - Telia Research #2/95 175/95 Revised 1995-05-02 Dual_band_ME - 1999-08-15
A001 2 1 - - 4.4.0 Definition of the multi band mobile terminal types smg-15 444/95 Approved SMG1 #2/95 222/95 On hold 1995-05-05 Dual_band_ME - 1999-08-15
A002 - 2 - - - DCS1800 4W MS introduction smg-12 594/94 Approved SMG1 - - - - 4WMS Approved at SMG#12 as a delta spec 1999-08-15
A003 - B Ph2 4.4.0 4.5.0 Allowed Speech Codec Configuration in the MS smg-22 311/97 approved SMG1 - n/a - 1997-06-05 - - 1999-08-15
A003 - B R96 4.4.0 5.0.0 Introduction of MS multislot classes smg-20 577/96 Approved SMG1 3/96 404/96 Agreed 1996-08-29 - - 1999-08-15
A004 - B R96 4.4.0 5.0.0 Allowed speech codec configurations on the MS smg-20 577/96 approved SMG1 3/96 399/96 Agreed 1996-08-29 - - -
A005 - B R96 5.0.0 5.1.0 Support of 14.4 kbit/s (Radio interface related) smg-21 232/97 approved T1P1 - - - 1997-02-12 14, 4kbit/s - 1999-08-15
A006 - B R96 5.1.1 5.2.0 Inclusion of Railways GSM Band:Railways GSM Band is missing in the list of frequency bands smg-28 P-99-028 approved SMG1 - 98-807a agreed 1999-01-17 ASCI_Ph1 A006 = A007 1999-08-15
A007 - B R97 6.0.0 6.1.0 Inclusion of Railways GSM Band:Railways GSM Band is missing in the list of frequency bands smg-28 P-99-028 approved SMG1 - 98-807b agreed 1999-01-18 ASCI_Ph1 A006 = A007 1999-08-15
A008 - B R98 6.1.0 7.0.0 Addition of AMR speech codec. smg-29 P-99-365 approved SMG1 - 1-99-099 Agreed 1999-06-02 AMR Create R98 1999-08-15

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