3GPP Specification Change Requests

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3GPP Specification Change Request records for: 32.500

CR no. rev cat Release CR written to vers new vers CR title TSG meeting TSG doc TSG status source WG meeting WG doc WG status cover date work item remarks database record created
0001 - F Rel-10 9.0.0 10.0.0 Modify reference title of reference 4, add new reference to TS 32.541 and modify related paragraphs and errors. SP-48 SP-100264 approved S5 S5-71 S5e100040 agreed 2010-04-30 OAM10 - 2010-05-28
0002 - B Rel-10 10.0.0 10.1.0 Enhanced definition of SON architectures SP-49 SP-100489 approved S5 S5-72 S5-102057 agreed 2010-09-08 OAM10 - 2010-09-14
0003 - B Rel-11 10.1.0 - CR 32.500 Rel-11 Add UTRAN ANR - - - - S5-76 S5-111196 - 2011-03-16 TBD not addressed due to lack of time 2016-03-11
0005 1 B Rel-11 10.1.0 11.0.0 Introducing SON concepts and requirements for UTRAN SP-52 SP-110293 approved S5 S5-77 S5-112081 agreed 2011-05-12 OAM-SON-UTRAN - 2011-05-31
0006 2 B Rel-11 11.0.0 11.1.0 Adding requirement for SON coordination SP-54 SP-110718 approved S5 S5-80 S5-113241 agreed 2011-12-10 OAM-SON-LTE_COORD - 2010-12-11
0007 - B Rel-11 11.0.0 - CR 32.500 R11 Add requirement on time interval for SON coordination - - - S5 S5-80 S5-113599 revised 2011-12-10 OAM-SON-COOR - 2010-12-11
0007 1 B Rel-11 11.0.0 - CR 32.500 R11 Add requirement on time interval for SON coordination - - - S5 S5-80 S5-113861 noted 2011-12-10 OAM-SON-COOR - 2010-12-11

page generated from database: 2013-10-16 10:34:13