The collection of LoCosto firmware source and documentation that came from the Peek company (see the main README file in this directory) contains among other things a documentation directory tree named PSL1DOC. The documents contained therein describe various aspects of TI/Condat's GSM/GPRS protocol stack implementation in considerable detail. But unfortunately most of these documents (in the original ware) are in the proprietary Micro$oft Word format, making them difficult to read. A member of the FreeCalypso project has been able to extract the document content from those M$ Word files and convert them into both plain text and PDF. PSL1DOC.tar.xz contains the original PSL1DOC directory tree, with all of the original files intact, plus the converted *.txt and *.pdf for every original *.doc document. 2015-03-15 addendum: the volunteer who did the PSL1DOC format conversion was working from the LoCosto-scottn-peek-ware.tar.xz version, as it was prior to our discovery of the original version from Peek. Therefore, Perl script PSL1DOC/5.24-g23mdoc/sap/ is missing from our PSL1DOC.tar.xz package (again, see the main README file in this directory). If you need this Perl script, it is present in our FGW/LoCosto_hw_sw_docs.tar.xz package.