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3GPP Specification Change Request records for: 22.041
CR no. | rev | cat | Release | CR written to vers | new vers | CR title | TSG meeting | TSG doc | TSG status | source | WG meeting | WG doc | WG status | cover date | work item | remarks | database record created |
0001 | - | D | R99 | 3.0.0 | 3.1.0 | Editorial changes for alignment | SP-05 | SP-99479 | approved | s1 | S1#05 | S1-99616 | Agreed | 1999-10-11 | - | - | - |
0002 | - | B | R99 | 3.0.0 | 3.1.0 | Addition of explicit requirements for Packet Oriented Services | SP-05 | SP-99441 | approved | s1 | S1#05 | S1-99850 | Agreed | 1999-10-10 | GPRS | was incorrectly numbered 001 | - |
0003 | - | F | R99 | 3.1.0 | 3.2.0 | Operator Determined Barring of Packet Oriented Services | SP-10 | SP-000532 | approved | S1 | S1-10 | S1-000852 | Agreed | 2000-11-17 | TEI4 | - | - |
0004 | - | B | Rel-4 | 3.1.0 | 4.0.0 | Operator Determined Barring of Packet Oriented Services | SP-10 | SP-000532 | approved | S1 | S1-10 | S1-000853 | Agreed | 2000-11-17 | TEI4 | - | - |
0005 | - | F | R99 | 3.2.0 | 3.3.0 | Remove ODB for Packet Oriented Services from Release 99 | SP-11 | SP-010041 | approved | S1 | S1-11 | S1-010036 | Agreed | 2001-02-06 | ODB_Enh. | 0 | - |
0006 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.0.0 | 4.1.0 | Corrections of the ODB categories for Packet Oriented Services | SP-11 | SP-010041 | approved | S1 | S1-11 | S1-010019 | Agreed | 2001-02-06 | ODB_Enh. | 0 | - |
0007 | - | F | R99 | 3.2.0 | 3.3.0 | on Operator Determined Barring – Zonal Barring to 3GPP TSG SA WG1 | SP-11 | SP-010042 | approved | S1 | S1-11 | S1-010173 | Agreed | 2001-02-06 | TEI | 0 | - |
0008 | - | A | Rel-4 | 4.0.0 | 4.1.0 | on Operator Determined Barring – Zonal Barring to 3GPP TSG SA WG1 | SP-11 | SP-010042 | approved | S1 | S1-11 | S1-010174 | Agreed | 2001-02-06 | TEI | 0 | - |
0009 | - | B | Rel-6 | 5.0.0 | - | ODB in WLAN - Requirement | SP-20 | SP-030249 | revised | S1 | S1-20 | S1-030490 | Agreed | 2003-04-07 | ODB, WLAN-CR | - | 2003-05-28 |
0009 | 1 | B | Rel-6 | 5.0.0 | 6.0.0 | ODB in WLAN - Requirement | SP-20 | SP-030327 | approved | S1 | - | - | - | 2003-06-09 | ODB, WLAN-CR | - | 2003-05-28 |
0010 | - | C | Rel-6 | 6.0.0 | 6.1.0 | WLAN access point terminology clarified | SP-21 | SP-030464 | approved | S1 | S1-21 | S1-030915 | Agreed | 2003-07-07 | ODB | - | 2003-09-22 |
0011 | - | B | Rel-6 | 6.0.0 | 6.1.0 | ODB in VPLMN for WLAN user | SP-21 | SP-030464 | approved | S1 | S1-21 | S1-030901 | Agreed | 2003-07-07 | ODB | - | 2003-09-22 |
0012 | - | D | Rel-6 | 6.1.0 | 6.2.0 | Extraction of redundant WLAN related ODB text – now in WLAN TS22.234 | SP-23 | SP-040101 | approved | S1 | S1-23 | S1-040261 | Agreed | 2004-01-12 | WLAN | - | 2004-03-04 |
0013 | - | F | Rel-7 | 6.2.0 | - | ODB for IMS | SP-34 | SP-060760 | rejected | T-Mobile | S1-34 | S1-061413 | agreed | 2006-10-24 | MTSI | Decided that it should be Cat B to produce Rel-8. | 2006-11-27 |
0014 | - | B | Rel-8 | 6.2.0 | - | ODB for IMS | - | - | - | T-Mobile | S1-35 | S1-070085 | revised | 2007-01-18 | MTSI | - | 2007-03-04 |
0014 | 1 | B | Rel-8 | 6.2.0 | 8.0.0 | ODB for IMS | SP-35 | SP-070118 | approved | T-Mobile | S1-35 | S1-070251 | agreed | 2007-01-30 | MTSI-REQ | - | 2007-03-04 |
0015 | 2 | B | Rel-8 | 8.0.0 | 8.1.0 | Selective application of ODB to International & Premium Rate Services whilst roaming | SP-36 | SP-070353 | approved | S1 | S1-36 | S1-070800 | Agreed | 2007-05-30 | TEI8 | - | 2007-05-30 |
0016 | 2 | B | Rel-11 | 11.0.0 | 11.1.0 | Addition of APN to the condition of the ODB judgment | SP-58 | SP-120869 | approved | S1 | S1-60 | S1-124362 | agreed | 2012-11-12 | TEI11 | - | 2012-11-29 |
0017 | 1 | F | Rel-11 | 11.1.0 | 11.2.0 | Barring of Premium Rate Numbers | SP-59 | SP-130123 | approved | S1 | S1-61 | S1-131295 | agreed | 2013-01-31 | TEI11 | - | 2013-02-25 |
0018 | 1 | A | Rel-11 | 11.2.0 | 11.3.0 | Removal of IMS Operator Determined Barring Outgoing Premium Rate requirements | SP-61 | SP-130411 | approved | S1 | S1-63 | S1-134130 | agreed | 2013-08-19 | TEI8 | - | 2013-08-30 |
0019 | - | A | Rel-10 | 10.0.0 | 10.1.0 | Removal of IMS Operator Determined Barring Outgoing Premium Rate requirements | SP-61 | SP-130411 | approved | S1 | S1-63 | S1-134131 | agreed | 2013-08-19 | TEI8 | - | 2013-08-30 |
0020 | - | A | Rel-9 | 9.0.0 | 9.1.0 | Removal of IMS Operator Determined Barring Outgoing Premium Rate requirements | SP-61 | SP-130411 | approved | S1 | S1-63 | S1-134132 | agreed | 2013-08-19 | TEI8 | - | 2013-08-30 |
0021 | - | F | Rel-8 | 8.1.0 | 8.2.0 | Removal of IMS Operator Determined Barring Outgoing Premium Rate requirements | SP-61 | SP-130411 | approved | S1 | S1-63 | S1-134133 | agreed | 2013-08-19 | TEI8 | - | 2013-08-30 |
page generated from database: 2013-10-16 10:33:11