3GPP Specification Change Requests

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3GPP Specification Change Request records for: 24.341

CR no. rev cat Release CR written to vers new vers CR title TSG meeting TSG doc TSG status source WG meeting WG doc WG status cover date work item remarks database record created
0001 - B Rel-7 7.0.0 - Request-URI as Called Party Number - - - - C1-46 C1-070715 Revised 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0001 1 B Rel-7 7.0.0 - Request-URI as Called Party Number - - - - C1-46 C1-070954 Postponed 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0002 - F Rel-7 7.0.0 - Corrections to example flows - - - - C1-46 C1-070746 Revised 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0002 1 F Rel-7 7.0.0 7.1.0 Corrections to example flows CP-36 CP-070384 approved C1 C1-46 C1-070955 Agreed 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0003 - B Rel-7 7.0.0 - Status report - - - - C1-46 C1-070813 Revised 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0003 1 B Rel-7 7.0.0 - Status report - - - - C1-46 C1-070953 Rejected 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0004 - F Rel-7 7.0.0 - Example corrections - - - - C1-46 C1-070814 Revised 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0004 1 F Rel-7 7.0.0 - Example corrections - - - - C1-46 C1-070956 Rejected 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0005 - F Rel-7 7.0.0 7.1.0 Correction of text on media feature tag g.3gpp.smsip CP-36 CP-070384 approved C1 C1-47 C1-071067 Agreed 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0006 - B Rel-7 7.0.0 - Request-URI as Called Party Number - - - - C1-47 C1-071186 Withdrawn 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0007 - B Rel-7 7.0.0 - B party as Request-URI for short message submit - - - - C1-47 C1-071203 Withdrawn 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0008 - B Rel-7 7.0.0 - SC as Request-URI for short message submit - - - - C1-47 C1-071204 Revised 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0008 1 B Rel-7 7.0.0 7.1.0 SC as Request-URI for short message submit CP-36 CP-070384 approved C1 C1-47 C1-071352 Agreed 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0009 - B Rel-7 7.0.0 - S-CSCF as Request-URI for short message submit - - - - C1-47 C1-071205 Withdrawn 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0010 - B Rel-7 7.0.0 - IP-SM-GW as Request-URI for delivery report - - - - C1-47 C1-071206 Revised 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0010 1 B Rel-7 7.0.0 7.1.0 IP-SM-GW as Request-URI for delivery report CP-36 CP-070384 approved C1 C1-47 C1-071353 Agreed 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0011 - B Rel-7 7.0.0 - SC as Request-URI for delivery report - - - - C1-47 C1-071207 Withdrawn 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0012 - B Rel-7 7.0.0 - S-CSCF as Request-URI for delivery report - - - - C1-47 C1-071208 Withdrawn 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0013 - B Rel-7 7.0.0 - IP-SM-GW as Request-URI for memory available indication - - - - C1-47 C1-071209 Revised 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0013 1 B Rel-7 7.0.0 - IP-SM-GW as Request-URI for memory available indication - - - - C1-47 C1-071354 Withdrawn 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0014 - B Rel-7 7.0.0 - S-CSCF as Request-URI for memory available indication - - - - C1-47 C1-071210 Withdrawn 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0015 - F Rel-7 7.0.0 - P-Asserted-Identity corrections - - - - C1-47 C1-071211 Revised 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0015 1 F Rel-7 7.0.0 7.1.0 P-Asserted-Identity corrections CP-36 CP-070384 approved C1 C1-47 C1-071355 Agreed 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0016 - F Rel-7 7.0.0 - Hard coded feature tag - - - - C1-47 C1-071212 Withdrawn 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0017 - B Rel-7 7.0.0 - Adding status report procedure, forking related corrections plus editorial changes - - - - C1-47 C1-071213 Revised 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0017 1 B Rel-7 7.0.0 7.1.0 Adding status report procedure, forking related corrections plus editorial changes CP-36 CP-070384 approved C1 C1-47 C1-071356 Agreed 2007-05-29 SMSIP - 2007-05-29
0018 - F Rel-7 7.1.0 7.2.0 Feature tag for SMSIP registered by IANA CP-38 CP-070801 approved C1 C1-49 C1-072196 Agreed 2007-11-28 SMSIP - 2007-11-28
0019 - F Rel-7 7.1.0 - Miscellaneous corrections - - - C1 C1-50 C1-072933 Revised 2007-11-28 SMSIP - 2007-11-28
0019 1 F Rel-7 7.1.0 7.2.0 Miscellaneous corrections CP-38 CP-070801 approved C1 C1-50 C1-072992 Agreed 2007-11-28 SMSIP - 2007-11-28
0020 - B Rel-8 7.2.0 - Skeleton for Support of Service-Level Interworking for Messaging Services Stage 3 - - - C1 C1-51 C1-080174 not presented 2008-03-03 - - 2008-03-04
0021 - F Rel-7 7.2.0 - SRI4SM handling in IP-SM-GW - - - - C1-57 C1-090402 revised 2009-02-26 SMSIP - 2009-02-26
0021 1 F Rel-7 7.2.0 7.3.0 SRI4SM handling in IP-SM-GW CP-43 CP-090122 approved C1 C1-57 C1-090845 agreed 2009-02-26 SMSIP - 2009-02-26
0022 - A Rel-8 8.0.0 - SRI4SM handling in IP-SM-GW - - - - C1-57 C1-090403 revised 2009-02-26 SMSIP - 2009-02-26
0022 1 A Rel-8 8.0.0 8.1.0 SRI4SM handling in IP-SM-GW CP-43 CP-090122 approved C1 C1-57 C1-090846 agreed 2009-02-26 SMSIP - 2009-02-26
0023 - F Rel-8 8.1.0 - Routing of MESSAGE for SM submit report - - - - C1-58 C1-091606 withdrawn 2009-05-20 MESSIW - 2009-05-20
0024 - F Rel-8 8.1.0 - Support of operator preference for domain selection of SMS - - - - C1-60 C1-093522 revised 2009-09-11 SAES - 2009-09-11
0024 1 F Rel-8 8.1.0 - Support of operator preference for domain selection of SMS - - - - C1-60 C1-093856 revised 2009-09-11 SAES - 2009-09-11
0024 2 F Rel-8 8.1.0 8.2.0 Support of operator preference for domain selection of SMS CP-45 CP-090655 approved C1 C1-60 C1-093971 agreed 2009-09-11 SAES - 2009-09-11
0025 - F Rel-7 7.3.0 - SM termination and deregistration corrections - - - - C1-61 C1-094111 rejected 2009-11-18 SMSIP - 2009-11-18
0026 - A Rel-8 8.2.0 - SM termination and deregistration corrections - - - - C1-61 C1-094112 revised 2009-11-18 SMSIP - 2009-11-18
0026 1 F Rel-9 8.2.0 9.0.0 SM termination and deregistration corrections CP-46 CP-090923 approved C1 C1-61 C1-094480 agreed 2009-11-18 TEI9 - 2009-11-18
0027 - F Rel-7 7.3.0 - Correction to “Submitting a short mesSge” for a SM-over-IP sender - - - - C1-62 C1-094888 revised 2009-11-18 SMSIP - 2009-11-18
0027 1 F Rel-7 7.3.0 7.4.0 Correction to “Submitting a short mesSge” for a SM-over-IP sender CP-46 CP-090897 approved C1 C1-62 C1-095490 agreed 2009-11-18 SMSIP - 2009-11-18
0028 - A Rel-8 8.2.0 - Correction to “Submitting a short mesSge” for a SM-over-IP sender - - - - C1-62 C1-094889 revised 2009-11-18 SMSIP - 2009-11-18
0028 1 A Rel-8 8.2.0 8.3.0 Correction to “Submitting a short mesSge” for a SM-over-IP sender CP-46 CP-090897 approved C1 C1-62 C1-095491 agreed 2009-11-18 SMSIP - 2009-11-18
0029 - F Rel-9 9.0.0 - Prevention of Timeout in IP-SM-GW - - - - C1-63 C1-100716 postponed 2010-03-08 SMSIP - 2010-03-08
0029 1 F Rel-10 9.0.0 - Prevention of Timeout in IP-SM-GW - - - - C1-64 C1-101513 postponed 2010-05-28 SMSIP - 2010-05-28
0030 - F Rel-7 7.4.0 - Resolving EN - - - - C1-64 C1-101390 revised 2010-05-28 SMSIP - 2010-05-28
0030 1 F Rel-7 7.4.0 - Resolving EN - - - - C1-64 C1-101804 revised 2010-05-28 SMSIP - 2010-05-28
0030 2 F Rel-7 7.4.0 7.5.0 Resolving EN CP-48 CP-100338 approved C1 C1-64 C1-102023 agreed 2010-05-28 SMSIP - 2010-05-28
0031 - A Rel-8 8.3.0 - Resolving EN - - - - C1-64 C1-101391 revised 2010-05-28 SMSIP - 2010-05-28
0031 1 A Rel-8 8.3.0 - Resolving EN - - - - C1-64 C1-101805 revised 2010-05-28 SMSIP - 2010-05-28
0031 2 A Rel-8 8.3.0 8.4.0 Resolving EN CP-48 CP-100338 approved C1 C1-64 C1-102024 agreed 2010-05-28 SMSIP - 2010-05-28
0032 - A Rel-9 9.0.0 - Resolving EN - - - - C1-64 C1-101392 revised 2010-05-28 SMSIP - 2010-05-28
0032 1 A Rel-9 9.0.0 - Resolving EN - - - - C1-64 C1-101806 revised 2010-05-28 SMSIP - 2010-05-28
0032 2 A Rel-9 9.0.0 9.1.0 Resolving EN CP-48 CP-100338 approved C1 C1-64 C1-102025 agreed 2010-05-28 SMSIP - 2010-05-28
0033 - F Rel-8 8.4.0 - Obtaining the PSI of the SC - - - - C1-67 C1-103905 revised 2010-11-30 TEI8 - 2010-11-30
0033 1 F Rel-8 8.4.0 - Obtaining the PSI of the SC - - - - C1-67 C1-104333 revised 2010-11-30 TEI8 - 2010-11-30
0033 2 F Rel-8 8.4.0 - Obtaining the PSI of the SC - - - - C1-67 C1-104377 revised 2010-11-30 TEI8 - 2010-11-30
0033 3 F Rel-8 8.4.0 - Obtaining the PSI of the SC - - - - C1-67 C1-104406 revised 2010-11-30 TEI8 - 2010-11-30
0033 4 F Rel-8 8.4.0 - Obtaining the PSI of the SC - - - - C1-67 C1-104412 revised 2010-11-30 TEI8 - 2010-11-30
0033 5 F Rel-8 8.4.0 - Obtaining the PSI of the SC - - - - C1-68 C1-104414 revised 2010-11-30 TEI8 - 2010-11-30
0033 6 F Rel-8 8.4.0 - Obtaining the PSI of the SC - - - - C1-68 C1-104743 revised 2010-11-30 TEI8 - 2010-11-30
0033 6A F Rel-8 8.4.0 - Obtaining the PSI of the SC - - - - C1-68 C1-104819 withdrawn 2010-11-30 TEI8 - 2010-11-30
0033 7 F Rel-8 8.4.0 - Obtaining the PSI of the SC - - - - C1-68 C1-104987 revised 2010-11-30 TEI8 - 2010-11-30
0033 8 F Rel-8 8.4.0 - Obtaining the PSI of the SC - - - - C1-68 C1-105204 revised 2010-11-30 TEI8 - 2010-11-30
0033 9 F Rel-8 8.4.0 8.5.0 Obtaining the PSI of the SC CP-50 CP-100741 approved C1 C1-68 C1-105236 agreed 2010-11-30 TEI8 - 2010-11-30
0034 - A Rel-9 9.1.0 - Obtaining the PSI of the SC - - - - C1-67 C1-103906 revised 2010-11-30 TEI8 - 2010-11-30
0034 1 A Rel-9 9.1.0 - Obtaining the PSI of the SC - - - - C1-67 C1-104334 revised 2010-11-30 TEI8 - 2010-11-30
0034 2 A Rel-9 9.1.0 - Obtaining the PSI of the SC - - - - C1-67 C1-104378 revised 2010-11-30 TEI8 - 2010-11-30
0034 3 A Rel-9 9.1.0 - Obtaining the PSI of the SC - - - - C1-67 C1-104407 revised 2010-11-30 TEI8 - 2010-11-30
0034 4 A Rel-9 9.1.0 - Obtaining the PSI of the SC - - - - C1-67 C1-104413 revised 2010-11-30 TEI8 - 2010-11-30
0034 5 A Rel-9 9.1.0 - Obtaining the PSI of the SC - - - - C1-68 C1-104415 revised 2010-11-30 TEI8 - 2010-11-30
0034 6 A Rel-9 9.1.0 - Obtaining the PSI of the SC - - - - C1-68 C1-104744 revised 2010-11-30 TEI8 - 2010-11-30
0034 6A A Rel-9 9.1.0 - Obtaining the PSI of the SC - - - - C1-68 C1-104820 withdrawn 2010-11-30 TEI8 - 2010-11-30
0034 7 A Rel-9 9.1.0 - Obtaining the PSI of the SC - - - - C1-68 C1-104988 revised 2010-11-30 TEI8 - 2010-11-30
0034 8 A Rel-9 9.1.0 9.2.0 Obtaining the PSI of the SC CP-50 CP-100741 approved C1 C1-68 C1-105205 agreed 2010-11-30 TEI8 - 2010-11-30
0035 - F Rel-11 10.0.0 - Correcting errors in the B.5 example - - - - C1-72 C1-112485 revised 2011-09-08 TEI11,SMSIP - 2011-09-08
0035 1 F Rel-11 10.0.0 11.0.0 Correcting errors in the B.5 example CP-53 CP-110694 approved C1 C1-72 C1-112728 agreed 2011-09-08 TEI11,SMSIP - 2011-09-08
0036 - F Rel-7 7.5.0 - Correlation of SIP MESSAGE in UE terminated SM deliver procedure over IP - - - - C1-77 C1-121003 revised 2012-06-06 SMSIP - 2012-06-06
0036 1 F Rel-7 7.5.0 - Correlation of SIP MESSAGE in UE terminated SM deliver procedure over IP - - - - C1-77 C1-121400 postponed 2012-06-06 SMSIP - 2012-06-06
0037 - A Rel-8 8.5.0 - Correlation of SIP MESSAGE in UE terminated SM deliver procedure over IP - - - - C1-77 C1-121004 revised 2012-06-06 SMSIP - 2012-06-06
0037 1 A Rel-8 8.5.0 - Correlation of SIP MESSAGE in UE terminated SM deliver procedure over IP - - - - C1-77 C1-121401 postponed 2012-06-06 SMSIP - 2012-06-06
0038 - A Rel-9 9.2.0 - Correlation of SIP MESSAGE in UE terminated SM deliver procedure over IP - - - - C1-77 C1-121005 revised 2012-06-06 SMSIP - 2012-06-06
0038 1 A Rel-9 9.2.0 - Correlation of SIP MESSAGE in UE terminated SM deliver procedure over IP - - - - C1-77 C1-121402 postponed 2012-06-06 SMSIP - 2012-06-06
0039 - A Rel-10 10.0.0 - Correlation of SIP MESSAGE in UE terminated SM deliver procedure over IP - - - - C1-77 C1-121006 revised 2012-06-06 SMSIP - 2012-06-06
0039 1 A Rel-10 10.0.0 - Correlation of SIP MESSAGE in UE terminated SM deliver procedure over IP - - - - C1-77 C1-121403 postponed 2012-06-06 SMSIP - 2012-06-06
0040 - A Rel-11 11.0.0 - Correlation of SIP MESSAGE in UE terminated SM deliver procedure over IP - - - - C1-77 C1-121007 revised 2012-06-06 SMSIP - 2012-06-06
0040 1 A Rel-11 11.0.0 - Correlation of SIP MESSAGE in UE terminated SM deliver procedure over IP - - - - C1-77 C1-121404 postponed 2012-06-06 SMSIP - 2012-06-06
0041 - F Rel-11 11.0.0 11.1.0 IP-SM-GW registration/de-registration CP-56 CP-120307 approved C1 C1-78 C1-121776 agreed 2012-06-06 TEI11 - 2012-06-06
0042 - B Rel-11 11.0.0 - Correlation of SIP MESSAGE in UE terminated SM deliver procedure over IP - - - - C1-78 C1-121989 revised 2012-06-06 TEI11 - 2012-06-06
0042 1 B Rel-11 11.0.0 - Correlation of SIP MESSAGE in UE terminated SM deliver procedure over IP - - - - C1-78 C1-122374 revised 2012-06-06 TEI11 - 2012-06-06
0042 2 B Rel-11 11.0.0 11.1.0 Correlation of SIP MESSAGE in UE terminated SM deliver procedure over IP CP-56 CP-120307 approved C1 C1-78 C1-122501 agreed 2012-06-06 TEI11 - 2012-06-06
0043 - B Rel-11 11.0.0 - Terminating SMS to MSISDNless UE - - - - C1-79 C1-122748 revised 2012-08-29 SIMTC-Reach - 2012-08-29
0043 1 B Rel-11 11.0.0 - Terminating SMS to MSISDNless UE - - - - C1-79 C1-123066 postponed 2012-08-29 SIMTC-Reach - 2012-08-29
0043 2 B Rel-11 11.0.0 - Terminating SMS to MSISDN less UE - - - - C1-80 C1-123693 revised 2012-12-01 SIMTC-Reach - 2012-12-01
0043 3 B Rel-11 11.1.0 11.2.0 Terminating SMS to MSISDNless UE CP-58 CP-120803 approved C1 C1-80 C1-123890 agreed 2012-12-01 SIMTC-Reach - 2012-12-01
0044 - F Rel-11 11.1.0 - User error parameter in delivery report to SC - - - - C1-81 C1-124432 revised 2012-12-01 TEI11 - 2012-12-01
0044 1 F Rel-11 11.1.0 11.2.0 User error parameter in delivery report to SC CP-58 CP-120793 approved C1 C1-81 C1-124869 agreed 2012-12-01 TEI11 - 2012-12-01
0045 - F Rel-12 11.2.0 - Corrections to references to the location of DF_TELECOM in TS 24.341 - - - - C1-82 C1-130374 revised 2013-02-22 TEI12 - 2013-02-22
0045 1 F Rel-12 11.2.0 12.0.0 Corrections to references to the location of DF_TELECOM in TS 24.341 CP-59 CP-130130 approved C1 C1-82 C1-130455 agreed 2013-02-22 TEI12 - 2013-02-22
0046 - B Rel-12 12.0.0 - Signalling flow MSISDN less operation - - - - C1-83 C1-131951 revised 2013-06-04 SMSMI-CT - 2013-06-04
0046 1 B Rel-12 12.0.0 - Signalling flow MSISDN less operation - - - - C1-83 C1-132188 revised 2013-06-04 SMSMI-CT - 2013-06-04
0046 2 B Rel-12 12.0.0 12.1.0 Signalling flow MSISDN less operation CP-60 CP-130259 approved C1 C1-83 C1-132555 agreed 2013-06-04 SMSMI-CT - 2013-06-04
0047 - B Rel-12 12.0.0 - IP-SM-sender, MSISDN less procedures - - - - C1-83 C1-131952 revised 2013-06-04 SMSMI-CT - 2013-06-04
0047 1 B Rel-12 12.0.0 - IP-SM-sender, MSISDN less procedures - - - - C1-83 C1-132189 revised 2013-06-04 SMSMI-CT - 2013-06-04
0047 2 B Rel-12 12.0.0 12.1.0 IP-SM-sender, MSISDN less procedures CP-60 CP-130259 approved C1 C1-83 C1-132556 agreed 2013-06-04 SMSMI-CT - 2013-06-04
0048 - B Rel-12 12.0.0 - IP-SM-receiver, MSISDN less procedures - - - - C1-83 C1-131953 revised 2013-06-04 SMSMI-CT - 2013-06-04
0048 1 B Rel-12 12.0.0 - IP-SM-receiver, MSISDN less procedures - - - - C1-83 C1-132190 revised 2013-06-04 SMSMI-CT - 2013-06-04
0048 2 B Rel-12 12.0.0 - IP-SM-receiver, MSISDN less procedures - - - - C1-83 C1-132557 revised 2013-06-04 SMSMI-CT - 2013-06-04
0048 3 B Rel-12 12.0.0 12.1.0 IP-SM-receiver, MSISDN less procedures CP-60 CP-130259 approved C1 C1-83 C1-132653 agreed 2013-06-04 SMSMI-CT - 2013-06-04
0049 - B Rel-12 12.0.0 - New Feature tag for MSISDN less procedure - - - - C1-83 C1-131954 revised 2013-06-04 SMSMI-CT - 2013-06-04
0049 1 B Rel-12 12.0.0 12.1.0 New Feature tag for MSISDN less procedure CP-60 CP-130259 approved C1 C1-83 C1-132191 agreed 2013-06-04 SMSMI-CT - 2013-06-04
0050 - B Rel-12 12.0.0 - IP-SM-GW, MSISDN less procedures - - - - C1-83 C1-131955 revised 2013-06-04 SMSMI-CT - 2013-06-04
0050 1 B Rel-12 12.0.0 - IP-SM-GW, MSISDN less procedures - - - - C1-83 C1-132192 revised 2013-06-04 SMSMI-CT - 2013-06-04
0050 2 B Rel-12 12.0.0 12.1.0 IP-SM-GW, MSISDN less procedures CP-60 CP-130259 approved C1 C1-83 C1-132558 agreed 2013-06-04 SMSMI-CT - 2013-06-04
0051 - B Rel-12 12.1.0 - SM Submit Report for MSISDN less operation - - - - C1-84 C1-132811 revised 2013-08-26 SMSMI-CT - 2013-08-26
0051 1 B Rel-12 12.1.0 12.2.0 SM Submit Report for MSISDN less operation CP-61 CP-130506 approved C1 C1-84 C1-133150 agreed 2013-08-26 SMSMI-CT - 2013-08-26
0052 - B Rel-12 12.1.0 - New feature-caps header field - - - - C1-84 C1-132812 revised 2013-08-26 SMSMI-CT - 2013-08-26
0052 1 B Rel-12 12.1.0 12.2.0 New feature-caps header field CP-61 CP-130506 approved C1 C1-84 C1-133151 agreed 2013-08-26 SMSMI-CT - 2013-08-26
0053 - B Rel-12 12.1.0 - Procedures for Feature-Caps header field - - - - C1-84 C1-132813 revised 2013-08-26 SMSMI-CT - 2013-08-26
0053 1 B Rel-12 12.1.0 12.2.0 Procedures for Feature-Caps header field CP-61 CP-130506 approved C1 C1-84 C1-133152 agreed 2013-08-26 SMSMI-CT - 2013-08-26
0054 - B Rel-12 12.1.0 - Correlation ID in XML - - - - C1-84 C1-132814 revised 2013-08-26 SMSMI-CT - 2013-08-26
0054 1 B Rel-12 12.1.0 12.2.0 Correlation ID in XML CP-61 CP-130506 approved C1 C1-84 C1-133153 agreed 2013-08-26 SMSMI-CT - 2013-08-26
0055 - B Rel-12 12.1.0 - Procedure for Correlation ID - - - - C1-84 C1-132815 revised 2013-08-26 SMSMI-CT - 2013-08-26
0055 1 B Rel-12 12.1.0 12.2.0 Procedure for Correlation ID CP-61 CP-130506 approved C1 C1-84 C1-133154 agreed 2013-08-26 SMSMI-CT - 2013-08-26
0056 - D Rel-12 12.1.0 12.2.0 Editorial correction IANA section CP-61 CP-130506 approved C1 C1-84 C1-133128 agreed 2013-08-26 SMSMI-CT - 2013-08-26

page generated from database: 2013-10-16 10:33:36