3GPP Specification Change Requests

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3GPP Specification Change Request records for: 02.21

CR no. rev cat Release CR written to vers new vers CR title TSG meeting TSG doc TSG status source WG meeting WG doc WG status cover date work item remarks database record created
0001 - A Ph1 3.0.0 - Data service requirements smg-22 - Approved GSM1 - - - 1989-02-17 - - 1999-08-15
0002 - D Ph1 3.0.0 - Clarifications regarding optimal routing and towards 12.05 smg-22 - Approved GSM1 - - - 1989-02-17 - - 1999-08-15
0003 - D Ph1 3.0.0 - Air-time charging smg-22 - REJECTED GSM1 - - - 1989-02-17 - - 1999-08-15
0004 1 A Ph1 3.1.0 - REDEFINITION OF RECORD IN THE TRANSFERED ACCOUNT smg-25 424/89 Approved GSM1 - - - 1989-09-01 - REV 0 POSTPONED AT GSM24 1999-08-15
0005 - A Ph1 3.1.0 - EXCHANGE OF TRANSFERRED ACCOUNTS AND BILLING INFO. smg-24 293/89 Approved GSM1 - - - 1989-09-01 - - 1999-08-15
0006 - A Ph1 3.3.0 - VAT and other taxes in Transfered Account smg-27 163/90 Postponed MoU/GSM1 - - - 1990-05-18 - Waiting for more information from MoU 1999-08-15
0007 - A Ph2 3.3.0 - VAT and other taxes in Transfered Account smg-27 163/90 Postponed MoU/GSM1 - - - 1990-05-18 - Waiting for more information from MoU 1999-08-15
0008 - E Ph1 3.3.0 None Removal of Recommendation smg-30 166/91 Approved MoU - - - 1991-03-01 - Alignment with MoU-request 1999-08-15

page generated from database: 2013-10-16 10:32:59