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3GPP Specification Change Request records for: 32.622
CR no. | rev | cat | Release | CR written to vers | new vers | CR title | TSG meeting | TSG doc | TSG status | source | WG meeting | WG doc | WG status | cover date | work item | remarks | database record created |
0001 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.0.0 | 4.1.0 | Add the notification notifyComments in all MOCs that support alarms and correct the list of allowed members of the attribute managedElementType of the MOC managedElement | SP-13 | SP-010479 | approved | S5 | S5-22 | S5-010564 | Agreed | 2001-09-07 | OAM-CM | 0 | - |
0002 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.0.0 | 4.1.0 | Correction of Generic NRM Containment/Naming and Association diagram | SP-13 | SP-010479 | approved | S5 | S5-22 | S5-010566 | Agreed | 2001-09-07 | OAM-CM | 0 | - |
0003 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.0.0 | 4.1.0 | Correct description of swVersion attribute | SP-13 | SP-010479 | approved | S5 | S5-22 | S5-010571 | Agreed | 2001-09-07 | OAM-CM | 0 | - |
0004 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.1.0 | 4.2.0 | Addition of managedElementType value for GSM Radio Access Network support | SP-15 | SP-020020 | approved | S5 | S5-25 | S5-020067 | Agreed | 2002-01-18 | OAM-CM | 0 | - |
0005 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.2.0 | 4.3.0 | Remove R99-inherited restriction of self-containment for MOC SubNetwork | SP-16 | SP-020299 | approved | S5 | S5-27 | S5-026043 | Agreed | 2002-04-05 | OAM-CM | - | - |
0006 | - | C | Rel-5 | 4.3.0 | 5.0.0 | Upgrade to Rel-5 (Add new IS method, MOC name convention) | SP-17 | SP-020488 | approved | S5 | S5-30 | S5-026726 | Agreed | 2002-08-23 | OAMNIM | - | - |
0007 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.3.0 | 4.4.0 | Correction of Notifications for IOCs and MOCs | SP-20 | SP-030280 | approved | S5 | S5-34 | S5-036331 | Agreed | 2003-05-23 | OAM-CM | - | 2003-06-02 |
0008 | - | A | Rel-5 | 5.0.0 | 5.1.0 | Correction of Notifications for IOCs | SP-20 | SP-030280 | approved | S5 | S5-34 | S5-036293 | Agreed | 2003-05-23 | OAM-CM | - | 2003-06-02 |
0009 | - | F | Rel-4 | 4.3.0 | 4.4.0 | Correction of the log notification for Bulk CM - Alignment with 32.612 | SP-20 | SP-030280 | approved | S5 | S5-34 | S5-036458 | Agreed | 2003-05-23 | OAM-CM | - | 2003-06-02 |
0010 | - | F | Rel-5 | 5.1.0 | 5.2.0 | Add Missing VsDataContainer for ManagedFunction & ManagedElement and Other IOCs (Version 2) | SP-22 | SP-030643 | approved | S5 | S5-36 | S5-038770 | Agreed | 2003-11-21 | OAMNIM | - | 2004-01-05 |
0011 | - | F | Rel-5 | 5.1.0 | 5.2.0 | Correction of UML diagram and other corrections | SP-22 | SP-030644 | approved | S5 | S5-36 | S5-038811 | Agreed | 2003-11-21 | OAMNIM | - | 2004-01-05 |
0012 | - | B | Rel-6 | 5.1.0 | 6.0.0 | Add SetofMcc attribute in Generic NRM IOCs for NRM alignment | SP-22 | SP-030648 | approved | S5 | S5-36 | S5-038796 | Agreed | 2003-11-21 | OAMNIM | - | 2004-01-05 |
0013 | - | F | Rel-5 | 5.2.0 | 5.3.0 | Addition of missing attributes for the managementScope association | SP-23 | SP-040128 | approved | S5 | S5-37 | S5-048129 | Agreed | 2004-02-27 | OAMNIM | - | 2004-03-05 |
0014 | - | A | Rel-6 | 6.0.0 | 6.1.0 | Addition of missing attributes for the managementScope association | SP-23 | SP-040128 | approved | S5 | S5-37 | S5-048130 | Agreed | 2004-02-27 | OAMNIM | - | 2004-03-05 |
0015 | - | F | Rel-5 | 5.3.0 | 5.4.0 | Add missing attribute constraints for dnPrefix | SP-24 | SP-040249 | approved | S5 | S5-38 | S5-048427 | Agreed | 2004-05-14 | OAM-NIM | - | 2004-05-28 |
0016 | - | A | Rel-6 | 6.1.0 | 6.2.0 | Add missing attribute constraints for dnPrefix | SP-24 | SP-040249 | approved | S5 | S5-38 | S5-048428 | Agreed | 2004-05-14 | OAM-NIM | - | 2004-05-28 |
0017 | - | F | Rel-5 | 5.3.0 | 5.4.0 | Correction of legal values for managedElementType attribute | SP-24 | SP-040251 | approved | S5 | S5-38 | S5-048450 | Agreed | 2004-05-14 | OAM-NIM | - | 2004-05-28 |
0018 | - | A | Rel-6 | 6.1.0 | 6.2.0 | Correction of legal values for managedElementType attribute | SP-24 | SP-040251 | approved | S5 | S5-38 | S5-048451 | Agreed | 2004-05-14 | OAM-NIM | - | 2004-05-28 |
0019 | - | F | Rel-5 | 5.4.0 | 5.5.0 | Correction of modelling of Media GateWay (MGW) | SP-25 | SP-040582 | approved | S5 | S5-39 | S5-048733 | Agreed | 2004-08-20 | OAM-NIM | - | 2004-09-13 |
0020 | - | F | Rel-6 | 6.2.0 | 6.3.0 | Correct the write qualification for VsDataContainer.vsData | SP-26 | SP-040808 | approved | S5 | S5-40 | S5-048924 | Agreed | 2004-11-20 | OAM-NIM | - | 2004-11-25 |
0021 | - | F | Rel-6 | 6.2.0 | 6.3.0 | Correction of modelling of Media GateWay (MGW) | SP-26 | SP-040808 | approved | S5 | S5-40 | S5-048958 | Agreed | 2004-11-20 | OAM-NIM | - | 2004-11-25 |
0022 | - | B | Rel-6 | 6.3.0 | 6.4.0 | Add Link class to generic NRM Information Service | SP-27 | SP-050046 | approved | S5 | S5-41 | S5-058165 | Agreed | 2005-02-18 | OAM-NIM | - | 2005-02-07 |
0023 | - | F | Rel-6 | 6.4.0 | 6.5.0 | Correct Compliance rules | SP-30 | SP-050712 | approved | S5 | S5-44 | S5-058408 | Agreed | 2005-11-11 | OAM-NIM | - | 2005-11-23 |
0024 | - | F | Rel-6 | 6.4.0 | 6.5.0 | Delete Annex A (moved to 32.300) | SP-30 | SP-050716 | approved | S5 | S5-44 | S5-059035 | Agreed | 2005-11-11 | OAM-NIM | - | 2005-11-23 |
0025 | - | F | Rel-6 | 6.4.0 | 6.5.0 | Apply IS Template - Align with 32.151 and 32.152 | SP-30 | SP-050724 | approved | S5 | S5-44 | S5-059096 | Agreed | 2005-11-11 | OAM-NIM | - | 2005-11-23 |
0026 | - | B | Rel-7 | 6.5.0 | - | Extend the usage scope of VsDataContainer from UTRAN, GERAN and CN NRMs to all NRMs | SP-32 | SP-060259 | withdrawn | S5 | S5-47 | S5-062256 | Agreed | 2006-05-12 | OAM7-NIM | Withdrawn by authors prior to TSG meeting. Not included in the TSG tdoc | 2006-05-14 |
0027 | - | F | Rel-6 | 6.5.0 | 6.6.0 | Extend the usage of VsDataContainer by BulkCMIRP to all 3GPP NRMs | SP-33 | SP-060535 | approved | S5 | S5-48 | S5-060663 | Agreed | 2006-07-07 | OAM-NIM | - | 2006-09-15 |
0028 | - | F | Rel-6 | 6.6.0 | 6.7.0 | Clarify and correct errors in Link IOC related definitions | SP-34 | SP-060711 | approved | Ericsson | S5-50 | S5-061494 | Agreed | 2006-11-03 | OAM-NIM | - | 2006-11-09 |
0029 | - | F | Rel-8 | 7.0.0 | 8.0.0 | Correct description of common notifications - Align with Rel-8 32.151 IRP IS Template | SP-37 | SP-070610 | approved | S5 | S5-54 | S5-071265 | agreed | 2007-06-29 | OAM8 | - | 2007-07-06 |
0030 | - | C | Rel-8 | 7.0.0 | 8.0.0 | Update cardinality numbers regarding transient states - Align with 32.152 | SP-37 | SP-070614 | approved | S5 | S5-55 | S5-071521 | agreed | 2007-08-31 | OAM8 | - | 2007-09-12 |
0031 | - | B | Rel-8 | 8.0.0 | 8.1.0 | Add the end point modelling for management of links related to reference point | SP-39 | SP-080069 | approved | S5 | S5-58 | S5-080533 | agreed | 2008-02-22 | OAM8 | - | 2008-02-27 |
0032 | - | F | Rel-8 | 8.1.0 | 8.2.0 | Correction of multiplicities | SP-44 | SP-090289 | approved | S5 | S5-65 | S5-092067 | agreed | 2009-05-25 | OAM8 | - | 2009-06-02 |
0033 | - | F | Rel-9 | 8.2.0 | 9.0.0 | Correct the text in Scope clause | SP-46 | SP-090719 | approved | S5 | S5-68 | S5-093722 | agreed | 2009-11-13 | OAM9 | - | 2009-11-28 |
0034 | - | C | Rel-9 | 8.2.0 | 9.0.0 | Replace GenericIRP by ManagedGenericIRP as SupportIOC | SP-46 | SP-090719 | approved | S5 | S5-68 | S5-093762 | agreed | 2009-11-13 | OAM9 | - | 2009-11-28 |
0035 | - | B | Rel-9 | 8.2.0 | 9.0.0 | To update Generic NRM to add NASWM notification for ManagedElement | SP-46 | SP-090719 | approved | S5 | S5-68 | S5-094335 | agreed | 2009-11-13 | OAM9-NE_SWM | - | 2009-11-28 |
0036 | - | F | Rel-9 | 9.0.0 | 9.1.0 | Add ProxyClass Any to support IOC property relation | SP-47 | SP-100035 | approved | S5 | S5-69 | S5-100345 | agreed | 2010-03-11 | OAM9 | - | 2010-03-13 |
0037 | - | F | Rel-11 | .. | - | Rel-11 CR 32.622 - Align specification of multiplicity for 'names' composition with the model repertoire | - | - | - | - | S5-87 | S5-130104 | noted | 2013-02-28 | OAM11 | - | 2013-02-28 |
0037 | 1 | F | Rel-11 | 11.0.0 | 11.1.0 | CR Rel-11 TS 32.622 Align specification of multiplicity for (names) composition with the model repertoire | SP-60 | SP-130267 | approved | S5 | S5-88 | S5-130559 | agreed | 2013-05-15 | OAM11 | - | 2013-05-15 |
0037 | 1 | F | Rel-11 | 11.0.0 | 11.1.0 | Align specification of multiplicity for < |
SP-60 | SP-130304 | approved | S5 | - | S5-130559 | - | 2013-04-05 | OAM11 | - | 2013-06-17 |
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