3GPP Specification Change Requests

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3GPP Specification Change Request records for: 22.101

CR no. rev cat Release CR written to vers new vers CR title TSG meeting TSG doc TSG status source WG meeting WG doc WG status cover date work item remarks database record created
0020 7 B R99 3.5.0 3.6.0 Emergency: To route the call to the appropriate emergency service if more than one emergency number is supported in a country. SP-04 SP-99226 approved S1 S1 S1-99395 agreed 1999-06-24 - - -
0021 - B R99 3.5.0 3.6.0 MultiNumbering: It will be possible for multiple MSISDNs to be associated with a single subscription. SP-04 SP-99229 approved S1 S1 S1-99387 agreed 1999-06-24 - - -
0022 - C R99 3.6.0 3.7.0 Clarification of Emergency Call requirements SP-05 SP-99435 approved s1 S1#05 S1-99851 Agreed 1999-10-10 Emergency - -
0023 - C R99 3.6.0 - Emergency Calls (regional storage in the ME) SP-05 SP-99481 rejected s1 S1#05 S1-99857 Not Agreed 1999-10-10 Emergency Presented to SA for decision -
0024 - B R99 3.6.0 3.7.0 Clarification on the usage on 2G SIM and 3G USIM SP-05 SP-99439 approved s1 S1#05 S1-99816 Agreed 1999-10-10 SAT - -
0025 - B R99 3.6.0 3.7.0 Support of SAT by USIM SP-05 SP-99439 approved s1 S1#05 S1-99737 Agreed 1999-10-10 SAT - -
0026 - D R99 3.7.0 3.8.0 Mainly editorial update for GSM/3GPP use. SP-06 SP-99519 approved S1 S1-06 S1-991026 agreed 1999-12-08 - - -
0028 - C R99 3.7.0 3.8.0 FDN SP-06 SP-99527 approved S1 S1-06 S1-991038 agreed 1999-12-08 - - -
0029 - B R99 3.7.0 3.8.0 Emergency Call SP-06 SP-99524 approved S1 S1-06 S1-991031 agreed 1999-12-12 - - -
0030 - A R99 3.8.0 3.9.0 Support of encryption in GPRS mobile stations SP-07 SP-000060 approved S1 S1-07 S1-000112 Agreed 2000-02-29 - - -
0031 - F R99 3.8.0 3.9.0 Fixed Dialing Number (FDN) SP-07 SP-000070 approved S1 S1-07 S1-000137 Agreed 2000-02-09 - - -
0032 - B R99 3.8.0 - Types of emergency calls - - Withdrawn S1 S1-07 S1-000170 Rejected 2000-03-08 - - -
0033 - D R99 3.9.0 3.10.0 Network selection procedures removed from section 16, reference to 22.011 added SP-08 SP-000210 approved S1 S1-08 S1-000271 Email 2000-04-15 - - -
0034 - D R00 3.9.0 4.0.0 Network selection procedures removed from section 16, reference to 22.011 added SP-08 SP-000210 approved S1 S1-08 S1-000270 Email 2000-04-15 - - -
0035 - B R99 3.9.0 3.10.0 Emergency Calls and numbers used SP-08 SP-000200 approved S1 S1-08 S1-000350 Agreed 2000-04-14 - - -
0036 - B R00 3.9.0 4.0.0 Emergency Calls and numbers used SP-08 SP-000200 approved S1 S1-08 S1-000351 Agreed 2000-04-14 - - -
0037 - B R00 3.9.0 4.0.0 Emergency Calls and numbers used SP-08 SP-000213 approved S1 S1-08 S1-000352 Agreed 2000-04-14 - - -
0038 - F R99 3.9.0 3.10.0 CS multimedia support SP-08 SP-000201 approved S1 S1-08 S1-000362 Agreed 2000-05-11 - Category changed from B to F -
0039 - F R99 3.9.0 3.10.0 Clarification for USIM Application selection SP-08 SP-000202 approved S1 S1-08 S1-000326 Agreed 2000-04-10 - CR from T3 being approved (T3-000320) -
0040 - B Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 Multimedia messaging SP-09 SP-000383 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000603 Agreed 2000-07-11 - - -
0041 - C Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 Service Management requirements SP-09 SP-000383 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000605 Agreed 2000-07-11 - - -
0042 - F Rel-5 4.0.0 - General corrections and clarifications to 22.101 for Release 2000 SP-09 SP-000429 Withdrawn S1 S1-09 S1-000618 Agreed 2000-07-11 - A proposal to split this CR into two parts for R4 and R5 was provided in S1-IP-000169 and S1-IP-000170 -
0042 1 F Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 General corrections and clarifications to 22.101 for Release 2000 SP-09 SP-000430 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000700 Email 2000-07-11 - A proposal to split this CR into two parts for R4 and R5 was provided in S1-IP-000169 and S1-IP-000170 -
0043 - F Rel-5 4.0.0 5.0.0 Classification of services SP-09 SP-000383 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000625 Agreed 2000-08-11 - - -
0044 - B Rel-5 4.0.0 5.0.0 IP multimedia services SP-09 SP-000383 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000622 Agreed 2000-08-11 - A proposal to revise this was provided in S1-IP-000180 -
0045 - B Rel-5 4.0.0 5.0.0 IP multimedia session for Emergency call SP-09 SP-000383 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000621 Agreed 2000-08-11 - A proposal to revise this was provided in S1-IP-000174 that was rejected -
0046 - D Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 Editorial changes to 22.101 for Release 2000 SP-09 SP-000383 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000598 Agreed 2000-08-11 - - -
0047 - C Rel-5 4.0.0 - Numbering Principles SP-09 SP-000429 withdrawn S1 S1-09 S1-000597 Agreed 2000-08-11 - A proposal to split this CR into two parts for R4 and R5 was provided in S1-IP-000167 and S1-IP-000168 -
0047 1 C Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 Numbering Principles SP-09 SP-000430 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000698 Email 2000-08-11 - - -
0048 - C Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 Service evolution SP-09 SP-000383 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000620 Agreed 2000-08-11 - - -
0049 - D Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 Emergency Call SP-09 SP-000391 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000573 Agreed 2000-07-14 - - -
0050 - B Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 Text Conversation SP-09 SP-000405 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000649 Agreed by Email 2000-08-18 - - -
0051 - C Rel-5 4.0.0 5.0.0 IM Number portability SP-09 SP-000430 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000699 Email 2000-08-11 - - -
0052 - F Rel-5 4.0.0 5.0.0 Introduction of IM CN Subsystem SP-09 SP-000430 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000701 Email 2000-07-11 - A proposal to split this CR into two parts for R4 and R5 was provided in S1-IP-000169 and S1-IP-000170 -
0053 - F Rel-5 4.0.0 5.0.0 Subscription SP-09 SP-000383 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000704 Email 2000-09-11 - - -
0054 - F Rel-5 4.0.0 5.0.0 Roaming SP-09 SP-000383 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000705 Email 2000-09-11 - - -
0055 - F R99 3.10.0 - Handling of interactions between applications requiring the access to UE resources SP-09 SP-000379 withdrawn S1 S1-09 S1-000631 Agreed 2000-07-20 - - -
0056 - F R99 3.10.0 3.11.0 Handling of interactions between applications requiring the access to UE resources SP-09 SP-000379 approved S1 S1-09 S1-000693 Not Seen 2000-07-20 - - -
0057 - F R99 3.11.0 3.12.0 Deleting Encrypted USIM-ME interface SP-10 SP-000533 approved S1 S1-10 S1-000797 Agreed 2000-11-17 CAMEL3 - -
0058 - A Rel-4 4.1.0 4.2.0 Deleting Encrypted USIM-ME interface SP-10 SP-000533 approved S1 S1-10 S1-000798 Agreed 2000-11-17 TEI4 - -
0059 - A Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Deleting Encrypted USIM-ME interface SP-10 SP-000533 approved S1 S1-10 S1-000799 Agreed 2000-11-17 TEI4 - -
0060 - B Rel-4 4.1.0 - Support of UMTS AKA for GSM only mobiles SP-10 SP-000546 withdrawn S1 S1-10 S1-000859 Agreed 2000-11-17 TEI4 postponed to at least SP-11 -
0061 - B Rel-5 5.0.0 - Support of UMTS AKA for GSM only mobiles SP-10 SP-000546 withdrawn S1 S1-10 S1-000860 Agreed 2000-11-17 TEI5 postponed to at least SP-11 -
0062 - A Rel-4 4.2.0 4.3.0 Handling of interactions between applications requiring the access to UE resources SP-11 SP-010053 approved S1 S1-11 S1-010071 Agreed 2001-02-06 R99_Service_Clean_up 0 -
0063 - A Rel-5 5.1.0 5.2.0 Handling of interactions between applications requiring the access to UE resources SP-11 SP-010053 approved S1 S1-11 S1-010072 Agreed 2001-02-06 R99_Service_Clean_up 0 -
0064 - B Rel-4 4.2.0 4.3.0 PLMN name indication SP-11 SP-010054 approved S1 S1-11 S1-010207 Agreed 2001-02-08 TEI4 0 -
0065 - A Rel-5 5.1.0 5.2.0 PLMN name indication SP-11 SP-010054 approved S1 S1-11 S1-010208 Agreed 2001-02-08 TEI4 0 -
0066 - B Rel-4 4.2.0 4.3.0 to 22.101 on Introduction of CPHS features SP-11 SP-010055 approved S1 S1-11 S1-010178 Agreed 2001-02-06 UICC1CPHS 0 -
0067 - A Rel-5 5.1.0 5.2.0 to 22.101 on Introduction of CPHS features SP-11 SP-010055 approved S1 S1-11 S1-010179 Agreed 2001-02-06 UICC1CPHS 0 -
0068 - B Rel-4 4.2.0 4.3.0 Display of service provider name in the UE SP-11 SP-010056 approved S1 S1-11 S1-010209 Agreed 2001-02-08 TEI4 0 -
0069 - A Rel-5 5.1.0 5.2.0 Display of service provider name in the UE SP-11 SP-010056 approved S1 S1-11 S1-010210 Agreed 2001-02-08 TEI4 0 -
0070 - C Rel-5 5.1.0 5.2.0 to 22.101 on Clarifications on IMS emergency call support SP-11 SP-010057 approved S1 S1-11 S1-010250 Agreed 2001-02-08 EMC1PS 0 -
0071 - F Rel-4 4.3.0 4.4.0 Replacement of references to 23.121 for R4 onwards SP-12 SP-010262 Approved S1 S1-12 S1-010504 Agreed 2001-05-11 TEI4 0 -
0072 - A Rel-5 5.2.0 5.3.0 Replacement of references to 23.121 for R4 onwards SP-12 SP-010262 Approved S1 S1-12 S1-010505 Agreed 2001-05-11 TEI4 0 -
0073 - C Rel-5 5.2.0 5.3.0 Subscription and Provisioning SP-12 SP-010258 Approved S1 S1-12 S1-010574 Agreed 2001-05-11 TEI5 0 -
0074 - F Rel-4 4.3.0 4.4.0 Addition of a Streaming paragraph SP-12 SP-010255 Approved S1 S1-12 S1-010576 Agreed 2001-05-11 PSTREAM 0 -
0075 - A Rel-5 5.2.0 5.3.0 Addition of a Streaming paragraph SP-12 SP-010255 Approved S1 S1-12 S1-010577 Agreed 2001-05-11 PSTREAM 0 -
0076 - F Rel-4 4.3.0 4.4.0 CS Multimedia fallback to speech SP-12 SP-010263 Approved S1 S1-12 S1-010352 Agreed 2001-05-11 TEI4 0 -
0077 - A Rel-5 5.2.0 5.3.0 CS Multimedia fallback to speech SP-12 SP-010263 Approved S1 S1-12 S1-010351 Agreed 2001-05-11 TEI4 0 -
0078 - F R99 3.12.0 3.13.0 Re-introduction of Service Provider Name Indication in Release 99 SP-12 SP-010252 Approved S1 S1-12 S1-010492 Agreed 2001-05-11 SPANME 0 -
0079 - F Rel-4 4.3.0 4.4.0 Clarification of PLMN Name Indication and Service Provider Name Indication feature. SP-12 SP-010253 Approved S1 S1-12 S1-010594 Agreed 2001-05-11 SPANME 0 -
0080 - A Rel-5 5.2.0 5.3.0 Clarification of PLMN Name Indication and Service Provider Name Indication feature. SP-12 SP-010253 Approved S1 S1-12 S1-010595 Agreed 2001-05-11 SPANME 0 -
0081 - F Rel-4 4.3.0 4.4.0 Removal of Service Provider Name graphic format from Rel-4 SP-12 SP-010254 Approved S1 S1-12 S1-010586 Agreed 2001-05-11 SPANME 0 -
0083 - F Rel-4 4.4.0 4.5.0 Addition of a statement on parameter storage on the SIM/USIM. SP-13 SP-010441 approved S1 S1-13 S1-010831 Agreed 2001-07-13 TEI4 - -
0084 - A Rel-5 5.3.0 5.4.0 Addition of a statement on parameter storage on the SIM/USIM. SP-13 SP-010441 approved S1 S1-13 S1-010832 Agreed 2001-07-13 TEI4 - -
0085 - F Rel-4 4.4.0 4.5.0 Correction of MMS paragraph SP-13 SP-010437 approved S1 S1-13 S1-010772 Agreed 2001-07-13 MMS - -
0086 1 F Rel-5 5.3.0 5.4.0 Definition of Home Environment SP-13 SP-010436 approved S1 S1-13 S1-010889 Agreed 2001-07-13 VHE1 - -
0087 - B Rel-5 5.4.0 5.5.0 Service change and fallback for UDI/RDI multimedia calls SP-15 SP-020052 approved S1 S1-15 S1-020609 Agreed 2002-02-13 SCUDIF - -
0088 - C Rel-5 5.4.0 5.5.0 IMS access SP-15 SP-020049 approved S1 S1-15 S1-020510 Agreed 2002-02-13 IMS-ASEC-UICC - -
0089 - C Rel-5 5.4.0 5.5.0 USIM support in Rel-5 GSM only terminals SP-15 SP-020051 approved S1 S1-15 S1-020613 Agreed 2002-02-14 UICC1 - -
0090 - C Rel-5 5.4.0 5.5.0 Access to IMS services using ISIM SP-15 SP-020050 approved S1 S1-15 S1-020658 Agreed 2002-02-15 TEI/ISIM - -
0091 - F Rel-4 4.5.0 4.6.0 correct terms and references SP-15 SP-020045 approved S1 S1-15 S1-020457 Agreed 2002-02-11 TEI - -
0092 - A Rel-5 5.4.0 5.5.0 correct terms and references SP-15 SP-020045 approved S1 S1-15 S1-020457 Agreed 2002-02-11 TEI - -
0093 - F Rel-5 5.4.0 5.5.0 Correction of references to obsolete SIP RFC 2543 IETF specification SP-15 SP-020126 approved dynamicsof - - - - IMS-CCR - -
0094 - F Rel-5 5.5.0 - Clarifying note on ISIM/USIM SP-16 SP-020280 rejected S1 S1-16 S1-020832 Agreed 2002-04-10 IMS - -
0095 - F Rel-5 5.5.0 - REL5 clean up SP-16 SP-020280 revised S1 S1-16 S1-021167 Agreed 2002-05-15 IMS - -
0095 1 F Rel-5 5.5.0 5.6.0 REL5 clean up SP-16 SP-020381 approved S1 - - - 2002-05-15 IMS - -
0096 - D Rel-6 5.5.0 6.0.0 Editorial for REL6 SP-16 SP-020255 approved S1 S1-16 S1-020848 Agreed 2002-04-10 IMS - -
0097 - B Rel-6 6.0.0 Release 6 ISIM requirement - - - S1 S1-17 - Revised 2002-08-15 IMS - -
0097 - B Rel-6 5.5.0 - Release 6 ISIM requirement SP-16 SP-020255 rejected S1 S1-16 S1-021063 Agreed 2002-05-13 IMS - -
0097 1 B Rel-6 6.0.0 - Release 6 ISIM requirement SP-17 SP-020557 rejected S1 S1-17 S1-021811 Agreed 2002-08-15 IMS - -
0098 - F Rel-5 5.6.0 Clarification of IMS service delivery (for rel 5) - - - S1 S1-17 S1-021528 Revised 2002-08-05 IMS - -
0098 1 F Rel-5 5.6.0 5.7.0 Clarification of IMS service delivery (for rel 5) SP-17 SP-020552 approved S1 S1-17 S1-021780 Agreed 2002-08-13 IMS - -
0100 - F Rel-5 5.6.0 Correction to emergency call procedures with particular respect to - - - S1 S1-17 S1-021671 Revised 2002-08-07 IMS - -
0100 1 F Rel-5 5.6.0 5.7.0 Additional download functionality to emergency call procedures SP-17 SP-020552 approved S1 S1-17 S1-021776 Agreed 2002-08-12 Emergency - -
0101 - F Rel-5 5.6.0 - Clarifications on ISIM requirements Rel 5 SP-17 SP-020551 rejected S1 S1-17 S1-021836 Agreed 2002-07-29 IMSM-CR - -
0102 - A Rel-6 6.0.0 - Clarifications on ISIM requirements Rel 5 SP-17 SP-020551 rejected S1 S1-17 S1-021837 Agreed 2002-08-12 IMSM-CR - -
0103 - F Rel-6 6.0.0 6.1.0 Clarification of SIM support in Rel-6 SP-17 SP-020557 approved S1 S1-17 S1-021849 Agreed 2002-08-15 TEI4 - -
0104 - B Rel-6 6.0.0 6.1.0 Removal of implementation details for directory number in SMS and other services SP-17 SP-020557 approved S1 S1-17 S1-021755 Agreed 2002-07-29 TEI6 - -
0105 - F Rel-6 6.0.0 6.1.0 Rel-6 Clean up of IMS Rel 6 to re-instate requirements SP-17 SP-020557 approved S1 S1-17 S1-021775 Agreed 2002-08-14 IMS - -
0106 - B Rel-6 6.0.0 - Independent and linked subscriptions SP-17 SP-020557 rejected S1 S1-17 S1-021838 Agreed 2002-08-14 IMS - -
0107 - B Rel-6 6.1.0 6.2.0 IMS number portability rev of 1909 SP-18 SP-020658 approved S1 S1-18 S1-022064 Agreed 2002-10-07 IMS - 2002-11-26
0108 - B Rel-6 6.1.0 6.2.0 Emergency calls SP-18 SP-020658 approved S1 S1-18 S1-022119 Agreed 2002-11-02 EMC1 - 2002-11-26
0109 - B Rel-6 6.1.0 6.2.0 WLAN interworking SP-18 SP-020666 approved S1 S1-18 S1-022263 Agreed 2002-11-05 WLAN - 2002-11-26
0110 - F Rel-5 5.7.0 - SIM access to IMS Rel5 SP-18 SP-020650 rejected S1 S1-18 S1-022298 Agreed 2002-10-09 IMS Further consideration in S1. 2002-11-26
0111 - A Rel-6 6.1.0 - SIM access to IMS Rel6 SP-18 SP-020650 rejected S1 S1-18 S1-022300 Agreed 2002-10-21 IMS Further consideration in S1. 2002-11-26
0112 - F Rel-5 5.7.0 5.8.0 Support of SIM and USIM in REL-5 SP-18 SP-020651 approved S1 S1-18 S1-022339 Agreed 2002-11-04 TEI5 - 2002-11-26
0113 - A Rel-6 6.1.0 6.2.0 Support of SIM and USIM in REL-6 SP-18 SP-020651 approved S1 S1-18 S1-022340 Agreed 2002-11-04 TEI5 - 2002-11-26
0114 - B Rel-6 6.2.0 6.3.0 Simultaneous connection to 3GPP systems and I-WLANs SP-19 SP-030022 approved S1 S1-19 S1-030215 Agreed 2003-01-22 WLAN-CR - 2003-02-26
0115 - B Rel-6 6.2.0 6.3.0 Requirements for Network Sharing in Rel-6 SP-19 SP-030035 approved S1 S1-19 S1-030269 Agreed 2003-01-22 NTSharCR - 2003-02-26
0116 - F Rel-5 5.8.0 5.9.0 on SIM support SP-19 SP-030148 approved S1 S1-19 S1-030256 Agreed 2003-01-13 TEI5 - 2003-03-12
0117 - A Rel-6 6.2.0 6.3.0 on SIM support SP-19 SP-030148 approved S1 S1-19 S1-030257 Agreed 2003-01-13 TEI5 - 2003-03-12
0118 - F Rel-5 5.8.0 - on SIM access to IMS SP-19 SP-030017 revised S1 S1-19 S1-030282 Agreed 2003-01-22 IMS - 2003-02-26
0118 1 F Rel-5 5.8.0 - on SIM access to IMS SP-19 SP-030174 rejected SA (T-Mobi - - - 2003-01-22 IMS - 2003-02-26
0119 - F Rel-5 5.8.0 5.9.0 ISIM access SP-19 SP-030174 approved SA (T-Mobi - - - 2003-01-22 IMS - 2003-03-19
0120 - F Rel-6 6.3.0 - Clarification of UE Requirements for Emergency Calls SP-20 SP-030253 rejected S1 S1-20 S1-030538 Agreed 2003-03-28 EMC1 - 2003-05-28
0121 - F R99 3.13.0 3.14.0 Correction to R99 emergency calls when attached to data only networks SP-20 SP-030239 approved S1 S1-20 S1-030414 Agreed 2003-03-25 TEI - 2003-05-28
0122 - A Rel-4 4.6.0 4.7.0 Correction to Rel-4 emergency calls when attached to data only networks SP-20 SP-030239 approved S1 S1-20 S1-030415 Agreed 2003-03-25 TEI - 2003-05-28
0123 - A Rel-5 5.9.0 5.10.0 Correction to Rel-5 emergency calls when attached to data only networks SP-20 SP-030239 approved S1 S1-20 S1-030416 Agreed 2003-03-25 TEI - 2003-05-28
0124 - F Rel-5 5.9.0 - Alignment of Subscriber Identification requirements to current implementation SP-20 SP-030244 revised S1 S1-20 S1-030540 Agreed 2003-03-24 TEI_5 - 2003-05-28
0124 1 F Rel-5 5.9.0 5.10.0 Alignment of Subscriber Identification requirements to current implementation SP-20 SP-030351 approved S1 - - - 2003-06-10 TEI_5 - 2003-06-10
0125 - A Rel-6 6.3.0 - Alignment of Subscriber Identification requirements to current implementation SP-20 SP-030244 revised S1 S1-20 S1-030541 Agreed 2003-03-24 TEI_5 - 2003-05-28
0125 1 A Rel-6 6.3.0 6.4.0 Alignment of Subscriber Identification requirements to current implementation SP-20 SP-030351 approved S1 - - - 2003-03-24 TEI_5 - 2003-06-10
0126 - B Rel-6 6.3.0 - Storage of generic user information on the USIM SP-20 SP-030258 withdrawn S1 S1-20 S1-030645 rejected 2003-05-12 MMS6 On email approval in SA1 until 06/06/2003 2003-05-28
0127 - F Rel-5 5.10.0 5.11.0 Clarification on USIM-based access to IMS SP-21 SP-030457 approved S1 S1-21 S1-030910 Agreed 2003-07-09 IMS - 2003-09-22
0128 - A Rel-6 6.4.0 6.5.0 Clarification on USIM-based access to IMS SP-21 SP-030457 approved S1 S1-21 S1-030911 Agreed 2003-07-09 IMS - 2003-09-22
0129 - F R99 3.14.0 3.15.0 Modification of emergency number identification rules in 22.101 R99 SP-21 SP-030492 approved S1 S1-21 S1-031044 Agreed 2003-08-26 EMC1 - 2003-09-22
0130 - A Rel-4 4.7.0 4.8.0 Modification of emergency number identification rules in 22.101 Rel-4 SP-21 SP-030492 approved S1 S1-21 S1-031045 Agreed 2003-08-26 EMC1 - 2003-09-22
0131 - A Rel-5 5.10.0 5.11.0 Modification of emergency number identification rules in 22.101 Rel-5 SP-21 SP-030492 approved S1 S1-21 S1-031046 Agreed 2003-08-26 EMC1 - 2003-09-22
0132 - C Rel-6 6.4.0 6.5.0 Cleanup and modifications on identification of emergency numbers in 22.101 Rel-6 SP-21 SP-030492 approved S1 S1-21 S1-031049 Agreed 2003-08-26 EMC1 - 2003-09-22
0133 - F Rel-5 5.10.0 - Support of Release 4 SIM in Release 5 SP-21 SP-030514 revised mmO2, T-Mo - - - 2003-09-22 TEI5 - 2003-09-23
0133 1 F Rel-5 5.10.0 5.11.0 Support of Release 4 SIM in Release 5 SP-21 SP-030533 approved mmO2, T-Mo - - - 2003-09-22 TEI5 was SP-030514 2003-09-23
0133 2 F Rel-5 5.10.0 - Support of Release 4 SIM in Release 5 SP-21 SP-030543 rejected mmO2, T-Mo - - - 2003-09-23 TEI5 - 2003-09-24
0134 - A Rel-6 6.4.0 - Support of Release 4 SIM in Release 5 SP-21 SP-030515 revised mmO2 - - - 2003-09-22 TEI5 - 2003-09-23
0134 1 A Rel-6 6.4.0 6.5.0 Support of Release 4 SIM in Release 5 SP-21 SP-030534 approved mmO2 - - - 2003-09-22 TEI5 was SP-030515 2003-09-23
0134 2 A Rel-6 6.4.0 - Support of Release 4 SIM in Release 6 SP-21 SP-030544 rejected mmO2, T-Mo - - - 2003-09-23 TEI5 - 2003-09-24
0135 - C Rel-6 6.4.0 - Clarification of emergency call requirements SP-21 SP-030399 revised Lucent Tec - - - 2003-09-12 EMC1 - 2003-09-23
0135 - B Rel-6 6.5.0 6.6.0 Automatic Device Detection SP-22 SP-030700 approved S1 S1-22 S1-031339 Agreed 2003-10-30 TEI - 2004-01-05
0135 1 C Rel-6 6.4.0 - Clarification of emergency call requirements SP-21 SP-030517 rejected Lucent Tec - - - 2003-09-12 EMC1 - 2003-09-23
0136 - C Rel-6 6.5.0 6.6.0 Correction of Core Network emergency call requirements SP-22 SP-030700 approved S1 S1-22 S1-031342 Agreed 2003-10-29 EMC1 - 2004-01-05
0137 - C Rel-6 6.5.0 6.6.0 Clarification of emergency call requirements SP-22 SP-030687 approved S1 S1-22 S1-031344 Agreed 2003-10-31 EMC1 - 2004-01-05
0138 - F R99 3.15.0 3.16.0 Removal of unnecessary numbers from the ME default emergency number list SP-22 SP-030790 approved SA - - - 2003-12-01 EMC1 - 2004-01-05
0139 - A Rel-4 4.8.0 4.9.0 Removal of unnecessary numbers from the ME default emergency number list SP-22 SP-030790 approved SA - - - 2003-12-01 EMC1 - 2004-01-05
0140 - A Rel-5 5.11.0 5.12.0 Removal of unnecessary numbers from the ME default emergency number list SP-22 SP-030790 approved SA - - - 2003-12-01 EMC1 - 2004-01-05
0141 - A Rel-6 6.5.0 6.6.0 Removal of unnecessary numbers from the ME default emergency number list SP-22 SP-030790 approved SA - - - 2003-12-01 EMC1 - 2004-01-05
0142 - F R99 3.16.0 3.17.0 Alignment to TS 31.102 on FDN/BDN unsupported terminal procedure. SP-23 SP-040084 approved S1 S1-23 S1-040195 Agreed 2004-01-13 TEI - 2004-03-04
0143 - A Rel-4 4.9.0 4.10.0 Alignment to TS 31.102 on FDN/BDN unsupported terminal procedure. SP-23 SP-040084 approved S1 S1-23 S1-040196 Agreed 2004-01-13 TEI - 2004-03-04
0144 - A Rel-5 5.12.0 5.13.0 Alignment to TS 31.102 on FDN/BDN unsupported terminal procedure. SP-23 SP-040084 approved S1 S1-23 S1-040197 Agreed 2004-01-13 TEI - 2004-03-04
0145 - A Rel-6 6.6.0 6.7.0 Alignment to TS 31.102 on FDN/BDN unsupported terminal procedure. SP-23 SP-040084 approved S1 S1-23 S1-040198 Agreed 2004-01-13 TEI page headers are wrong! 2004-03-04
0146 - B Rel-6 6.6.0 6.7.0 Improvements to Circuit Switched Video and Voice Service procedures SP-23 SP-040091 approved S1 S1-23 S1-040215 Agreed 2004-01-15 CSVVS - 2004-03-04
0147 - F R99 3.16.0 3.17.0 Correction of emergency call set-up MMI requirements SP-23 SP-040083 approved S1 S1-23 S1-040230 Agreed 2004-01-14 EMC1 - 2004-03-04
0148 - A Rel-4 4.9.0 4.10.0 Correction of emergency call set-up MMI requirements SP-23 SP-040083 approved S1 S1-23 S1-040231 Agreed 2004-01-14 EMC1 - 2004-03-04
0149 - A Rel-5 5.12.0 5.13.0 Correction of emergency call set-up MMI requirements SP-23 SP-040083 approved S1 S1-23 S1-040232 Agreed 2004-01-14 EMC1 - 2004-03-04
0150 - D Rel-6 6.6.0 6.7.0 Extraction of redundant WLAN information – now in WLAN TS22.234 SP-23 SP-040101 approved S1 S1-23 S1-040258 Agreed 2004-01-12 WLAN - 2004-03-04
0151 - D Rel-6 6.6.0 6.7.0 Extraction of redundant WLAN related simultaneous connection information [ now in WLAN TS22.234] SP-23 SP-040101 approved S1 S1-23 S1-040262 Agreed 2004-01-12 WLAN - 2004-03-04
0152 - F Rel-6 6.7.0 6.8.0 Correction of UICC related text. SP-24 SP-040288 approved S1 S1-24 S1-040427 Agreed 2004-05-10 TEI - 2004-05-26
0153 - B Rel-7 6.7.0 7.0.0 Termination of location privacy override for emergency calls SP-24 SP-040301 approved S1 S1-24 S1-040513 Agreed 2004-05-10 LCS2; EMC1 - 2004-05-26
0154 - F Rel-6 6.7.0 6.8.0 Editorial Correction of R5 reference SP-24 SP-040292 approved S1 S1-24 S1-040537 Agreed 2004-04-23 IMS2 - 2004-05-26
0155 - F R99 3.17.0 - USIM support by 2G terminals SP-26 SP-040725 rejected S1 S1-26 S1-040966 agreed 2004-10-13 TEI - 2004-12-02
0156 - A Rel-4 4.10.0 - USIM support by 2G terminals SP-26 SP-040725 rejected S1 S1-26 S1-040967 agreed 2004-10-13 TEI4 - 2004-12-02
0157 - F Rel-6 6.8.0 6.9.0 Clean-up in Core Network Operator Name Indication section (22.101) SP-27 SP-050058 approved S1 S1-27 S1-050160 agreed 2004-12-17 NTShar - 2005-03-02
0158 - A Rel-7 7.0.0 7.1.0 Clean-up in Core Network Operator Name Indication section (22.101) SP-27 SP-050058 approved S1 S1-27 S1-050161 agreed 2005-01-18 NTShar - 2005-03-02
0159 - F Rel-6 6.8.0 6.9.0 Removal of Reference to TS 22.121 SP-27 SP-050059 approved S1 S1-27 S1-050215 agreed 2005-01-19 TEI6 - 2005-03-02
0160 - A Rel-7 7.0.0 7.1.0 Removal of Reference to TS 22.121 SP-27 SP-050059 approved S1 S1-27 S1-050252 agreed 2005-01-20 TEI7 - 2005-03-02
0161 - F Rel-6 6.9.0 6.10.0 Removal of requirements for emergency calls for IMS in Rel-6 SP-28 SP-050215 approved S1 S1-28 S1-050486 agreed 2005-04-07 IMS2 - 2005-05-23
0162 - F Rel-6 6.9.0 6.10.0 Clarification on optionality of Service Provider Name indication SP-28 SP-050216 approved S1 S1-28 S1-050518 agreed 2005-04-06 TEI6 - 2005-05-23
0163 - A Rel-7 7.1.0 7.2.0 Clarification on optionality of Service Provider Name indication SP-28 SP-050216 approved S1 S1-28 S1-050519 agreed 2005-04-06 TEI6 - 2005-05-23
0164 - B Rel-7 7.1.0 7.2.0 Voice call continuity requirements SP-28 SP-050225 approved S1 S1-28 S1-050581 agreed 2005-05-02 VCC - 2005-05-23
0165 - F Rel-7 7.2.0 7.3.0 Correction of emergency number example SP-29 SP-050522 approved S1 S1-29 S1-050793 agreed 2005-06-14 TEI7 - 2005-09-22
0166 - F Rel-7 7.2.0 7.3.0 Requirements on the type of emergency SP-29 SP-050522 approved S1 S1-29 S1-050873 agreed 2005-06-22 TEI7 - 2005-09-22
0167 - C Rel-7 7.2.0 7.3.0 Modification to chapter 4.2 on service capabilities SP-29 SP-050522 approved S1 S1-29 S1-050796 agreed 2005-07-12 TEI7 - 2005-09-22
0168 - F Rel-7 7.2.0 7.3.0 Refinement of general description of VCC SP-29 SP-050518 approved S1 S1-29 S1-050896 agreed 2005-07-12 VCC - 2005-09-22
0169 - C Rel-7 7.2.0 - Charging requirements for voice call continuity SP-29 SP-050518 approved S1 S1-29 S1-050897 agreed 2005-07-12 VCC - 2005-09-22
0170 - C Rel-7 7.2.0 - VCC call handling when two subscriptions exist SP-29 SP-050518 withdrawn S1 S1-29 S1-050898 agreed 2005-07-12 VCC - 2005-09-22
0171 - C Rel-7 7.2.0 - Clarification of VCC Triggers - - - S1 S1-29 S1-050900 revised 2005-07-15 VCC - 2005-09-22
0171 1 C Rel-7 7.2.0 - Clarification of VCC Triggers SP-29 SP-050518 approved S1 S1-29 S1-050936 agreed 2005-08-09 VCC - 2005-09-22
0172 - F Rel-7 7.2.0 7.3.0 Clarification on the identification of emergency numbers SP-29 SP-050522 approved S1 S1-29 S1-050906 agreed 2005-07-14 EMC1 - 2005-09-22
0173 - B Rel-7 7.2.0 7.3.0 Provisioning parameters stored on USIM SP-29 SP-050522 approved S1 S1-29 S1-050883 agreed 2005-07-15 TEI7 - 2005-09-22
0174 - C Rel-7 7.2.0 - Supplementary Service Requirements for VCC SP-29 SP-050518 approved S1 S1-29 S1-050934 agreed 2005-08-09 VCC - 2005-09-22
0175 - B Rel-6 6.10.0 - Introduction of HSDPA Service Indicator (HSI) SP-29 SP-050634 noted Vodafone - - - 2005-09-27 TEI6 - 2005-09-28
0175 1 B Rel-6 6.10.0 - Introduction of Cell capability indicator - - - S1 S1-30 S1-051159 revised 2005-09-27 TEI6 - 2005-11-24
0175 2 F Rel-6 6.10.0 6.11.0 Introduction of Cell capability indicator SP-30 SP-050737 approved S1 S1-30 S1-051235 agreed 2005-10-25 TEI6 - 2005-11-24
0176 - F Rel-7 7.3.0 7.4.0 Correcting reference to OMA DM and Client provisioning specifications SP-30 SP-050750 approved S1 S1-30 S1-051145 agreed 2005-10-17 TEI7 - 2005-11-24
0177 - F Rel-7 7.3.0 7.4.0 Clarification of supplementary servces requirements for VCC SP-30 SP-050746 approved S1 S1-30 S1-051209 agreed 2005-10-27 VCC - 2005-11-24
0178 - F Rel-7 7.3.0 7.4.0 Clarification of VCC Triggers SP-30 SP-050746 approved S1 S1-30 S1-051220 agreed 2005-10-23 VCC - 2005-11-24
0179 - A Rel-7 7.3.0 7.4.0 Introduction of Cell capability indicator SP-30 SP-050737 approved S1 S1-30 S1-051236 agreed 2005-10-25 TEI6 - 2005-11-24
0180 - B Rel-7 7.3.0 - Emergency sip uri to be stored in MT SP-30 SP-050751 revised S1 S1-30 S1-051251 agreed 2005-10-24 EMC1 - 2005-11-24
0180 1 B Rel-7 7.3.0 7.4.0 Emergency sip uri to be stored in MT SP-30 SP-050805 approved NOKIA - - - 2005-12-05 EMC1 - 2005-12-05
0181 - F Rel-7 7.4.0 7.5.0 Clarification of the use of IMS emergency identifier SP-31 SP-060034 approved S1 S1-31 S1-060173 agreed 2006-01-19 EMC1 - 2006-03-13
0182 - F Rel-7 7.4.0 - Inclusion of AIPN within the 3GPP service principles specification SP-31 SP-060022 revised S1 S1-31 S1-060230 agreed 2006-02-13 AIPN - 2006-03-13
0182 1 F Rel-8 7.4.0 8.0.0 Inclusion of AIPN within the 3GPP service principles specification SP-31 SP-060207 approved SP - - - 2006-02-13 AIPN - 2006-03-14
0183 - F Rel-6 6.11.0 - Requirements on charging differentiation related to services rendering SP-31 SP-060021 postponed S1 S1-31 S1-060346 agreed 2006-02-16 TEI6 - 2006-03-13
0184 - F Rel-7 7.4.0 - Requirements on charging differentiation related to services rendering SP-31 SP-060021 revised S1 S1-31 S1-060347 agreed 2006-02-16 TEI6 - 2006-03-13
0184 1 B Rel-7 7.4.0 7.5.0 Requirements on charging differentiation related to services rendering SP-31 SP-060196 approved Siemens - - - 2006-03-13 TEI7 - 2006-03-13
0185 - F Rel-7 7.4.0 7.5.0 Clarification on MO and MT call handling SP-31 SP-060030 approved S1 S1-31 S1-060349 agreed 2006-02-13 TEI7 - 2006-03-13
0186 - F Rel-8 8.0.0 - Corrections to align the Rel-8 and (latest) Rel-7 versions of TS 22.101 SP-32 SP-060321 revised S1 S1-32 S1-060535 agreed 2006-04-24 TEI8 Header indicates wrong source version. 2006-06-05
0186 1 F Rel-8 8.0.0 8.1.0 Corrections to align the Rel-8 and (latest) Rel-7 versions of TS 22.101 SP-32 SP-060448 approved SP S1-32 - - 2006-06-07 TEI8 - 2006-06-07
0187 - B Rel-8 8.0.0 8.1.0 VCC Additional flexibility SP-32 SP-060316 approved S1 S1-32 S1-060561 agreed 2006-04-19 VCC - 2006-06-05
0188 - B Rel-8 8.0.0 - Requirements for the determination of cell capability usage SP-32 SP-060321 rejected S1 S1-32 S1-060594 agreed 2006-04-26 TEI8 - 2006-06-05
0189 - B Rel-8 8.0.0 - Spam protection SP-32 SP-060321 rejected S1 S1-32 S1-060619 agreed 2006-04-26 TEI8 (SPAM) - 2006-06-05
0190 - F Rel-7 7.5.0 7.6.0 Clarification of IMS voice service SP-32 SP-060315 approved S1 S1-32 S1-060620 agreed 2006-04-27 VCC - 2006-06-05
0191 - A Rel-8 8.0.0 8.1.0 Clarification of IMS voice service SP-32 SP-060315 approved S1 S1-32 S1-060621 agreed 2006-04-27 VCC - 2006-06-05
0192 - B Rel-8 8.0.0 - QoS Parameters Provision for Service Enabler SP-32 SP-060321 revised S1 S1-32 S1-060623 agreed 2006-04-25 TEI8 - 2006-06-05
0192 1 B Rel-8 8.0.0 8.1.0 QoS Parameters Provisioning SP-32 SP-060435 approved SA1 (China Mobile) - - - 2006-04-25 TEI8 - 2006-06-07
0193 - B Rel-8 7.5.0 - High Speed Interface between the Terminal and the UICC SP-32 SP-060321 revised S1 S1-32 S1-060624 agreed 2006-04-24 TEI8 Written to wrong version of spec. 2006-06-05
0193 1 B Rel-8 8.0.0 - High Speed Interface between the Terminal and the UICC SP-32 SP-060408 revised SP - - - 2006-06-05 TEI8 Made ""Release-independent"". 2006-06-05
0193 2 B Rel-8 8.0.0 8.1.0 High Speed Interface between the Terminal and the UICC SP-32 SP-060449 approved SP - - - 2006-06-07 TEI8 - 2006-06-07
0194 - F Rel-8 8.0.0 8.1.0 Clarification on handling of emergency number SP-32 SP-060320 approved S1 S1-32 S1-060626 agreed 2006-04-18 TEI8 - 2006-06-05
0195 - B Rel-8 8.1.0 - Requirements for the addition of a data component to E112 and 112 (TS12) emergency calls and eCall MSD (data) transfer requirements SP-33 SP-060481 revised Vodafone S1-33 S1-060858 agreed 2006-06-16 ECall - 2006-09-14
0195 1 B Rel-8 8.1.0 - Requirements for the addition of a data component to E112 and 112 (TS12) emergency calls and eCall MSD (data) transfer requirements SP-33 SP-060648 postponed SP - - - 2006-09-26 ECall - 2006-09-26
0195 2 C Rel-8 8.1.0 - Requirements for the addition of a data component to TS12 emergency calls and eCall MSD (data) transfer requirements - - - Vodafone S1-34 S1-061154 revised 2006-10-03 TEMCD - 2006-11-27
0195 3 C Rel-8 8.2.0 8.3.0 Requirements for the addition of a data component to TS12 emergency calls and eCall MSD (data) transfer requirements SP-34 SP-060777 approved Vodafone S1-34 S1-061321 agreed 2006-10-03 EData - 2006-11-27
0196 - F Rel-7 7.6.0 7.7.0 Clarification on Domain Selection for MO and MT Operations SP-33 SP-060470 approved Orange S1-33 S1-060938 agreed 2006-06-27 TEI7 - 2006-09-14
0197 - A Rel-8 8.1.0 8.2.0 Clarification on Domain Selection for MO and MT Operations SP-33 SP-060470 approved Orange S1-33 S1-060939 agreed 2006-06-29 TEI8 - 2006-09-14
0198 - F Rel-7 7.6.0 - Emergency calls and ISIM - - - - - S1-060949 revised 2006-06-29 EMC1 - 2006-09-14
0198 1 F Rel-7 7.6.0 7.7.0 Emergency calls and ISIM SP-33 SP-060468 approved Axalto S1-33 S1-060961 agreed 2006-06-26 EMC1 - 2006-09-14
0199 - A Rel-8 8.1.0 8.2.0 Emergency calls and ISIM SP-33 SP-060468 approved Axalto S1-33 S1-060950 agreed 2006-06-26 EMC1 - 2006-09-14
0200 - B Rel-8 8.1.0 8.2.0 Requirements for the determination of cell capability usage - when requested by CN SP-33 SP-060472 approved Vodafone S1-33 S1-060964 agreed 2006-06-29 TEI8 - 2006-09-14
0201 - B Rel-8 8.2.0 8.3.0 Serving Environment / Mobile Virtual Network Identification SP-34 SP-060773 approved Vodafone S1-34 S1-061406 agreed 2006-10-25 TEI8 WI should really be the new one approved at this meeting in SP-060927. 2006-11-27
0202 - F Rel-7 7.7.0 7.8.0 on Clarification request on VCC with CALL HOLD/CALL WAITING SP-34 SP-060766 approved Nokia S1-34 S1-061422 agreed 2006-10-26 VCC - 2006-11-27
0203 - F Rel-7 7.7.0 7.8.0 Removal of IMS emergency call identifier SP-34 SP-060765 approved Ericsson S1-34 S1-061346 agreed 2006-10-16 EMC1 - 2006-11-27
0204 - A Rel-8 8.2.0 8.3.0 Removal of IMS emergency call identifier SP-34 SP-060765 approved Ericsson S1-34 S1-061347 agreed 2006-10-23 EMC1 - 2006-11-27
0205 - D Rel-8 8.3.0 - Addition of Evolved 3GPP System description and corrections to references - - - Vodafone S1-35 S1-070024 revised 2007-01-15 SAE-R - 2007-03-04
0205 1 D Rel-8 8.3.0 8.4.0 Addition of Evolved 3GPP System description and corrections to references SP-35 SP-070130 approved Vodafone S1-35 S1-070190 agreed 2007-01-15 SAE-R - 2007-03-04
0207 - B Rel-8 8.3.0 - Registration in Densely-populated area - - - NTT DoCoMo S1-35 S1-070290 Revised 2007-01-29 TEI - 2007-03-04
0207 1 B Rel-8 8.3.0 8.4.0 Registration in Densely-populated area SP-35 SP-070134 approved NTT DoCoMo S1-35 S1-070299 agreed 2007-01-29 RED - 2007-03-04
0208 2 B Rel-7 7.8.0 - 22.101 R7: Alignment CR - High Speed ME/UICC Interface: alignment with 3GPP CT SP-36 SP-070356 revised S1 S1-36 S1-070789 Agreed 2007-05-30 TEI7 More souces; Conditionally Agreed 2007-05-30
0208 3 B Rel-7 7.8.0 7.9.0 Alignment - High Speed ME/UICC Interface: alignment with 3GPP CT SP-36 SP-070471 approved SP - - - 2007-06-05 TEI7 - 2007-06-05
0210 1 C Rel-8 8.4.0 8.5.0 Graphic format of PLMN name (22.101) SP-36 SP-070355 approved S1 S1-36 S1-070673 Agreed 2007-05-30 TEI8 - 2007-05-30
0211 1 F Rel-5 5.13.0 5.14.0 Alignment of SPDI definition between TS22.101 and TS31.102 (Rel 5) SP-36 SP-070354 approved S1 S1-36 S1-070801 Agreed 2007-05-30 TEI5 - 2007-05-30
0212 1 A Rel-6 6.11.0 6.12.0 Alignment of SPDI definition between TS22.101 and TS31.102 Rel 6 SP-36 SP-070354 approved S1 S1-36 S1-070803 Agreed 2007-05-30 TEI5 - 2007-05-30
0213 1 A Rel-7 7.8.0 7.9.0 Alignment of SPDI definition between TS22.101 and TS31.102 Rel 7 SP-36 SP-070354 approved S1 S1-36 S1-070804 Agreed 2007-05-30 TEI5 - 2007-05-30
0214 1 A Rel-8 8.4.0 8.5.0 Alignment of SPDI definition between TS22.101 and TS31.102 Rel 8 SP-36 SP-070354 approved S1 S1-36 S1-070802 Agreed 2007-05-30 TEI5 - 2007-05-30
0215 1 F Rel-8 8.4.0 - 22.101 R8: Alignment CR - High Speed ME/UICC Interface,: alignment with 3GPP CT rel-8 SP-36 SP-070357 revised S1 S1-36 S1-070790 Agreed 2007-05-30 TEI8 - 2007-05-30
0215 2 F Rel-8 8.4.0 8.5.0 Alignment - High Speed ME/UICC Interface,: alignment with 3GPP CT rel-8 SP-36 SP-070472 approved SP - - - 2007-06-05 TEI8 - 2007-06-05
0216 1 C Rel-8 8.5.0 - Clarification on graphic format of PLMN name SP-37 SP-070563 reissued S1 - S1-070995 - 2007-08-04 TEI8 - 2007-09-19
0216 1 C Rel-8 8.5.0 8.6.0 Clarification on graphic format of PLMN name SP-37 SP-070662 approved S1 S1-37 S1-070995 Agreed 2007-09-16 TEI8 - 2007-09-17
0217 1 B Rel-8 8.5.0 - Requirements for eCall SP-37 SP-070563 reissued TSG SA WG1 - S1-071003 - 2007-08-04 TEI8 - 2007-09-19
0217 2 B Rel-8 8.5.0 - Requirements for eCall SP-37 SP-070663 revised S1 S1-37b S1-071232 Agreed 2007-09-16 EData - 2007-09-17
0217 3 B Rel-8 8.5.0 - Requirements for eCall SP-37 SP-070563 reissued TSG SA WG1 - S1-071232 - 2007-08-04 EData - 2007-09-19
0217 4 B Rel-8 8.5.0 8.6.0 Requirements for eCall SP-37 SP-070676 approved SP - - - 2007-09-18 EData - 2007-09-18
0218 2 B Rel-8 8.5.0 - TS 22.101 Clause - ICS Requirements - General Requirements SP-37 SP-070563 reissued SA1 - S1- 071314 - 2007-08-04 ICS-RA - 2007-09-19
0218 2 B Rel-8 8.5.0 8.6.0 ICS Requirements – General SP-37 SP-070661 approved S1 S1-37 S1-071314 Agreed 2007-09-16 ICS-RA - 2007-09-17
0221 2 B Rel-8 8.5.0 - TS 22.101 Clause - ICS Requirements - Service Consistency SP-37 SP-070563 reissued SA1 - S1-071315 - 2007-08-04 ICS-RA - 2007-09-19
0221 2 B Rel-8 8.5.0 8.6.0 ICS Requirements - Service Consistency SP-37 SP-070661 approved S1 S1-37 S1-071315 Agreed 2007-09-16 ICS-RA - 2007-09-17
0222 2 B Rel-8 8.5.0 - TS 22.101 Clause - ICS Requirements - Service Continuity Requirements SP-37 SP-070563 reissued SA1 - S1-071316 - 2007-08-04 ICS-RA - 2007-09-19
0222 2 B Rel-8 8.5.0 8.6.0 ICS Requirements - Service Continuity SP-37 SP-070661 approved S1 S1-37 S1-071316 Agreed 2007-09-16 ICS-RA - 2007-09-17
0225 2 B Rel-8 8.5.0 - TS 22.101 Clause - ICS Requirements SP-37 SP-070563 reissued SA1 - S1-071317 - 2007-08-04 ICS-RA - 2007-09-19
0225 2 B Rel-8 8.5.0 8.6.0 ICS Requirements - IMS Services SP-37 SP-070661 approved S1 S1-37b S1-071317 Agreed 2007-09-16 ICS-RA - 2007-09-17
0229 2 B Rel-8 8.6.0 8.7.0 Requirements for Emergency Call-Back SP-38 SP-070861 approved S1 S1-38 S1-071932 - 2007-11-23 TEI8 Spec nbr on pack cover sheet wrong 2007-11-27
0232 1 B Rel-8 8.6.0 8.7.0 ICS - Clarification of Service Continuity SP-38 SP-070850 approved S1 S1-38S1-38 S1-071712 - 2007-11-23 ICSRA - 2007-11-27
0233 1 B Rel-8 8.6.0 8.7.0 ICS - Service Continuity Requirements SP-38 SP-070850 approved S1 S1-38 S1-071713 - 2007-11-23 ICSRA - 2007-11-27
0234 1 B Rel-8 8.6.0 8.7.0 ICS - Roaming Support SP-38 SP-070850 approved S1 S1-38 S1-071714 - 2007-11-23 ICSRA - 2007-11-27
0235 1 B Rel-8 8.6.0 8.7.0 Clarify UE requirements for ICS SP-38 SP-070850 approved S1 S1-38 S1-071715 - 2007-11-23 ICS-RA - 2007-11-27
0237 2 B Rel-8 8.6.0 - Requirements for ""In Case of Emergency"" (ICE) information SP-38 SP-070864 postponed S1 S1-38 S1-071930 - 2007-11-23 ICE - 2007-11-27
0237 6 B Rel-8 8.7.0 8.8.0 Requirements for ""In Case of Emergency"" (ICE) information SP-39 SP-080036 approved S1 S1-39 S1-080309 - 2008-02-06 ICE - 2008-03-07
0241 2 B Rel-8 8.6.0 8.7.0 CS IP Interconnection requirement SP-38 SP-070862 approved S1 S1-38 S1-071927 - 2007-11-23 IPINTERC - 2007-11-27
0245 - C Rel-7 7.9.0 - AI 35-02, Alignment CR, IMS Emergency Call SP-38 SP-070841 reissued S1 S1-38 S1-071449 agreed 2007-11-23 EMC1 - 2007-11-23
0245 - C Rel-7 7.9.0 7.10.0 AI 35-02, Alignment CR, IMS Emergency Call SP-38 SP-070910 approved S1 S1-38 S1-071449 agreed 2007-11-23 EMC1 - 2007-11-23
0248 - B Rel-8 8.6.0 - Requirements for transfer for data during emergency calls CP-38 SP-070837 postponed T-Mobile, - - - 2007-11-23 EData - 2007-12-05
0250 1 F Rel-8 8.7.0 8.8.0 Update the related contents about ôevolved packet systemö SP-39 SP-080042 approved S1 S1-39 S1-080296 - 2008-02-06 AIPN-SAE - 2008-03-07
0251 1 F Rel-8 8.7.0 8.8.0 CS multimedia calls SP-39 SP-080041 approved S1 S1-39 S1-080297 - 2008-02-06 TEI8 - 2008-03-07
0252 1 D Rel-8 8.7.0 8.8.0 correction of wrong referencing SP-39 SP-080041 approved S1 S1-39 S1-080298 - 2008-02-06 TEI8 - 2008-03-07
0253 2 B Rel-8 8.7.0 8.8.0 Requirements for transfer for data during emergency calls SP-39 SP-080032 approved S1 S1-39 S1-080314 - 2008-02-06 EData - 2008-03-07
0254 1 B Rel-8 8.7.0 8.8.0 Requirements for the transfer of eCall Minimum Set of Data SP-39 SP-080032 approved S1 S1-39 S1-080266 - 2008-02-06 EData - 2008-03-07
0255 2 B Rel-8 8.7.0 8.8.0 RAT indicator SP-39 SP-080043 approved S1 S1-39 S1-080337 - 2008-02-06 TEI8 - 2008-03-07
0256 1 B Rel-8 8.7.0 8.8.0 ICS requirement for roaming SP-39 SP-080039 approved S1 S1-39 S1-080287 - 2008-02-06 ICSRA - 2008-03-07
0262 1 B Rel-8 8.7.0 8.8.0 Additional requirements for CS IP interconnection SP-39 SP-080040 approved S1 S1-39 S1-080237 - 2008-02-06 IPINTERC - 2008-03-07
0263 1 B Rel-8 8.7.0 8.8.0 Addition of Unique Device Identifier to Calling Line Identification SP-39 SP-080043 approved S1 S1-39 S1-080299 - 2008-02-06 TEI8 - 2008-03-07
0265 1 B Rel-8 8.7.0 8.8.0 Clarification of requirements for CS IP interconnection SP-39 SP-080040 approved S1 S1-39 S1-080327 - 2008-02-06 IPINTERC - 2008-03-07
0267 3 F Rel-8 8.8.0 8.9.0 Emergency Call Interaction SP-40 SP-080308 approved S1 S1-40 S1-080746 agreed 2008-05-27 EMC1 - 2008-06-02
0268 3 B Rel-9 8.8.0 9.0.0 Requirements for Service Alignment and Migration SP-40 SP-080311 approved S1 S1-40 S1-080774 agreed 2008-05-27 ETWS-S1 - 2008-05-27
0269 1 C Rel-8 8.8.0 8.9.0 eCall call back requirements clarification SP-40 SP-080299 approved S1 S1-40 S1-080581 agreed 2008-05-27 EDATA - 2008-06-02
0270 3 F Rel-8 8.8.0 8.9.0 Common IMS Proposals - Requirements for Emergency Calls SP-40 SP-080298 approved S1 S1-40 S1-080735 agreed 2008-05-27 CIMS_3GPP2 - 2008-06-02
0271 1 F Rel-8 8.8.0 8.9.0 Correction of reference for PLMN architecture SP-40 SP-080306 approved S1 S1-40 S1-080715 agreed 2008-05-27 AIPN-SAE - 2008-06-02
0272 1 F Rel-8 8.8.0 8.9.0 Corrections to general requirements for emergency calls SP-40 SP-080299 approved S1 S1-40 S1-080714 agreed 2008-05-27 EData - 2008-06-02
0274 - F Rel-8 8.8.0 8.9.0 Clarification of IMS Emergency Calls SP-40 SP-080308 approved S1 S1-40 S1-080560 agreed 2008-05-27 EMC1 - 2008-06-02
0275 1 C Rel-8 8.8.0 8.9.0 Reconfigurable eCall only terminal access to test and reconfiguration services SP-40 SP-080299 approved S1 S1-40 S1-080743 agreed 2008-05-27 EDATA - 2008-06-02
0276 - F Rel-8 8.8.0 8.9.0 Correction of ICE requirements SP-40 SP-080302 approved S1 S1-40 S1-080705 agreed 2008-05-27 ICE - 2008-06-02
0277 1 F Rel-7 7.10.0 7.11.0 Emergency Call Feature Interaction SP-41 SP-080491 approved S1 S1-41 S1-082368 - 2008-07-23 EMC1 - 2008-09-05
0280 1 F Rel-9 9.0.0 - RED optimization of location update SP-41 SP-080499 revised S1 S1-41 S1-082194 - 2008-07-24 TEI9 - 2008-09-05
0280 2 F Rel-9 9.0.0 9.1.0 RED optimization of location update SP-41 SP-080643 approved S1 Secretary - - - 2008-09-16 RED - 2008-09-16
0281 2 B Rel-9 9.1.0 9.2.0 User Data Convergence Requirements SP-42 SP-080779 approved S1 S1-43 S1-084415 agreed 2008-11-21 UDC (uid 400046) - 2008-12-04
0282 1 F Rel-9 9.0.0 9.1.0 Clarification on IMS services supported by ICS SP-41 SP-080498 approved S1 S1-41 S1-082192 - 2008-07-24 ICSRA - 2008-09-05
0283 2 F Rel-9 9.1.0 9.2.0 VCC for emergency calls SP-42 SP-080781 approved S1 S1-43 S1-084177 agreed 2008-11-17 IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS - 2008-12-04
0290 3 C Rel-9 9.1.0 - ICS Service Continuity SP-42 SP-080784 revised S1 S1-43 S1-084424 agreed 2008-11-30 TEI9 - 2008-12-04
0290 4 A Rel-9 9.1.0 - ICS Service Continuity SP-42 SP-080877 revised KDDI, Telecom Italia, US Cellular, SK telecom, Alc - - - 2008-05-12 CIMS8 - 2008-12-09
0290 5 A Rel-9 9.1.0 - ICS Service Continuity SP-42 SP-080880 revised KDDI, Telecom Italia, US Cellular, SK telecom, Alc - - - 2008-12-09 CIMS8 - 2008-12-09
0290 6 A Rel-9 9.1.0 9.2.0 ICS Service Continuity SP-42 SP-080884 approved KDDI, Telecom Italia, US Cellular, SK telecom, Alc - - - 2008-12-09 CIMS8 - 2008-12-10
0299 3 B Rel-9 9.1.0 9.2.0 UICC applications access to IMS SP-42 SP-080783 approved S1 S1-43 S1-084404 agreed 2008-11-21 TEI9 - 2008-12-04
0300 - F Rel-9 9.1.0 9.2.0 Make IMS emergency calls available in all access systems SP-42 SP-080781 approved S1 S1-43 S1-084096 agreed 2008-11-17 TEI9 - 2008-12-04
0303 - F Rel-8 8.9.0 - ICS Service Continuity SP-42 SP-080850 revised KDDI, Telecom Italia, US Cellular, SK telecom, Alc - - - 2008-05-12 CIMS8 - 2008-12-09
0303 1 C Rel-8 8.9.0 - ICS Service Continuity SP-42 SP-080876 revised KDDI, Telecom Italia, US Cellular, SK telecom, Alc - - - 2008-05-12 CIMS8 - 2008-12-09
0303 2 C Rel-8 8.9.0 - ICS Service Continuity SP-42 SP-080881 revised KDDI, Telecom Italia, US Cellular, SK telecom, Alc - - - 2008-12-09 CIMS8 - 2008-12-09
0303 3 C Rel-8 8.9.0 8.10.0 ICS Service Continuity SP-42 SP-080885 approved KDDI, Telecom Italia, US Cellular, SK telecom, Alc - - - 2008-12-09 CIMS8 - 2008-12-10
0304 1 F Rel-7 7.11.0 7.12.0 Removing the requirement on call back for emergency call SP-43 SP-090078 approved S1 S1-44 S1-090156 agreed 2009-02-02 TEI7 - 2009-03-02
0304 1 F Rel-7 7.11.0 7.12.0 Removing the requirement on call back for emergency call SP-43 SP-090218 approved S1 - S1-090156 - 2009-02-02 TEI7 - 2009-03-11
0305 1 A Rel-8 8.10.0 8.11.0 Removing the requirement on call back for emergency call SP-43 SP-090078 approved S1 S1-44 S1-090157 agreed 2009-02-02 TEI7 - 2009-03-02
0305 1 A Rel-8 8.10.0 8.11.0 Removing the requirement on call back for emergency call SP-43 SP-090218 approved S1 - S1-090157 - 2009-02-02 TEI7 - 2009-03-11
0306 1 C Rel-8 8.10.0 8.11.0 Clarification and enhancement of ciphering indicator feature SP-43 SP-090079 approved S1 S1-44 S1-090173 agreed 2009-02-03 TEI8 - 2009-03-02
0307 1 A Rel-9 9.2.0 9.3.0 Clarification and enhancement of ciphering indicator feature SP-43 SP-090079 approved S1 S1-44 S1-090174 agreed 2009-02-01 TEI9 - 2009-03-02
0308 3 C Rel-8 8.11.0 8.12.0 eCall - PSAP acknowledgement to the IVS SP-44 SP-090369 approved S1 S1-46 S1-091372 agreed 2009-05-14 Edata - 2009-05-26
0309 - B Rel-9 9.2.0 - UICC high-speed interface support in ME SP-43 SP-090032 revised T-Mobile US, T-Mobile International GmbH, Rogers - - - 2009-05-02 TEI9 - 2009-03-09
0309 1 B Rel-9 9.2.0 - UICC high-speed interface support in ME SP-43 SP-090199 rejected T-Mobile US, T-Mobile International GmbH, Rogers - - - 2009-03-10 TEI9 Needs further discussion at S1. 2009-03-10
0312 4 F Rel-9 9.3.0 9.4.0 Domain selection for emergency call SP-44 SP-090377 approved S1 S1-46 S1-091407 agreed 2009-05-15 IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS_EPS - 2009-05-26
0313 - A Rel-9 9.3.0 9.4.0 eCall - PSAP acknowledgement to the IVS SP-44 SP-090369 approved S1 S1-46 S1-091393 agreed 2009-05-14 Edata - 2009-05-26
0314 - F Rel-8 8.12.0 8.13.0 eCall mode of operation SP-45 SP-090474 approved S1 S1-47 S1-093004 Agreed 2009-07-21 EDATA - 2009-09-10
0315 1 A Rel-9 9.4.0 9.5.0 Minimise delay to emergency voice calls SP-45 SP-090475 approved S1 S1-47 S1-093290 Agreed 2009-08-07 EDATA - 2009-09-10
0316 1 F Rel-10 9.4.0 10.0.0 Add reference to MSD specification SP-45 SP-090483 approved S1 S1-47 S1-093286 Agreed 2009-08-06 EDATA - 2009-09-10
0317 1 F Rel-8 8.12.0 8.13.0 Minimise delay to emergency voice calls SP-45 SP-090475 approved S1 S1-47 S1-093289 Agreed 2009-08-07 EDATA - 2009-09-10
0319 1 F Rel-9 9.4.0 9.5.0 Emergency Calls for VCC SP-45 SP-090480 approved S1 S1-47 S1-093357 Agreed 2009-08-04 IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS - 2009-09-10
0320 4 B Rel-10 9.4.0 10.0.0 Selected IP Traffic Offload SP-45 SP-090484 approved S1 S1-47 S1-093341 Agreed 2009-08-07 LIPA_SIPTO - 2009-09-10
0321 1 F Rel-9 9.4.0 9.5.0 Domain selection for emergency call SP-45 SP-090480 approved S1 S1-47 S1-093282 Agreed 2009-08-06 IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS - 2009-09-10
0322 1 F Rel-10 9.4.0 10.0.0 Clarification of emergency call back requirements SP-45 SP-090483 approved S1 S1-47 S1-093261 Agreed 2009-08-06 TEI10 - 2009-09-10
0324 - F Rel-8 8.12.0 - Providing eCall indication to the PSAP SP-45 SP-090668 postponed DSNA-DTI, Institute Telecom - - - 2009-09-23 TEI8 To be discussed in S1 2009-09-23
0324 2 F Rel-8 8.13.0 - Providing eCall indication to the PSAP SP-46 SP-090836 revised S1 - S1-094257 - 2009-11-18 EDATA Mention of 24.008 on cover is erroneous. 2009-11-30
0324 3 F Rel-8 8.13.0 8.14.0 Providing eCall indication to the PSAP SP-46 SP-090887 approved SP - - - 2009-12-07 EDATA - 2009-12-07
0325 3 B Rel-10 10.0.0 10.1.0 Roaming and Mobility aspects for Selected IP Traffic Offload SP-46 SP-090849 approved S1 - S1-094300 - 2009-11-20 LIPA_SIPTO - 2009-11-30
0326 1 F Rel-9 9.5.0 9.6.0 Use of GTT-IP for IMS emergency calls SP-46 SP-090844 approved S1 - S1-094278 - 2009-11-19 TEI9 - 2009-11-30
0327 2 A Rel-10 10.0.0 10.1.0 Use of GTT-IP for IMS emergency calls (mirror) SP-46 SP-090844 approved S1 - S1-094499 - 2009-11-19 TEI9 - 2009-11-30
0328 1 B Rel-10 10.0.0 10.1.0 ICS Enhancements SP-46 SP-090846 approved S1 - S1-094496 - 2009-11-18 TEI10 - 2009-11-30
0329 - F Rel-9 9.5.0 9.6.0 User data repository shall be possible to be shared among different PLMNs that have trusted relationships SP-46 SP-090842 approved S1 - S1-094230 - 2009-11-10 UDC - 2009-11-30
0330 1 A Rel-10 10.0.0 10.1.0 User data repository shall be possible to be shared among different PLMNs that have trusted relationships SP-46 SP-090842 approved S1 - S1-094272 - 2009-11-19 UDC - 2009-11-30
0332 6 C Rel-10 10.1.0 10.2.0 Clarification to Emergency call selection prioritization SP-47 SP-100188 approved S1 S1-49 S1-100445 agreed 2010-02-26 TEI10 - 2010-03-17
0334 1 F Rel-8 8.13.0 8.14.0 Remove requirement for operator determined eCall call-back duration. SP-46 SP-090836 approved S1 - S1-094260 - 2009-11-18 EDATA - 2009-11-30
0335 - A Rel-9 9.5.0 - Providing eCall indication to the PSAP SP-46 SP-090836 revised S1 - S1-094258 - 2009-11-19 EDATA - 2009-11-30
0335 1 A Rel-9 9.5.0 9.6.0 Providing eCall indication to the PSAP SP-46 SP-090887 approved SP - - - 2009-12-07 EDATA - 2009-12-07
0336 - A Rel-10 10.0.0 - Providing eCall indication to the PSAP SP-46 SP-090836 revised S1 - S1-094259 - 2009-11-19 EDATA - 2009-11-30
0336 1 A Rel-10 10.0.0 10.1.0 Providing eCall indication to the PSAP SP-46 SP-090887 approved SP - - - 2009-12-07 EDATA - 2009-12-07
0337 - A Rel-9 9.5.0 9.6.0 Remove requirement for operator determined eCall call-back duration. SP-46 SP-090836 approved S1 - S1-094261 - 2009-11-19 EDATA - 2009-11-30
0338 - A Rel-10 10.0.0 10.1.0 Remove requirement for operator determined eCall call-back duration. SP-46 SP-090836 approved S1 - S1-094262 - 2009-11-19 EDATA - 2009-11-30
0339 2 B Rel-10 10.1.0 10.2.0 SIPTO requirements common for macro network and H(e)NB subsystems SP-47 SP-100187 approved S1 S1-49 S1-100321 agreed 2010-02-24 LIPA_SIPTO - 2010-03-17
0340 1 C Rel-10 10.1.0 10.2.0 Clarification on ICS wrt data (CS) and fax SP-47 SP-100188 approved S1 S1-49 S1-100442 agreed 2010-02-26 TEI10 - 2010-03-17
0343 2 B Rel-10 10.1.0 10.2.0 IMS emergency call enhancements SP-47 SP-100191 approved S1 S1-49 S1-100431 agreed 2010-02-25 IESE - 2010-03-17
0346 - F Rel-9 9.6.0 9.7.0 Removing the requirement for PSAP call back identification SP-47 SP-100184 approved S1 S1-49 S1-100160 agreed 2010-02-09 TEI9 - 2010-03-17
0347 1 B Rel-10 a.1.0 - Addition of Requirement for UDC Data Model SP-47 SP-100206 revised Telecom Italia, China Mobile, Orange, Deutsche Tel - - - 2010-03-19 TEI10 - 2010-03-22
0347 2 B Rel-10 10.1.0 - Addition of Requirement for UDC Data Model SP-47 SP-100219 postponed Telecom Italia, China Mobile, Orange, Deutsche Tel - - - 2010-03-23 TEI10 - 2010-03-23
0347 4 B Rel-10 10.1.0 - Addition of Requirement for UDC Data Model SP-48 SP-100403 revised S1 S1-50 S1-101060 agreed 2010-05-03 TEI10 Written to wrong version of spec 2010-06-03
0347 5 B Rel-10 10.2.0 - Addition of Requirement for UDC Data Model SP-48 SP-100415 revised S1 S1-50 S1-101060 agreed 2010-06-04 TEI10 - 2010-06-06
0347 6 B Rel-10 10.2.0 10.3.0 Addition of Requirement for UDC Data Model SP-48 SP-100431 approved S1 chairman - - - 2010-06-08 TEI10 - 2010-06-08
0350 - F Rel-10 10.2.0 10.3.0 Correction of reference SP-48 SP-100401 approved S1 S1-50 S1-101067 agreed 2010-05-03 IESE - 2010-06-03
0351 2 C Rel-9 9.7.0 9.8.0 Removal of unfulfilled requirements SP-49 SP-100575 approved S1 S1-51 S1-102188 agreed 2010-08-25 TEI9 - 2010-09-14
0352 1 F Rel-10 10.3.0 10.4.0 Clarification of SIPTO user interaction SP-49 SP-100578 approved S1 S1-51 S1-102315 agreed 2010-08-23 LIPA_SIPTO - 2010-09-14
0353 2 B Rel-11 10.3.0 11.0.0 SIPTO mobility/continuity SP-49 SP-100585 approved S1 S1-51 S1-102403 agreed 2010-08-26 SIPTO_SC - 2010-09-14
0355 - F Rel-10 10.4.0 10.5.0 Alignment of SIPTO for H(e)NB SubSystem requirements in TS 22.101 release 10 SP-50 SP-100796 approved S1 S1-52 S1-103051 agreed 2010-10-26 LIPA_SIPTO - 2010-12-09
0357 2 F Rel-10 10.4.0 10.5.0 Solving user comprehension of network name in foreign language SP-50 SP-100805 approved S1 S1-52 S1-103330 agreed 2010-11-10 TEI10 - 2010-12-09
0360 - F Rel-11 11.0.0 11.1.0 Clarification on Service Continuity for SIPTO SP-51 SP-110168 approved S1 S1-53 S1-110088 - 2011-02-07 SIPTO_SC - 2011-03-16
0362 1 C Rel-10 10.5.1 10.6.0 Removal of Requirement for UDC Data Model SP-52 SP-110371 approved S1 S1-54 S1-111208 agreed 2011-05-09 TEI10 - 2011-06-01
0367 3 B Rel-11 11.1.0 11.2.0 IMS emergency call requirements for additional media types SP-52 SP-110373 approved S1 S1-54 S1-111410 agreed 2011-05-11 NOVES - 2011-06-01
0369 - D Rel-11 11.1.0 11.2.0 Removing text discrepancy between Rel-10 and Rel-11 for UDC Data Model SP-52 SP-110376 approved S1 S1-54 S1-111209 agreed 2011-05-09 TEI11 - 2011-06-01
0370 - F Rel-9 9.8.0 - IMS emergency calls SP-52 SP-110393 revised AT&T, Verizon, Alcatel-Lucent, Motorola Mobility, - - - 2011-06-04 IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS - 2011-06-06
0370 1 F Rel-9 9.8.0 - IMS emergency calls SP-52 SP-110417 revised AT&T, Verizon, Alcatel-Lucent, Motorola Mobility, - - - 2011-06-06 IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS - 2011-06-06
0370 2 F Rel-9 9.8.0 9.9.0 IMS emergency calls SP-52 SP-110418 approved AT&T, Verizon, Alcatel-Lucent, Motorola Mobility, - - - 2011-06-06 IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS - 2011-06-07
0371 - F Rel-10 10.5.1 - IMS emergency calls SP-52 SP-110393 revised AT&T, Verizon, Alcatel-Lucent, Telcordia, ZTE, Tel - - - 2011-06-04 TEI10 - 2011-06-06
0371 1 A Rel-10 10.5.1 - IMS emergency calls SP-52 SP-110417 revised AT&T, Verizon, Alcatel-Lucent, Motorola Mobility, - - - 2011-06-06 IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS - 2011-06-06
0371 2 A Rel-10 10.5.1 10.6.0 IMS emergency calls SP-52 SP-110418 approved AT&T, Verizon, Alcatel-Lucent, Motorola Mobility, - - - 2011-06-06 IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS - 2011-06-07
0372 - A Rel-11 11.1.0 - IMS emergency calls SP-52 SP-110393 revised AT&T, Verizon, Alcatel-Lucent, Telcordia, ZTE, Tel - - - 2011-06-04 TEI10 - 2011-06-06
0372 1 A Rel-11 11.1.0 - IMS emergency calls SP-52 SP-110417 revised AT&T, Verizon, Alcatel-Lucent, Motorola Mobility, - - - 2011-06-06 IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS - 2011-06-06
0372 2 A Rel-11 11.1.0 11.2.0 IMS emergency calls SP-52 SP-110418 approved AT&T, Verizon, Alcatel-Lucent, Motorola Mobility, - - - 2011-06-06 IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS - 2011-06-07
0373 1 F Rel-11 11.2.0 11.3.0 SIPTO in the Mobile Operator Network and Local Residential/Enterprise Network SP-53 SP-110573 approved S1 S1-55 S1-112392 agreed 2011-08-11 TEI11 - 2011-09-15
0374 1 F Rel-11 11.2.0 11.3.0 SIPTO Service Continuity SP-53 SP-110579 approved S1 S1-55 S1-112385 agreed 2011-08-09 SIPTO_SC - 2011-09-15
0376 - F Rel-11 11.2.1 11.3.0 Correction of clause numbers and editorial corrections SP-53 SP-110582 approved S1 S1-55 S1-112025 agreed 2011-07-28 TEI11 - 2011-09-15
0377 - F Rel-10 10.6.0 10.7.0 SIPTO in the Mobile Operator Network and Local Residential/Enterprise Network SP-53 SP-110573 approved S1 S1-55 S1-112028 agreed 2011-07-29 LIPA_SIPTO - 2011-09-15
0378 2 C Rel-11 11.2.0 11.3.0 Clarification on collection of traffic and signalling for SIPTO SP-53 SP-110579 approved S1 S1-55 S1-112393 agreed 2011-08-11 SIPTO_SC - 2011-09-15
0379 - B Rel-11 11.2.0 11.3.0 IMS emergency call support with other media handover considerations SP-53 SP-110576 approved S1 S1-55 S1-112101 agreed 2011-08-01 NOVES - 2011-09-15
0380 1 B Rel-11 11.2.0 11.3.0 Notification of IMS emergency call support with other media SP-53 SP-110576 approved S1 S1-55 S1-112344 agreed 2011-08-09 NOVES - 2011-09-15
0383 2 F Rel-11 11.2.1 - Moving ""Network provided destination for uplink data"" requirement from 22.368 into 22.101 SP-53 SP-110578 revised S1 S1-55 S1-112328 agreed 2011-08-10 SIMTC rev to SP-110629 2011-09-15
0383 3 F Rel-11 11.2.1 - Moving ""Network provided destination for uplink data"" requirement from 22.368 into 22.101 SP-53 SP-110629 reissued NSN, Telefnica - - - 2011-09-20 SIMTC - 2011-09-20
0383 3 F Rel-11 11.2.1 11.3.0 Moving ""Network provided destination for uplink data"" requirement from 22.368 into 22.101 SP-53 SP-110651 approved NSN, Telefnica - - - 2011-09-21 SIMTC - 2011-09-21
0384 2 F Rel-11 11.2.1 - Moving PS-Only requirements from 22.368 into 22.101 SP-53 SP-110578 revised S1 S1-55 S1-112329 agreed 2011-08-10 SIMTC rev to SP-110629 2011-09-15
0384 3 F Rel-11 11.2.1 - Moving PS-Only requirements from 22.368 into 22.101 SP-53 SP-110629 revised NSN - - - 2011-09-20 SIMTC - 2011-09-20
0384 4 F Rel-11 11.2.1 11.3.0 Moving PS-Only requirements from 22.368 into 22.101 SP-53 SP-110651 approved NSN - - - 2011-09-21 SIMTC - 2011-09-21
0385 3 B Rel-11 11.2.1 11.3.0 Domain Selection for IMS emergency calls with additional media types SP-53 SP-110576 approved S1 S1-55 S1-112350 agreed 2011-08-11 NOVES - 2011-09-15
0387 1 F Rel-11 11.3.0 11.4.0 IMS Multimedia Emergency Session support for UEs in Limited Service Mode SP-54 SP-110811 approved S1 S1-56 S1-113245 agreed 2011-11-14 NOVES - 2011-12-07
0388 2 F Rel-11 11.3.0 11.4.0 Correction and removal of inconsistencies to IMS Emergency call when using other media SP-54 SP-110811 approved S1 S1-56 S1-113249 agreed 2011-11-16 NOVES - 2011-12-07
0390 2 F Rel-11 11.3.0 11.4.0 Indication of supported media during an IMS multimedia emergency session SP-54 SP-110811 approved S1 S1-56 S1-113248 agreed 2011-11-16 NOVES - 2011-12-07
0391 1 F Rel-11 11.3.0 11.4.0 Handover of other media to networks that do not support IMS emergency voice calls SP-54 SP-110811 approved S1 S1-56 S1-113250 agreed 2011-11-16 NOVES - 2011-12-07
0392 - F Rel-11 11.3.0 - Media allowed on callback from PSAP SP-54 SP-110811 revised S1 S1-56 S1-113093 agreed 2011-11-05 NOVES - 2011-12-07
0392 1 F Rel-11 11.3.0 11.4.0 Media allowed on callback from PSAP SP-54 SP-110873 approved S1 chairman S1-56 S1-113093 - 2011-12-13 NOVES - 2011-12-13
0393 - F Rel-11 11.3.0 11.4.0 Routing IMS multimedia sessions towards the PSAP SP-54 SP-110811 approved S1 S1-56 S1-113094 agreed 2011-11-05 NOVES - 2011-12-07
0394 - B Rel-11 11.3.0 11.4.0 PS additional number SP-54 SP-110813 approved S1 S1-56 S1-113098 agreed 2011-11-07 TEI11 - 2011-12-07
0400 4 B Rel-12 11.4.0 12.0.0 Introduction of Small Data Applications requirements SP-55 SP-120105 approved S1 S1-57 S1-120346 agreed 2012-02-17 TEI12 - 2012-02-24
0401 1 F Rel-11 11.4.0 11.5.0 PS only subscriptions with SMS support SP-55 SP-120103 approved S1 S1-57 S1-120256 agreed 2012-02-16 SIMTC - 2012-02-24
0403 1 F Rel-11 11.5.0 11.6.0 Release 11 stage 2 alignment related to MSISDN-less SP-56 SP-120289 approved S1 S1-58 S1-121329 agreed 2012-06-01 SIMTC - 2012-06-04
0404 4 B Rel-12 12.2.0 - Language and Modality Information for communications SP-58 SP-120874 withdrawn S1 S1-60 S1-124459 agreed 2012-11-15 LangInfo - 2012-11-29
0405 1 F Rel-10 10.7.0 10.8.0 Removing the requirement for PSAP call back identification SP-56 SP-120287 approved S1 S1-58 S1-121400 agreed 2012-05-10 TEI10 - 2012-06-04
0406 1 F Rel-9 9.9.0 9.10.0 Emergency calls from non CSG members in CSG cells SP-56 SP-120286 approved S1 S1-58 S1-121431 agreed 2012-05-10 EHNB - 2012-06-04
0407 1 A Rel-10 10.7.0 10.8.0 Emergency calls from non CSG members in CSG cells SP-56 SP-120286 approved S1 S1-58 S1-121312 agreed 2012-05-10 EHNB - 2012-06-04
0408 1 A Rel-11 11.5.0 11.6.0 Emergency calls from non CSG members in CSG cells SP-56 SP-120286 approved S1 S1-58 S1-121313 agreed 2012-05-10 EHNB - 2012-06-04
0409 1 A Rel-12 12.0.0 12.1.0 Emergency calls from non CSG members in CSG cells SP-56 SP-120286 approved S1 S1-58 S1-121314 agreed 2012-05-09 EHNB - 2012-06-04
0411 1 F Rel-11 11.5.0 11.6.0 Clarification of PS additional numbers requirement SP-56 SP-120288 approved S1 S1-58 S1-121395 agreed 2012-05-10 TEI11 - 2012-06-04
0412 1 A Rel-12 12.0.0 12.1.0 Clarification of PS additional numbers requirement SP-56 SP-120288 approved S1 S1-58 S1-121396 agreed 2012-05-10 TEI11 - 2012-06-04
0413 1 C Rel-11 11.5.0 11.6.0 Modification of how ME treats emergency call type(s) SP-56 SP-120288 approved S1 S1-58 S1-121391 agreed 2012-06-01 TEI11 - 2012-06-04
0415 - A Rel-12 12.0.0 12.1.0 Modification of how ME treats emergency call type(s) SP-56 SP-120288 approved S1 S1-58 S1-121392 agreed 2012-06-01 TEI11 - 2012-06-04
0416 3 B Rel-12 12.1.0 12.2.0 Definitions for integration of Single Sign-On (SSO) frameworks with 3GPP networks SP-57 SP-120528 approved S1 S1-59 S1-122221 agreed 2012-07-31 SSO_int - 2012-08-29
0417 2 B Rel-12 12.1.0 12.2.0 Requirements for integration of Single Sign-On (SSO) frameworks with 3GPP networks SP-57 SP-120528 approved S1 S1-59 S1-122433 agreed 2012-07-31 SSO_int - 2012-08-29
0418 - B Rel-11 11.6.0 11.7.0 Removal of SIPTO Service Continuity Requirements from Rel-11 SP-57 SP-120523 approved S1 S1-59 S1-122037 agreed 2012-07-10 SIPTO_SC - 2012-08-29
0419 1 F Rel-8 8.14.0 8.15.0 Correction of UE mandatory features SP-57 SP-120519 approved S1 S1-59 S1-122459 agreed 2012-08-03 TEI8 - 2012-08-29
0420 1 A Rel-9 9.10.0 9.11.0 Correction of UE mandatory features SP-57 SP-120519 approved S1 S1-59 S1-122460 agreed 2012-08-03 TEI8 - 2012-08-29
0421 1 A Rel-10 10.8.0 10.9.0 Correction of UE mandatory features SP-57 SP-120519 approved S1 S1-59 S1-122461 agreed 2012-08-03 TEI8 - 2012-08-29
0422 1 A Rel-11 11.6.0 11.7.0 Correction of UE mandatory features SP-57 SP-120519 approved S1 S1-59 S1-122462 agreed 2012-08-03 TEI8 - 2012-08-29
0423 1 A Rel-12 12.1.0 12.2.0 Correction of UE mandatory features SP-57 SP-120519 approved S1 S1-59 S1-122463 agreed 2012-08-03 TEI8 - 2012-08-29
0425 4 F Rel-10 10.9.0 10.10.0 SIPTO per APN for pre-Rel 10 UEs SP-58 SP-120866 approved S1 S1-60 S1-124496 agreed 2012-11-16 TEI10 - 2012-11-29
0427 4 A Rel-11 11.7.0 11.8.0 SIPTO per APN for pre-Rel 10 UEs SP-58 SP-120866 approved S1 S1-60 S1-124497 agreed 2012-11-16 TEI10 - 2012-11-29
0433 5 D Rel-12 12.2.0 12.3.0 MSISDN-less SMS Handling SP-58 SP-120868 approved S1 S1-60 S1-124504 agreed 2012-11-16 MTCe-SRM - 2012-11-29
0434 2 B Rel-12 12.2.0 - Addition of UPCON Requirements SP-58 SP-120871 revised S1 S1-60 S1-124416 agreed 2012-11-13 UPCON - 2012-11-29
0434 3 B Rel-12 12.2.0 - Addition of UPCON Requirements SP-58 SP-120753 revised KDDI, NTT DOCOMO, Research in Motion, NEC, Allot C - - - 2012-12-05 UPCON - 2012-12-10
0434 4 B Rel-12 12.2.0 12.3.0 Addition of UPCON Requirements SP-58 SP-120919 approved KDDI, NTT DOCOMO, Research in Motion, NEC, Allot C - - - 2012-12-11 UPCON - 2012-12-11
0444 - D Rel-12 12.3.0 12.4.0 Clarification of RAN user plane congestion definition SP-59 SP-130106 approved S1 S1-61 S1-131033 agreed 2013-01-17 UPCON - 2013-02-25
0445 3 B Rel-12 12.3.0 12.4.0 Add Requirement on emergency IM CN subsystem SP-59 SP-130112 approved S1 S1-61 S1-131226 agreed 2013-01-29 ESID - 2013-02-25
0452 - F Rel-11 11.8.0 11.9.0 Removal of IMS Emergency Callback requirements from Rel-11 SP-60 SP-130195 approved S1 S1-62 S1-133195 Agreed 2013-05-06 TEI11 - 2013-06-11
0457 1 F Rel-9 9.11.0 9.12.0 Requirement on emergency IM CN service SP-60 SP-130194 approved S1 S1-62 S1-133224 Agreed 2013-05-08 TEI9 - 2013-06-11
0458 2 A Rel-10 10.10.0 10.11.0 Requirement on emergency IM CN service SP-60 SP-130194 approved S1 S1-62 S1-133281 Agreed 2013-05-09 TEI9 - 2013-06-11
0460 2 A Rel-11 11.8.0 11.9.0 Requirement on emergency IM CN service SP-60 SP-130194 approved S1 S1-62 S1-133282 Agreed 2013-05-09 TEI9 - 2013-06-11
0463 1 B Rel-13 12.4.0 13.0.0 E-UTRAN Sharing Enhancements SP-61 SP-130413 approved S1 S1-63 S1-134180 agreed 2013-08-22 RSE - 2013-08-30
A016 - B R99 3.4.0 3.5.0 Control of supplementary services (GSM 02.04), may use MMI procedures specified in GSM 02.30 and existing GSM MMI related MS features (GSM 02.07) may also be used. SP-03 SP-99104 Approved S1 - S1-99202 Agreed 1999-04-26 UMTS_Services - -
A017 - C R99 3.4.0 - Adding a sub-section on Emergency Call handling and addressing the possibility of having more than one Emergency number. SP-03 SP-99104 Postponed S1 - S1-99219 Agreed 1999-04-26 UMTS_Services - -

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