3GPP Specification Change Requests

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3GPP Specification Change Request records for: 23.251

CR no. rev cat Release CR written to vers new vers CR title TSG meeting TSG doc TSG status source WG meeting WG doc WG status cover date work item remarks database record created
0001 - F Rel-6 6.0.0 - Clarification on UE support of network sharing w.r.t. releases - - - S2 S2-41 S2-042565 Rejected 2004-09-13 NTShar - 2004-09-08
0002 - F Rel-6 6.0.0 - Introduction of network sharing (non-)supporting UEs - - - S2 S2-41 S2-042566 Revised 2004-09-13 NTShar - 2004-09-08
0002 1 F Rel-6 6.0.0 6.1.0 Introduction of network sharing (non-)supporting UEs SP-25 SP-040527 approved S2 S2-41 S2-042577 Agreed 2004-09-13 NTShar - 2004-09-08
0003 - B Rel-6 6.0.0 - Handling of system information in connected mode - - - S2 S2-41 S2-042567 Revised 2004-09-13 NTShar - 2004-09-08
0003 1 B Rel-6 6.0.0 6.1.0 Handling of system information in connected mode SP-25 SP-040527 approved S2 S2-41 S2-042576 Agreed 2004-09-13 NTShar - 2004-09-08
0004 - B Rel-6 6.0.0 - Core network operator identity as part of LAI/RAI for supporting UEs - - - S2 S2-41 S2-042568 Revised 2004-09-13 NTShar - 2004-09-08
0004 1 B Rel-6 6.0.0 6.1.0 Core network operator identity as part of LAI/RAI for supporting UEs SP-25 SP-040527 approved S2 S2-41 S2-042574 Agreed 2004-09-13 NTShar - 2004-09-08
0005 - B Rel-6 6.0.0 - Indication of selected core network operator to the CN for supporting UEs - - - S2 S2-41 S2-042569 Revised 2004-09-13 NTShar - 2004-09-08
0005 1 B Rel-6 6.0.0 6.1.0 Indication of selected core network operator to the CN for supporting UEs SP-25 SP-040527 approved S2 S2-41 S2-042575 Agreed 2004-09-13 NTShar - 2004-09-08
0006 - F Rel-6 6.0.0 - Removal of duplications - - - S2 S2-41 S2-042570 Withdrawn 2004-09-13 NTShar - 2004-09-08
0007 - F Rel-6 6.1.0 - Inclusion of informative Annex “NRI allocation examples” - - - Nokia S2-42 S2-043112 REVISED TO S2-043120 2004-10-15 NTSHAR - 2004-12-09
0007 1 F Rel-6 6.1.0 6.2.0 Inclusion of informative Annex “NRI allocation examples” SP-26 SP-040759 approved Nokia S2-42 S2-043120 AGREED 2004-10-15 NTSHAR - 2004-12-09
0007 2 F Rel-6 6.1.0 - Inclusion of informative Annex “NRI allocation examples” - - - Nokia S2-43 S2-043568 WITHDRAWN 2004-11-19 NTSHAR - 2004-12-09
0008 - F Rel-6 6.1.0 - Indication of selected CN operator in connected mode - - - TeliaSonera S2-42 S2-043116 REVISED TO S2-043121 2004-10-15 NTSHAR - 2004-12-09
0008 1 F Rel-6 6.1.0 - Indication of selected CN operator in connected mode - - - TeliaSonera S2-42 S2-043121 REVISED TO S2-043388 2004-10-15 NTSHAR - 2004-12-09
0008 2 F Rel-6 6.1.0 - Indication of selected CN operator in connected mode - - - TeliaSonera S2-42 S2-043388 REVISED TO S2-043692 2004-10-15 NTSHAR - 2004-12-09
0008 3 F Rel-6 6.1.0 6.2.0 Indication of selected CN operator in connected mode SP-26 SP-040759 approved TeliaSonera S2-43 S2-043692 AGREED 2004-11-19 NTSHAR - 2004-12-09
0009 - F Rel-6 6.1.0 - Transfer of selected Operator Id to Target RNC - - - Nortel Networks S2-43 S2-043585 REVISED TO S2-043691 2004-11-19 NTSHAR - 2004-12-09
0009 1 F Rel-6 6.1.0 - Transfer of selected Operator Id to Target RNC - - - Nortel Networks S2-43 S2-043691 rejected 2004-11-19 NTSHAR - 2004-12-09
0010 - F Rel-6 6.1.0 - Indication of selected CN operator in connected mode revisited - - - TeliaSonera S2-43 S2-043635 rejected 2004-11-19 NTSHAR - 2004-12-09
0011 - F Rel-6 6.10.0 - Correction of references - - - TeliaSonera S2-44 S2-050293 revised 2005-02-02 NTShar Revised to S2-050401 2005-03-13
0011 1 F Rel-6 6.2.0 6.3.0 Correction of references SP-27 SP-050111 approved TeliaSonera S2-44 S2-050401 agreed 2005-02-02 NTShar wrong version of spec on CR form 2005-03-13
0012 - F Rel-6 6.3.0 - Clarification of PS and CS domain registration coordination - - - Ericsson S2-46 S2-051177 revised 2005-05-04 NTShar Revised to S2-051391 2005-06-03
0012 1 F Rel-6 6.3.0 - Clarification of PS and CS domain registration coordination - - - Ericsson S2-46 S2-051391 revised 2005-05-09 NTShar Revised to S2-051413 2005-06-03
0012 2 F Rel-6 6.3.0 - Clarification of PS and CS domain registration coordination - - - Ericsson S2-46 S2-051413 revised 2005-05-10 NTShar Revised to S2-051437 2005-06-03
0012 3 F Rel-6 6.3.0 - Clarification of PS and CS domain registration coordination - - - Ericsson S2-46 S2-051437 revised 2005-05-10 NTShar Revised to S2-051453 2005-06-03
0012 4 F Rel-6 6.3.0 6.4.0 Clarification of PS and CS domain registration coordination SP-28 SP-050341 approved Ericsson S2-46 S2-051453 agreed 2005-05-20 NTShar Agreed by e-mail 2005-06-03
0013 - F Rel-6 6.4.0 - Cleanup of RNC based PS and CS domain registration coordination - - - Ericsson S2-47 S2-051548 revised 2005-06-30 NTShar Revised in S2-051810 2005-09-14
0013 1 F Rel-6 6.4.0 6.5.0 Cleanup of RNC based PS and CS domain registration coordination SP-29 SP-050477 approved Ericsson S2-47 S2-051810 agreed 2005-06-30 NTShar - 2005-09-14
0014 - F Rel-6 6.5.0 - Clarification of netshare re-routing - - - Ericsson S2-50 S2-060288 revised 2006-01-10 TEI6 Revised in S2-060449 2005-09-14
0014 1 F Rel-6 6.5.0 6.6.0 Clarification of netshare re-routing SP-31 SP-060141 approved Ericsson S2-50 S2-060449 agreed 2006-01-17 TEI6 - 2005-09-14
0015 - F Rel-8 7.0.0 - Update for the Evolved Packet System - - - S2 S2-69 S2-087448 revised 2008-11-12 SAES Revised in S2-088033 2008-11-12
0015 1 F Rel-8 7.0.0 - Update for the Evolved Packet System - - - S2 S2-69 S2-088033 revised 2008-11-21 SAES Revised in S2-088285 2008-11-21
0015 2 F Rel-8 7.0.0 8.0.0 Update for the Evolved Packet System SP-42 SP-080817 approved S2 S2-69 S2-088285 agreed 2008-11-21 SAES Approved 2008-11-21
0016 - F Rel-8 8.0.0 - Update of network sharing due to introduction of the EPS - - - S2 S2-70 S2-090030 Revised 2009-02-20 SAES Revised in parallel session in S2-090650 2009-03-01
0016 1 F Rel-8 8.0.0 - Update of network sharing due to introduction of the EPS - - - S2 S2-70 S2-090650 Withdrawn 2009-02-20 SAES WITHDRAWN. 2009-03-01
0016 2 F Rel-8 8.0.0 - Netshare cleanup - - - S2 S2-71 S2-091044 Revised 2009-02-20 SAES Revision of S2#70 withdrawn CR in S2-090650. Revised in S2-091321 2009-03-01
0016 3 F Rel-8 8.0.0 - Netshare cleanup - - - S2 S2-71 S2-091321 Revised 2009-02-20 SAES Revision of S2-091044. LATE DOC: Rx 16/02. Revised to S2-091496 2009-03-01
0016 4 F Rel-8 8.0.0 - Netshare cleanup - - - S2 S2-71 S2-091496 Revised 2009-02-20 SAES Nokia Siemens Networks asked if it could be clarified that the selected PLMN is provided in the same message. Changes were made in 5.4 and 5.5 to cover this and the CR revised in S2-091750 2009-03-01
0016 5 F Rel-8 8.0.0 8.1.0 Netshare cleanup SP-43 SP-090113 approved S2 S2-71 S2-091750 agreed 2009-02-20 SAES This CR was approved 2009-03-01
0017 - F Rel-9 8.1.0 9.0.0 Remove ambiguity regarding the UE handling of the Common PLMN ID SP-45 SP-090609 approved S2 75 S2-095047 agreed 2009-09-04 TEI9 It was confirmed that this is aligned with the Stage 3 specifications. This CR was approved. 2009-09-17
0018 - F Rel-9 9.0.0 9.1.0 UE selecting network in shared network SP-46 SP-090795 approved S2 S2-75E S2-096137 agreed 2009-11-17 TEI9 APPROVED 2009-11-26
0019 - F Rel-8 8.1.0 - Network sharing deployment requirements to solve the Kasme derivation issue - - - S2 S2-77 S2-100138 revised 2010-03-16 SAES Revised to S2-100673 2010-03-19
0019 1 F Rel-8 8.1.0 - Network sharing deployment requirements to solve the Kasme derivation issue - - - S2 S2-77 S2-100673 revised 2010-03-16 SAES Revised to S2-100707 2010-03-19
0019 2 F Rel-8 8.1.0 - Network sharing deployment requirements to solve the Kasme derivation issue - - - S2 S2-77 S2-100707 revised 2010-03-16 SAES Revised to S2-100894 2010-03-19
0019 3 F Rel-8 8.1.0 - Network sharing deployment requirements to solve the Kasme derivation issue - - - S2 S2-77 S2-100894 revised 2010-03-16 SAES This CR was approved. Revised at S2-78 in S2-101196 2010-03-19
0019 4 F Rel-8 8.1.0 - Network sharing deployment requirements to solve the Kasme derivation issue - - - S2 S2-78 S2-101196 revised 2010-03-16 SAES Revised to S2-101651 2010-03-19
0019 5 F Rel-8 8.1.0 8.2.0 Network sharing deployment requirements to solve the Kasme derivation issue SP-47 SP-100130 approved S2 S2-78 S2-101651 agreed 2010-03-16 SAES This CR was approved 2010-03-19
0020 - A Rel-9 9.0.0 - Network sharing deployment requirements to solve the Kasme derivation issue - - - S2 S2-77 S2-100139 revised 2010-03-16 SAES Revised to S2-100674 2010-03-19
0020 1 A Rel-9 9.0.0 - Network sharing deployment requirements to solve the Kasme derivation issue - - - S2 S2-77 S2-100674 revised 2010-03-16 SAES Revised to S2-100895 2010-03-19
0020 2 A Rel-9 9.0.0 - Network sharing deployment requirements to solve the Kasme derivation issue - - - S2 S2-77 S2-100895 revised 2010-03-16 SAES This CR was approved. Revised at S2-78 in S2-101197 2010-03-19
0020 3 A Rel-9 9.1.0 - Network sharing deployment requirements to solve the Kasme derivation issue - - - S2 S2-78 S2-101197 revised 2010-03-16 SAES Revised to S2-101652 2010-03-19
0020 4 A Rel-9 9.1.0 9.2.0 Network sharing deployment requirements to solve the Kasme derivation issue SP-47 SP-100130 approved S2 S2-78 S2-101652 agreed 2010-03-16 SAES This CR was approved 2010-03-19
0021 - F Rel-8 8.1.0 - Handover during the network sharing case - - - S2 S2-77 S2-100484 revised 2010-03-16 TEI8 Revised to S2-100677 2010-03-19
0021 1 F Rel-8 8.1.0 8.2.0 Handover during the network sharing case SP-47 SP-100138 approved S2 S2-77 S2-100677 agreed 2010-03-16 TEI8 This CR was approved 2010-03-19
0022 - A Rel-9 9.1.0 - Handover during the network sharing case - - - S2 S2-77 S2-100485 revised 2010-03-16 TEI9 Revised to S2-100678 2010-03-19
0022 1 A Rel-9 9.1.0 - Handover during the network sharing case - - - S2 S2-77 S2-100678 revised 2010-03-16 TEI9 Revised to S2-100898 2010-03-19
0022 2 A Rel-9 9.1.0 9.2.0 Handover during the network sharing case SP-47 SP-100138 approved S2 S2-77 S2-100898 agreed 2010-03-16 TEI8 This CR was approved 2010-03-19
0023 - B Rel-10 9.2.0 - Introduction of MOCN GERAN - - - S2 S2-81 S2-105072 revised 2010-10-11 MOCN-GERAN Noted. Revised at S2-82 in S2-105437 2010-11-25
0023 1 B Rel-10 9.2.0 - Introduction of MOCN GERAN - - - S2 S2-82 S2-105437 revised 2010-11-05 MOCN-GERAN Revised to S2-105890. 2010-11-25
0023 2 B Rel-10 9.2.0 10.0.0 Introduction of MOCN GERAN SP-50 SP-100693 approved S2 S2-82 S2-105890 agreed 2010-11-16 MOCN-GERAN This CR was agreed. 2010-11-25
0024 - F Rel-9 9.2.0 - Network sharing update in case of multiple PLMNs for CSFB - - - S2 S2-82 S2-105534 revised 2010-11-08 TEI9 Revised to S2-105938. 2010-11-25
0024 1 F Rel-9 9.2.0 9.3.0 Network sharing update in case of multiple PLMNs for CSFB SP-50 SP-100681 approved S2 S2-82 S2-105938 agreed 2010-11-18 TEI9 This CR was agreed. 2010-11-25
0025 - F Rel-8 8.2.0 - RAN sharing for the H(e)NB (CSG cell) - - - - S2-82E S2-110047 Revised 2011-01-12 TEI8 Revised 2011-01-12
0025 1 F Rel-8 8.2.0 8.3.0 RAN sharing for the H(e)NB (CSG cell) SP-51 SP-110061 approved S2 S2-82E S2-110158 Agreed 2011-01-24 TEI8 Agreed 2011-01-24
0026 - F Rel-9 9.3.0 - RAN sharing for the H(e)NB (CSG cell in the closed access mode and in the hybrid access mode) - - - - S2-82E S2-110048 Revised 2011-01-12 TEI9 Revised 2011-01-12
0026 1 A Rel-9 9.3.0 9.4.0 RAN sharing for the H(e)NB (CSG cell in the closed access mode and in the hybrid access mode) SP-51 SP-110061 approved S2 S2-82E S2-110159 Agreed 2011-01-24 TEI8 Agreed 2011-01-24
0027 - F Rel-10 10.0.1 - NITZ in connection with network sharing - - - - S2-82E S2-110080 Revised 2011-01-12 TEI10 Revised 2011-01-12
0027 1 F Rel-10 10.0.1 10.1.0 NITZ in connection with network sharing SP-51 SP-110076 approved S2 S2-82E S2-110192 Agreed 2011-01-26 TEI10 Agreed 2011-01-26
0028 - F Rel-10 10.0.1 - LLC sequence number handling in redirection procedure - - - - S2-82E S2-110135 Revised 2011-01-13 TEI10 Revised 2011-01-13
0028 1 F Rel-10 10.0.1 - LLC sequence number handling in the redirection procedure - - - - S2-83 S2-110441 Revised 2011-02-12 TEI10 Revised 2011-02-12
0028 2 F Rel-10 10.0.1 10.1.0 LLC sequence number handling in the redirection procedure SP-51 SP-110076 approved S2 S2-83 S2-111010 Agreed 2011-02-22 TEI10 Agreed 2011-02-22
0029 - F Rel-10 10.0.1 - RAN sharing for the H(e)NB (CSG cell in the closed access mode and in the hybrid access mode) - - - - S2-83 S2-110464 Revised 2011-02-12 TEI10 Revised 2011-02-12
0029 1 A Rel-10 10.0.1 10.1.0 RAN sharing for the H(e)NB (CSG cell in the closed access mode and in the hybrid access mode) SP-51 SP-110061 approved S2 S2-83 S2-110962 Agreed 2011-02-25 TEI8 Agreed 2011-02-25
0030 - F Rel-10 10.0.1 - Cell Broadcast and Warning System Services for network sharing configuration - - - - S2-83 S2-110622 Revised 2011-02-14 TEI10 Revised 2011-02-14
0030 1 F Rel-10 10.0.1 - Cell Broadcast and Warning System Services for network sharing configuration - - - - S2-83 S2-110942 Revised 2011-02-21 TEI10 Revised 2011-02-21
0030 2 F Rel-10 10.0.1 - Cell Broadcast and Warning System Services for network sharing configuration - - - - S2-83 S2-111221 Revised 2011-02-25 TEI10 Revised 2011-02-25
0030 3 F Rel-10 10.0.1 - Cell Broadcast and Warning System Services for network sharing configuration - - - - S2-83 S2-111242 Revised 2011-02-25 TEI10 Revised 2011-02-25
0030 4 F Rel-10 10.0.1 10.1.0 Cell Broadcast and Warning System Services for network sharing configuration SP-51 SP-110076 approved S2 S2-83 S2-111273 Agreed 2011-03-07 TEI10 Agreed 2011-03-07
0031 - F Rel-8 8.3.0 - Network sharing and provision of service capabilities - - - - S2-84 S2-111835 Noted 2011-04-06 TEI8 Noted 2011-06-04
0032 - A Rel-9 9.4.0 - Network sharing and provision of service capabilities - - - - S2-84 S2-111836 Noted 2011-04-06 TEI8 Noted 2011-06-04
0033 - A Rel-10 10.1.0 - Network sharing and provision of service capabilities - - - - S2-84 S2-111837 Revised 2011-04-06 TEI8 Revised 2011-06-04
0033 1 F Rel-10 10.1.0 - Network sharing and provision of service capabilities - - - - S2-84 S2-111916 Revised 2011-04-11 TEI10 Revised 2011-11-04
0033 2 F Rel-10 10.1.0 - Network sharing and provision of service capabilities SP-52 SP-110335 revised S2 S2-84 S2-112196 Agreed 2011-04-15 TEI10 rev in SP-110420 2011-04-15
0033 3 F Rel-10 10.1.0 - Network sharing and provision of service capabilities SP-52 SP-110420 revised Nokia Siemens Networks - - - 2011-06-07 TEI10 - 2011-06-07
0033 4 F Rel-10 10.1.0 10.2.0 Network sharing and provision of service capabilities SP-52 SP-110432 approved Nokia Siemens Networks - - - 2011-06-07 TEI10 - 2011-06-07
0034 - B Rel-11 10.1.0 - Introduction of FULL-MOCN-GERAN feature - - - - S2-85 S2-112484 Revised 2011-05-11 Full_MOCN-GERAN Revised 2011-11-05
0034 1 B Rel-11 10.1.0 - Introduction of FULL-MOCN-GERAN feature - - - - S2-85 S2-112611 Revised 2011-05-16 Full_MOCN-GERAN Revised 2011-05-16
0034 2 B Rel-11 10.1.0 - Introduction of FULL-MOCN-GERAN feature - - - - S2-85 S2-112874 - 2011-05-20 Full_MOCN-GERAN - 2011-05-20
0034 3 B Rel-11 10.2.0 - Introduction of FULL-MOCN-GERAN feature - - - - S2-86 S2-113246 Revised 2011-07-04 Full_MOCN-GERAN Revised 2011-04-07
0034 4 B Rel-11 10.2.0 - Introduction of FULL-MOCN-GERAN feature - - - - S2-86 S2-113679 Revised 2011-07-12 Full_MOCN-GERAN Revised 2011-12-07
0034 5 B Rel-11 10.2.0 11.0.0 Introduction of FULL-MOCN-GERAN feature SP-53 SP-110457 approved S2 S2-86 S2-113614 Agreed 2011-07-14 Full_MOCN-GERAN Agreed 2011-07-14
0035 - F Rel-10 10.2.0 - SRVCC and Network Sharing from E-UTRAN - - - - S2-87 S2-114272 Noted 2011-10-04 TEI10 Noted in parallel sessions 2011-10-04
0036 - A Rel-11 11.0.0 - SRVCC and Network Sharing from E-UTRAN - - - - S2-87 S2-114273 Noted 2011-10-04 TEI10 Noted in parallel sessions 2011-10-04
0037 - B Rel-11 11.0.0 - SRVCC and Network Sharing from E-UTRAN - - - - S2-88 S2-114941 - 2011-11-04 TEI11 Parallel sessions: Should be scheduled for TEI11 for IMS related in SA WG2#89 2011-11-04
0037 1 B Rel-11 11.0.0 - SRVCC and Network Sharing from E-UTRAN - - - - S2-89 S2-120516 Revised 2012-01-27 TEI11 Revised to S2-120956. 2012-01-27
0037 2 B Rel-11 11.0.0 11.1.0 SRVCC and Network Sharing from E-UTRAN SP-55 SP-120088 approved S2 S2-89 S2-120956 Agreed 2012-02-07 TEI11 This CR was agreed 2012-02-07
0038 - F Rel-10 10.2.0 - SRVCC and Network Sharing from E-UTRAN - - - - S2-88 S2-114972 Noted 2011-11-05 TEI10 Incomplete summary of change, consequences. Noted 2011-11-05
0039 - D Rel-11 11.0.0 11.1.0 Editorial corrections on redirection message for Non-supporting UEs in a MOCN configuration SP-55 SP-120088 approved S2 S2-88E S2-120225 Agreed 2012-01-10 TEI11 Approved 2012-01-10
0040 - B Rel-11 11.0.0 - Introduction of FULL-MOCN-GERAN feature - - - - S2-89 S2-120455 Revised 2012-01-26 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Revised to S2-120930. 2012-01-26
0040 1 B Rel-11 11.0.0 11.1.0 Introduction of FULL-MOCN-GERAN feature SP-55 SP-120079 approved S2 S2-89 S2-120930 Agreed 2012-02-06 FULL_MOCN-GERAN This CR was agreed 2012-02-06
0041 - C Rel-11 11.0.0 - RAN sharing for HeNB - - - - S2-89 S2-120482 - 2012-01-27 TEI11 Not Handled 2012-01-27
0042 - F Rel-10 10.2.0 - MOCN-GERAN support correction - - - - S2-89 S2-120563 Revised 2012-01-30 MOCN-GERAN Revised to S2-120932. 2012-01-30
0042 1 F Rel-10 10.2.0 10.3.0 MOCN-GERAN support correction SP-55 SP-120070 approved S2 S2-89 S2-120932 Agreed 2012-02-06 MOCN-GERAN This CR was agreed 2012-02-06
0043 - C Rel-11 11.0.0 - FULL-MOCN-GERAN support - - - - S2-89 S2-120564 Revised 2012-01-30 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Revised to S2-120931. 2012-01-30
0043 1 C Rel-11 11.0.0 11.1.0 FULL-MOCN-GERAN support SP-55 SP-120079 approved S2 S2-89 S2-120931 Agreed 2012-02-06 FULL_MOCN-GERAN This CR was agreed 2012-02-06
0044 - F Rel-11 11.0.0 - RAN sharing support for H(e)NB - - - - S2-89 S2-120770 Noted 2012-01-31 TEI11 Noted 2012-01-31
0045 - B Rel-11 11.0.0 - EAB for network sharing - - - - S2-89 S2-120943 Revised 2012-02-06 TEI11 Revised to S2-121085. 2012-02-06
0045 1 B Rel-11 11.0.0 - EAB for network sharing - - - - S2-89 S2-121085 Revised 2012-02-09 TEI11 Revised to S2-121099. 2012-02-09
0045 2 B Rel-11 11.0.0 11.1.0 EAB for network sharing SP-55 SP-120088 approved S2 S2-89 S2-121099 Agreed 2012-02-09 TEI11 This CR was agreed 2012-02-09
0046 - F Rel-11 11.1.0 - Support for RAN sharing for CSG and hybrid cells - - - - S2-90 S2-121240 Revised 2012-04-05 TEI11 Not Handled. Revised at S2-91 in S2-121981 2012-04-05
0046 1 F Rel-11 11.1.0 - Support for RAN sharing for CSG and hybrid cells - - - - S2-91 S2-121981 Revised 2012-05-12 TEI11 Revised to S2-122557. 2012-05-12
0046 2 F Rel-11 11.1.0 11.2.0 Support for RAN sharing for CSG and hybrid cells SP-56 SP-120251 approved S2 S2-91 S2-122557 Agreed 2012-05-24 TEI11 This CR was agreed. Intended to consider earlier Releases at the next meeting 2012-05-24
0047 - F Rel-11 11.1.0 - CS-PS Coordination - - - - S2-90 S2-121247 Revised 2012-04-05 TEI11 Not Handled. Revised at S2-91 in S2-121980 2012-04-05
0047 1 F Rel-11 11.1.0 - CS-PS Coordination - - - - S2-91 S2-121980 - 2012-05-12 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Not Handled 2012-05-12
0047 2 F Rel-11 11.2.0 - CS-PS Coordination - - - - S2-92 S2-122721 - 2012-06-28 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Not Handled 2012-06-28
0048 - F Rel-11 11.1.0 - RAN sharing and Voice Service Match - - - - S2-90 S2-121272 Noted 2012-04-10 TEI11 Noted 2012-04-10
0049 - B Rel-11 11.1.0 - GWCN support in the CN and RAN - - - - S2-90 S2-121288 Revised 2012-04-10 TEI11 Revised to S2-121640. 2012-04-10
0049 1 B Rel-11 11.1.0 - GWCN support in the CN and RAN - - - - S2-90 S2-121640 Noted 2012-04-16 TEI11 Noted. Huawei were invited to propose the remaining changes at the next meeting 2012-04-16
0050 - F Rel-11 11.1.0 - PLMN ID indication in the CS domain - - - - S2-90 S2-121289 Revised 2012-04-10 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Revised to S2-121630. 2012-04-10
0050 1 F Rel-11 11.1.0 - PLMN ID indication in the CS domain - - - - S2-90 S2-121630 Withdrawn 2012-04-16 FULL_MOCN-GERAN WITHDRAWN 2012-04-16
0051 - F Rel-11 11.1.0 - SRVCC and Network Sharing - - - - S2-90 S2-121413 Revised 2012-04-10 TEI11 Not Handled. Revised at S2-91 in S2-122142 2012-04-10
0051 1 F Rel-11 11.1.0 - SRVCC and Network Sharing - - - - S2-91 S2-122142 Revised 2012-05-14 TEI11 Revised to S2-122551. 2012-05-14
0051 2 A Rel-11 11.1.0 11.2.0 SRVCC and Network Sharing SP-56 SP-120237 approved S2 S2-91 S2-122551 Agreed 2012-05-24 TEI10 This CR was agreed 2012-05-24
0052 - F Rel-10 10.3.0 - SRVCC and Network Sharing - - - - S2-90 S2-121414 Revised 2012-04-10 TEI10 Not Handled. Revised at S2-91 in S2-122143 2012-04-10
0052 1 F Rel-10 10.3.0 - SRVCC and Network Sharing - - - - S2-91 S2-122143 Revised 2012-05-14 TEI10 Revised to S2-122547. 2012-05-14
0052 2 F Rel-10 10.3.0 10.4.0 SRVCC and Network Sharing SP-56 SP-120237 approved S2 S2-91 S2-122547 Agreed 2012-05-24 TEI10 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed 2012-05-24
0053 - F Rel-11 11.1.0 - EAB overload control from CN to RAN for UTRAN/GERAN in shared networks - - - - S2-90 S2-121431 Revised 2012-04-10 TEI11 Not Handled. Revised at S2-91 in S2-122164 2012-04-10
0053 1 F Rel-11 11.1.0 - EAB overload control from CN to RAN for UTRAN/GERAN in shared networks - - - - S2-91 S2-122164 Revised 2012-05-14 TEI11 Revised to S2-122560. 2012-05-14
0053 2 F Rel-11 11.1.0 11.2.0 EAB overload control from CN to RAN for UTRAN/GERAN in shared networks SP-56 SP-120251 approved S2 S2-91 S2-122560 Agreed 2012-05-24 TEI11 This CR was agreed 2012-05-24
0054 - B Rel-11 11.1.0 - rSRVCC in network sharing with LTE to CS and back to LTE - - - - S2-90 S2-121508 Revised 2012-04-11 rSRVCC Revised to S2-121753. 2012-04-11
0054 1 B Rel-11 11.1.0 11.2.0 rSRVCC in network sharing with LTE to CS and back to LTE SP-56 SP-120248 approved S2 S2-90 S2-121753 Agreed 2012-04-18 rSRVCC This CR was agreed 2012-04-18
0055 - F Rel-11 11.1.0 - Detection of UE supporting capability for selecting target PLMN at handovers - - - - S2-90 S2-121556 Revised 2012-04-11 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Not Handled. Revised at S2-91 in S2-122041 2012-04-11
0055 1 F Rel-11 11.1.0 - Detection of UE supporting capability for selecting target PLMN at handovers - - - - S2-91 S2-122041 - 2012-05-14 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Not Handled 2012-05-14
0056 - F Rel-10 10.3.0 - Network Sharing Corrections following review of GWCN UTRAN - - - - S2-90 S2-121580 Revised 2012-04-11 TEI10 Not Handled. Revised at S2-91 in S2-122262 2012-04-11
0056 1 F Rel-10 10.3.0 - Network Sharing Corrections following review of GWCN UTRAN - - - - S2-91 S2-122262 - 2012-05-15 TEI10 Not Handled 2012-05-15
0057 - A Rel-11 11.1.0 - Network Sharing Corrections following review of GWCN UTRAN - - - - S2-90 S2-121581 Revised 2012-04-11 TEI10 Not Handled. Revised at S2-91 in S2-122263 2012-04-11
0057 1 A Rel-11 11.1.0 - Network Sharing Corrections following review of GWCN UTRAN - - - - S2-91 S2-122263 - 2012-05-15 TEI10 Not Handled 2012-05-15
0057 2 F Rel-11 11.2.0 - Network Sharing Corrections following review of GWCN UTRAN - - - - S2-92 S2-123074 Revised 2012-07-03 TEI11 Wrong WI code? Revised to S2-123260. 2012-07-03
0057 3 F Rel-11 11.2.0 - Network Sharing Corrections following review of GWCN UTRAN - - - - S2-92 S2-123260 Revised 2012-07-11 TEI11 Revised to S2-123296. 2012-07-11
0057 4 F Rel-11 11.2.0 - Network Sharing Corrections following review of GWCN UTRAN - - - - S2-92 S2-123296 Revised 2012-07-11 TEI11 Revised to S2-123357. 2012-07-11
0057 5 F Rel-11 11.2.0 - Network Sharing Corrections following review of GWCN UTRAN - - - - S2-92 S2-123357 Revised 2012-07-12 TEI11 Revised to S2-123397. 2012-07-12
0057 6 F Rel-11 11.2.0 11.3.0 Network Sharing Corrections following review of GWCN UTRAN SP-57 SP-120486 approved S2 S2-92 S2-123397 Agreed 2012-07-13 TEI11 This CR was agreed 2012-07-13
0058 - F Rel-10 10.3.0 - GWCN UTRAN and charging - - - - S2-90 S2-121582 Revised 2012-04-11 TEI10 Not Handled. Revised at S2-91 in S2-122264 2012-04-11
0058 1 F Rel-10 10.3.0 - GWCN UTRAN and charging - - - - S2-91 S2-122264 - 2012-05-15 TEI10 Not Handled 2012-05-15
0059 - A Rel-11 11.1.0 - GWCN UTRAN and charging - - - - S2-90 S2-121583 Revised 2012-04-11 TEI10 Not Handled. Revised at S2-91 in S2-122265 2012-04-11
0059 1 A Rel-11 11.1.0 - GWCN UTRAN and charging - - - - S2-91 S2-122265 - 2012-05-15 TEI10 Not Handled 2012-05-15
0059 2 F Rel-11 11.2.0 - GWCN UTRAN and charging - - - - S2-92 S2-123075 - 2012-07-03 TEI11 Wrong WI code? Not Handled 2012-07-03
0059 3 F Rel-11 11.3.0 - GWCN UTRAN and charging - - - - S2-93 S2-123857 Revised 2012-10-02 TEI11 Noted in parallel sessions. Revised at S2#94 in S2-124582 2012-10-02
0059 4 F Rel-11 11.3.0 - GWCN UTRAN and charging - - - - S2-94 S2-124582 Revised 2012-11-06 TEI11 Revised to S2-124800. 2012-11-06
0059 5 F Rel-11 11.3.0 11.4.0 GWCN UTRAN and charging SP-58 SP-120726 approved S2 S2-94 S2-124800 Agreed 2012-11-15 TEI11 This CR was agreed 2012-11-15
0060 - F Rel-11 11.1.0 - Network Sharing Corrections for SRVCC - - - - S2-90 S2-121584 Revised 2012-04-11 TEI11 Revised to S2-121635. 2012-04-11
0060 1 F Rel-11 11.1.0 11.2.0 Network Sharing Corrections for SRVCC SP-56 SP-120251 approved S2 S2-90 S2-121635 Agreed 2012-04-16 TEI11 This CR was agreed 2012-04-16
0061 - F Rel-11 11.1.0 - Corrections for MOCN GERAN - - - - S2-90 S2-121585 Revised 2012-04-11 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Revised to S2-121637. 2012-04-11
0061 1 F Rel-11 11.1.0 - Corrections for MOCN GERAN - - - - S2-90 S2-121637 Revised 2012-04-16 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Revised to S2-121890. 2012-04-16
0061 2 F Rel-11 11.1.0 11.2.0 Corrections for MOCN GERAN SP-56 SP-120246 approved S2 S2-90 S2-121890 Agreed 2012-04-20 FULL_MOCN-GERAN This CR was agreed 2012-04-20
0062 - B Rel-11 11.1.0 - GWCN for GERAN - - - - S2-90 S2-121586 Revised 2012-04-11 TEI11 Revised to S2-121641. 2012-04-11
0062 1 B Rel-11 11.1.0 - GWCN for GERAN - - - - S2-90 S2-121641 Revised 2012-04-16 TEI11 Revised to S2-121893. 2012-04-16
0062 2 B Rel-11 11.1.0 11.2.0 GWCN for GERAN SP-56 SP-120251 approved S2 S2-90 S2-121893 Agreed 2012-04-20 TEI11 This CR was agreed. Revised at S2-91 in S2-122323 (Not handled) 2012-04-20
0062 3 B Rel-11 11.1.0 - GWCN for GERAN - - - - S2-91 S2-122323 - 2012-05-15 GERAN-GWCN, FULL_MOCN-GERAN Not Handled 2012-05-15
0063 - B Rel-11 11.1.0 - SIRIG support in shared networks - - - - S2-90 S2-121834 Revised 2012-04-19 SiRIG This was provided by MCC for information and was not handled. Revised at S2-91 in S2-122354 2012-04-19
0063 1 B Rel-11 11.1.0 - SIRIG support in shared networks - - - - S2-91 S2-122354 Revised 2012-05-17 SIRIG Revised to S2-122401. 2012-05-17
0063 2 B Rel-11 11.1.0 - SIRIG support in shared networks - - - - S2-91 S2-122401 Revised 2012-05-21 SIRIG Revised to S2-122574. 2012-05-21
0063 3 B Rel-11 11.1.0 11.2.0 SIRIG support in shared networks SP-56 SP-120252 approved S2 S2-91 S2-122574 Agreed 2012-05-24 SIRIG This CR was agreed 2012-05-24
0064 - B Rel-11 11.1.0 - Selection of PLMN for the CS Domain in CSFB towards a shared GERAN - - - - S2-91 S2-121975 Revised 2012-05-10 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Revised to S2-122521. 2012-05-10
0064 1 B Rel-11 11.1.0 11.2.0 Selection of PLMN for the CS Domain in CSFB towards a shared GERAN SP-56 SP-120246 approved S2 S2-91 S2-122521 Agreed 2012-05-23 FULL_MOCN-GERAN This CR was agreed 2012-05-23
0065 - B Rel-11 11.1.0 - Selected CN operator in GWCN - - - - S2-91 S2-121982 - 2012-05-12 GERAN-GWCN, FULL_MOCN-GERAN Not Handled 2012-05-12
0066 - B Rel-11 11.1.0 - Service Identification for RRC Improvements in GERAN - - - - S2-91 S2-122039 Noted 2012-05-14 SIRIG Noted. Merged during ad-hoc sessions into S2-122354. 2012-05-14
0067 - F Rel-11 11.1.0 - Network sharing impact on CSFB - - - - S2-91 S2-122162 Noted 2012-05-14 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Noted 2012-05-14
0067 1 F Rel-11 11.2.0 - Network sharing impact on the CSFB_23.251 - - - - S2-92 S2-122770 - 2012-06-29 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Not Handled 2012-06-29
0067 2 F Rel-11 11.3.0 - Network sharing impact on the CSFB - - - - S2-93 S2-123633 Revised 2012-09-29 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Revised to S2-124128. 2012-09-29
0067 3 F Rel-11 11.3.0 - Network sharing impact on the CSFB - - - - S2-93 S2-124128 Revised 2012-10-11 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Noted. Revised at S2#94 in S2-124302 2012-10-11
0067 4 F Rel-11 11.3.0 - Network sharing impact on the CSFB - - - - S2-94 S2-124302 - 2012-11-02 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Not Handled 2012-11-02
0067 5 F Rel-11 11.3.0 - Network sharing impact on the CSFB - - - - S2-94 S2-124528 Revised 2012-11-06 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Revised to S2-124808. 2012-11-06
0067 6 F Rel-11 11.3.0 - Network sharing impact on the CSFB - - - - S2-94 S2-124808 Revised 2012-11-15 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Revised to S2-124833. 2012-11-15
0067 7 F Rel-11 11.3.0 - Network sharing impact on the CSFB SP-58 SP-120722 revised S2 S2-94 S2-124833 Agreed 2012-11-15 FULL_MOCN-GERAN This CR was agreed 2012-11-15
0067 8 F Rel-11 11.3.0 11.4.0 Network sharing impact on the CSFB SP-58 SP-120902 approved Huawei, Hisilicon, Vodafone - - - 2012-12-07 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Revision of 23.251 CR0067R7 from SP-120722 2012-12-07
0068 - F Rel-11 11.1.0 - EAB in shared networks - - - - S2-91 S2-122319 Revised 2012-05-15 SIMTC Revised to S2-122561. 2012-05-15
0068 1 F Rel-11 11.1.0 - EAB in shared networks - - - - S2-91 S2-122561 Revised 2012-05-24 SIMTC Revised to S2-122590. 2012-05-24
0068 2 F Rel-11 11.1.0 - EAB in shared networks - - - - S2-91 S2-122590 Revised 2012-05-25 SIMTC Revised to S2-122601. 2012-05-25
0068 3 F Rel-11 11.1.0 - EAB in shared networks - - - - S2-91 S2-122601 Revised 2012-05-25 SIMTC Revised to S2-122604. 2012-05-25
0068 4 F Rel-11 11.1.0 11.2.0 EAB in shared networks SP-56 SP-120239 approved S2 S2-91 S2-122604 Agreed 2012-05-25 SIMTC This CR was agreed 2012-05-25
0069 - F Rel-11 11.1.0 - MSC and SGSN NAS changes for FULL MOCN GERAN and GWCN - - - - S2-91 S2-122334 Noted 2012-05-15 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Noted 2012-05-15
0070 - C Rel-11 11.2.0 - Selected CN operator in GWCN - - - - S2-92 S2-122715 Noted 2012-06-28 Full_MOCN-GERAN-GWCN, Full_MOCN-GERAN Noted in parallel sessions 2012-06-28
0071 - C Rel-11 11.2.0 - Indicating selected PLMN to target BSC during handover - - - - S2-92 S2-122717 - 2012-06-28 Full_MOCN-GERAN-GWCN, Full_MOCN-GERAN Not Handled 2012-06-28
0071 1 C Rel-11 11.3.0 - Indicating selected PLMN to target BSC during handover - - - - S2-93 S2-123568 Withdrawn 2012-09-28 Full_MOCN-GERAN WITHDRAWN 2012-09-28
0072 - C Rel-11 11.2.0 - Indicating selected target operator in a shared GERAN network - - - - S2-92 S2-122719 - 2012-06-28 Full_MOCN-GERAN-GWCN, Full_MOCN-GERAN Not Handled 2012-06-28
0073 - F Rel-11 11.2.0 - UE capability for PLMN selection in shared network - - - - S2-92 S2-122789 - 2012-07-02 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Not Handled 2012-07-02
0074 - F Rel-11 11.2.0 11.3.0 Impact of SIRIG on the BSS in a shared network SP-57 SP-120483 approved S2 S2-92 S2-123073 Agreed 2012-07-03 SIRIG This CR was agreed 2012-07-03
0075 - F Rel-11 11.2.0 - Usage of Selected PLMN within the MSC and SGSN - - - - S2-92 S2-123076 Noted 2012-07-03 TEI11 Wrong WI code? Noted in parallel sessions 2012-07-03
0076 - C Rel-11 11.3.0 - Indicating cell identifier operator in a shared GERAN network - - - - S2-93 S2-123566 Revised 2012-09-28 Full_MOCN-GERAN, Full_MOCN-GERAN-GWCN Revised to S2-123994. 2012-09-28
0076 1 C Rel-11 11.3.0 - Indicating cell identifier operator in a shared GERAN network - - - - S2-93 S2-123994 Revised 2012-10-08 Full_MOCN-GERAN, Full_MOCN-GERAN-GWCN Noted. Revised at S2#94 in S2-124276 2012-10-08
0076 2 C Rel-11 11.3.0 - Indicating cell identifier operator in a shared GERAN network - - - - S2-94 S2-124276 Noted 2012-11-02 Full_MOCN-GERAN, Full_MOCN-GERAN-GWCN This CR was noted. 2012-11-02
0077 - F Rel-11 11.3.0 - Using NRI for CS/PS coordination - - - - S2-93 S2-123784 Revised 2012-10-01 Full_MOCN-GERAN Revised to S2-124010. 2012-10-01
0077 1 F Rel-11 11.3.0 - Using NRI for CS/PS coordination - - - - S2-93 S2-124010 Revised 2012-10-08 Full_MOCN-GERAN Noted. Revised at S2#94 in S2-124256 2012-10-08
0077 2 F Rel-11 11.3.0 - Using NRI for CS/PS coordination - - - - S2-94 S2-124256 Revised 2012-11-01 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Revised to S2-124715. 2012-11-01
0077 3 F Rel-11 11.3.0 - Using NRI for CS/PS coordination - - - - S2-94 S2-124715 Revised 2012-11-13 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Revised off-line to clean up the revision marks in S2-124802 2012-11-13
0077 4 F Rel-11 11.3.0 - Using NRI for CS/PS coordination - - - - S2-94 S2-124802 Revised 2012-11-15 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Revised to S2-124887. 2012-11-15
0077 5 F Rel-11 11.3.0 11.4.0 Using NRI for CS/PS coordination SP-58 SP-120722 approved S2 S2-94 S2-124887 Agreed 2012-11-16 FULL_MOCN-GERAN This CR was agreed 2012-11-16
0078 - F Rel-11 11.3.0 - Incorrect definition of Anchor PLMN - - - - S2-93 S2-123852 Revised 2012-10-02 rSRVCC Revised to S2-124041. 2012-10-02
0078 1 F Rel-11 11.3.0 11.4.0 Incorrect definition of Anchor PLMN SP-58 SP-120724 approved S2 S2-93 S2-124041 Agreed 2012-10-10 rSRVCC This CR was agreed 2012-10-10
0079 - F Rel-8 8.3.0 - HPLMN needs to be unaware of network sharing in VPLMN - - - - S2-93 S2-123854 Revised 2012-10-02 MOCN Revised to S2-123993. 2012-10-02
0079 1 F Rel-8 8.3.0 - HPLMN needs to be unaware of network sharing in VPLMN - - - - S2-93 S2-123993 Revised 2012-10-08 MOCN Noted. Revised at S2#94 in S2-124583 2012-10-08
0079 2 F Rel-8 8.3.0 8.4.0 HPLMN needs to be unaware of network sharing in VPLMN SP-58 SP-120710 approved S2 S2-94 S2-124583 Agreed 2012-11-06 SAES (Mirror CRs can be provided later if needed). This CR was agreed 2012-11-06
0080 - C Rel-11 11.3.0 - Indicating selected PLMN to target BSC during handover - - - - S2-94 S2-124278 Revised 2012-11-02 Full_MOCN-GERAN, Full_MOCN-GERAN-GWCN Revised to S2-124723. 2012-11-02
0080 1 C Rel-11 11.3.0 - Indicating selected PLMN to target BSC during handover - - - - S2-94 S2-124723 Revised 2012-11-13 Full_MOCN-GERAN, Full_MOCN-GERAN-GWCN Revised to S2-124809. 2012-11-13
0080 2 C Rel-11 11.3.0 - Indicating selected PLMN to target BSC during handover - - - - S2-94 S2-124809 Revised 2012-11-15 Full_MOCN-GERAN, Full_MOCN-GERAN-GWCN Revised to S2-124886. 2012-11-15
0080 3 C Rel-11 11.3.0 11.4.0 Indicating selected PLMN to target BSC during handover SP-58 SP-120722 approved S2 S2-94 S2-124886 Agreed 2012-11-16 FULL_MOCN-GERAN, FULL_MOCN-GERAN-GWCN This CR was agreed 2012-11-16
0081 - F Rel-11 11.3.0 - Selected PLMN on A/Gb interfaces - - - - S2-94 S2-124584 - 2012-11-06 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Not Handled 2012-11-06
0082 - F Rel-11 11.3.0 - CS/PS coordination based on NRI - - - - S2-94 S2-124585 Noted 2012-11-06 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Update of TeliaSonera CR in S2-124256. Include agreed parts of this in S2-124715. Noted 2012-11-06
0083 - A Rel-9 9.4.0 9.5.0 HPLMN needs to be unaware of network sharing in VPLMN SP-58 SP-120710 approved S2 S2-94 S2-124803 Agreed 2012-11-15 SAES Mirror of S2-124583. This CR was agreed 2012-11-15
0084 - A Rel-10 10.4.0 10.5.0 HPLMN needs to be unaware of network sharing in VPLMN SP-58 SP-120710 approved S2 S2-94 S2-124804 Agreed 2012-11-15 SAES Mirror of S2-124583. This CR was agreed. 2012-11-15
0085 - A Rel-11 11.3.0 11.4.0 HPLMN needs to be unaware of network sharing in VPLMN SP-58 SP-120710 approved S2 S2-94 S2-124805 Agreed 2012-11-15 SAES Mirror of S2-124583. This CR was agreed 2012-11-15
0086 - F Rel-11 11.4.0 - Further consideration on the network sharing impact on the CSFB - - - - S2-95 S2-130111 Revised 2013-01-18 Full_MOCN-GERAN Revised to S2-130549. 2013-01-18
0086 1 F Rel-11 11.4.0 - Further consideration on the network sharing impact on the CSFB - - - - S2-95 S2-130549 Revised 2013-01-29 Full_MOCN-GERAN Revised to S2-130653. 2013-01-29
0086 2 F Rel-11 11.4.0 11.5.0 Further consideration on the network sharing impact on the CSFB SP-59 SP-130085 approved S2 S2-95 S2-130653 Agreed 2013-01-31 Full_MOCN-GERAN This CR was agreed 2013-01-31
0087 - F Rel-11 11.4.0 - CDRs needs to reflect whether the core network operator was selected by a UE or allocated by the network to a UE - - - - S2-95 S2-130272 Revised 2013-01-21 Full_MOCN-GERAN Revised to S2-130550. 2013-01-21
0087 1 F Rel-11 11.4.0 - CDRs needs to reflect whether the core network operator was selected by a UE or allocated by the network to a UE - - - - S2-95 S2-130550 Revised 2013-01-29 Full_MOCN-GERAN Revised to S2-130666. 2013-01-29
0087 2 F Rel-11 11.4.0 11.5.0 CDRs needs to reflect whether the core network operator was selected by a UE or allocated by the network to a UE SP-59 SP-130085 approved S2 S2-95 S2-130666 Agreed 2013-01-31 FULL_MOCN-GERAN This CR was agreed 2013-01-31
0088 - F Rel-11 11.4.0 - Correction of MME beaviour when no multiple PLMN-id list is broadcasted in the target GERAN shared network - - - - S2-95 S2-130273 Withdrawn 2013-01-21 Full_MOCN-GERAN WITHDRAWN 2013-01-21
0089 - C Rel-11 11.4.0 - Indicating selected PLMN to target BSC during handover - - - - S2-95 S2-130290 Revised 2013-01-21 Full_MOCN-GERAN, Full_MOCN-GERAN-GWCN Revised to S2-130552. 2013-01-21
0089 1 C Rel-11 11.4.0 - Indicating selected PLMN to target BSC during handover - - - - S2-95 S2-130552 Revised 2013-01-29 Full_MOCN-GERAN, Full_MOCN-GERAN-GWCN Revised to S2-130670. 2013-01-29
0089 2 C Rel-11 11.4.0 - Indicating selected PLMN to target BSC during handover - - - - S2-95 S2-130670 Revised 2013-01-31 Full_MOCN-GERAN, Full_MOCN-GERAN-GWCN Revised to S2-130691. 2013-01-31
0089 3 C Rel-11 11.4.0 - Indicating selected PLMN to target BSC during handover - - - - S2-95 S2-130691 Revised 2013-02-01 Full_MOCN-GERAN, Full_MOCN-GERAN-GWCN Revised to S2-130704. 2013-02-01
0089 4 C Rel-11 11.4.0 11.5.0 Indicating selected PLMN to target BSC during handover SP-59 SP-130085 approved S2 S2-95 S2-130704 Agreed 2013-02-01 FULL_MOCN-GERAN This CR was agreed 2013-02-01
0090 - F Rel-11 11.4.0 - Network Sharing Impact on CSFB w.r.t local policy in MSC - - - - S2-95 S2-130347 Noted 2013-01-22 FULL_MOCN-GERAN Noted 2013-01-22
0091 - F Rel-11 11.4.0 - Network Sharing Corrections - - - - S2-95 S2-130401 Withdrawn 2013-01-22 TEI11 LATE_DOC: WITHDRAWN 2013-01-22
0092 - F Rel-10 10.5.0 - Correction of BSC indication in Inter RAT Handover - - - - S2-97 S2-131628 Revised 2013-05-16 TEI10 Revised to S2-132062. 2013-05-16
0092 1 F Rel-10 10.5.0 - Correction of BSC indication in Inter RAT Handover - - - - S2-97 S2-132062 Revised 2013-05-28 TEI10 Revised to S2-132181. 2013-05-28
0092 2 F Rel-10 10.5.0 10.6.0 Correction of BSC indication in Inter RAT Handover SP-60 SP-130213 approved S2 S2-97 S2-132181 Agreed 2013-05-31 TEI10 Agreed in parallel sessions. NOTE: This was mistakenly marked as S2-132081 in the parallel session notes. This CR was agreed 2013-05-31
0093 - F Rel-10 10.5.0 10.6.0 Update to Annex B.2; alignment with stage 3 SP-60 SP-130213 approved S2 S2-97 S2-131952 Agreed 2013-05-21 TEI10 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed 2013-05-21
0094 - A Rel-11 11.5.0 - Update to Annex B.2; alignment with stage 3 - - - - S2-97 S2-131953 Withdrawn 2013-05-21 TEI11 WITHDRAWN 2013-05-21

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