3GPP Specification Change Requests

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3GPP Specification Change Request records for: 23.195

CR no. rev cat Release CR written to vers new vers CR title TSG meeting TSG doc TSG status source WG meeting WG doc WG status cover date work item remarks database record created
0001 - F Rel-5 5.0.0 - Iu mode correction - - - S2 S2-33 S2-032516 Rejected 2003-09-22 LATE_UE - 2003-09-11
0001 1 F Rel-5 5.0.0 - Iu mode correction - - - S2 S2-34 S2-033030 Revised 2003-09-22 LATE_UE - 2003-09-11
0001 2 F Rel-5 5.0.0 - Iu mode correction - - - S2 S2-34 S2-033115 Revised 2003-09-22 LATE_UE - 2003-09-11
0001 3 F Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Iu mode correction SP-21 SP-030377 approved S2 S2-34 S2-033263 Agreed 2003-09-22 LATE_UE - 2003-09-11
0002 - F Rel-5 5.0.0 - Clean up of diagrams - - - S2 S2-33 S2-032517 Revised 2003-09-22 LATE_UE - 2003-09-11
0002 1 F Rel-5 5.0.0 - Clean up of diagrams - - - S2 S2-33 S2-032710 Revised 2003-09-22 LATE_UE - 2003-09-11
0002 2 F Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Clean up of diagrams SP-21 SP-030377 approved S2 S2-34 S2-033031 Agreed 2003-09-22 LATE_UE - 2003-09-11
0003 - C Rel-5 5.0.0 - UESBI mapping from IMEISV - - - S2 S2-33 S2-032601 Revised 2003-09-22 LATE_UE - 2003-09-11
0003 1 C Rel-5 5.0.0 - UESBI mapping from IMEISV - - - S2 S2-33 S2-032711 Revised 2003-09-22 LATE_UE - 2003-09-11
0003 2 C Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Additional text for section 6 on (physical) location of FIB function SP-21 SP-030377 approved S2 S2-34 S2-033116 Agreed 2003-09-22 LATE_UE - 2003-09-11
0004 - F Rel-5 5.0.0 - Roll out issue for RANAP-BSSMAP interworking - - - S2 S2-33 S2-032611 Revised 2003-09-22 LATE_UE - 2003-09-11
0004 1 F Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Roll out issue for RANAP-BSSMAP interworking SP-21 SP-030377 approved S2 S2-33 S2-032712 Agreed 2003-09-22 LATE_UE - 2003-09-11
0005 - F Rel-5 5.0.0 - Diagram for section - - - S2 S2-33 S2-032612 Withdrawn 2003-09-22 LATE_UE - 2003-09-11
0006 - F Rel-5 5.0.0 - Additional text for section 6 on (physical) location of FIB function - - - S2 S2-34 S2-033083 Revised 2003-09-22 LATE_UE - 2003-09-11
0007 - F Rel-5 5.0.0 - Possible late contribution on new figure for section - - - S2 S2-34 S2-033084 Withdrawn 2003-09-22 LATE_UE - 2003-09-11
0008 - F Rel-5 5.1.0 - Removal of text passages with unclear status - - - S2 S2-36 S2-034213 Rejected 2003-12-15 LATE_UE - 2004-01-05
0008 1 F Rel-5 5.2.0 - Removal of text passages with unclear status - - - S2 S2-38 S2-040880 Revised 2004-03-15 LATE_UE - 2004-03-05
0008 2 F Rel-5 5.2.0 5.3.0 Removal of text passages with unclear status SP-23 SP-040034 approved S2 S2-38 S2-041008 Agreed 2004-03-15 LATE_UE - 2004-03-05
0009 - F Rel-5 5.1.0 5.2.0 Change to editor's note SP-22 SP-030655 approved S2 S2-36 S2-034220 Agreed 2003-12-15 LATE_UE - 2004-01-05
0010 - F Rel-5 5.2.0 5.3.0 Alignment of text with figure SP-23 SP-040034 approved S2 S2-38 S2-040843 Agreed 2004-03-15 LATE_UE - 2004-03-05
0011 - F Rel-5 5.3.0 - IMEISV obtaining for UEs supporting only UMTS radio access - - - S2 S2-41 S2-042702 Revised 2004-09-13 LATE_UE - 2004-09-08
0011 1 F Rel-5 5.3.0 5.4.0 IMEISV obtaining for UEs supporting only UMTS radio access SP-25 SP-040520 approved S2 S2-41 S2-042828 Agreed 2004-09-13 LATE_UE - 2004-09-08

page generated from database: 2013-10-16 10:33:19