3GPP Specification Change Requests

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3GPP Specification Change Request records for: 31.900

CR no. rev cat Release CR written to vers new vers CR title TSG meeting TSG doc TSG status source WG meeting WG doc WG status cover date work item remarks database record created
0001 - F R99 3.0.0 3.1.0 Sharing of enabling/disabling procedure between SIM and USIM TP-13 TP-010205 approved T3 T3-20 T3-010580 agreed 2001-09-11 TEI - -
0002 - F R99 3.1.0 3.2.0 Correction to SIM/USIM file mapping table TP-15 TP-020068 approved T3 T3-22 T3-020090 agreed 2002-03-07 UICC1 - -
0003 1 D R99 3.1.0 3.2.0 CHV mapping TP-15 TP-020068 approved T3 T3-22 T3-020146 agreed 2002-03-07 UICC1 - -
0004 - D Rel-5 3.1.0 5.0.0 CHV mapping TP-15 TP-020068 approved T3 T3-22 T3-020136 agreed 2002-03-07 UICC1 - -
0006 - F Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Extension of Annex C - SIM/USIM file mapping table TP-16 TP-020119 approved T3 T3-23 T3-020333 Agreed 2002-05-30 UICC1 - -
0007 - D Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 FDN and BDN interworking mechanism between GSM and 3G TP-16 TP-020119 approved T3 T3-23 T3-020419 Agreed 2002-05-30 UICC1 - -
0008 - D Rel-5 5.0.0 5.1.0 Health warning concerning possibly different file IDs in SIM and USIM TP-16 TP-020119 approved T3 T3-23 T3-020420 agreed 2002-05-30 UICC1 - -
0009 - F Rel-5 5.1.0 5.2.0 Clarifying notes to SIM/USIM File Mapping Table TP-19 TP-030030 approved T3 T3-26 T3-030117 agreed 2003-02-13 TEI - 2003-03-03
0010 - F Rel-5 5.2.0 5.3.0 Clarification of SIM/USIM file mapping table TP-21 TP-030182 approved T3 T3-28 T3-030629 agreed 2003-08-22 TEI - 2003-08-28
0011 - F Rel-5 5.2.0 5.3.0 Consequences if USIM services n° 27 and n° 38 are not available. TP-21 TP-030182 approved T3 T3-28 T3-030694 agreed 2003-08-20 TEI - 2003-08-28
0012 - B Rel-5 5.2.0 5.3.0 Clarification on the interface protocol when SIM and USIM cohabit on a UICC TP-21 TP-030182 approved T3 T3-28 T3-030707 agreed 2003-08-19 TEI - 2003-08-28
0013 - F Rel-5 5.3.0 5.4.0 Inclusion of Rel-5 ME requirements for SIM / USIM support TP-22 TP-030254 approved T3 T3-29 T3-030939 agreed 2003-11-21 TEI - 2004-01-05
0014 - F Rel-5 5.4.0 5.5.0 Correction of card operation modes TP-25 TP-040188 approved T3 T3-32 T3-040601 agreed 2004-07-29 TEI - 2004-09-08
0015 - F Rel-6 5.5.0 6.0.0 Inclusion of additional USIM support for 2G terminals of R99 and Rel-4 TP-26 TP-040266 approved T3 T3-33 T3-040750 agreed 2004-11-18 TEI5 TP-26 changed from Rel-5 to Rel6, since Rel-5 is withdrawn at this meeting. 2004-12-02
0016 - F Rel-6 6.0.0 6.1.0 Additional USIM Support for 2G Terminals of R99 and Rel-4 TP-27 TP-050024 approved T3 T3-34 T3-050168 Agreed 2005-03-04 TEI6 - 2005-03-04
0017 - F Rel-7 6.1.0 7.0.0 Mapping of EF_LOCI for SIM and USIM application CP-30 CP-050501 approved CT6 C6-37 C6-050833 agreed 2005-11-08 TEI7 - 2005-11-30
0018 - F R99 3.2.0 - Reactivation of TR 31.900 with content replaced by reference to Rel-4 CP-31 CP-060017 withdrawn C6 C6-38 C6-060164 agreed 2006-02-01 TEI error on doc number, front cover 2006-02-27
0018 - F R99 3.2.0 3.3.0 Reactivation of TR 31.900 with content replaced by reference to Rel-4 CP-31 CP-060150 approved C6 C6-38 C6-060164 agreed 2006-02-01 TEI replaces CP-060017 2006-02-27
0019 - A Rel-4 4.0.0 - Reactivation of TR 31.900 with content replaced by reference to Rel-5 CP-31 CP-060017 withdrawn C6 C6-38 C6-060165 agreed 2006-02-01 TEI4 error on doc number, front cover 2006-02-27
0019 - A Rel-4 4.0.0 4.1.0 Reactivation of TR 31.900 with content replaced by reference to Rel-5 CP-31 CP-060150 approved C6 C6-38 C6-060165 agreed 2006-02-01 TEI4 replaces CP-060017 2006-02-27
0020 - A Rel-5 5.5.0 - Reactivation of TR 31.900 with content replaced by reference to Rel-6 CP-31 CP-060017 withdrawn C6 C6-38 C6-060166 agreed 2006-02-01 TEI5 error on doc number, front cover 2006-02-27
0020 - A Rel-5 5.5.0 5.6.0 Reactivation of TR 31.900 with content replaced by reference to Rel-6 CP-31 CP-060150 approved C6 C6-38 C6-060166 agreed 2006-02-01 TEI5 replaces CP-060017 2006-02-27
0021 - A Rel-6 6.1.0 - Reactivation of TR 31.900 with content replaced by reference to Rel-7 CP-31 CP-060017 withdrawn C6 C6-38 C6-060167 agreed 2006-02-01 TEI6 error on doc number, front cover 2006-02-27
0021 - A Rel-6 6.1.0 6.2.0 Reactivation of TR 31.900 with content replaced by reference to Rel-7 CP-31 CP-060150 approved C6 C6-38 C6-060167 agreed 2006-02-01 TEI6 replaces CP-060017 2006-02-27
0022 - D Rel-7 7.0.0 7.1.0 Removal of 'all-release applicability' statement CP-31 CP-060025 approved C6 C6-38 C6-060168 agreed 2006-02-01 TEI7 - 2006-02-27
0023 - F Rel-7 7.0.0 7.1.0 Mapping of EF-LOCIGPRS and EF-PSLOCI between SIM and USIM application CP-31 CP-060025 approved C6 C6-38 C6-060169 agreed 2006-02-01 TEI7 - 2006-02-27
0024 - B Rel-7 7.0.0 7.1.0 Handling of ATR information for SIM and UICC CP-31 CP-060025 approved C6 C6-38 C6-060170 agreed 2006-02-02 TEI7 - 2006-02-27

page generated from database: 2013-10-16 10:34:07