3GPP Specification Change Requests

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3GPP Specification Change Request records for: 32.272

CR no. rev cat Release CR written to vers new vers CR title TSG meeting TSG doc TSG status source WG meeting WG doc WG status cover date work item remarks database record created
0001 - F Rel-6 6.0.0 6.1.0 Update Talk burst charging to be aligned with PS charging and DCC concepts - Align with TS 32.299 SP-29 SP-050443 approved S5 S5-43 S5-054570 Agreed 2005-09-02 PoC-CH 10.18 Rel-6 CR (PoC-CH) - PoC Charging 2005-09-14
0002 - F Rel-6 6.0.0 6.1.0 Correct PoC charging depending on PoC session set-up – Align with OMA POC specs SP-29 SP-050443 approved S5 S5-43 S5-054807 Agreed 2005-09-02 PoC-CH 10.18 Rel-6 CR (PoC-CH) - PoC Charging 2005-09-14
0003 - F Rel-6 6.0.0 6.1.0 Correct PoC charging based on successful number of Talk Bursts SP-29 SP-050443 approved S5 S5-43 S5-054808 Agreed 2005-09-02 PoC-CH 10.18 Rel-6 CR (PoC-CH) - PoC Charging 2005-09-14
0004 - F Rel-6 6.0.0 6.1.0 Correct definition of the PoC Session Unrelated Charging SP-29 SP-050443 approved S5 S5-43 S5-054809 Agreed 2005-09-02 PoC-CH 10.18 Rel-6 CR (PoC-CH) - PoC Charging 2005-09-14
0005 - F Rel-6 6.1.0 6.2.0 Align PoC online charging with common DCCA principles in 32.299 SP-30 SP-050702 approved S5 S5-44 S5-054946 Agreed 2005-11-11 POC-CH - 2005-11-23
0006 - F Rel-6 6.1.0 6.2.0 Complete online charging for Instant personal alerts SP-30 SP-050702 approved S5 S5-44 S5-054999 Agreed 2005-11-11 POC-CH - 2005-11-23
0007 - F Rel-6 6.1.0 6.2.0 Correct IMS-related information in PoC CDRs SP-30 SP-050702 approved S5 S5-44 S5-054945 Agreed 2005-11-11 POC-CH - 2005-11-23
0008 - F Rel-6 6.1.0 6.2.0 Correct PoC specific information for charging provided by PoC servers SP-30 SP-050702 approved S5 S5-44 S5-054947 Agreed 2005-11-11 POC-CH - 2005-11-23
0009 - F Rel-6 6.2.0 6.3.0 Correction to charging on the number of participants in a PoC session SP-31 SP-060087 approved S5 S5-45 S5-064366 Agreed 2006-02-17 PoC-CH 09.30 2006-02-27
0010 - F Rel-6 6.2.0 6.3.0 Correction to PoC charging correlation between the different servers SP-31 SP-060087 approved S5 S5-45 S5-064369 Agreed 2006-02-17 PoC-CH 09.30 2006-02-27
0011 - F Rel-6 6.3.0 6.4.0 Correction to the PS specific information for location based PoC charging SP-32 SP-060244 approved S5 S5-47 S5-064497 Agreed 2006-05-12 PoC-CH - 2006-05-13
0012 - F Rel-6 6.3.0 6.4.0 Correct PoC specific information SP-32 SP-060244 approved S5 S5-47 S5-064498 Agreed 2006-05-12 PoC-CH - 2006-05-13
0013 - B Rel-7 6.3.0 7.0.0 Add charging flow for mid PoC session Procedure SP-32 SP-060248 approved S5 S5-47 S5-064666 Agreed 2006-05-12 CH7 - 2006-05-13
0014 - B Rel-7 6.3.0 7.0.0 Add a new field named PoC_user_role to PoC_Information - Align with OMA PoC 2.0 SP-32 SP-060248 approved S5 S5-47 S5-064667 Agreed 2006-05-12 CH7 - 2006-05-13
0015 - F Rel-6 6.4.0 6.5.0 Clarify the description of Number-Of-Participants in PoC-information SP-33 SP-060516 approved S5 S5-48 S5-060657 Agreed 2006-07-07 PoC-CH - 2006-09-15
0016 - A Rel-7 7.0.0 7.1.0 Clarify the description of Number-Of-Participants in PoC-information SP-33 SP-060516 approved S5 S5-48 S5-060660 Agreed 2006-07-07 PoC-CH - 2006-09-15
0017 - C Rel-7 7.0.0 7.1.0 Correction of PoC-Information - Align with 32.299 SP-33 SP-060543 approved S5 S5-49 S5-061186 Agreed 2006-09-01 CH7 - 2006-09-15
0018 - B Rel-7 7.1.0 7.2.0 Add an identifier for the service initiating offline Diameter Accounting SP-34 SP-060718 approved Vodafone S5-50 S5-061679 Agreed 2006-11-02 CH7 - 2006-11-09
0019 - B Rel-7 7.1.0 7.2.0 Add an identifier for the served user in offline Diameter Accounting SP-34 SP-060718 approved Vodafone S5-50 S5-061685 Agreed 2006-11-03 CH7 - 2006-11-09
0020 - B Rel-7 7.1.0 7.2.0 Add PoC User Access Priority into PoC-information - Align with OMA-RD-PoC-V2_0 SP-34 SP-060718 approved Huawei S5-50 S5-061705 Agreed 2006-11-03 CH7-PoC - 2006-11-09
0021 - C Rel-7 7.2.0 7.3.0 Add Participant number based charging Trigger Type SP-35 SP-070041 approved Huawei (shan.mingjun@huawei.com) S5-51 S5-070187 agreed 2007-01-26 CH7-PoC - 2007-02-16
0022 - C Rel-7 7.2.0 7.3.0 Add PoC session initiation type into PoC-information - Alignment with OMA PoC Requirements SP-35 SP-070041 approved Huawei (Cloud.zhao@huawei.com) S5-51 S5-070200 agreed 2007-01-26 CH7-PoC - 2007-02-16
0023 - B Rel-7 7.3.0 7.4.0 Add User Participating Type into PoC-information SP-36 SP-070275 approved S5 S5-52 S5-070715 agreed 2007-04-06 CH7-PoC - 2007-05-15
0024 - F Rel-7 7.3.0 7.4.0 Addition of Media Initiator Party. SP-36 SP-070275 approved S5 S5-53 S5-070991 agreed 2007-05-11 CH7-PoC - 2007-05-15
0025 - B Rel-8 7.4.0 8.0.0 Complete early session setup online charging flow and add PoC Event Type into PoC Information SP-40 SP-080330 approved S5 S5-59 S5-080913 agreed 2008-04-25 CH8 - 2008-05-29
0026 - D Rel-8 8.0.0 8.1.0 Alignment on Bx interface SP-41 SP-080462 approved S5 S5-60 S5-081253 agreed 2008-07-11 EPC-CH - 2008-07-11
0027 - F Rel-7 7.4.0 7.5.0 Correction on Multiple Service Indicator category SP-42 SP-080841 approved S5 - S5-081793 agreed 2008-10-17 CH7 - 2008-12-05
0028 - A Rel-8 8.1.0 8.2.0 Correction on Multiple Service Indicator category SP-42 SP-080841 approved S5 - S5-081794 agreed 2008-10-17 CH7 - 2008-12-05
0029 - - Rel-10 .. - CR R10 32272 Correction of PoC Information in TS32.272 Align with TS32.299 - - - - S5-84 S5-121902 withdrawn 2012-08-27 - - 2012-08-27

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