3GPP Specification Change Requests

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3GPP Specification Change Request records for: 24.167

CR no. rev cat Release CR written to vers new vers CR title TSG meeting TSG doc TSG status source WG meeting WG doc WG status cover date work item remarks database record created
0001 - F Rel-6 6.0.0 - Corrections to TS 24.167 due to comments from OMA DM - - - C1 C1-38 C1-050453 REVISED 2005-04-12 IMS2 - 2005-05-19
0001 1 F Rel-6 6.0.0 6.1.0 Corrections to TS 24.167 due to comments from OMA DM CP-28 CP-050060 APPROVED C1 C1-38 C1-050704 AGREED 2005-04-12 IMS2 - 2005-06-03
0002 - F Rel-6 6.0.0 - Miscellaneous corrections - - - C1 C1-38 C1-050454 REVISED 2005-04-12 IMS2 - 2005-05-19
0002 1 F Rel-6 6.0.0 6.1.0 Miscellaneous corrections CP-28 CP-050060 APPROVED C1 C1-38 C1-050705 AGREED 2005-04-12 IMS2 - 2005-06-03
0003 - F Rel-6 6.0.0 - Removal of APN from the IMS MO - - - C1 C1-38 C1-050455 REVISED 2005-04-12 IMS2 - 2005-05-19
0003 1 F Rel-6 6.0.0 6.1.0 Removal of APN from the IMS MO CP-28 CP-050060 APPROVED C1 C1-38 C1-050706 AGREED 2005-04-12 IMS2 - 2005-06-03
0004 - F Rel-6 6.0.0 - P-CSCF address as URI instead of FQDN - - - C1 C1-38 C1-050460 POSTPONED 2005-04-12 IMS2 - 2005-05-19
0005 - B Rel-6 6.0.0 - Adding Client Provisioning Application Characteristics to IMS MO Rel-6 CP-28 CP-050170 rejected Nokia, Ericsson C1-38 - - 2005-05-24 IMS2 - 2005-06-03
0006 - F Rel-6 6.1.0 6.2.0 Corrections for the 3GPP IMS Management Object CP-29 CP-050359 approved C1 C1-39 C1-050978 AGREED 2005-09-20 IMS2 - 2005-09-21
0007 - F Rel-6 6.1.0 - OMA DM Reference update - - - C1 C1-39 C1-050994 REVISED 2005-09-20 TEI6 - 2005-09-21
0007 1 F Rel-6 6.1.0 - OMA DM Reference update - - - C1 C1-39 C1-051077 REVISED 2005-09-20 TEI6 - 2005-09-21
0007 2 F Rel-6 6.1.0 - OMA DM Reference update - - - C1 C1-39 C1-051185 REVISED 2005-09-20 TEI6 - 2005-09-21
0007 3 F Rel-6 6.1.0 6.2.0 OMA DM Reference update CP-29 CP-050359 approved C1 C1-39 C1-051197 AGREED 2005-09-20 IMS2 - 2005-09-21
0008 - F Rel-6 6.1.0 - IMS MO and ISIM usage clarification - - - C1 C1-39 C1-050995 REVISED 2005-09-20 TEI6 - 2005-09-21
0008 1 F Rel-6 6.1.0 - IMS MO and ISIM usage clarification - - - C1 C1-39 C1-051143 REJECTED 2005-09-20 TEI6 - 2005-09-21
0009 - F Rel-6 6.1.0 - P-CSCF address used in early IMS implementations - - - C1 C1-39 C1-051016 REVISED 2005-09-20 IMS2 - 2005-09-21
0009 1 F Rel-6 6.1.0 6.2.0 P-CSCF address used in early IMS implementations CP-29 CP-050359 approved C1 C1-39 C1-051016 AGREED 2005-09-20 IMS2 - 2005-09-21
0010 - B Rel-6 6.1.0 - Adding Client Provisioning Application Characteristics to IMS MO Rel-6 - - - C1 C1-39 C1-051020 REVISED 2005-09-20 IMS2 - 2005-09-21
0010 1 B Rel-6 6.1.0 - Adding Client Provisioning Application Characteristics to IMS MO Rel-6 - - - C1 C1-39 C1-051022 REVISED 2005-09-20 IMS2 - 2005-09-21
0010 2 B Rel-6 6.1.0 6.2.0 Adding Client Provisioning Application Characteristics to IMS MO Rel-6 CP-29 CP-050360 approved C1 C1-39 C1-051091 REVISED 2005-09-20 IMS2 - 2005-09-21
0010 3 B Rel-6 6.1.0 - Adding Client Provisioning Application Characteristics to IMS MO Rel-6 - - - C1 C1-39 C1-051186 WITHDRAWN 2005-09-20 IMS2 - 2005-09-21
0011 - F Rel-6 6.2.0 6.3.0 AppID for the 3GPP_IMS MO determined by OMA CP-30 CP-050544 approved C1 C1-40 C1-051363 AGREED 2005-11-28 IMS2 - 2005-11-28
0013 2 C Rel-7 - - Support for only DM 1.2 and higher in IMS MO - - - C1 C1-42 C1-060893 not handled 2006-05-24 IMSProtoc - 2006-05-24
0014 - F Rel-6 6.3.0 - Correction of the reference to OMA DM for the 3GPP IMS MO - - - C1 C1-42 C1-060626 Postponed 2006-05-24 IMS2 - 2006-05-24
0014 1 F Rel-6 6.3.0 - Correction of the reference to OMA DM for the 3GPP IMS MO - - - C1 C1-43 C1-061500 Revised 2006-09-05 IMS2 - 2006-09-15
0014 2 F Rel-6 6.4.0 - Correction of the reference to OMA DM for the 3GPP IMS MO CP-33 CP-060453 revised C1 C1-43 C1-061856 Agreed 2006-09-05 IMS2 - 2006-09-15
0014 2 F Rel-6 6.4.0 6.5.0 Correction of the reference to OMA DM for the 3GPP IMS MO CP-33 CP-060504 APPROVED C1 C1-43 C1-061856 Agreed 2006-09-05 IMS2 - 2006-09-22
0015 - F Rel-6 6.3.0 6.4.0 Corrections to client provisioning for the 3GPP IMS MO CP-32 CP-060266 approved C1 C1-42 C1-060627 Agreed 2006-05-24 IMS2 - 2006-05-24
0016 - F Rel-6 6.3.0 6.4.0 Value range for int-parameters CP-32 CP-060266 approved C1 C1-42 C1-060628 Agreed 2006-05-24 IMS2 - 2006-05-24
0017 - C Rel-7 - - Support for DM 1.2 and higher in IMS MO - - - C1 C1-43 C1-061638 Revised 2006-09-05 IMSProtoc - 2006-09-15
0017 1 C Rel-7 - - Support for DM 1.2 and higher in IMS MO - - - C1 C1-43 C1-061764 Revised 2006-09-05 IMSProtoc - 2006-09-15
0017 2 C Rel-7 6.4.0 7.0.0 Support for DM 1.2 and higher in IMS MO CP-33 CP-060468 approved C1 C1-43 C1-061855 Agreed 2006-09-05 IMSProtoc - 2006-09-15
0018 - F Rel-7 7.0.0 - IMS MO extension for communication service identifiers - - - C1 C1-44 C1-061973 Postponed 2006-11-23 ServID - 2006-11-27
0019 - F Rel-7 7.0.0 7.1.0 Management Object identifier for the 3GPP IMS MO in rel-7 CP-35 CP-070140 approved C1 C1-45 C1-070043 Agreed 2007-03-05 IMSProtoc - 2007-03-07
0019 1 F Rel-7 7.0.0 - Management Object identifier for the 3GPP IMS MO in rel-7 - - - C1 C1-45 C1-070446 Withdrawn 2007-03-05 IMSProtoc - 2007-03-07
0020 - F Rel-7 7.0.0 - IMS MO extension for communication service identifiers - - - C1 C1-45 C1-070114 Postponed 2007-03-05 ServID - 2007-03-07
0021 - F Rel-7 7.0.0 - Managed object extensions for VCC - - - C1 C1-45 C1-070378 not handled 2007-03-05 VCC - 2007-03-07
0022 - B Rel-7 7.1.0 - IMS MO Extension for Communication Service Identifier - - - C1 C1-48 C1-071612 Revised 2007-09-07 ServID - 2007-09-07
0022 1 B Rel-7 7.1.0 - IMS MO Extension for Communication Service Identifier - - - C1 C1-48 C1-071945 Revised 2007-09-07 ServID - 2007-09-07
0022 2 F Rel-7 7.1.0 7.2.0 IMS MO Extension for Communication Service Identifier CP-37 CP-070586 approved C1 C1-48 C1-072179 Agreed 2007-09-07 ServID - 2007-09-07
0023 - B Rel-7 7.1.0 - ICSI Alignment with req 12 - - - C1 C1-48 C1-071616 Rejected 2007-09-07 ServID - 2007-09-07
0024 - F Rel-7 7.2.0 - MO ICSI list is subscription based - - - C1 C1-50 C1-072896 Revised 2007-11-28 ServID - 2007-11-28
0024 1 F Rel-7 7.2.0 7.3.0 MO ICSI list is subscription based CP-38 CP-070806 approved C1 C1-50 C1-073109 Agreed 2007-11-28 ServID - 2007-11-28
0025 - F Rel-6 6.5.0 6.6.0 Correction of OMA DM reference CP-39 CP-080119 approved C1 C1-51 C1-080299 Agreed 2008-03-03 IMS2 - 2008-03-04
0026 - A Rel-7 7.3.0 7.4.0 Correction of OMA DM reference CP-39 CP-080119 approved C1 C1-51 C1-080300 Agreed 2008-03-03 IMS2 - 2008-03-04
0027 - B Rel-8 7.3.0 - Debugging configuration in the IMS managed object - - - C1 C1-51 C1-080328 Revised 2008-03-03 OAM7-Trace - 2008-03-04
0027 1 B Rel-8 7.3.0 - Debugging configuration in the IMS managed object - - - C1 C1-51 C1-080616 Postponed 2008-03-03 OAM7-Trace - 2008-03-04
0027 1 B Rel-8 7.4.0 - Debugging configuration in the IMS managed object - - - C1 C1-52 C1-080930 Revised 2008-05-26 OAM7-Trace - 2008-05-27
0027 2 B Rel-8 7.4.0 - Debugging configuration in the IMS managed object - - - C1 C1-52 C1-081466 Postponed 2008-05-26 OAM7-Trace - 2008-05-27
0028 - B Rel-7 7.4.0 - Change to support IMS Local Breakout - - - C1 C1-55 C1-083227 revised 2008-09-05 IMSProtoc2 - 2008-09-05
0028 1 B Rel-7 7.4.0 - Change to support IMS Local Breakout - - - C1 C1-55 C1-083359 revised 2008-09-05 IMSProtoc2 - 2008-09-05
0028 2 B Rel-8 7.4.0 - Change to support IMS Local Breakout - - - C1 C1-55 C1-083401 revised 2008-09-05 IMSProtoc2 - 2008-09-05
0028 3 B Rel-8 7.4.0 - Change to support IMS Local Breakout CP-41 CP-080524 rejected C1 C1-55 C1-083535 agreed 2008-09-05 IMSProtoc2 - 2008-09-05
0028 5 B Rel-8 7.4.0 8.0.0 Changes to support IMS Local Breakout CP-42 CP-080845 approved C1 C1-55b C1-084293 agreed 2008-11-27 IMSProtoc2 - 2008-11-27
0029 - - Rel-8 7.4.0 - Limiting the maximum number of parallel IMS registrations - - - C1 C1-55 C1-083527 revised 2008-09-05 IMSProtoc2 - 2008-09-05
0029 1 - Rel-8 7.4.0 - Limiting the maximum number of parallel IMS registrations CP-41 CP-080526 withdrawn C1 C1-55 C1-083536 agreed 2008-09-05 IMSProtoc2 - 2008-09-05
0030 - F Rel-6 6.6.0 - MO DDF XML bug fix CP-43 CP-090115 reissued C1 C1-57 C1-090287 agreed 2009-02-26 IMS2 - 2009-02-26
0030 - F Rel-6 6.6.0 6.7.0 MO DDF XML bug fix CP-43 CP-090237 approved C1 - C1-090287 - 2009-01-02 IMS2 - 2009-03-05
0031 - A Rel-7 7.4.0 - MO DDF XML bug fix CP-43 CP-090115 reissued C1 C1-57 C1-090288 agreed 2009-02-26 IMS2 - 2009-02-26
0031 - A Rel-7 7.4.0 7.5.0 MO DDF XML bug fix CP-43 CP-090237 approved C1 - C1-090288 - 2009-01-02 IMS2 - 2009-03-05
0032 - A Rel-8 8.0.0 - MO DDF XML bug fix CP-43 CP-090115 reissued C1 C1-57 C1-090289 agreed 2009-02-26 IMS2 - 2009-02-26
0032 - A Rel-8 8.0.0 8.1.0 MO DDF XML bug fix CP-43 CP-090237 approved C1 - C1-090289 - 2009-01-02 IMS2 - 2009-03-05
0033 - F Rel-8 8.0.0 - Adding possibility to provision mode of the resource allocation used for IMS media - - - - C1-57 C1-090295 revised 2009-02-26 TEI8 - 2009-02-26
0033 1 F Rel-8 8.0.0 8.1.0 Adding possibility to provision mode of the resource allocation used for IMS media CP-43 CP-090159 approved C1 C1-57 C1-090938 agreed 2009-02-26 TEI8 - 2009-02-26
0034 - F Rel-7 7.4.0 - Mechanism for UE to identify a SIP URI that has an associated tel URI - - - - C1-57 C1-090329 revised 2009-02-26 EMC1 - 2009-02-26
0034 1 F Rel-7 7.4.0 - Mechanism for UE to identify a SIP URI that has an associated tel URI - - - - C1-57 C1-090965 withdrawn 2009-02-26 EMC1 - 2009-02-26
0035 - F Rel-8 8.0.0 - Mechanism for UE to identify a SIP URI that has an associated tel URI - - - - C1-57 C1-090330 revised 2009-02-26 EMC1 - 2009-02-26
0035 1 F Rel-8 8.0.0 - Mechanism for UE to identify a SIP URI that has an associated tel URI - - - - C1-57 C1-090966 withdrawn 2009-02-26 EMC1 - 2009-02-26
0036 - F Rel-8 8.1.0 - DFTitle update - - - - C1-58 C1-091545 revised 2009-05-20 TEI8 - 2009-05-20
0036 1 F Rel-8 8.1.0 8.2.0 DFTitle update CP-44 CP-090424 approved C1 C1-58 C1-092040 agreed 2009-05-20 TEI8 - 2009-05-20
0037 - F Rel-8 8.2.0 - Defining the voice domain indicator in OMA DM MO - - - - C1-59 C1-092598 revised 2009-09-11 SAES - 2009-09-11
0037 1 F Rel-8 8.2.0 - Defining the voice domain indicator in OMA DM MO - - - - C1-59 C1-093104 revised 2009-09-11 SAES - 2009-09-11
0037 2 F Rel-8 8.2.0 - Defining configuration data for the voice domain selection - - - - C1-60 C1-093545 revised 2009-09-11 SAES - 2009-09-11
0037 3 F Rel-8 8.2.0 - Defining configuration data for the voice domain selection - - - - C1-60 C1-093858 revised 2009-09-11 SAES - 2009-09-11
0037 4 F Rel-8 8.2.0 8.3.0 Defining configuration data for the voice domain selection CP-45 CP-090674 approved C1 C1-60 C1-093979 agreed 2009-09-11 SAES, SAES-CSFB - 2009-09-11
0038 - B Rel-9 8.2.0 - IMS MO extension for Conference Factory URI - - - - C1-60 C1-093267 withdrawn 2009-09-11 TEI9 - 2009-09-11
0039 - F Rel-8 8.2.0 - Defining configuration data for the SMS domain selection - - - - C1-60 C1-093523 revised 2009-09-11 SAES - 2009-09-11
0039 1 F Rel-8 8.2.0 - Defining configuration data for the SMS domain selection - - - - C1-60 C1-093855 revised 2009-09-11 SAES - 2009-09-11
0039 2 F Rel-8 8.2.0 8.3.0 Defining configuration data for the SMS domain selection CP-45 CP-090651 approved C1 C1-60 C1-093970 agreed 2009-09-11 SAES - 2009-09-11
0040 - F Rel-8 8.2.0 - Correction for the IMS MO - - - - C1-60 C1-093563 revised 2009-09-11 TEI8 - 2009-09-11
0040 1 A Rel-8 8.2.0 8.3.0 Correction for the IMS MO CP-45 CP-090646 approved C1 C1-60 C1-093816 agreed 2009-09-11 IMS2 - 2009-09-11
0041 - F Rel-6 6.7.0 6.8.0 Correction for the IMS MO CP-45 CP-090646 approved C1 C1-60 C1-093817 agreed 2009-09-11 IMS2 - 2009-09-11
0042 - A Rel-7 7.5.0 7.6.0 Correction for the IMS MO CP-45 CP-090646 approved C1 C1-60 C1-093818 agreed 2009-09-11 IMS2 - 2009-09-11
0043 - B Rel-8 8.2.0 8.3.0 IMS MO Changes for Keep alive CP-45 CP-090658 approved C1 C1-60 C1-093795 agreed 2009-09-11 IMSProtoc2 - 2009-09-11
0044 - F Rel-8 8.3.0 - Correction to take into account Voice Domain Selection for Iu mode - - - - C1-61 C1-094103 revised 2009-11-18 SAES - 2009-11-18
0044 1 F Rel-8 8.3.0 - Correction to take into account Voice Domain Selection for Iu mode - - - - C1-61 C1-094481 revised 2009-11-18 SAES - 2009-11-18
0044 2 F Rel-8 8.3.0 8.4.0 Correction to take into account Voice Domain Selection for Iu mode CP-46 CP-090915 approved C1 C1-61 C1-094779 agreed 2009-11-18 SAES-CSFB - 2009-11-18
0045 - F Rel-8 8.3.0 - Leaf to turn IMS features on or off. - - - - C1-61 C1-094179 postponed 2009-11-18 ICSRA - 2009-11-18
0046 - F Rel-9 9.0.0 - Leaf to turn IMS features on or off. - - - - C1-61 C1-094180 postponed 2009-11-18 ICSRA - 2009-11-18
0047 - F Rel-8 8.3.0 - Modification of voice preference parameter for E-UTRAN mode - - - - C1-61 C1-094236 withdrawn 2009-11-18 SAES-CSFB - 2009-11-18
0048 - B Rel-9 8.3.0 - Defining configuration for voice domain selection for UTRAN/Iu- mode - - - - C1-61 C1-094237 withdrawn 2009-11-18 SAES-CSFB - 2009-11-18
0049 - F Rel-8 8.3.0 - SMS domain selection configuration parameter - - - - C1-61 C1-094239 withdrawn 2009-11-18 SAES-CSFB - 2009-11-18
0050 - F Rel-9 9.0.0 - Configuration parameter for sigcomp enabling/disabling - - - - C1-63 C1-100717 revised 2010-03-08 TEI9 - 2010-03-08
0050 1 F Rel-9 9.0.0 - Configuration parameter for sigcomp enabling/disabling - - - - C1-63 C1-100948 postponed 2010-03-08 TEI9 - 2010-03-08
0051 - F Rel-9 9.0.0 - Correct terminating domain selection for IMS voice UEs - - - - C1-63 C1-101077 postponed 2010-03-08 TEI9 - 2010-03-08
0051 1 F Rel-9 9.0.0 - Correct terminating domain selection for IMS voice Ues CP-47 CP-100157 revised Vodafone - - - 2010-03-10 TEI9 - 2010-03-10
0051 2 F Rel-9 9.0.0 9.1.0 Correct terminating domain selection for IMS voice UEs CP-47 CP-100212 approved Vodafone, AT&T, NTT DOCOMO, Research in Motion, S - - - 2010-03-16 TEI9 CT approval conditional 23,401 CR1465 & 23,016 CR1053 2010-03-18
0052 - F Rel-9 9.1.0 9.2.0 Correction of names for voice domain preference CP-48 CP-100354 approved C1 C1-64 C1-101450 agreed 2010-05-28 TEI9 - 2010-05-28
0053 - F Rel-8 8.4.0 - Update of MOID - - - - C1-65 C1-102503 postponed 2010-09-07 IMSProtoc2 - 2010-09-07
0054 - A Rel-9 9.2.0 - Update of MOID - - - - C1-65 C1-102504 postponed 2010-09-07 IMSProtoc2 - 2010-09-07
0055 - B Rel-10 9.2.0 - Addition of access type - - - - C1-65 C1-102505 revised 2010-09-07 IMSProtoc4 - 2010-09-07
0055 1 B Rel-10 9.2.0 - Addition of access type - - - - C1-65 C1-102627 postponed 2010-09-07 IMSProtoc4 - 2010-09-07
0056 - C Rel-10 9.2.0 - SigComp disabling. - - - - C1-66 C1-103183 revised 2010-09-07 TEI10 - 2010-09-07
0056 1 C Rel-10 9.2.0 - SigComp disabling. - - - - C1-66 C1-103224 revised 2010-09-07 TEI10 - 2010-09-07
0056 2 C Rel-10 9.2.0 - SigComp disabling. - - - - C1-66 C1-103339 revised 2010-09-07 TEI10 - 2010-09-07
0056 3 C Rel-10 9.2.0 10.0.0 SigComp disabling. CP-49 CP-100519 approved C1 C1-66 C1-103529 agreed 2010-09-07 TEI10 - 2010-09-07
0057 - B Rel-10 10.0.0 - MO for providing max-time and base-time registration parameters provision - - - - C1-68 C1-104550 revised 2010-11-30 IMSProtoc4 - 2010-11-30
0057 1 B Rel-10 10.0.0 - MO for providing max-time and base-time registration parameters provision - - - - C1-68 C1-104966 revised 2010-11-30 IMSProtoc3 - 2010-11-30
0057 2 B Rel-10 10.0.0 10.1.0 MO for providing max-time and base-time registration parameters provision CP-50 CP-100750 approved C1 C1-68 C1-105208 agreed 2010-11-30 IMSProtoc3 - 2010-11-30
0058 - B Rel-10 10.1.0 - MO for providing phone-context parameter - - - - C1-69 C1-110246 revised 2011-03-10 IMSProtoc4 - 2011-03-10
0058 1 B Rel-10 10.1.0 - MO for providing phone-context parameter - - - - C1-69 C1-110551 revised 2011-03-10 IMSProtoc4 - 2011-03-10
0058 2 B Rel-10 10.1.0 - MO for providing phone-context parameter - - - - C1-69 C1-110672 postponed 2011-03-10 IMSProtoc4 - 2011-03-10
0058 3 B Rel-10 10.1.0 - MO for providing phone-context parameter - - - - C1-70 C1-111097 revised 2011-03-10 IMSProtoc4 - 2011-03-10
0058 4 B Rel-10 10.1.0 10.2.0 MO for providing phone-context parameter CP-51 CP-110181 approved C1 C1-70 C1-111246 agreed 2011-03-10 IMSProtoc4 - 2011-03-10
0059 - F Rel-10 10.1.0 - Removal of Sigcomp disabling - - - - C1-70 C1-110816 revised 2011-03-10 IMSProtoc4 - 2011-03-10
0059 1 F Rel-10 10.1.0 10.2.0 Removal of Sigcomp disabling CP-51 CP-110181 approved C1 C1-70 C1-111219 agreed 2011-03-10 IMSProtoc4 - 2011-03-10
0060 - F Rel-10 10.2.0 - Video call domain selection - Alt1 - - - - C1-73 C1-113348 postponed 2011-09-08 TEI10 - 2011-09-08
0061 - F Rel-10 10.2.0 - Video domain selection policy (Alt1 OMA DM) - - - - C1-75 C1-114631 withdrawn 2011-12-01 TEI10 - 2011-12-01
0062 - F Rel-10 10.2.0 10.3.0 Phone-context errors CP-55 CP-120110 approved C1 C1-76 C1-120079 agreed 2012-02-21 IMSProtoc4 - 2012-02-21
0063 - F Rel-11 10.2.0 11.0.0 Errors in ICSI description CP-55 CP-120124 approved C1 C1-76 C1-120080 agreed 2012-02-21 TEI11 - 2012-02-21
0064 - B Rel-11 11.0.0 - SMS domain selection MO - - - - C1-78 C1-121876 withdrawn 2012-06-06 TEI11 - 2012-06-06
0065 - B Rel-12 11.0.1 - Supplementary Services Configuration - - - - C1-84 C1-132746 revised 2013-08-26 TEI12 - 2013-08-26
0065 1 B Rel-12 11.0.1 - Supplementary Services Configuration - - - - C1-84 C1-133165 revised 2013-08-26 TEI12 - 2013-08-26
0065 2 B Rel-12 11.0.1 12.0.0 Supplementary Services Configuration CP-61 CP-130511 approved C1 C1-84 C1-133578 agreed 2013-08-26 TEI12 - 2013-08-26

page generated from database: 2013-10-16 10:33:29