3GPP Specification Change Requests

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3GPP Specification Change Request records for: 22.071

CR no. rev cat Release CR written to vers new vers CR title TSG meeting TSG doc TSG status source WG meeting WG doc WG status cover date work item remarks database record created
0001 1 C R99 3.0.0 - UMTS LCS service requirements support for mobile originated positioning requests, and velocity as a service parameter SP-05 SP-99486 approved s1 S1#05 S1-99831 Agreed 1999-10-08 LCS LCS still to be discussed -
0002 - B R99 3.0.0 3.1.0 UMTS LCS service requirements SP-05 SP-99438 approved s1 S1#05 S1-99832 Agreed 1999-10-08 LCS - -
0003 - C R99 3.0.0 3.1.0 LCS accuracy requirements SP-05 SP-99438 approved s1 S1#05 S1-99833 Agreed 1999-10-08 LCS - -
0004 - D R99 3.0.0 3.1.0 Editorial changes for alignment SP-05 SP-99479 approved s1 S1#05 S1-99625 Agreed 1999-10-11 - - -
0005 - D R99 3.1.0 3.2.0 U.S. specific Emergency Services requirements included as an informative annex. SP-06 SP-99522 approved S1 S1-06 S1-99955 agreed 1999-12-08 - - -
0006 - C R00 3.2.0 4.0.0 Incorporation of TSG SA1#8 LCS Contributions and email contributions SP-08 SP-000212 approved S1 S1-08 S1-000338 Agreed 2000-05-16 - - -
0007 - F R99 3.2.0 3.3.0 Correction to LCS Service Description Stage 1 Document (R’99) SP-09 SP-000378 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000485 Agreed 2000-07-12 - - -
0008 - F Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 Correction to LCS Service Description Stage 1 Document (R’00) SP-09 SP-000378 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000484 Agreed 2000-08-11 - - -
0009 - C Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 Provision of Velocity for Location Services SP-09 SP-000392 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000667 Agreed by Email 2000-08-14 - - -
0010 - B Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 External LCS client identity SP-09 SP-000392 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000670 Agreed by Email 2000-08-14 - - -
0011 - B Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 Privacy Control for LCS SP-09 SP-000392 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000671 Agreed by Email 2000-08-14 - - -
0012 - F Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 Privacy Control for LCS SP-09 SP-000392 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000672 Agreed by Email 2000-08-14 - - -
0013 - D Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 Clarifications to LCS on privacy and Service response SP-09 SP-000392 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000673 Agreed by Email 2000-08-14 - - -
0014 - F Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 LCS: Geographic Location SP-09 SP-000392 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000674 Agreed by Email 2000-08-14 - - -
0015 - D Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 Adding statement on “active” and “idle” UE in chapter 4.13 SP-09 SP-000392 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000675 Agreed by Email 2000-08-14 - - -
0016 - D Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 Radio Access Network support for LCS SP-09 SP-000392 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000676 Agreed by Email 2000-08-14 - - -
0017 - D Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 LCS, Identification of a Target UE using IP addresses SP-09 SP-000392 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000677 Agreed by Email 2000-08-14 - - -
0018 - D Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 LCS: LCS Open Service Architecture (OSA) and Application Programming Interface. SP-09 SP-000392 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000678 Agreed by Email 2000-08-14 - - -
0019 - B Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 Privacy Exception List SP-10 SP-000544 approved S1 S1-10 S1-000787 Agreed 2000-11-14 LCS - -
0020 - B Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 Periodic Location Reporting SP-10 SP-000544 approved S1 S1-10 S1-000788 Agreed 2000-11-14 LCS - -
0021 - B Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 Location Service Request SP-10 SP-000544 approved S1 S1-10 S1-000791 Agreed 2000-11-14 LCS - -
0022 - C Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 Periodic Location Reporting amendment SP-10 SP-000544 approved S1 S1-10 S1-000851 Agreed 2000-11-17 LCS1 - -
0023 - C Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 Addition of achieved location information accuracy with reference to TS 23.032 SP-10 SP-000544 approved S1 S1-10 S1-000803 Agreed 2000-11-17 LCS1 - -
0024 - C Rel-4 4.2.0 4.3.0 Quality level negation SP-11 SP-010044 approved S1 S1-11 S1-010235 Agreed 2001-02-08 LCS1 0 -
0025 - C Rel-4 4.2.0 4.3.0 Location determination in call or PDP context activation and release SP-11 SP-010044 approved S1 S1-11 S1-010239 Agreed 2001-02-08 LCS1PS 0 -
0026 - C Rel-4 4.2.0 4.3.0 OSA support for LCS SP-11 SP-010044 approved S1 S1-11 S1-010237 Agreed 2001-02-08 LCS1 0 -
0027 - D Rel-4 4.2.0 4.3.0 Editorial Cleanup SP-11 SP-010044 approved S1 S1-11 S1-010218 Agreed 2001-02-06 LCS1 0 -
0028 - C Rel-4 4.2.0 4.3.0 Number of LCS Clients SP-11 SP-010044 approved S1 S1-11 S1-010269 Agreed 2001-02-28 LCS1 0 -
0029 - C Rel-5 4.3.0 5.0.0 Privacy Override Indicator SP-14 SP-010673 approved S1 S1-14 1285 Agreed 2001-11-09 LCS1 - -
0030 - B Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Requestor SP-15 SP-020047 approved S1 S1-15 S1-020467 Agreed 2002-02-12 LCS1 - -
0031 - B Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Introducing service type privacy for location services SP-15 SP-020047 approved S1 S1-15 S1-020478 Agreed 2002-02-14 LCS1 - -
0032 - C Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Introduction of a Codeword Setting SP-15 SP-020047 approved S1 S1-15 S1-020479 Agreed 2002-02-14 LCS1 - -
0033 - B Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Clarifying checking of requester ID SP-15 SP-020047 approved S1 S1-15 S1-020632 Agreed 2002-02-14 LCS1 - -
0034 - F R99 3.3.0 3.4.0 Closure of a loophole in the privacy settings SP-15 SP-020043 approved S1 S1-15 S1-020453 Agreed 2002-02-08 TEI - -
0035 - A Rel-4 4.3.0 4.4.0 Closure of a loophole in the privacy settings SP-15 SP-020043 approved S1 S1-15 S1-020454 Agreed 2002-02-08 TEI - -
0036 - A Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Closure of a loophole in the privacy settings SP-15 SP-020043 approved S1 S1-15 S1-020455 Agreed 2002-02-08 TEI - -
0037 - B Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Deferred Location Request with Change of Area Event SP-15 SP-020047 approved S1 S1-15 S1-020466 Agreed 2002-02-08 LCS1 - -
0038 - F Rel-4 4.3.0 4.4.0 correct terms and references SP-15 SP-020045 approved S1 S1-15 S1-020457 Agreed 2002-02-11 TEI - -
0039 - A Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 correct terms and references SP-15 SP-020045 approved S1 S1-15 S1-020457 Agreed 2002-02-11 TEI - -
0040 - C Rel-6 5.1.1 6.0.0 Privacy control in HPLMN SP-16 SP-020254 approved S1 S1-16 S1-020864 Agreed 2002-04-18 LCS1 - -
0041 - C Rel-6 5.1.1 6.0.0 Enhancement of Codeword Requirements for LCS SP-16 SP-020254 approved S1 S1-16 S1-020922 Agreed 2002-05-06 LCS1 - -
0042 - D Rel-6 6.0.0 6.1.0 Too big file size SP-17 SP-020556 approved S1 S1-17 S1-021662 Agreed 2002-08-06 LCS1 - -
0043 - B Rel-6 6.0.0 6.1.0 LCS Anonymous requestor and anonymous target mobile (REL6) SP-17 SP-020556 approved S1 S1-17 S1-021794 Agreed 2002-08-05 LCS1 - -
0044 - B Rel-6 6.0.0 6.1.0 LCS Codeword improvements (REL6) SP-17 SP-020556 approved S1 S1-17 S1-021490 Agreed 2002-07-15 LCS1 - -
0045 - B Rel-6 6.0.0 6.1.0 LCS extended user privacy SP-17 SP-020556 approved S1 S1-17 S1-021491 Agreed 2002-07-15 LCS1 - -
0046 - C Rel-6 6.0.0 6.1.0 regional specific location accuracy requirements SP-17 SP-020556 approved S1 S1-17 S1-021799 Agreed 2002-08-06 LCS - -
0047 - C Rel-6 6.1.0 6.2.0 'Service Type' SP-18 SP-020657 approved S1 S1-18 S1-022013 Agreed 2002-10-11 LCS2 - 2002-11-26
0048 - C Rel-6 6.1.0 6.2.0 Handling of privacy checks for Network Induced Location Requests SP-18 SP-020657 approved S1 S1-18 S1-022299 Agreed 2002-11-13 LCS2 - 2002-11-26
0049 - B Rel-6 6.2.0 6.3.0 Applicability of barring capability to the Location Service SP-19 SP-030020 approved S1 S1-19 S1-030277 Agreed 2003-01-23 LCS2 - 2003-02-26
0050 - B Rel-6 6.3.0 6.4.0 Introduction of codeword generation by network or UE SP-20 SP-030252 approved S1 S1-20 S1-030526 Agreed 2003-04-09 LCS - 2003-05-28
0051 - B Rel-6 6.3.0 6.4.0 LCS in IMS SP-20 SP-030252 approved S1 S1-20 S1-030392 Agreed 2003-03-26 LCS - 2003-05-28
0052 - F Rel-6 6.3.0 6.4.0 Clarification of requirement regarding ‘Query, Cancel of activated location requests for the Target UE’ SP-20 SP-030252 approved S1 S1-20 S1-030557 Agreed 2003-04-10 LCS - 2003-05-28
0053 - B Rel-6 6.3.0 6.4.0 Routing of Emergency Calls based on Geographic Coordinates SP-20 SP-030322 approved S1 S1-20 S1-030650 Email 2003-05-20 LCS2 On email approval in SA1 until 06/06/2003 2003-06-08
0054 - F Rel-4 4.4.1 4.5.0 Correction of requirements on the identity format of LCS clients SP-21 SP-030455 approved S1 S1-21 S1-030943 Agreed 2003-07-07 TEI - 2003-09-22
0055 - A Rel-5 5.1.1 5.2.0 Correction of requirements on the identity format of LCS clients SP-21 SP-030455 approved S1 S1-21 S1-030944 Agreed 2003-07-07 TEI - 2003-09-22
0056 - A Rel-6 6.4.0 6.5.0 Correction of requirements on the identity format of LCS clients SP-21 SP-030455 approved S1 S1-21 S1-030945 Agreed 2003-07-07 TEI - 2003-09-22
0057 - C Rel-6 6.4.0 6.5.0 Clarification of Mobile Originating Location SP-21 SP-030459 approved S1 S1-21 S1-030946 Agreed 2003-07-09 TEI6 - 2003-09-22
0058 - B Rel-6 6.4.0 6.5.0 A requirement of authentication to the Target UE user SP-21 SP-030459 approved S1 S1-21 S1-030947 Agreed 2003-06-25 LCS - 2003-09-22
0059 - B Rel-6 6.4.0 6.5.0 Introduction of LCS QoS Classes SP-21 SP-030459 approved S1 S1-21 S1-030948 Agreed 2003-07-09 LCS2 - 2003-09-22
0060 - B Rel-6 6.5.0 - Support of ""Advanced Geographic Description"" (AGD) information SP-22 SP-030697 rejected S1 S1-22 S1-031269 Agreed 2003-10-27 LCS1 - 2004-01-05
0061 - F Rel-5 5.2.0 5.3.0 Removal of misleading and obsolete text SP-22 SP-030690 approved S1 S1-22 S1-031327 Agreed 2003-10-27 TEI5 - 2004-01-05
0062 - A Rel-6 6.5.0 6.6.0 Removal of misleading and obsolete text SP-22 SP-030690 approved S1 S1-22 S1-031328 Agreed 2003-10-27 LCS1 - 2004-01-05
0063 - F Rel-6 6.5.0 6.6.0 Correction of ""velocity"" requirements SP-22 SP-030697 approved S1 S1-22 S1-031272 Agreed 2003-10-27 LCS1 See SP-030776 for earlier releases. 2004-01-05
0064 - B Rel-6 6.5.0 6.6.0 Cell ID SP-22 SP-030697 approved S1 S1-22 S1-031329 Agreed 2003-10-29 LCS See SP-030776 for earlier releases. 2004-01-05
0065 - F Rel-5 5.2.0 5.3.0 Removal of change of area event SP-22 SP-030691 approved S1 S1-22 S1-031274 Agreed 2003-10-29 LCS1 - 2004-01-05
0066 - F R99 3.4.0 3.5.0 Routing of Emergency Calls based on Geographic Coordinates SP-23 SP-040085 approved S1 S1-23 S1-040126 Agreed 2004-02-01 LCS - 2004-03-04
0067 - A Rel-4 4.5.0 4.6.0 Routing of Emergency Calls based on Geographic Coordinates SP-23 SP-040085 approved S1 S1-23 S1-040127 Agreed 2004-02-01 LCS - 2004-03-04
0068 - A Rel-5 5.3.0 5.4.0 Routing of Emergency Calls based on Geographic Coordinates SP-23 SP-040085 approved S1 S1-23 S1-040128 Agreed 2004-02-01 LCS - 2004-03-04
0069 - F Rel-6 6.6.0 6.7.0 Inclusion of U-TDOA positioning method SP-23 SP-040090 approved S1 S1-23 S1-040199 Agreed 2004-01-12 LCS - 2004-03-04
0070 - C Rel-7 6.7.0 7.0.0 Accuracy of information Indication of capability SP-24 SP-040300 approved S1 S1-24 S1-040514 Agreed 2004-05-10 LCS2; EMC1 - 2004-05-26
0071 - C Rel-7 7.0.0 - Introducing A-GNSS concept to extend A-GPS to include GALILEO SP-26 SP-040735 revised S1 S1-26 S1-040973 agreed 2004-10-14 A-GNSS postponed because Galileo specs not publicly available ; reanimated as rev1 at SP-29 2004-12-02
0071 1 C Rel-7 7.2.0 7.3.0 Introducing A-GNSS concept to extend A-GPS to include GALILEO SP-29 SP-050584 approved Orange - - - 2005-09-06 A-GNSS - 2005-09-27
0072 - C Rel-7 7.0.0 - Velocity Service Description SP-26 SP-040735 revised S1 S1-26 S1-040987 agreed 2004-10-11 LCS-R7 - 2004-12-02
0072 1 C Rel-7 7.0.0 7.1.0 Velocity Service Description SP-26 SP-040907 approved SP - - - 2004-12-13 LCS-R7 - 2004-12-02
0073 - C Rel-7 7.1.0 7.2.0 Introducing notification based on current location of target UE SP-28 SP-050221 approved S1 S1-28 S1-050531 agreed 2005-03-31 LCS3 - 2005-05-23
0074 - B Rel-7 7.2.0 - Identification of the UE based on the IMEI SP-29 SP-050516 rejected S1 S1-29 S1-050908 agreed 2005-06-29 LCS3 - 2005-09-22
0074 1 B Rel-7 7.2.0 - Identification of the UE based on the IMEI - - - S1 S1-30 S1-051030 revised 2005-09-30 LCS3 - 2005-11-24
0074 2 B Rel-7 7.3.0 7.4.0 Identification of the UE based on the IMEI SP-30 SP-050749 approved S1 S1-30 S1-051127 agreed 2005-09-30 LCS3 - 2005-11-24
0075 1 C Rel-8 7.4.0 8.0.0 E-UTRAN support for location services SP-38 SP-070855 approved S1 S1-38 S1-071669 - 2007-11-23 AIPN-SAE - 2007-11-27
0077 2 C Rel-8 8.0.0 8.1.0 Support for Additional Navigation Satellite Systems (ANSS) for LCS SP-42 SP-080775 approved S1 S1-42 S1-083376 agreed 2008-10-14 TEI8 - 2008-12-04
0079 - D Rel-9 9.0.0 9.1.0 Removal of references to 3GPP OSA SP-49 SP-100575 approved S1 S1-51 S1-102049 agreed 2010-08-16 TEI9 - 2010-09-14

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